Looks like a nice feature - I was toying around with something like this (personal use) but couldn't achieve stable FPS. Would it be possible for you to implement custom locations set by the user?
Looks like a nice feature - I was toying around with something like this (personal use) but couldn't achieve stable FPS. Would it be possible for you to implement custom locations set by the user?
@akuros said:
bro would be great if you add a forcecamera, (means to move the camera to where the bombs explode, human reaction)?
This script is for obvious cheating. You do not have to worry about a account bun, usually in Ensage no bans (more than 1 year). Maxim, what you get for this is a low priority.
For look where was enemy killed - setup last action key in dota (by default it is space)
Today, 04/03/2018 I tried to use this Ensage for the first time. I wanted to try a script for Techies. So I started a trial free day. But unfortunately mines are not detonating by themselfves. So the script is not working. The menu of the scrtipt is there, I change some settings and still nothing. There is even no mine range. The script only dislayes how many mines it is needed to kill a hero and that's it.
Very dissapointed because I wanted to pay if it worked.
I suppose it is becouse Dota had an uptade and this script is not working because of that. Or maybe I do something wrong? Pls help.
Windows 8.1 x64
Techies Rage version 28 SirLimon
Techies Annihilation 28 Jumpering
Core version: #728 - DOTA2-2673
Game version: 2703
@armen777 said:
Today, 04/03/2018 I tried to use this Ensage for the first time. I wanted to try a script for Techies. So I started a trial free day. But unfortunately mines are not detonating by themselfves. So the script is not working. The menu of the scrtipt is there, I change some settings and still nothing. There is even no mine range. The script only dislayes how many mines it is needed to kill a hero and that's it.
Very dissapointed because I wanted to pay if it worked.
I suppose it is becouse Dota had an uptade and this script is not working because of that. Or maybe I do something wrong? Pls help.
Windows 8.1 x64
Techies Rage version 28 SirLimon
Techies Annihilation 28 Jumpering
Core version: #728 - DOTA2-2673
Game version: 2703
Current version dota: 2572265
Bad timing trying bro. Core is OUTDATED at the moment.. Most of the assembly is not working properly right now..
@armen777 said:
Today, 04/03/2018 I tried to use this Ensage for the first time. I wanted to try a script for Techies. So I started a trial free day. But unfortunately mines are not detonating by themselfves. So the script is not working. The menu of the scrtipt is there, I change some settings and still nothing. There is even no mine range. The script only dislayes how many mines it is needed to kill a hero and that's it.
Very dissapointed because I wanted to pay if it worked.
I suppose it is becouse Dota had an uptade and this script is not working because of that. Or maybe I do something wrong? Pls help.
Windows 8.1 x64
Techies Rage version 28 SirLimon
Techies Annihilation 28 Jumpering
Core version: #728 - DOTA2-2673
Game version: 2703
Current version dota: 2572265
Bad timing trying bro. Core is OUTDATED at the moment.. Most of the assembly is not working properly right now..
Thanks for response. When is it going to work properly? How long does it take normally? Or will it ever be working again? I really look forward to pay for this soft as soon as it works.
Thanks for response. When is it going to work properly? How long does it take normally? Or will it ever be working again? I really look forward to pay for this soft as soon as it works.
Sounds like he posted before the update - as you have a free account, I'm pretty sure you can just make a new one and receive a new trial period.
I've tried it in a lobby. The camera does not move to mines when they explode. It can be very suspisious because of that. Is there a setting that moves the camara to mines when they explode remotely?
@armen777 said:
I've tried it in a lobby. The camera does not move to mines when they explode. It can be very suspisious because of that. Is there a setting that moves the camara to mines when they explode remotely?
This script is made for obvious cheating.
So sirlimon won't put that option into the script.
@armen777 said:
I've tried it in a lobby. The camera does not move to mines when they explode. It can be very suspisious because of that. Is there a setting that moves the camara to mines when they explode remotely?
Hey guys how's this script been? Been a while since I used it. Only the trial. I know it's been updated many times now. Would appreciate a review xD thanks fam!
Site under reconstruction (for shared bombs Spots)
@alexnation1234 said:
One time payment for the assembly and its permanent after that right? and do you still need to pay for ensage to use the Techies Rage assembly?
For scripts its one time payment
Ensage required for playing with scripts
Hello, I just bought your script, but when i trying it in hero lobby, its after few minutes freeze my dota and kills dota/ensage processes. I using others script as well and never have such a problem before.
@kuba0 said:
Hello, I just bought your script, but when i trying it in hero lobby, its after few minutes freeze my dota and kills dota/ensage processes. I using others script as well and never have such a problem before.
In game its working, but not in lobby :) Can you please explain what is that stack button do? The eul combo working great, but the Detonate hotkey/stack hotkey do nothing. Maybe i am doing something wrong.
@kuba0 said:
In game its working, but not in lobby :) Can you please explain what is that stack button do? The eul combo working great, but the Detonate hotkey/stack hotkey do nothing. Maybe i am doing something wrong.
Detonate icons in panels work only with holded Ctrl (this made for safe from mistakes)
Stak key works for lan mines (put your mouse close to any land mine and press button)
Can you tell me what hero you spawn in lobby? It should work everywhere
Using trial atm. I have no clue what the settings by the bomb do. Their is no documentation available atm and the script constantly crashes the game and I have no clue why. Good thing im using the trial atm.
@nastypie said:
Using trial atm. I have no clue what the settings by the bomb do. Their is no documentation available atm and the script constantly crashes the game and I have no clue why. Good thing im using the trial atm.
Docs now under rewriting. Cuz huge update.
For me its no cause crashes (play last month more then 100 hours). Some more info? Game type? Allly/enemy heroes? DX9 / DX11?
@nastypie said:
Using trial atm. I have no clue what the settings by the bomb do. Their is no documentation available atm and the script constantly crashes the game and I have no clue why. Good thing im using the trial atm.
Docs now under rewriting. Cuz huge update.
For me its no cause crashes (play last month more then 100 hours). Some more info? Game type? Allly/enemy heroes? DX9 / DX11?
Turbo/Normal, DX9... I'm leaning more that your Helper to place bombs causing crash for some reason.
@nastypie said:
Using trial atm. I have no clue what the settings by the bomb do. Their is no documentation available atm and the script constantly crashes the game and I have no clue why. Good thing im using the trial atm.
Docs now under rewriting. Cuz huge update.
For me its no cause crashes (play last month more then 100 hours). Some more info? Game type? Allly/enemy heroes? DX9 / DX11?
Turbo/Normal, DX9... I'm leaning more that your Helper to place bombs causing crash for some reason.
I will sort this out. Soon a big update, I think the problem will be solved.
-FPS optimization! Now NO FPS DROP!
-Fix crushes!
-Added combo mode (AA/Items/Remote bomb)
-Improved EUL Combo (less chance to escape)
-Removed OLD prediction methods
-Improved Single detonation
-Improved Multi detonation
-Added Rage kill option (if in stack set multi detonation, kill RageKill target already)
-Added prediction to single detonation if more enemies arrive
-Improved OnHit Detonation
-Improved Creep Detonation (kill all stack)
-Improved Necro/Illusion/Hero Crepp detonation (less bombs and more kills)
-Improved AutoSettings (now HG stacks auto set detonation mode for necro/illusions/creeps)
-New Bomb Panel (nice looking)
-New Land Stack Panel
-Remote stacks auto move to single point
-Land stacks auto move to stack point while stack less than 6 mines
-More accurate prediction for top panel
-Better pos for HP after suiside
-Better Invisible Detonation
-Added KillStealler (for items)
-New UI system
-New menu
-Settings cleared
-Fix "one more bomb" bug (doesnt detonate if can, but mines only equal needed)
-Improved Aghanim demage switch. Now dynamicly change demage calculation
It happened heaps, this was the only instance where I could get a screenshot of it happening. Jug was running into the AOE and it blew one or two remotes out of a stack of 7 - he started to spin and then it blew the rest..
I don't like how you changed the "top panel", like its' not really a "top panel" anymore is it? - I feel you should add the option to have it on the new panel OR how it was.
There is also no documentation.
@lolkhax said:
It happened heaps, this was the only instance where I could get a screenshot of it happening. Jug was running into the AOE and it blew one or two remotes out of a stack of 7 - he started to spin and then it blew the rest..
I don't like how you changed the "top panel", like its' not really a "top panel" anymore is it? - I feel you should add the option to have it on the new panel OR how it was.
There is also no documentation.
Old top panel cause crushes. In next updates will add option to switch for old style top panel
Bomb detonation already fixed. And now i need some time to test in real games.
@lolkhax said:
It happened heaps, this was the only instance where I could get a screenshot of it happening. Jug was running into the AOE and it blew one or two remotes out of a stack of 7 - he started to spin and then it blew the rest..
I don't like how you changed the "top panel", like its' not really a "top panel" anymore is it? - I feel you should add the option to have it on the new panel OR how it was.
There is also no documentation.
Old top panel cause crushes. In next updates will add option to switch for old style top panel
Bomb detonation already fixed. And now i need some time to test in real games.
I'd love to test it in a "real game" but I don't wanna waste my time if its' not going to work..
As you can see - the detonation is still kind of not working as intended.
EDIT: I do like the combo function, it appears as if the detonation works well in the combo - just not when they're actually in the radius.
@SirLimon said:
Все есть. Дагон и этериал работают с форсом нормально.
Дагон + Форс или Эзериал + Форс работают хорошо, но Форс + Эзериал + Дагон, к примеру, учитывает дамаг только от эзериала и не форсит, хотя с последним урона хватило бы наверняка.
Самому несложно было доделывать по комбо-кею, но все же.
@SirLimon said:
Все есть. Дагон и этериал работают с форсом нормально.
Дагон + Форс или Эзериал + Форс работают хорошо, но Форс + Эзериал + Дагон, к примеру, учитывает дамаг только от эзериала и не форсит, хотя с последним урона хватило бы наверняка.
Самому несложно было доделывать по комбо-кею, но все же.
Madfckin yeeeeeeeees! That's what I'm talking bout. Thank you @SirLimon
bro would be great if you add a forcecamera, (means to move the camera to where the bombs explode, human reaction)?
Looks like a nice feature - I was toying around with something like this (personal use) but couldn't achieve stable FPS. Would it be possible for you to implement custom locations set by the user?
now it seems like it's worth the money.
Ok, i will add configurable map + share function
This script is for obvious cheating. You do not have to worry about a account bun, usually in Ensage no bans (more than 1 year). Maxim, what you get for this is a low priority.
For look where was enemy killed - setup last action key in dota (by default it is space)
Sweet as - thanks Dude
please update, its outdated.
Today, 04/03/2018 I tried to use this Ensage for the first time. I wanted to try a script for Techies. So I started a trial free day. But unfortunately mines are not detonating by themselfves. So the script is not working. The menu of the scrtipt is there, I change some settings and still nothing. There is even no mine range. The script only dislayes how many mines it is needed to kill a hero and that's it.
Very dissapointed because I wanted to pay if it worked.
I suppose it is becouse Dota had an uptade and this script is not working because of that. Or maybe I do something wrong? Pls help.
Windows 8.1 x64
Techies Rage version 28 SirLimon
Techies Annihilation 28 Jumpering
Core version: #728 - DOTA2-2673
Game version: 2703
Current version dota: 2572265
Bad timing trying bro. Core is OUTDATED at the moment.. Most of the assembly is not working properly right now..
Thanks for response. When is it going to work properly? How long does it take normally? Or will it ever be working again? I really look forward to pay for this soft as soon as it works.
Sounds like he posted before the update - as you have a free account, I'm pretty sure you can just make a new one and receive a new trial period.
I've tried it in a lobby. The camera does not move to mines when they explode. It can be very suspisious because of that. Is there a setting that moves the camara to mines when they explode remotely?
This script is made for obvious cheating.
So sirlimon won't put that option into the script.
u can use the free script for so.
Hi,I cant open this site http://ragescripts.pro/TechiesEn
for 404 error
Hey guys how's this script been? Been a while since I used it. Only the trial. I know it's been updated many times now. Would appreciate a review xD thanks fam!
One time payment for the assembly and its permanent after that right? and do you still need to pay for ensage to use the Techies Rage assembly?
Site under reconstruction (for shared bombs Spots)
For scripts its one time payment
Ensage required for playing with scripts
Game freezes at least for once when I use this script. Is there anything I can do to fix it?
More info?
Ally team / Enemy team. When freezes? Some other info?
Скрипт поломался...

Не взрывает вообще, нет панели над стаками, радиусов мин.
Половина скриптов так. Это ядро сломалось после обновы. Нужно ждать фиксов, скоро должны починить.
Hello, I just bought your script, but when i trying it in hero lobby, its after few minutes freeze my dota and kills dota/ensage processes. I using others script as well and never have such a problem before.
Some more info?
In game its working, but not in lobby :) Can you please explain what is that stack button do? The eul combo working great, but the Detonate hotkey/stack hotkey do nothing. Maybe i am doing something wrong.
Detonate icons in panels work only with holded Ctrl (this made for safe from mistakes)
Stak key works for lan mines (put your mouse close to any land mine and press button)
Can you tell me what hero you spawn in lobby? It should work everywhere
Using trial atm. I have no clue what the settings by the bomb do. Their is no documentation available atm and the script constantly crashes the game and I have no clue why. Good thing im using the trial atm.
Docs now under rewriting. Cuz huge update.
For me its no cause crashes (play last month more then 100 hours). Some more info? Game type? Allly/enemy heroes? DX9 / DX11?
Turbo/Normal, DX9... I'm leaning more that your Helper to place bombs causing crash for some reason.
I will sort this out. Soon a big update, I think the problem will be solved.
Always crash in turbo mode
crashing in dx11 also.
I found problem, wait little more. With V2 will be fixed.
Now you can try disable on top panel drawings
Version Released
Trials cleared! You can got 1 free day more
-FPS optimization! Now NO FPS DROP!
-Fix crushes!
-Added combo mode (AA/Items/Remote bomb)
-Improved EUL Combo (less chance to escape)
-Removed OLD prediction methods
-Improved Single detonation
-Improved Multi detonation
-Added Rage kill option (if in stack set multi detonation, kill RageKill target already)
-Added prediction to single detonation if more enemies arrive
-Improved OnHit Detonation
-Improved Creep Detonation (kill all stack)
-Improved Necro/Illusion/Hero Crepp detonation (less bombs and more kills)
-Improved AutoSettings (now HG stacks auto set detonation mode for necro/illusions/creeps)
-New Bomb Panel (nice looking)
-New Land Stack Panel
-Remote stacks auto move to single point
-Land stacks auto move to stack point while stack less than 6 mines
-More accurate prediction for top panel
-Better pos for HP after suiside
-Better Invisible Detonation
-Added KillStealler (for items)
-New UI system
-New menu
-Settings cleared

It happens always or random?
Versiom Released
-Fix "one more bomb" bug (doesnt detonate if can, but mines only equal needed)
-Improved Aghanim demage switch. Now dynamicly change demage calculation
It happened heaps, this was the only instance where I could get a screenshot of it happening. Jug was running into the AOE and it blew one or two remotes out of a stack of 7 - he started to spin and then it blew the rest..
I don't like how you changed the "top panel", like its' not really a "top panel" anymore is it? - I feel you should add the option to have it on the new panel OR how it was.
There is also no documentation.
Old top panel cause crushes. In next updates will add option to switch for old style top panel
Bomb detonation already fixed. And now i need some time to test in real games.
I'd love to test it in a "real game" but I don't wanna waste my time if its' not going to work..
As you can see - the detonation is still kind of not working as intended.
EDIT: I do like the combo function, it appears as if the detonation works well in the combo - just not when they're actually in the radius.
can we have an option to remove this drawing? blocks a lot of the info sometimes.

Fixed bug with multi kill detonation.
Option to hide drawings will add tomorrow, with old style top menu and Skin changer for UI.
Version Released
-Added option to change top panel style
-Added option to use darker UI
-Added option to hide/restore stack panel
Нет подсчета урона => форса и детонации от комбинаций предметов, аля Эзериал+Дагон5, даже если бы урона хватило.
Еще несовсем понятно, чем отличается красная рамка вокруг иконки персонажей на панели от зеленой.
Все есть. Дагон и этериал работают с форсом нормально.
Красная рамка - убивать всегда
Дагон + Форс или Эзериал + Форс работают хорошо, но Форс + Эзериал + Дагон, к примеру, учитывает дамаг только от эзериала и не форсит, хотя с последним урона хватило бы наверняка.
Самому несложно было доделывать по комбо-кею, но все же.
Теперь понял, сделаю
Needs an update
Снова такая же проблема...