@gznster said:
will u make auto red mines push to enemies base
Yes, I plan to expand the functionality.
I've already thought about this function. While the route is not fully worked out. The function will be added later.
@rayuki said:
looks really good, why can't we buy it?
I have not yet received the approval of the administration.
Therefore, you can not buy the script yet.
P.S. Negotiations are already being held to obtain permission. One of the conditions was the creation of another 1-2 free scripts. Today will be published one free.
I got the status of a developer.
Now the script is on reconversion. It will be reassembled on Ensage.SDK.
In general, the speed and performance of the script will increase (fewer false positives).
We will also update the functionality!
I got the status of a developer.
Now the script is on reconversion. It will be reassembled on Ensage.SDK.
In general, the speed and performance of the script will increase (fewer false positives).
We will also update the functionality!
I got the status of a developer.
Now the script is on reconversion. It will be reassembled on Ensage.SDK.
In general, the speed and performance of the script will increase (fewer false positives).
We will also update the functionality!
@gznster said:
need fix for storm spirit, easy 0 bombs if storm zip into bombs and zip off. the bombs will explode, all the scripts seem to have this problem.
It's strange. Maybe it's because of ping.
I'll do an extra delay so as not to blow up the storm after the end of using it, update arrives in 30 min
@gznster said:
need fix for storm spirit, easy 0 bombs if storm zip into bombs and zip off. the bombs will explode, all the scripts seem to have this problem.
StromSpirit fix (added extra calculation to ult into stacks)
I'm so fucking hyped lmfao
I see you will make this paid..
You already know the price?
I plan to start with a low price, that no one would be afraid to try. After the script will cost decently.
Sales start after the administration checks. As long as the second day there are no answers.
will u make auto red mines push to enemies base
Shut up and take my money :D
Yes, I plan to expand the functionality.
I've already thought about this function. While the route is not fully worked out. The function will be added later.
This looks good, will definately buy once your script is approved.
looks really good, why can't we buy it?
I have not yet received the approval of the administration.
Therefore, you can not buy the script yet.
P.S. Negotiations are already being held to obtain permission. One of the conditions was the creation of another 1-2 free scripts. Today will be published one free.
Wanna buy it.
me too :(
i hope the price is good enough when it convert on our currency XD
wow nice assambly, bro would be great if you add a force camera, (means to move the camera to where the bombs explode, human reaction)
Any update yet? Can't wait anymore lol
Approval takes quite a bit of time. Trust me, I'm hyped too...
how to buy it ? i want buy
Yea i wana buy how?
I think SirLemon will bring some high end assemblies to this community.
i think a good time has passed can we have this aprooved? or is something it just wont happen???
I got the status of a developer.
Now the script is on reconversion. It will be reassembled on Ensage.SDK.
In general, the speed and performance of the script will increase (fewer false positives).
We will also update the functionality!
And after that the script will become available!
excited! would love it for the weekend!!
Welcome Mate
what time add
I bet this will become the most popular paid script. So many techies players use scripts. So keen for this!
Hi everyone, when this script is going to be released?
Thank you
Now scripts in store!
And some new features in script like:
where can I buy?
Just wait until he changes his status)

im not see
I think it's because he's labeled "unapproved". Just wait, today it will be available.
my time 2018-1-20 21:08:06
i want play
Foooooook yeeeeeh!!! So hype
Nice low price of 30$
Hi i can't use it in game.. i've activated trial. nothing pops on techies.
There is no Menu on it =/
EDIT: Fixed lol, its Left Shift =/
need fix for storm spirit, easy 0 bombs if storm zip into bombs and zip off. the bombs will explode, all the scripts seem to have this problem.
It's strange. Maybe it's because of ping.
I'll do an extra delay so as not to blow up the storm after the end of using it, update arrives in 30 min
Blowing up bombs on BKB and force staff is rarely used.
StromSpirit fix (added extra calculation to ult into stacks)

Updated menu (added icon)
Enemy use force then BKB?
No friend, bombs blowing up on bkb, and force staff is not being used a lot
I'll check this.
Force uses only if enemy doesnt turn. For more accurate operation
Also i keep randaomly crashing my game? just happens i can give logs
Yes, we need logs
bombs always explode at the enemies Tier 3 tower no matter what, can't put mines there.
Thanks for the storm update :D
Can a screenshot of exactly where the bombs are placed?
And in the update will be the setting of auto-detonation at visibility