@Vacant said:
The FPS counter I used is external I guess. You can see the stuttering clearly anyways in the second video.
Well, u didnt show ur 165 fps without auto usage, also u used 10 other assemblies.
I still say, that its not related to auto usage.
Recorded them again with the built-in fps counter since you really seem to want it for some reason. It's not like I used 2 assemblies for the video without autousage and 200 for the one with it, they're the exact same.
@Vacant said:
The FPS counter I used is external I guess. You can see the stuttering clearly anyways in the second video.
Well, u didnt show ur 165 fps without auto usage, also u used 10 other assemblies.
I still say, that its not related to auto usage.
Recorded them again with the built-in fps counter since you really seem to want it for some reason. It's not like I used 2 assemblies for the video without autousage and 200 for the one with it, they're the exact same.
Okay, now i admit that u have some stuttering with auto usage, however, as u could see, i dont have it, so i just cant fix it, maybe its because of some settings.
@Vacant said:
The FPS counter I used is external I guess. You can see the stuttering clearly anyways in the second video.
Well, u didnt show ur 165 fps without auto usage, also u used 10 other assemblies.
I still say, that its not related to auto usage.
Recorded them again with the built-in fps counter since you really seem to want it for some reason. It's not like I used 2 assemblies for the video without autousage and 200 for the one with it, they're the exact same.
Okay, now i admit that u have some stuttering with auto usage, however, as u could see, i dont have it, so i just cant fix it, maybe its because of some settings.
Stuttering seems to be fixed for me since the move to the new menu+whatever core changes you made.
@honor said:
Can you add bind for toggle off\on killstealer and killstealer status ?
I dont really want to do it, there is like no legit reason to killsteal only sometimes.
Actually there is. In early game as support u leave the kills to your cores and in late game it doesn't matter who takes the kill and you just want to secure and make sure that the enemy dies 100% and can't escape so KS is useful then.
@honor said:
Can you add bind for toggle off\on killstealer and killstealer status ?
I dont really want to do it, there is like no legit reason to killsteal only sometimes.
Actually there is. In early game as support u leave the kills to your cores and in late game it doesn't matter who takes the kill and you just want to secure and make sure that the enemy dies 100% and can't escape so KS is useful then.
And i say u can secure kill only in early game as a support, in late game 99% of time someone else can kill the enemy.
@honor said:
Can you add bind for toggle off\on killstealer and killstealer status ?
I dont really want to do it, there is like no legit reason to killsteal only sometimes.
Actually there is. In early game as support u leave the kills to your cores and in late game it doesn't matter who takes the kill and you just want to secure and make sure that the enemy dies 100% and can't escape so KS is useful then.
And i say u can secure kill only in early game as a support, in late game 99% of time someone else can kill the enemy.
Secure a kill and steal gold from the carry with a kill steal that’s not how we do things in Divine and up.
@ramzesbg said:
Secure a kill and steal gold from the carry with a kill steal that’s not how we do things in Divine and up.
How can u steal gold if we are talking about securing the kill ? If u wont kill enemy he will run away.
Also if u are in divine and up i dont think u need a killstealer on support at all.
@ramzesbg said:
Secure a kill and steal gold from the carry with a kill steal that’s not how we do things in Divine and up.
How can u steal gold if we are talking about securing the kill ? If u wont kill enemy he will run away.
Also if u are in divine and up i dont think u need a killstealer on support at all.
The kill stealer takes the kill long before the enemy escapes in most cases so there is no need to secure anything early game. I don’t ever use the kill stealer just saying a key for people that use it would be helpful, but it’s up to you.
I can't figure out why Abadon keeps using shield on himself, I turned it off him in shields in auto usage and I don't have it selected for any harass or combo in AIO.
Also, does anyone have good settings for heal and shield for allies with Aba?
@PennyPacker said:
I can't figure out why Abadon keeps using shield on himself, I turned it off him in shields in auto usage and I don't have it selected for any harass or combo in AIO.
Also, does anyone have good settings for heal and shield for allies with Aba?
Evader will use shield and u cant really disable it from self use.
Can you add more combo option for Magnus? Skewer enemy to tower without using RP?
There was a combo option for skewer enemy to alies.
I did try to use alternative combo, I disabled RP, buff damge and skill 1. Then try it. But just only blink, force staff and skewer just a bit.
@hppsc1215 said:
Hey Noob, Reapers Scythe killsteal dont work proberly. In demo mode all is fine...but in lobby he dont wanna ult
Works fine.
@bucminhdo said:
Can you add more combo option for Magnus? Skewer enemy to tower without using RP?
There was a combo option for skewer enemy to alies.
I did try to use alternative combo, I disabled RP, buff damge and skill 1. Then try it. But just only blink, force staff and skewer just a bit.
@IdcNoob I also bought good scripts, but could I add harassment options such as Tinker or hasiker will automatically release lasers or fire spears to harass the enemy autousage when I use ability # old on the line, or can I say I haven't adjusted it? Forgive my poor English
@markxiaoan said: @IdcNoob I also bought good scripts, but could I add harassment options such as Tinker or hasiker will automatically release lasers or fire spears to harass the enemy autousage when I use ability # old on the line, or can I say I haven't adjusted it? Forgive my poor English
i'm using your script to play Morphiling mid, and using auto balance for hp/mp ... its possible you make a place where we put the HP that hack must balance? because sometimes its change automatic for the wrong strg/agi.
i'm using your script to play Morphiling mid, and using auto balance for hp/mp ... its possible you make a place where we put the HP that hack must balance? because sometimes its change automatic for the wrong strg/agi.
but yesterday while testing in lobby it doesn't, also auto escape like blink of AM dont work, dazzle's shallow grave also in rank game instead of using it to my ally taking hit and dying, it uses to own self.
@IdcNoob Auto blink with Timbersaw using Timber Chain doesn't work. Even If I'm close to lots of trees it always cast Timber Chain in the middle of the lane so it doesn't hook on any tree.
Can you fix this pls?
And for some improvements (don't know if it's possible):
* Switch power treads depending on situation? For exemple switch on inteligence just before I cast a spell and then go back to main stat (ie strengh for Sven or agi for jugg) ? Same if we are bellow a % of hp, switch to strengh (etc...)
* Auto use Soul Ring if my mana is bellow a % of mana AND just before I cast a spell? For now it auto use Soul ring only if I'm below a % of mana but if I don't intend to use any spell in the next 10 seconds it's just wasted
I'm not sure if this was asked but auto-usage only takes into account HP and MP threshold.
Is it possible to add stuff to use certain spells when allies are affected by certain debuffs? Like when an ally is stunned, automatically use legionars heal etc. I didnt see this option anywhere and the autousage really feels incomplete ..
@Qual said: @IdcNoob Auto blink with Timbersaw using Timber Chain doesn't work. Even If I'm close to lots of trees it always cast Timber Chain in the middle of the lane so it doesn't hook on any tree.
Can you fix this pls?
And for some improvements (don't know if it's possible):
* Switch power treads depending on situation? For exemple switch on inteligence just before I cast a spell and then go back to main stat (ie strengh for Sven or agi for jugg) ? Same if we are bellow a % of hp, switch to strengh (etc...)
* Auto use Soul Ring if my mana is bellow a % of mana AND just before I cast a spell? For now it auto use Soul ring only if I'm below a % of mana but if I don't intend to use any spell in the next 10 seconds it's just wasted
Many thanks for your work!
Ill try to fix chain. PT switcher and soul ring is included in o9k.itemmanager, but maybe ill add it here too someday.
@toxicspazz said:
I'm not sure if this was asked but auto-usage only takes into account HP and MP threshold.
Is it possible to add stuff to use certain spells when allies are affected by certain debuffs? Like when an ally is stunned, automatically use legionars heal etc. I didnt see this option anywhere and the autousage really feels incomplete ..
You need o9k.evader with modifer counter and multi unit for that.
Well, u didnt show ur 165 fps without auto usage, also u used 10 other assemblies.
I still say, that its not related to auto usage.
Recorded them again with the built-in fps counter since you really seem to want it for some reason. It's not like I used 2 assemblies for the video without autousage and 200 for the one with it, they're the exact same.
Here you go.
Just o9k.aio
Okay, now i admit that u have some stuttering with auto usage, however, as u could see, i dont have it, so i just cant fix it, maybe its because of some settings.
Stuttering seems to be fixed for me since the move to the new menu+whatever core changes you made.
bkb auto usage not working, the last part is only bcos of evader.

Can you make a combo for riki? I did buy all your script but dont satisfy me.
I hope you can make a combo like: blink, smoke, difu, nulifer in same time.
Your script dont use nulifer in combo. Please fix that
Can you add bind for toggle off\on killstealer and killstealer status ?
I dont really want to do it, there is like no legit reason to killsteal only sometimes.
Actually there is. In early game as support u leave the kills to your cores and in late game it doesn't matter who takes the kill and you just want to secure and make sure that the enemy dies 100% and can't escape so KS is useful then.
And i say u can secure kill only in early game as a support, in late game 99% of time someone else can kill the enemy.
Secure a kill and steal gold from the carry with a kill steal that’s not how we do things in Divine and up.
How can u steal gold if we are talking about securing the kill ? If u wont kill enemy he will run away.
Also if u are in divine and up i dont think u need a killstealer on support at all.
The kill stealer takes the kill long before the enemy escapes in most cases so there is no need to secure anything early game. I don’t ever use the kill stealer just saying a key for people that use it would be helpful, but it’s up to you.
linken break settings not saved, all item /spells disabled every game.
I can't figure out why Abadon keeps using shield on himself, I turned it off him in shields in auto usage and I don't have it selected for any harass or combo in AIO.
Also, does anyone have good settings for heal and shield for allies with Aba?
Evader will use shield and u cant really disable it from self use.
Oh evader, thanks.
Hey Noob, Reapers Scythe killsteal dont work proberly. In demo mode all is fine...but in lobby he dont wanna ult
Can you add more combo option for Magnus? Skewer enemy to tower without using RP?
There was a combo option for skewer enemy to alies.
I did try to use alternative combo, I disabled RP, buff damge and skill 1. Then try it. But just only blink, force staff and skewer just a bit.
Works fine.
I guess u mean aio, maybe later ill add it.
Pls add ROT for Pudge (disable)
Shadow Shaman - Cancelling Shackles
Its not a disable...
Assembly will not cancel shackles, its probably u.
ok. buff ? Pls add.
I posted in the wrong place, sory.
Pls add ROT (pudge) for autousage.
Why u need that ? Just use some combo assembly, cuz i can only toggle it on, without disabling.
I use combos, but it's not perfect. If you can not add and make a working version, it is not necessary
dazzle does not do grave with aganim
Does this script have a key to buff all selected spells on self? Or other script can do it?
It doesnt have keys. Combo assemblies uses buffs on key press.
Lion hex doesn't have "use on channel" setting
@IdcNoob I also bought good scripts, but could I add harassment options such as Tinker or hasiker will automatically release lasers or fire spears to harass the enemy autousage when I use ability # old on the line, or can I say I haven't adjusted it? Forgive my poor English
You can use any combo assembly for that.
@IdcNoob I mean, could you add the option of using skills to harass people automatically, like ability # Old script?
For example, tinker's laser hasika's spear
Forgive my poor English I'm cn
Sorry, for me it doesnt make any sense to always use abilities to harass enemies, so no. As i said use combo assembly for harass on key press.
hi there.
i'm using your script to play Morphiling mid, and using auto balance for hp/mp ... its possible you make a place where we put the HP that hack must balance? because sometimes its change automatic for the wrong strg/agi.
It balances to ur manually set hp with d/f.
kill steal not working
auto MEKANSM not working
Its working.
but yesterday while testing in lobby it doesn't, also auto escape like blink of AM dont work, dazzle's shallow grave also in rank game instead of using it to my ally taking hit and dying, it uses to own self.
hey idc , can u reset autousage for i can try usage with o9k ?
@IdcNoob Auto blink with Timbersaw using Timber Chain doesn't work. Even If I'm close to lots of trees it always cast Timber Chain in the middle of the lane so it doesn't hook on any tree.
Can you fix this pls?
And for some improvements (don't know if it's possible):
* Switch power treads depending on situation? For exemple switch on inteligence just before I cast a spell and then go back to main stat (ie strengh for Sven or agi for jugg) ? Same if we are bellow a % of hp, switch to strengh (etc...)
* Auto use Soul Ring if my mana is bellow a % of mana AND just before I cast a spell? For now it auto use Soul ring only if I'm below a % of mana but if I don't intend to use any spell in the next 10 seconds it's just wasted
Many thanks for your work!
I'm not sure if this was asked but auto-usage only takes into account HP and MP threshold.
Is it possible to add stuff to use certain spells when allies are affected by certain debuffs? Like when an ally is stunned, automatically use legionars heal etc. I didnt see this option anywhere and the autousage really feels incomplete ..
Ill try to fix chain. PT switcher and soul ring is included in o9k.itemmanager, but maybe ill add it here too someday.
You need o9k.evader with modifer counter and multi unit for that.