Auto usage assembly, that will use most abilities/items of type like nukes (kill steal), disables, shields, heals, debuffs, buffs, harass.
All groups of abilities have own Enable and Update rate settings, so disable what u dont need and increase/decrease update rate for better performance/accuracy.
Also can auto steal and use abilities with rubick.
Obviously there might be bugs, since i couldnt test all abilities.
If some abilities/settings are missing tell me.
If u will test it with bots, it will be able to use ally bot abilities also, since it uses all controllables.
Requires O9K.Core (install it from database in loader)
Buy or try it now
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High Quality script
excellent, idc
Do the settings save for every hero you set them up?
Settings are hero independent.
Every time I load the assembly, almost all assemblies disappear from the menu. Not sure
Don't loading script
Pleas help. Если можно то по русски. Заранее огромное спасибо!
Same thing with me
Wait pls, already aware of this problem.
I have the same problem, please fix it !
Sorry, i cant do anything. Wait until admins will fix it.
Check with new loader version
Also make sure to install O9K.Core manually from database and enable it in profiles.
@IdcNoob Would it be possible to add Rubick Spell Steal support? Possibility of picking which spells to steal when enemy uses them, and option whether to choose stun ability or dmg? Great assembly so far
Its possible. Ill do it in few days.
looks really good! thanks
how to buy i cant see it in DB. ty
There is assembly type in the right of assemblies, change it to paid. Or try ctrl+r if still cant see.
THANKS!!! Does this include abilities and items? For example OD, he would use all his spells and items in best order? Im saying is this an all in one script/hero combo...TY so much
Its not combo assembly, its just a "helper" to auto use abilities in certain situations.
trial period?
There are no trials right now, but will be possible in the future.
How to buy this script?
this is an analogue of old ability#?
Its in assembly list paid category.
Yes, but only auto usage part. It doesnt have overlay or combos.
Will it improve ?! Calculations for killsteal.
Yes, im already working on it.
How to test a script?
or should I buy it immediately?
Thanks! Any other paid assemblies you're trying to work on bro? XD
for 1??????
each script has own price. @IdcNoob O9K // Auto Usage cost 15$ one payment.
no load
Delete in all profiles O9K.Core , Restart Loader and install O9K.Core
How buy this script?
It's working. ty.
You did wrong, i did it today and it works 100% for sure
a little suggestion:
I don't want to use disable skill every time when I attack enemy or enemy on sight.
ability#old has a better logic. Exp: when am use his blink or tide use his ult , lion use hex to disable enemy.
test modes of paid scripts will be or not?
тест режимы платных скриптов будут или нет ?
It's already like a day, idk why you not read posts in discord or in Russian vk group
Thats what evader is doing, so not sure about it.
Added rubick spell steal. Unfortunately, it can steal only supported spells, so if any important are missing tell me. By default it will steal "disable" and ultimate abilities.
I cant buy this on
there is no O9K Auto Usage on database
Delete O9K.Core from all profiles, then restart loader and install it again from database.
Added more settings to disable abilities, like on channel, cast, chain.
As always almost not tested, so report bugs.
прости конечно, но ты сам то играл с ним? К примеру за dazzle? просто проиграл... ульт в некуда раз 10 крест тоже в пустую кидает...
I'm sorry, but you played with him? For example for dazzle?
Change settings ? There are hp threshold and enemy checks. Not sure whats wrong for you.
play man for dazzle