@teewar4 said:
прости конечно, но ты сам то играл с ним? К примеру за dazzle? просто проиграл... ульт в некуда раз 10 крест тоже в пустую кидает...
I'm sorry, but you played with him? For example for dazzle?
Change settings ? There are hp threshold and enemy checks. Not sure whats wrong for you.
некр ультует в джагу под 1 скилом, если можно учет по времени сделать, ульт за секунду до окончания 1 скилла джаги, и сделай реализацию дискорд дагон потом ульт с расчетом убийства, ультует в врач кинга когда у него готовая ульта... Зачем тратить ульту если он всё равно воскреснет
@JoyPink написал:
With the new spells in harras mode this is nearly an AIO :)
I suggest you to recreate harras mode to a combo mode, you just have to copy the harras spells and add target selector+orbwalking, and then push the price or make it function with the build in sdk to select same target.
( right now harraskey+skd orbwalker is alrdy very cool! perfect for so many heros alrdy )
I also love this script cause it has so many settings for any shit :)
However i tested with some devs in the troubleshooting yesterday
Thought it was Overlayinfo v3, it was not, skyplus? it was not
Toggled O9k, it was this
More precisely when i'm against puck (for me)
Nothing is wrong until puck reaches a higher lvl?
Then, as he's near me, it start the kill steal combo (from your usage script) and it crashes
1.Templar's Ult should be added to Kill steal and although it's added to Debuffs, but it seem doesn't work.
2.Terrorblade's Ult should be added to shields.
3.Crystal Maiden's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
4.When Necrophos has a Dagon, it does not work with Ult for killsteal enemies.
5.Elder Titan's 1st spell have some problems with Use to chain stun in Disables(Eul),but it seems that you found the problem, because I just test it is no longer working.
6.Batrider's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
7.Night Stalker's 1st spell should be added to Disables,because it can interrupt the channel spell.
8.Use on channel doesn't recognize that Pudge and Bane is using Ult.
9.Ignite will have a radius when Ogre Magi level up Ult,so Ignite should be added a Number of enemies in Debuffs and Harass
@si_ji said:
In these days of use, I found some problems
1.Templar's Ult should be added to Kill steal and although it's added to Debuffs, but it seem doesn't work.
2.Terrorblade's Ult should be added to shields.
3.Crystal Maiden's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
4.When Necrophos has a Dagon, it does not work with Ult for killsteal enemies.
5.Elder Titan's 1st spell have some problems with Use to chain stun in Disables(Eul),but it seems that you found the problem, because I just test it is no longer working.
6.Batrider's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
7.Night Stalker's 1st spell should be added to Disables,because it can interrupt the channel spell.
8.Use on channel doesn't recognize that Pudge and Bane is using Ult.
9.Ignite will have a radius when Ogre Magi level up Ult,so Ignite should be added a Number of enemies in Debuffs and Harass
I will not add ta trap to kill steal, since it has dot damage.
Also right now im not planning to add combo kill steal.
1 fix pls uses a phase boot, medal, stick in lothar
2 pls add auto steal 2 skill riki
3 very bad auto kill steal ulta on the furion very often the enemy dies or he uses his skill and does not finish off the enemy
4 pls add auto kill steal urn of shadow
5 pls add in haras orb walk.
@demontronpc said:
1 fix pls uses a phase boot, medal, stick in lothar
2 pls add auto steal 2 skill riki
3 very bad auto kill steal ulta on the furion very often the enemy dies or he uses his skill and does not finish off the enemy
4 pls add auto kill steal urn of shadow
5 pls add in haras orb walk.
What do you mean "In lothar"?
If you mean it uses it while invisible, there's an option to disable it..
2- Would be nice
5- There's an Harras option (that uses skill) in the O9k menu. If you want to harrass with autos just uses the SDK orbwalk (Default key= G)
@demontronpc said:
1 fix pls uses a phase boot, medal, stick in lothar
2 pls add auto steal 2 skill riki
3 very bad auto kill steal ulta on the furion very often the enemy dies or he uses his skill and does not finish off the enemy
4 pls add auto kill steal urn of shadow
5 pls add in haras orb walk.
What do you mean "In lothar"?
If you mean it uses it while invisible, there's an option to disable it..
2- Would be nice
5- There's an Harras option (that uses skill) in the O9k menu. If you want to harrass with autos just uses the SDK orbwalk (Default key= G)
@si_ji said:
In these days of use, I found some problems
1.Templar's Ult should be added to Kill steal and although it's added to Debuffs, but it seem doesn't work.
2.Terrorblade's Ult should be added to shields.
3.Crystal Maiden's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
4.When Necrophos has a Dagon, it does not work with Ult for killsteal enemies.
5.Elder Titan's 1st spell have some problems with Use to chain stun in Disables(Eul),but it seems that you found the problem, because I just test it is no longer working.
6.Batrider's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
7.Night Stalker's 1st spell should be added to Disables,because it can interrupt the channel spell.
8.Use on channel doesn't recognize that Pudge and Bane is using Ult.
9.Ignite will have a radius when Ogre Magi level up Ult,so Ignite should be added a Number of enemies in Debuffs and Harass
I will not add ta trap to kill steal, since it has dot damage.
Also right now im not planning to add combo kill steal.
All other stuff added/fixed.
Elder Titan's 1st spell Use on channel When using Eul it should be a little delayed, and I am trying to set Delay (ms), but it does not work.
I cant improve furion ult, because it has kinda big delay.
I will not add any dot damage ability to kill steal, since its not how kill steal supposed to work.
Added rikis blink strike, it will also include ur next auto attack damage.
Eul + echo stomp should be fixed.
@IdcNoob 说道:
I cant improve furion ult, because it has kinda big delay.
I will not add any dot damage ability to kill steal, since its not how kill steal supposed to work.
Added rikis blink strike, it will also include ur next auto attack damage.
Eul + echo stomp should be fixed.
This is just my opinion, can change when the assembly grows, but for now this is not paid worthy, sure a lot of skill and spells are supported but with very little logic, again i mean no disrespect by saying this to the dev just giving some feedback, or not 15$ to say the least.
@rpgfreak128 said:
This is just my opinion, can change when the assembly grows, but for now this is not paid worthy, sure a lot of skill and spells are supported but with very little logic, again i mean no disrespect by saying this to the dev just giving some feedback, or not 15$ to say the least.
"giving some feedback" "very little logic" what an informative feedback
@rpgfreak128 said:
aight well for example, i know this is not a combo script but it works better if
use EE then Q(no channel) in a harras, deals inital dmg then debuffs enemy from E delayed heal
and and option to maybe pop E+Q on enemy channel
healing for ally and self = W EE at w.e % hp you want it
and if R is activate on someone then just spam heal combo on them
as for
Lion: i would like to be able to mana drain at a certain percent of hp and mana, and if the enemy is stunned or w.e disabled
Things u named for oracle is really for combo script. Also healing with him is really situational, thats why i didnt added it.
Lion drain is easy to add, but i think half of the time u would accidentally cancel channeling.
@NyaLartz said:
I'm thinking of getting this..
Is it worth it ? Or should I wait for it to get better first..
This has probably won me some unwinnable games with the auto de-buffs and shit, not gonna lie. And it's all configurable depending on the hero and your play style. Even has a "harass" key to use spells on enemy heroes, good on supports and shit. Worth the money honestly, and the updates are always very nice. Dev takes into account any additions or changes that users might suggests, so it'll only improve in my opinion.
@NyaLartz said:
I'm thinking of getting this..
Is it worth it ? Or should I wait for it to get better first..
This has probably won me some unwinnable games with the auto de-buffs and shit, not gonna lie. And it's all configurable depending on the hero and your play style. Even has a "harass" key to use spells on enemy heroes, good on supports and shit. Worth the money honestly, and the updates are always very nice. Dev takes into account any additions or changes that users might suggests, so it'll only improve in my opinion.
Thanks for the reply bro.. I have tried it and I love it <3
I'm buying this now
@Ayush said:
Everything's Good, Please Add Oracle Auto Heal In Ulti And Use Ulti When Hp<%
and is bh auto track there ?
Auto Oracle ult on missing %hp is alrdy there.
I also think auto 1-2x ( or with a option to choose how often^^ ) Purifying Flames ( and other heal stuff like use Mekansm ) when Oracle Ult is used could be really nice.
BH auto track could be improved i think, something like cast it automatic on targets like riki and auto cast on targets wich is missing %hp atm it uses on sight and on atk.
Yea Auto Oracle will be added i guess cos oracle is the support most people play at 4k, never tried bh with auto usage so dont know about that , i think it will be added.... any updates @IdcNoob
@Ayush said:
Everything's Good, Please Add Oracle Auto Heal In Ulti And Use Ulti When Hp<%
and is bh auto track there ?
Auto Oracle ult on missing %hp is alrdy there.
I also think auto 1-2x ( or with a option to choose how often^^ ) Purifying Flames ( and other heal stuff like use Mekansm ) when Oracle Ult is used could be really nice.
BH auto track could be improved i think, something like cast it automatic on targets like riki and auto cast on targets wich is missing %hp atm it uses on sight and on atk.
Yea Auto Oracle will be added i guess cos oracle is the support most people play at 4k, never tried bh with auto usage so dont know about that , i think it will be added.... any updates @IdcNoob
Nah, no one plays oracle, hes sitting at the bottom of win rate and pick rate. I see only 1 reason to play him and its his good kill steal ability and by using it u only decreasing ur chances to win I can add his heal, but i dont know in which situation he should use it, only into ult ?
@Ayush said:
Everything's Good, Please Add Oracle Auto Heal In Ulti And Use Ulti When Hp<%
and is bh auto track there ?
Auto Oracle ult on missing %hp is alrdy there.
I also think auto 1-2x ( or with a option to choose how often^^ ) Purifying Flames ( and other heal stuff like use Mekansm ) when Oracle Ult is used could be really nice.
BH auto track could be improved i think, something like cast it automatic on targets like riki and auto cast on targets wich is missing %hp atm it uses on sight and on atk.
Yea Auto Oracle will be added i guess cos oracle is the support most people play at 4k, never tried bh with auto usage so dont know about that , i think it will be added.... any updates @IdcNoob
Nah, no one plays oracle, hes sitting at the bottom of win rate and pick rate. I see only 1 reason to play him and its his good kill steal ability and by using it u only decreasing ur chances to win I can add his heal, but i dont know in which situation he should use it, only into ult ?
Mostly in ulti cos other times we can manually use, for now just add whn ulti
I just want to say Thank you for the time and dedication by developing and taking into consideration the users suggestions and update the scripts accordingly. Keep the good work 'GG'!
some of the kill steal damage calculations are horrible... monkey kings boundless strike for example... feels like nothing is taking to account and it uses it whenever its same hp no matter what variations apply
@genjiakp said:
some of the kill steal damage calculations are horrible... monkey kings boundless strike for example... feels like nothing is taking to account and it uses it whenever its same hp no matter what variations apply
урну кидает в типа которого бьют...
I played dazzle and for me everything is fine. Ill fix urn.
Rubick should be able to steal pretty much all abilities right now. Just check settings, because only ultimates and disables enabled by default.
некр ультует в джагу под 1 скилом, если можно учет по времени сделать, ульт за секунду до окончания 1 скилла джаги, и сделай реализацию дискорд дагон потом ульт с расчетом убийства, ультует в врач кинга когда у него готовая ульта... Зачем тратить ульту если он всё равно воскреснет
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Пожалуйста используйте только Английский язык в этом под форуме. Для обсуждения на Русском языке пожалуйста используйте
After this message all non English messages will be deleted.
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I already buy but why I still cant use this?
me too
It should appear in the loader database after some time. You can try restarting loader.
and how he will sell his new AIO Combo script?
nope, It will be new AIO Combo script. Auto usage = scripts what doing some auto - usage stuff, not COMBO
Why is this script better than free?
Does the armlet work better?
Auto disable works better?
Can you write a list of what's done better?
Can you add Use on Glimpse to Disruptor's Kinetic Field in Disables?
I just bought it yesterday mate. Let me tell you something. This is an amazing script. Keep up the good stuff coming! I recommend it to everyone!
Ethereal Blade have bug
Nice infos, well explained
However i tested with some devs in the troubleshooting yesterday
Thought it was Overlayinfo v3, it was not, skyplus? it was not
Toggled O9k, it was this
More precisely when i'm against puck (for me)
Nothing is wrong until puck reaches a higher lvl?
Then, as he's near me, it start the kill steal combo (from your usage script) and it crashes
This is probably for OvInfo, but still wanna let you see
This is without anything except O9k (anything if not some utils)
It was bug with ethereal blade. Sorry that it crashed the game. Should be fixed now.
In these days of use, I found some problems
1.Templar's Ult should be added to Kill steal and although it's added to Debuffs, but it seem doesn't work.
2.Terrorblade's Ult should be added to shields.
3.Crystal Maiden's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
4.When Necrophos has a Dagon, it does not work with Ult for killsteal enemies.
5.Elder Titan's 1st spell have some problems with Use to chain stun in Disables(Eul),but it seems that you found the problem, because I just test it is no longer working.
6.Batrider's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
7.Night Stalker's 1st spell should be added to Disables,because it can interrupt the channel spell.
8.Use on channel doesn't recognize that Pudge and Bane is using Ult.
9.Ignite will have a radius when Ogre Magi level up Ult,so Ignite should be added a Number of enemies in Debuffs and Harass
I will not add ta trap to kill steal, since it has dot damage.
Also right now im not planning to add combo kill steal.
All other stuff added/fixed.
1 fix pls uses a phase boot, medal, stick in lothar
2 pls add auto steal 2 skill riki
3 very bad auto kill steal ulta on the furion very often the enemy dies or he uses his skill and does not finish off the enemy
4 pls add auto kill steal urn of shadow
5 pls add in haras orb walk.
What do you mean "In lothar"?
If you mean it uses it while invisible, there's an option to disable it..
2- Would be nice
5- There's an Harras option (that uses skill) in the O9k menu. If you want to harrass with autos just uses the SDK orbwalk (Default key= G)
lothar it's shadowblade in dota 1
Swamttert Thank you
Elder Titan's 1st spell Use on channel When using Eul it should be a little delayed, and I am trying to set Delay (ms), but it does not work.
I cant improve furion ult, because it has kinda big delay.
I will not add any dot damage ability to kill steal, since its not how kill steal supposed to work.
Added rikis blink strike, it will also include ur next auto attack damage.
Eul + echo stomp should be fixed.
Undying's 1st spell should be added to Debuffs.
This is just my opinion, can change when the assembly grows, but for now this is not paid worthy, sure a lot of skill and spells are supported but with very little logic, again i mean no disrespect by saying this to the dev just giving some feedback, or not 15$ to say the least.
"giving some feedback" "very little logic" what an informative feedback
Never said it was good feedback lol
But if u want something fixed/improved then say what exactly... Not just "cant get 9k mmr, cuz no logic in assemlby"
That was added.
aight well for example, i know this is not a combo script but it works better if
use EE then Q(no channel) in a harras, deals inital dmg then debuffs enemy from E delayed heal
and and option to maybe pop E+Q on enemy channel
healing for ally and self = W EE at w.e % hp you want it
and if R is activate on someone then just spam heal combo on them
as for
Lion: i would like to be able to mana drain at a certain percent of hp and mana, and if the enemy is stunned or w.e disabled
Things u named for oracle is really for combo script. Also healing with him is really situational, thats why i didnt added it.
Lion drain is easy to add, but i think half of the time u would accidentally cancel channeling.
is it possible to add number of enemies option for outworld devourer's ult ?
Its a kill steal, so it will use it as soon as someone will die, so not sure about that.
I'm thinking of getting this..
Is it worth it ? Or should I wait for it to get better first..
This has probably won me some unwinnable games with the auto de-buffs and shit, not gonna lie. And it's all configurable depending on the hero and your play style. Even has a "harass" key to use spells on enemy heroes, good on supports and shit. Worth the money honestly, and the updates are always very nice. Dev takes into account any additions or changes that users might suggests, so it'll only improve in my opinion.
Delete O9K.Core from all profiles, restart loader and install it again from database.
Thanks for the reply bro.. I have tried it and I love it <3
I'm buying this now
Everything's Good, Please Add Oracle Auto Heal In Ulti And Use Ulti When Hp<%
and is bh auto track there ?
Yea Auto Oracle will be added i guess cos oracle is the support most people play at 4k, never tried bh with auto usage so dont know about that , i think it will be added.... any updates @IdcNoob
Nah, no one plays oracle, hes sitting at the bottom of win rate and pick rate. I see only 1 reason to play him and its his good kill steal ability and by using it u only decreasing ur chances to win
I can add his heal, but i dont know in which situation he should use it, only into ult ?
Mostly in ulti cos other times we can manually use, for now just add whn ulti
I just want to say Thank you for the time and dedication by developing and taking into consideration the users suggestions and update the scripts accordingly. Keep the good work 'GG'!
Added blink abilities.
some of the kill steal damage calculations are horrible... monkey kings boundless strike for example... feels like nothing is taking to account and it uses it whenever its same hp no matter what variations apply
What variations you are talking about exactly ?