-Improved Force logic + CanCounter. Now forced enemies cant counter bombs in 500 ms (force time, enemy cant use spells and items)
-Improved Detonation logic. Now enemy under hex or stun cant counter
-Improved Force logic. Now Techies use hex for forced enemy to prevent counter bombs
-Improved Waiter Under tower Stacks. Now under tower shorter waiter for incoming enemies (3 against 8 with normal stack).
-Fix Info panel numbers if enemy magic immune
-Detonate on vision (remote mines) is not working.
-Detonate on hit (remote mines) is not working.
-Remote mines detonating on creeps occasionally.
Sir I really do appreciate your hard work but I've purchased your scripts and they're only partially working.. I've bought this simply to support you and so I can put forward my opinion rightfully <3
You need to try keep features working if you're going to state they exist or update post/webpage that they're under maintenance and est. time of fix. Trial or no Trial.
Once features are fixed it'd be awesome to have the option to use items in euls combo such as E-blade and the option to force staff away once combo is complete - It's amazingly fun.
Great job bro, please take this as healthy criticism.
I'd love you even more if you fix Rubic Rage first tho ;) haha
@Inability said:
-Detonate on vision (remote mines) is not working.
-Detonate on hit (remote mines) is not working.
-Remote mines detonating on creeps occasionally.
Sir I really do appreciate your hard work but I've purchased your scripts and they're only partially working.. I've bought this simply to support you and so I can put forward my opinion rightfully <3
You need to try keep features working if you're going to state they exist or update post/webpage that they're under maintenance and est. time of fix. Trial or no Trial.
Once features are fixed it'd be awesome to have the option to use items in euls combo such as E-blade and the option to force staff away once combo is complete - It's amazingly fun.
Great job bro, please take this as healthy criticism.
I'd love you even more if you fix Rubic Rage first tho ;) haha
Exactly what I wanted to say about updating scripts.
I have bought many of your scripts, and will continue to support you, so please do the needful.
@Aidzi said:
Developer is sanctioned until 2019.
Probably. He still not contacted to Administrator to solve issue. So he probably doesn't feel guilty. He just write to someone from users, how he want continue make scripts, but he need say that to Admin and apologize for his behavior.
this would be cool to get an update, or at least somewhat functional. Remotes are no longer detonated... Would be nice, since they just buffed techies!
Следите за обновлениями доты и Ensage. Это не скрипт ломается.
Version Released
-Improved Force logic + CanCounter. Now forced enemies cant counter bombs in 500 ms (force time, enemy cant use spells and items)
-Improved Detonation logic. Now enemy under hex or stun cant counter
-Improved Force logic. Now Techies use hex for forced enemy to prevent counter bombs
-Improved Waiter Under tower Stacks. Now under tower shorter waiter for incoming enemies (3 against 8 with normal stack).
-Fix Info panel numbers if enemy magic immune
Price reduced to $20
Script not activated
Will not be activated in this game
Script not found
Try restarting your PC. If you didn't restart Ensage after buying the assembly its' not gonna work.
Stack key doesn't do anything?
Sometimes that R bomb doesn't detonate, do I have to be nearby for it to work?
Also what about E in combo? <3.
Stack key is for land mines.
For detonation exist many checks. Usually it protect from fail
Alright I'll double check it thx
Techies Rage wont work for me anymore.. i dont know if its because its outdated or what but it wont load :P
There's nothing wrong with it - it loads and plays just fine.
Now should work correctly
doesnt work for me as well
Doesn't work, wont load
Delete the cached Techies Rage folder and restart your PC
still not working after deleting the folder
Check console for errors?
no errors at all, it just doesn't load/activate it
Временами скрипт толкает врага в бочки, кидает ему эзериал и 3 секунды не взрывает, а действие эзериала заканчивается.
Иногда просто толкает в бочки и отпускает...
Уточни кто враг и какие у него предметы. Возможно ложное срабатывание от врагов с эскейпом
Rage Core installed?
Нет, тут схема такая: если 2 и более врага неподалеку от стака, то скрипт порой выжидает непозволительно долго. Дилей бы поменьше.
Или сделать кнопку выжидания на панели / регулировку этой задержки опционально, если возможно.
oh sorry , didn't know we need rage core now..used to run it without anything else
Ок проверю эту штуку.
Вообще она отключена для мин под таверами
Скрипт сломался.
doesn't show information about script on your website, i think it got deleted
eul combo isn't working too
eul combo i mean
reset my trial please?
reset trial please?
ragescripts.pro/Techies - link is no longer active?
Is this script still being supported?
Used trial today - it's incredible, GOOD WORK!
reset trial please? I will consider whether to buy it.
-Detonate on vision (remote mines) is not working.
-Detonate on hit (remote mines) is not working.
-Remote mines detonating on creeps occasionally.
Sir I really do appreciate your hard work but I've purchased your scripts and they're only partially working.. I've bought this simply to support you and so I can put forward my opinion rightfully <3
You need to try keep features working if you're going to state they exist or update post/webpage that they're under maintenance and est. time of fix. Trial or no Trial.
Once features are fixed it'd be awesome to have the option to use items in euls combo such as E-blade and the option to force staff away once combo is complete - It's amazingly fun.
Great job bro, please take this as healthy criticism.
I'd love you even more if you fix Rubic Rage first tho ;) haha
Exactly what I wanted to say about updating scripts.
I have bought many of your scripts, and will continue to support you, so please do the needful.
i am looking for cheat ( hero techie ) were can i find one ? like auto kill enemy with remote mines
Помним. Любим. Скорбим.
не работает? хотел купить
soon huge rework
Soon will be update docs it RageScripts.pro
Also report any bugs and leave feedbacks
Any news about update?
Developer is sanctioned until 2019.
Probably. He still not contacted to Administrator to solve issue. So he probably doesn't feel guilty. He just write to someone from users, how he want continue make scripts, but he need say that to Admin and apologize for his behavior.
So for now no anyinfo.
@NeeDforKill any another scripts for Techies?
there is free one from jumpering
@NeeDforKill thanks buddy
Скрипт не работает.
Почему я каждый раз узнаю об этом, когда теряю рейтинг, ну почему...?!
when update?
No update... are u guys living on the moon? SirLemon is banned and is no longer supporting his scripts... (not that he was even before he got banned
this would be cool to get an update, or at least somewhat functional. Remotes are no longer detonated... Would be nice, since they just buffed techies!