This script is frustrating me by the day i use it. I die to aegis so 2 meepos have on their heads "healing", so they run back to base the second i respawn and im comboing 4 heros with 2 meepos.
I net manually a guy that is invis and then i press combo key, the combo doesnt net him again and he gets away in invis. These things are so simple so fix, please fix them!
Can u please explain to me why this script doesnt root heroes like storm, void etc that can just escape and always tries to poof all meepos beofre it roots?
Please for gods sake make this script decent, you have charged alot for it
@cake said:
Can u please explain to me why this script doesnt root heroes like storm, void etc that can just escape and always tries to poof all meepos beofre it roots?
Please for gods sake make this script decent, you have charged alot for it
it should root all heroes and chain roots too (but its not perfect)
and closest meepo will not use poof if he's net is not cd and poof cast time less then net hit time
hi @Jumpering can you please look into the logic of root and poof and make it better please... coz now when i use the script its a big hit and miss sometime all the meepos just poof without using net sometimes it works the way it is suppose to but the chances of it not working is more ... also blink net is also not working like it use to before please take some time out and look into this script after all we had paid for it :_(
Its sad that we really have to write it. These guys just commercialized their opensource work and stopped giving a fucking about it.
i know they update it when they start getting too many complains ..
bt this is not why we all started the paid content ... when we started it . it was said that these scripts will be better and will be constantly updated ...
but now after buying almost all the scripts only few of them work the way they were suppose so ... no wonder HAKE is picking up
Its sad that we really have to write it. These guys just commercialized their opensource work and stopped giving a fucking about it.
i know they update it when they start getting too many complains ..
bt this is not why we all started the paid content ... when we started it . it was said that these scripts will be better and will be constantly updated ...
but now after buying almost all the scripts only few of them work the way they were suppose so ... no wonder HAKE is picking up
agreed. I work in IT and I respect people for their work which is why I was always in the favor of paying the devs for their contribution. But it would seem its being taken advantage of, the scripts are the same but just paid for now. Devs need to realize that this is now a "service" not a contribution anymore and they are accountable for delays. Atleast a status update /check / progress wouldn't hurt.
I have bought the script a few days ago and been constantly playing with it. One question I have is, in Lane pushing, meepos use boots of travel to escape if an enemy is near but usually get stunned and die... cant they just poof to other meepo?
I have been using your script and it is absolutely amazing! Thank you for making it.
There is one thing i'd like you to fix though.
When combo, it seems that meepo just uses whatever items he has all at once. For example, I have Scythe of Vyse and etheral blade, the combo would etheral blade then hex immediately right after, which doesn't really make sense. Would it be possible for you to make it use etheral blade then poof then hex? (also net)
yeah if we can have a feature that allows poofing to illusions, hex into ethereal blade chained( when poof off cd), and maybe the option to net all heroes. other then that, its very good!!
I have been using your script and it is absolutely amazing! Thank you for making it.
There is one thing i'd like you to fix though.
When combo, it seems that meepo just uses whatever items he has all at once. For example, I have Scythe of Vyse and etheral blade, the combo would etheral blade then hex immediately right after, which doesn't really make sense. Would it be possible for you to make it use etheral blade then poof then hex? (also net)
will add later illusions
also fixed hex & eb in one time
will use both only for heroes with escape abilities, dagger, bkb
* added manta (will use manta and will control illusions, will use poof on illusions)
* fixed blink usages
* removed lag when new meepo arrived
* fixed superPro combo
@JoyPink said:
hmm for me it just spam this :
at Ensage.SDK.Extensions.AbilityExtensions.GetAbilitySpecialData(Ability ability, String name, UInt32 level)
at MeepoCrappahilation.Features.PoofDamageHelper.DrawingHeroes(EventArgs args)
at Ensage.Drawing.OnDrawNative()
And friend of me crash instant after he try this script.
hm, strange, yesterday i played with this script and all was fine (except jungle farm), will check
Was working well for a few days but it's completely broken again. Manta combo busted again, causes main meepo to just stand there and your clones to only autoattack without casting any spells. Randomly stopped throwing nets halfway through a game earlier and wouldn't throw them again regardless of which combo I picked and my combo settings. My meepos also seem to be stuttering and delaying their autoattacks when jungling but i'm not 100% on this one. I'll check it out later.
@Vacant said: @Jumpering
Was working well for a few days but it's completely broken again. Manta combo busted again, causes main meepo to just stand there and your clones to only autoattack without casting any spells. Randomly stopped throwing nets halfway through a game earlier and wouldn't throw them again regardless of which combo I picked and my combo settings. My meepos also seem to be stuttering and delaying their autoattacks when jungling but i'm not 100% on this one. I'll check it out later.
If not difficult, you can do a separate combined behavior on different hotkeys for default and super Pro?
Thank you in advance. =)
upd: The clone under the command "IdleOnBase" does not react to combos, but reacts to commands through the Ctrl key and runs away from the fountain.
Is it possible to block it there to swap with another clone?
@cs75369 said:
upd: The clone under the command "IdleOnBase" does not react to combos, but reacts to commands through the Ctrl key and runs away from the fountain.
Is it possible to block it there to swap with another clone?
This script is frustrating me by the day i use it. I die to aegis so 2 meepos have on their heads "healing", so they run back to base the second i respawn and im comboing 4 heros with 2 meepos.
I net manually a guy that is invis and then i press combo key, the combo doesnt net him again and he gets away in invis. These things are so simple so fix, please fix them!
Can u please explain to me why this script doesnt root heroes like storm, void etc that can just escape and always tries to poof all meepos beofre it roots?
Please for gods sake make this script decent, you have charged alot for it
it should root all heroes and chain roots too (but its not perfect)
and closest meepo will not use poof if he's net is not cd and poof cast time less then net hit time
hi @Jumpering can you please look into the logic of root and poof and make it better please... coz now when i use the script its a big hit and miss sometime all the meepos just poof without using net sometimes it works the way it is suppose to but the chances of it not working is more ... also blink net is also not working like it use to before please take some time out and look into this script after all we had paid for it :_(
Its sad that we really have to write it. These guys just commercialized their opensource work and stopped giving a fucking about it.
i know they update it when they start getting too many complains ..
bt this is not why we all started the paid content ... when we started it . it was said that these scripts will be better and will be constantly updated ...
but now after buying almost all the scripts only few of them work the way they were suppose so ... no wonder HAKE is picking up
agreed. I work in IT and I respect people for their work which is why I was always in the favor of paying the devs for their contribution. But it would seem its being taken advantage of, the scripts are the same but just paid for now. Devs need to realize that this is now a "service" not a contribution anymore and they are accountable for delays. Atleast a status update /check / progress wouldn't hurt.
how to fix big text on menu ?
meepo cant net am or storm. when meepo low on base he just walks and roam around
how to buy
I have bought the script a few days ago and been constantly playing with it. One question I have is, in Lane pushing, meepos use boots of travel to escape if an enemy is near but usually get stunned and die... cant they just poof to other meepo?
also, "poof all meepos to selected meepo" option is not working with manta style illusions, while it should.
Hello Jumpering
I have been using your script and it is absolutely amazing! Thank you for making it.
There is one thing i'd like you to fix though.
When combo, it seems that meepo just uses whatever items he has all at once. For example, I have Scythe of Vyse and etheral blade, the combo would etheral blade then hex immediately right after, which doesn't really make sense. Would it be possible for you to make it use etheral blade then poof then hex? (also net)
yeah if we can have a feature that allows poofing to illusions, hex into ethereal blade chained( when poof off cd), and maybe the option to net all heroes. other then that, its very good!!
@Jumpering Hi. Please, add the local bind for earthbind(1st skill). It will be so good
couldnt disable shadowblade from being used while in combo, it was disabled in the item list
will add later illusions
also fixed hex & eb in one time
will use both only for heroes with escape abilities, dagger, bkb
Never uses ethereal blade in combo despite the fact I have it enabled.
combo with selected meepo does not works. it auto selects all meepos
its cant select any meepo for u
combo with selected meepo does not works. it auto selects all meepos sometimes it works sometime it does not works
for escape meepo just walks away from enemy rather then poof escape.
how can i donwload?
its cuz sometimes better for first to run away and then do poof
take trial ( and install in loader
this assembly DOESNT CONTAIN any function to select any of ur meepo, check ur enabled assemblies
@Jumpering when I select any two random meepo and press combo button it brings all meepos. I am just using ur assembly
disable all assemblies except my and try again please
@Jumpering I tried again but still its the same
Paid script blocks the ability to puff on illusions.
While the free script allows you to do so.
Last i tried it worked man
* added manta (will use manta and will control illusions, will use poof on illusions)
* fixed blink usages
* removed lag when new meepo arrived
* fixed superPro combo
reset for trials (for both scripts)
Since u guys whining NON STOP, i will make this extra combo for free for 1-2 weeks, until i fix main bugs, cheers
Please fix the logistics farm in the jungle.
And also the farm itself, because the clones farm Too carefully.
Thank you in advance.
Loads fine for me but it's super busted. Combo keeps not targetting heroes, hits a jungle creep and repeatedly runs back and forth, etc.
Edit: Figured out the reason for the combo randomly freezing. Manta completely breaks the script.
Also, is it possible to make it so the super pro combo doesn't require a target locked for the meepo to switch out with the one in base?
hm, strange, yesterday i played with this script and all was fine (except jungle farm), will check
Dire safelane ancient position still needs to be updated.
Was working well for a few days but it's completely broken again. Manta combo busted again, causes main meepo to just stand there and your clones to only autoattack without casting any spells. Randomly stopped throwing nets halfway through a game earlier and wouldn't throw them again regardless of which combo I picked and my combo settings. My meepos also seem to be stuttering and delaying their autoattacks when jungling but i'm not 100% on this one. I'll check it out later.
thanks for report
again it is broken
Working perfectly fine for me. You need to be more specific than just "broken". How is he supposed to help you or figure out the issue.
I have massive fps frop when press combo key near enemy, unplayable. Other scripts like o9k.aio or divine zeus work fine.
Anyone else?
If not difficult, you can do a separate combined behavior on different hotkeys for default and super Pro?
Thank you in advance. =)
upd: The clone under the command "IdleOnBase" does not react to combos, but reacts to commands through the Ctrl key and runs away from the fountain.
Is it possible to block it there to swap with another clone?
sometimes full hp meepo go back to heal and does not do the combo with main meepo,dont know the reason umm...
The script separates the clones from "CHAIN FROST" Leach, who is on my team
Best Meepo assembly ever made.
u can use this

Thanks so much. I'm waiting for the update script! :)
If it's already updated, it is possible more in detail how to realize this function?