Getting Started with Assembly Development

bemineebeminee Posts: 566
edited November 2017 in Development

# Getting Started


Creating our first project:

For this guide, I will be using Visual Studio 2017.
To create a new project, we need to click; File > New > Project or use the keyboard shortcut; CTRL + Shift + N

After that, a new page will open up, asking what type of project we want to create.

Name: Our Assembliy's name.
Location: Project file location.
Solution Name: Same as Name.

After clicking Okay, it should create our new project.

Loading needed References:

Ensage has some References that needs to be included in an Assembly. That References will provide you countless amount of functions, objects and interfaces that will help you with your Ensage coding journey.

You can find them at: C:\YOUR_ENSAGE_DIRECTORY\References

Currently, these are the References provided by Ensage:

To add them to our newly created project, we need to right click on References then click on Add Reference... on Solution Explorer.

Ps: In case you don't have Solution Explorer; you need to click on View > Solution Explorer.

Then a new page will open up, asking what References we want to load. We should click on Browse then go to our References folder inside of Ensage folder.

Choose all of them and click Okay. Ps: Some assemblies might require System.ComponentModel.Composition and WindowsBase references. You can find them under Assemblies > Framework on Reference Manager page.

If you followed every step, you should be able to see Ensage related references under References in your Solution Explorer.

Creating our first Ensage.SDK Plugin:

Unfortunately, there is no document available for our framework yet, but Visual Studio Solution Explorer offers a decent view on the available functions + there are many already written and functional assemblies ready on our Database that you can read the source code.

For samples, you definitely should take a look at Ensage.SDK.Samples

A basic assembly example:

You can download Samples and work on them. Learn by Trial & Error.

Also you can always join our Discord and ask your development related questions in #development channel.


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