just wondering peoples thoughts on the new paid assemblies announcements?
i think its a good idea, just hope we have some decent ones ready to go that can show what we are going to look forward to. will we get access to a forum topic to discuss the assemblies we purchase directly with the dev?
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I doubt there will be some private forum. You can always talk directly with dev in discord.
just trying to figure out how we will know about them is all lol i just normally check assemblies forum for when a new assemble is out.
As long as it's well moderated I love the idea. I don't mind to pay for a well made script to support the developpers as long as the price is not ridiculous.
Paid assemblies
Yeah, i don't mind this as long as it brings in some good scripts and don't cost to much extra to buy, my only question is will they be a one time buy or a subscription.
Edit: i just read my post again and it sounds like i'm say current scripts are bad, this is not what i mean't. What i meant was bring in good scripts as in good paid scripts and not bad paid scripts.
One time.
Then i'm definitely all for it.
Good move, although the price of actual ensage subscription must be reduced since we will be seeing most of the new assemblies as paid from nowonwards.
Official statament about Free and New Assemblies

so are there any currently available? or is this just the announcement that we can expect them now? woulda thought we would have a few to buy ready to go lol
In 1-2 weeks we will open store.
hey can we use ensage account balance to buy paid assemblies ?
@NeeDforKill can u please also think about adding a mining option so that we can directly mine to the address to get the assemblie ?
You will pay more for electricity than assembly costs, also it will take a lot of time xD
no i mine bitcoin i use 4 gtx1080Ti to mine bitcoins i have calculated and i get profit i am sure on this part, but when i add money to ensage store extra 4-6$ get cut for validation of transfer so that is going for waste..... i hope if mining tab would be there it would be great
but i am sure that we get profit
good idea
is there anywhere to put in requests for devs to fill?
@NeeDforKill dude like can u discuss with zynox and can u also add a rule that if the script developer discontinues the script within 3 months of its release HALF THE PAYMENT done on the script should be refunded i mean there would be no point in buying if the developer discontinues it within 3 months right ?
i think many people would think the same but on a whole its upto u people
Will there be better form of map hack? I dont mind paying more for better map hacks
Is that the newer version u working on? I dont mind paying for it at all
Oh nvm i saw the assembly. But was just wondering are there other map hack that anyone is working on
i woudnt call it maphack , its partial maphack whenever enemies use abilities it displays the position where they used
Yeap i know is mapaware those kind. Was thinking if there are newer paid scripts being work on for better ones
It's impossible to make maphack since its server-side.
Can't fucking wait!!! Any eta? Ty
it will only be paid if it is complete map hack but as @Goldenfroze said its server sided it is not possible but if a pro scripter comes to this community maybe expected.....
hey @Goldenfroze dude like can u discuss with zynox and can u also add a rule that if the script developer discontinues the script within 3 months of its release HALF THE PAYMENT done on the script should be refunded i mean there would be no point in buying if the developer discontinues it within 3 months right ?
Patiently waiting... XD
1. Subscription and Paid Assemblies are 2 type different payments:
- Subscription is to use Ensage more than 1 time/day and with free Assemblies.
- Paid Assemblies is abt which Assemblies need to be paid to use. But We still pay for Subscription too, right?
2. About the paid Assemblies, Admin will choose some of existed Assemblies to make it become paid one or they're all new Assemblies?
3. Can we order for Paid Assemblies?
All old assemblies are free only upcoming new assemblies are paid
what could be the expected price at the starting for any assembly ? 3$ or 5$ ?
based on what assembly do.
When's all these though? XD
Still no news??? Take my money already xD