@davian666 said:
please fix am manta illusion as it always detonates the illusion and can you add an option on who to force staff into the bomb as the bomb is always wasted on supporters. @SirLimon
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Fixed drawings
Creep detoonation works, more info?
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Fixed drawings
Creep detoonation works, more info?
please fix am manta illusion as it always detonates the illusion and can you add an option on who to force staff into the bomb as the bomb is always wasted on supporters. @SirLimon
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Fixed drawings
Creep detoonation works, more info?
Thanks for drawing fix!
I've played a couple more games and it still doesn't seem to be blowin' creeps up (the games I'm talking about were unranked MM), I've added a picture from an online bot game as it was the last place I tested it.
Would it be possible for you to add a function that can toggle stacks to detonate even if it doesn't result in a kill - sort of like an Ally assist function. I think it would result in more assists and a happier team, which can't be a bad thing as Techies :D
Would it be possible for you to add a function that can toggle stacks to detonate even if it doesn't result in a kill - sort of like an Ally assist function. I think it would result in more assists and a happier team, which can't be a bad thing as Techies
I second this great idea!
Example: Ping and detonate Remote Mines if ally is within x distance (slider) and enemy can be damaged by x amount of remote mines.
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Fixed drawings
Creep detoonation works, more info?
Seems the problem for the auto-detonate was on my end - apologies.
I have a question about some of the icons on the Remotes panel, I tried to find the Techies page on your ragescripts site but its' unavailable - sorry if any of these are really dumb questions or have been asked before, I had a look through the thread before though:
I know the two buttons in the teal oval orientate the stack so they all sort of line up and is difficult to judge how many are there / tricky to destroy via right-click (suckas!), I'm just not sure what the other one does / which is which;
I have no idea what the button in the magenta oval is and I'm scared to push it! ;
I think hourglass icon in the red oval indicates to me that remotes will be detonated instead of expiring? (Red is bang, blue is chill?); and
The two detonation buttons in the blue oval, I've clicked on them before and I'm not sure which order, but one didn't work (detonate) so I panic mashed the other one and after a delay something went bang, so I'm really not sure which is which haha
@lolkhax said:
I have a question about some of the icons on the Remotes panel, I tried to find the Techies page on your ragescripts site but its' unavailable - sorry if any of these are really dumb questions or have been asked before, I had a look through the thread before though:
I know the two buttons in the teal oval orientate the stack so they all sort of line up and is difficult to judge how many are there / tricky to destroy via right-click (suckas!), I'm just not sure what the other one does / which is which;
I have no idea what the button in the magenta oval is and I'm scared to push it! ;
I think hourglass icon in the red oval indicates to me that remotes will be detonated instead of expiring? (Red is bang, blue is chill?); and
The two detonation buttons in the blue oval, I've clicked on them before and I'm not sure which order, but one didn't work (detonate) so I panic mashed the other one and after a delay something went bang, so I'm really not sure which is which haha
I've always wondered this too! haha
Some clarity would be appreciated when you have time, thanks for adding suggested feature, top work :)
Slight bug with proximity mines going into the -x.xx as soon as they are placed again (creating a long green bar across the screen), not too sure what is causing it. Will post again if I find something specific.
Thanks dude
PS. can you add Stasis Traps to move to centre of proximity mines location (The same as you did to make proximity mines stack if you tried to place it within the same detonation radius)
-Added FUZZY anti counter module (the script learns as the game progresses)
-More accurate proxy damage
-More accurate remote damage
-Better medusa calc
-Better visage calc
-Better spectre calc
-Better detonation calc
-Better range calculation
-Creep detonatioon damage calc added (less mines need)
-Added ursa enrage protection
-Added only aa combo moode ('Z' hold + combo key)
-Added remote mine auto plant ('Z' hold + click icon at stack panel)
-Better force logic
-Better force for land calc
-Added EUL + R killsteal
-Better await for kill
-Better stack drawings
-Better info panel drawings
-Better auto move to stack for land
-New feature trie sight detection
I managed to run the plug in and I dont think its updated, the eul combo wasn't placing any remote just suicide squading. There doesn't appear to be any key to force staff someone into your mines, is it automatic when in vision? Also, I dont understand when I hold shift it delays my movements and a bunch of circles appear. Also the mine counter seems off, it doesn't include the dmg nerf to remote so it thinks it needs less mines.
Also, the best techies assemblie would be one that gives you a huge warning sound and visual when a killable enemy is in range or even close to one of your stack of remote so that you can quickly move the camera there and detonate.
RageCore and other assemblies aren't showing up in-game, just kind of happened over night.
Some bad boy (Idc Noob) update ensage SDK, so it break all scripts.
its happens without announce date of update, so it was broken some time
Thanks for updating the assemblies - sorry for causing trouble =(
After playing a few games it seems creep auto-detonate on Remotes isn't working at the moment, the proximity mine detonation bar is also funky (no timer just a black/grey bar) - I just wanted to let you know.
Will check it shortly
Fixed drawings
Creep detoonation works, more info?
please fix am manta illusion as it always detonates the illusion and can you add an option on who to force staff into the bomb as the bomb is always wasted on supporters. @SirLimon
Thanks for drawing fix!
I've played a couple more games and it still doesn't seem to be blowin' creeps up (the games I'm talking about were unranked MM), I've added a picture from an online bot game as it was the last place I tested it.
Would it be possible for you to add a function that can toggle stacks to detonate even if it doesn't result in a kill - sort of like an Ally assist function. I think it would result in more assists and a happier team, which can't be a bad thing as Techies :D
I second this great idea!
Example: Ping and detonate Remote Mines if ally is within x distance (slider) and enemy can be damaged by x amount of remote mines.
keep it up :)
Seems the problem for the auto-detonate was on my end - apologies.
-Added Killstealer module
-Fixed detonation damage calculation (for items)
-Killsteal mode for Techies (by items)
Sounds good - thanks Dude!
-Added menu for enabling/disabling items for killsteal (in RageCore menu)
-New feature Help Detonation.

Help ally if bombs cant kill enemy
-Bomb stacks contains new toggle for this feature:

-New menu item for Help Detoonation settings
You can set the minimum level of health as a percentage after detonation to help an ally
YES! Thanks so much Dude I really appreciate it - gonna help heaps!
I have a question about some of the icons on the Remotes panel, I tried to find the Techies page on your ragescripts site but its' unavailable - sorry if any of these are really dumb questions or have been asked before, I had a look through the thread before though:
I know the two buttons in the teal oval orientate the stack so they all sort of line up and is difficult to judge how many are there / tricky to destroy via right-click (suckas!), I'm just not sure what the other one does / which is which;
I have no idea what the button in the magenta oval is and I'm scared to push it!
I think hourglass icon in the red oval indicates to me that remotes will be detonated instead of expiring? (Red is bang, blue is chill?); and
The two detonation buttons in the blue oval, I've clicked on them before and I'm not sure which order, but one didn't work (detonate) so I panic mashed the other one and after a delay something went bang, so I'm really not sure which is which haha
How do I have the remote mines blow up the creeps. Not doing it anymore for some reason?
Toggle the buttons under the hero row on the remotes panel.
I've always wondered this too! haha
Some clarity would be appreciated when you have time, thanks for adding suggested feature, top work :)
Slight bug with proximity mines going into the -x.xx as soon as they are placed again (creating a long green bar across the screen), not too sure what is causing it. Will post again if I find something specific.
Thanks dude
PS. can you add Stasis Traps to move to centre of proximity mines location (The same as you did to make proximity mines stack if you tried to place it within the same detonation radius)
Soon will be huge update. After update i will repair docs.
Can you reset me?
Report any bugs please. Update is huge, so any feture may be brooken
DOCS awailable at
-Added FUZZY anti counter module (the script learns as the game progresses)
-More accurate proxy damage
-More accurate remote damage
-Better medusa calc
-Better visage calc
-Better spectre calc
-Better detonation calc
-Better range calculation
-Creep detonatioon damage calc added (less mines need)
-Added ursa enrage protection
-Added only aa combo moode ('Z' hold + combo key)
-Added remote mine auto plant ('Z' hold + click icon at stack panel)
-Better force logic
-Better force for land calc
-Added EUL + R killsteal
-Better await for kill
-Better stack drawings
-Better info panel drawings
-Better auto move to stack for land
-New feature trie sight detection
WOW you weren't kidding when you said a big update was coming!
It looks good Man, thanks! I'll test it out and let you know how it goes.
can u reset trial for me?
Hi, is the script updated to work with the Orders Blocker anti-ban without removing any features?
Yes, but for force you should see enemy (in screen space)
@SirLimon could you please add a toggle for using Blast Off to killsteal, its really annoying.
Can you reset my trial please. Thanks
EUL combo is broken in 7.23. Works only when you have one last land mine, if you have two or three it just stops after planting first one.
Hello, can you add :
-select bombs before detonating
-move camera on bombs before detonating
- fix EUL combo
Hi, I am very interested in this script and was wondering if there is a way to try it first and how much it costs?
I tried starting the 1 day trial but it keeps sayhing "techies rage - unable to load one or more of the requested types"
reset when you can please
link send me for download windranger rage.
were can i download techie ?
is this updated or not
I managed to run the plug in and I dont think its updated, the eul combo wasn't placing any remote just suicide squading. There doesn't appear to be any key to force staff someone into your mines, is it automatic when in vision? Also, I dont understand when I hold shift it delays my movements and a bunch of circles appear. Also the mine counter seems off, it doesn't include the dmg nerf to remote so it thinks it needs less mines.
Also, the best techies assemblie would be one that gives you a huge warning sound and visual when a killable enemy is in range or even close to one of your stack of remote so that you can quickly move the camera there and detonate.
Please update!!!
@SirLimon Hey Dude, can you update your assemblies please.. We've been patiently waiting for updates but this is getting a bit ridiculous now.
Is this going to be updated?
probably no.
So this is dead? the website is offline, can't read the docs.