


  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    I have found when using Necro, the Minions are not being controlled via combokey or familiar's lock anymore. You have to manually select them and issue an attack order if you're not using your unit control assembly, just a heads up.

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    Can you please fix "Visage Plus" he uses his nuking spells such as "Dagon" and "Soul Assumption" even if oracle used "Fate's edict/ his second spell" which gives magic immunity, can you please make a check to not use nuke spells on combo if the unit is under the effect of "Fate's Edict"


    @lilfaz said:
    Can you please fix "Visage Plus" he uses his nuking spells such as "Dagon" and "Soul Assumption" even if oracle used "Fate's edict/ his second spell" which gives magic immunity, can you please make a check to not use nuke spells on combo if the unit is under the effect of "Fate's Edict"

    in the next update I will add

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    Ok thanks bro, my suggestion is that if you combo a hero and he becomes magic immune, you should continue attacking and using slow on him but no nuke spells (Dagon and soul assumption)


    sorry guys VisagePlus requires a very large update and it will take a lot of time

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    its ok mate, do you have it in your queue anyway?


    @lilfaz said:
    its ok mate, do you have it in your queue anyway?


  • teewar4teewar4 Posts: 108

    update please

  • f00rZf00rZ Posts: 3

    @teewar4 написал:
    update please


  • For update 2 things come to my mind that are needed. 1st the lasthits need improvement now with the new bird damages and 2nd we should have maybe autopush mode now and buildings should be top priority when the birds are pushing. Also have not tried if stuns work now with agha and 4 birds.

    edited November 2017

    Update 17.11.2017 (V2.0.0.0)
    * Added Item Blink Dager, Urn Of Shadows, Spirit Vessel, Hurricane Pike, Nullifier.
    * Added New Auto Kill Steal.
    * Added Target Effect Type.
    * Added Abilities Radius.
    * Added HP Bar Damage Calculation.
    * Added Damage Calculation.
    * Added Damage Calculation Drawing.
    * Added Orbwalker Different Mode. (Orbwalker Mode "Default", "Distance", "Free", "Only Attack" and "No Move")
    * Added Others.
    * Improved Linken Breaker (Linkens Sphere, AntiMage Spell Shield).
    * Improved Logic Combo.
    * Improved Familiars Combo.
    * Improved Others.
    * Fixed Bugs.

    later I will add your requests too.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202

    @YEEEEEEE said:
    Update 17.11.2017 (V2.0.0.0)
    * Added Item Blink Dager, Urn Of Shadows, Spirit Vessel, Hurricane Pike, Nullifier.
    * Added New Auto Kill Steal.
    * Added Target Effect Type.
    * Added Abilities Radius.
    * Added HP Bar Damage Calculation.
    * Added Damage Calculation.
    * Added Damage Calculation Drawing.
    * Added Orbwalker Different Mode. (Orbwalker Mode "Default", "Distance", "Free", "Only Attack" and "No Move")
    * Added Others.
    * Improved Linken Breaker (Linkens Sphere, AntiMage Spell Shield).
    * Improved Logic Combo.
    * Improved Familiars Combo.
    * Improved Others.
    * Fixed Bugs.

    later I will add your requests too.

    scripts awesome, just the orbwalking for visage is broken.


    @gznster said:

    scripts awesome, just the orbwalking for visage is broken.

    I need more information

  • RivaillleRivaillle Posts: 12
    edited November 2017

    Very good. I tested with 4.8k MMR and some things I'd like to add:

    1 - An option to force familiars back to Visage if they regen is cd, an enemy hero is attacking and not in combo mode( Sometimes I locked the hero and forgot to remove the lock and my familiars died).

    2 - An option to auto deward

    3 - An option to auto push a lane( Not only last hit)


    4 - Make familiars attack the same target I am in Follow Mode( Good for towers, push, etc).

  • It does not use items such as solar crest

  • @YEEEEEEE said:
    Update 04.09.2017
    * Added Item Heavens Halberd and Hurricane Pike.
    * Added Linken Breaker Item Heavens Halberd.
    * Added Linken Breaker Use Only From Range (disabled by default). (Use only from the Range and do not use another Ability)
    * Improved Linken Breaker (Linkens Sphere, AntiMage Spell Shield). (Significant improvement for Linken Breaker, now there will never be a failure)
    * Improved Logic Familiars Combo.
    * Improved Logic Combo.
    * Improved Familiars Last Hit.
    * Improved Auto Soul Assumption.
    * Improved Kill StealI.
    * Improved Code.
    * Fixed Bugs.

    Hey can you please add an option for orbwalker where familiars dont follow you if thre is no enemy in vision, because sometimes i want to run away from someone but i want my familiars to chase them and with the current orbwalking options its a struggle idk if i explained correctly

  • скрипт шикарен) +500 ммр за сутки) благодарочка ) от всей душеньки)

  • MidnMidn Posts: 180

    чё 20 часов играл ?> @fdorel said:

    скрипт шикарен) +500 ммр за сутки) благодарочка ) от всей душеньки)

  • @Midn said:
    чё 20 часов играл ?> @fdorel said:

    бывает и больше ) ну не 20 а почти сутки , все зависит от каток)

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    Amazing script master YEEEEE. One thing I need to ask you for. Can you add a feature where we can bind a key with which we can send the familiars to the pointed location like if we want to just get vision on HG or position them before a fight and we don't have to reselect them separetly from to control them and then go back to our char. I do hope u onderstod what I'm asking for :doge:

    EDIT: also another good feature would be if you could add an option so that we can choose which items on which enemies should be used. For example I had a few situations where I had to make a Heaven's Halberd to counter the enemy carry and then I when I roam the jungle I pop on their support or some spell enemy, I use the combo on him and my halberd is wasted and few seconds later their carry jumps on me and my halberd is on CD and I don't need to explain to you what fallowed after that :joduscry:

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @ramzesbg said:
    Amazing script master YEEEEE. One thing I need to ask you for. Can you add a feature where we can bind a key with which we can send the familiars to the pointed location like if we want to just get vision on HG or position them before a fight and we don't have to reselect them separetly from to control them and then go back to our char. I do hope u onderstod what I'm asking for :doge:

    I can't tell you how many games I have played using this script - what you're asking for is totally and completely unnecessary. Change your hotkeys or learn to press tab, super simple.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @lolkhax said:

    I can't tell you how many games I have played using this script - what you're asking for is totally and completely unnecessary. Change your hotkeys or learn to press tab, super simple.

    Which part of ''don't have to reselect them separetly'' you didn't TOTALLY and COMPLETELY didn't understand? With the tab key u select between units or a ctrl that u made, What I mean't is to be able to control them without selecting them which makes it much faster. Or send them somewhere while having them selected along with ur character but u will for example still have them selected and ur character will be pushing mid while with a press of a button u send them in the jungle to wait for a gank or to check if enemies are there.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363
    edited February 2018

    @ramzesbg said:

    Which part of ''don't have to reselect them separetly'' you didn't TOTALLY and COMPLETELY didn't understand? With the tab key u select between units or a ctrl that u made, What I mean't is to be able to control them without selecting them which makes it much faster. Or send them somewhere while having them selected along with ur character but u will for example still have them selected and ur character will be pushing mid while with a press of a button u send them in the jungle to wait for a gank or to check if enemies are there.

    Firstly, your English is horrible and you shouldn't be attempting analytical feedback for what I said - you in essence reaffirmed my suspicions with regards to your mental capacity. Secondly, what you're suggesting would require you to push a key to send the units.. where? you want them to go sit over the bounty rune and wait for a gank? you want pre-set locations assigned to a key? then how are you going to have the units return to engage an enemy? you'd do that via a key. As I said, it's completely unnecessary and you really need to reconfigure your dota hotkeys - if you cannot have your hero set to 1 key, your secondary units to another and the lot assigned to another, be able to press that button and click on the map - dota is not the game for you, please do not breed.

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202
    edited February 2018

    @ramzesbg said:

    Which part of ''don't have to reselect them separetly'' you didn't TOTALLY and COMPLETELY didn't understand? With the tab key u select between units or a ctrl that u made, What I mean't is to be able to control them without selecting them which makes it much faster. Or send them somewhere while having them selected along with ur character but u will for example still have them selected and ur character will be pushing mid while with a press of a button u send them in the jungle to wait for a gank or to check if enemies are there.

    You can highlight the famliars to send em.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @gznster said:

    You can use the dota in game key select other units controlled. it'll send all familiars to wherever u want.

    That's what I was getting at - apparently reading and having a look at the options available in game is far too difficult for him.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    @lolkhax said:

    Firstly, your English is horrible and you shouldn't be attempting analytical feedback for what I said - you in essence reaffirmed my suspicions with regards to your mental capacity. Secondly, what you're suggesting would require you to push a key to send the units.. where? you want them to go sit over the bounty rune and wait for a gank? you want pre-set locations assigned to a key? then how are you going to have the units return to engage an enemy? you'd do that via a key. As I said, it's completely unnecessary and you really need to reconfigure your dota hotkeys - if you cannot have your hero set to 1 key, your secondary units to another and the lot assigned to another, be able to press that button and click on the map - dota is not the game for you, please do not breed.

    Since there is no point arguing with a person who has the brain capacity of a toilet paper roll I'll leave my conversation with you at this point and never engage in it again. And don't even start on my English mate because your not even from an English speaking country so you are in no position to judge my mother tongue :) I will wait for YEEEEEEE to look in to this because I'm sure he understands what I'm trying to say.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @ramzesbg said:

    Since there is no point arguing with a person who has the brain capacity of a toilet paper roll I'll leave my conversation with you at this point and never engage in it again. And don't even start on my English mate because your not even from an English speaking country so you are in no position to judge my mother tongue :) I will wait for YEEEEEEE to look in to this because I'm sure he understands what I'm trying to say.

    no offense, but i think what ur asking is not required, you can do it manually, why add many keys to the script ?,just try the secondary unit option i am sure it will help you :party: peace mate, if u still feel its hard u can ask yeee, but try to chec it out though

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    @Ayush said:

    no offense, but i think what ur asking is not required, you can do it manually, why add many keys to the script ?,just try the secondary unit option i am sure it will help you :party: peace mate, if u still feel its hard u can ask yeee, but try to chec it out though

    @Ayush said:

    no offense, but i think what ur asking is not required, you can do it manually, why add many keys to the script ?,just try the secondary unit option i am sure it will help you :party: peace mate, if u still feel its hard u can ask yeee, but try to chec it out though

    It's not about being hard mate believe me. I played meepo with some high success on dota 1 long before scripts even existed for dota. It's just that its gonna be a lot more practical when you have your familiars and char selected all under one control and being able to split move them without switching to another control. With an option like this the usage of buttons is gonna be minimized. Isn't that what scripting is all about ? I never said it's hard for me to control them being assigned to different ctrl's but that's not the point.

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356

    @ramzesbg said:

    It's not about being hard mate believe me. I played meepo with some high success on dota 1 long before scripts even existed for dota. It's just that its gonna be a lot more practical when you have your familiars and char selected all under one control and being able to split move them without switching to another control. With an option like this the usage of buttons is gonna be minimized. Isn't that what's scripting all about ? I never said it's hard for me to control them being assigned to different ctrl's but that's not the point.

    Oh fine i have no probs with/without it, lol i dont know why they rage at you, lol if they want they can use or else just disable, why make a big issue out of this lol

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    @Ayush said:

    Oh fine i have no probs with/without it, lol i dont know why they rage at you, lol if they want they can use or else just disable, why make a big issue out of this lol

    Neither do I. I guess we will never get to know. The logic of ignorant, arrogant little twats has always been and will always remain a mystery. Anyway, I’ll stop spaming the thread with irrelevant posts. I will wait for YEEEEEE to take a look in to this.

  • Add swap units when to use skill. Humanize

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    Neither do I. I guess we will never get to know. The logic of ignorant, arrogant little twats has always been and will always remain a mystery. Anyway, I’ll stop spaming the thread with irrelevant posts. I will wait for YEEEEEE to take a look in to this.

    Do us a favor and crawl back under that rock you scurried out of, Peanut. If you can't win with this assembly as it is, you are retarded and should go play Minecraft - I'll stick by what I said the first time, M8. Do Not Breed!

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    @lolkhax said:

    Do us a favor and crawl back under that rock you scurried out of, Peanut. If you can't win with this assembly as it is, you are retarded and should go play Minecraft - I'll stick by what I said the first time, M8. Do Not Breed!

    I forbid you to ever speak to me you unqualified waste of human flesh! I don't care what you stick or not. If your retarded to the point where you can't understand what I'm asking YEEEEEE to do, that is entirely your problem not mine. Don't spread your arrogance any further. And I'm not ur mate!

    PS: check out that pic for those wins you were crying about ;). And that's only the one's that fit on the page more coming after that so STFU FOREVER AND NEVER SPEAK IN MY ADDRESS AGAIN!!!

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @ramzesbg said:

    I forbid you to ever speak to me you unqualified waste of human flesh! I don't care what you stick or not. If your retarded to the point where you can't understand what I'm asking YEEEEEE to do, that is entirely your problem not mine. Don't spread your arrogance any further. And I'm not ur mate!

    PS: check out that pic for those wins you were crying about ;). And that's only the one's that fit on the page more coming after that so STFU FOREVER AND NEVER SPEAK IN MY ADDRESS AGAIN!!!

    Why so mad? I think I'll speak to you whenever I like. You mention asking YEE and no one else - yet everyone else has decided you're in fact, retarded. RETARDED. Why would you ask for a feature that would require more than you can clearly handle. You are also mentally unstable - I feel you should get help! Get better Buddy!<3 (I really hope you're burning, Twat.)

  • Add Visage Roshan lvl 6

  • Is it fixed for current patch? Combo doesnt work for me, gargs start stunning randomly.

  • @ramzesbg said:

    I forbid you to ever speak to me you unqualified waste of human flesh! I don't care what you stick or not. If your retarded to the point where you can't understand what I'm asking YEEEEEE to do, that is entirely your problem not mine. Don't spread your arrogance any further. And I'm not ur mate!

    PS: check out that pic for those wins you were crying about ;). And that's only the one's that fit on the page more coming after that so STFU FOREVER AND NEVER SPEAK IN MY ADDRESS AGAIN!!!!

    This whole exchange has been hilarious

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    What can I say, I like to poke the bear - see what happens. In this case Oldmate's jimmies were so rustle I couldn't help myself :devil:

  • auto push and tower hitting feature ..........please

  • Guys, does combo work or not? Ma gargs using stuns only on low hp(self or enemy)

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @saurav said:
    auto push and tower hitting feature ..........please

    Seems like something for Divine.Visage

  • This assembly is still working proper after all this time ? :1437lappa:

  • klaretosklaretos Posts: 96

    @blackrazor said:
    This assembly is still working proper after all this time ? :1437lappa:

    Yes. Just lasthitting is around 50% accuracy, all the rest work good.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    YEEEEEEE can you make a working Dominator ? (for creeps)

  • lilfazlilfaz Posts: 26

    Can you please fix this assembly?
    Most of the times now, using combo, the birds keeps only on attacking without using stun (Stun is not in cd)...
    And sometimes they do use stun, like 30% they don't and 70% they do.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249

    Could you make it so that when we are attacking arc with combo and he uses his field the familiars move inside it, they just keep attacking from outside and miss.

  • orcaorca Posts: 16

    @lilfaz said:
    Can you please fix this assembly?
    Most of the times now, using combo, the birds keeps only on attacking without using stun (Stun is not in cd)...
    And sometimes they do use stun, like 30% they don't and 70% they do.

    Yes, this.

    please fix this assembly, stuns aren't working as they should.


  • Can you please fix this assembly?
    Most of the times now, using combo, the birds keeps only on attacking without using stun (Stun is not in cd)...
    And sometimes they do use stun, like 30% they don't and 70% they do.

  • lolkhaxlolkhax Posts: 363

    @YEEEEEEE - Could you please take a look at this assembly, it's currently working but it feels quite slow. After killing an enemy Visage will continue to orb-walk towards the position of the killed hero and is sometimes slow to engage, auto-attacks are also a bit touch and go. The familiar's portion of the assembly also feels similar to what is described above.

    None of what I've mentioned is game-breaking and is playable - I just thought I'd ask to see if there was something you could do when you have the time - Thanks Dude.

  • cac1cac1 Posts: 367

    @lolkhax said:
    @YEEEEEEE - Could you please take a look at this assembly, it's currently working but it feels quite slow. After killing an enemy Visage will continue to orb-walk towards the position of the killed hero and is sometimes slow to engage, auto-attacks are also a bit touch and go. The familiar's portion of the assembly also feels similar to what is described above.

    None of what I've mentioned is game-breaking and is playable - I just thought I'd ask to see if there was something you could do when you have the time - Thanks Dude.

    • dominator
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