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Thanks YEEE for another great script that was missing from the library. One two thing you could add. Ulti usage would be nice to have a slider to select minimum enemies to kill before using it. Refresher could also be into calculations for this. Also Nimbus TP breaker works even when not having vision?
WAH, skoro budu testit`)
slider to select minimum enemies this does not make sense, since Ult has very weak damage 425 -% 25 = 318...
I checked it in the lobby and I did not get a single kill.
Refresh will soon add.
TP Breaker works even in fog... You must enable it in the menu.
Great job
Can you also add to use nimbus to any enemy hero around the map which is using a channeling spell
like sandking ulti, enigma ulti, cm ulti, wd ulti, shadowshaman shackle, Barathrum charge etc. , but you should also add an option:
interrupt Tp and charging spells only when they are visible (ON/OFF), so if someone care about not being suspected then he can turn it ON or OFF
Weed? wut
This actually might be the most OP script on here. I know Arc Warden, Skywrath Mage are popular but I've won 12 games in a row with Zeus mid with over 20 kills each game and I didn't die once. That's how ridiculous this script and the best thing is people don't suspect anything. You can use bolt for vision deward if you are struggling and using veil with item manager makes you a team player. Zeus went from one of my least favourite to most in a single afternoon now so thank you.
finally I'm glad that I made a more useful script
you can give me some Match ID,
I want to see ... maybe I'll find bugs
What items do you buy and in what order?
hey @YEEEEEEE , any update on this?
Can you also add to use nimbus to any enemy hero around the map which is using a channeling spell
like sandking ulti, enigma ulti, cm ulti, wd ulti, shadowshaman shackle, Barathrum charge etc. , but you should also add an option:
interrupt Tp and charging spells only when they are visible (ON/OFF), so if someone care about not being suspected then he can turn it ON or OFF
what build can I use?
not loading?
Works great for me!
the best its make me likr pro. hopefuly u make script hack for pudgeplus. sorry for bad english
@YEEEEEEE Yo man, I'm super new to Dota and I can only do a limited selection of characters. Your Zeus script has probably been the most fun to play with... so OP late game nuking people.
Give me another week or so... but do you only take BTC as donation?
This assembly is just too OP. I have a suggestion, is it possible to have the camera move to the target when using SS or Nimbus?
Bitcoins are easy to buy. https://localbitcoins.com/

Can we do the next thing? I notice a little bug in your profile. Needs to fix it.
Case 1 - Zeus use his ult and try to steal frag when teammate necr
s use his scythe. It
s wrong. Kill 100% will be by necr.Case 2 - If legion commander have aghanim, it`s 100% impossible to steal kill when she duels someone.
можно сделать чтоб профиль на зевса не стилил у некра когда, уже весит коса и чтоб не стилил у легионки, когда у той есть аганим?
I agree with NightyBlooD, also in the teleport breaking feature, can you add a very small delay before interrupting the tp?
maybe 1 sec or 1.5 sec, so it will not be so obvious that we are using a script.
and also the enemy will waste 1 additional sec.
maybe you can add a variable amount to the delay which user can change however he prefer, same as you put the range for using nimbus
Yes i agree with the last comment, it is also much more annoying for the player to see his tp being canceled in the middle
I think he mean zuus ulti.
Unfortunately your request I will not do
Unfortunately, I will not do this because it may cause bugs
this can cause an unsuccessful Kill Steal since my code is not suitable for this
The creep farm doesnt work after the update.
"Update for 7.07" 02.11.2017 (V1.1.0.0)
Added Ability Breaker. (Bane Fiends Grip, Witch Doctor Death Ward, Crystal Maiden Freezin Field, Enigma Black Hole, (Shadow Shaman Shackles, Spirit Breaker Charge of Darkness (Nimbus is disabled by default)))
improved Teleport Breaker. (Added Nimbus Only Visible Teleport (disabled by default))
Also I can not guarantee that Kill Steam will be 100% correct work
since Api Special Data is broken
Core has been updated!!! now Kill Steal works great
combo not working :(
working for me
EnsageSDK > Plugins > OrbWolker, TargetSelector and Prediction "Enable"
Can we let zeus to attack the enemy with lowest HP?
attack or kill steal?
but sometimes in team fights u need to get some other hero to make the team fight more productive for our team, so its best to choose the target closest to mouse , if u want to attck the lowest hp guy then just hover the mouse around that hero....
Install Ensage.SDK
why my Ensage really slow if im update.. laggy and so slow now..
yes thanks found it out myself, sry for the post :) script works
but my camera is stuck on the champ now, and i cant get it to unstuck :/
remove uCamera @boppel
Can you add auto use W on enemy who use ShadowBlade?
why often this happens when I press the farm button Zeus where it runs ?
почему часто такое бывает когда жмёшь фарм кнопку зевс куда то бежит ?
I've had this problem with many scripts. You hit V for farm and it goes to a random place on the map and just sits there. Like it's trying to find a hero. I think this is a ensage problem and not a script problem.
Can't change Farm Key. It comes space by default and when I click to change, nothing happen. It will be nice to have a key to toogle KS mode.