Require Divine.Core and .NET Framework 4.7.2
gives an advantage in the visual plan and plan information. In contrast to the free version, it has better optimization, has an overlay (hp, mp panel, etc.), it also has much more particles - the main advantage is the display of teleports and spells in the fog, you can see who and where the forest is farming or roshana.
Mana Bar.
Mana bar looks like the original.
Top Panel Ultimate Bar.
Top Panel Health and Mana Bar.
Top Panel Visible Status.
Spells Overlay.
Items Overlay.
Enemy Item Panel.
More Information.
Shrine Helper.
Partial Map Hack.
We see in the fog Spells, Items, Smoke, Teleport.
Not in a fog Modifers.
This is a function from BeAwarePlus but much better,
Also there is JungleScanPlus.
It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
ill wait for this
my wallet is ready sir!
You can already purchase it:
How is this different than any of the already free versions for vision ?
PS: I just tried the pro version. A good assembly but imo not worth 15$ for now. It just not that much better than the free versions. In any case, this is my opinion and I am sure that in the future it will have much more to offer. Looking forward to that day so that I can buy it :)
I agree, 15$ assembly exact the same as a free old one. By the way, in my opinion old assembly is better cuz I can see spirit breaker charges to my teammates
I will add them all! just coded everything anew and it takes a long time
cant wait to see the full features as if it is better will get it.
I'd be surprised if this doesn't make real games unplayable with the lag in team fights

Still can't wait and will support you by purchasing it though. You've kept the community going in a dire time of need i think when no Devs were releasing anything, and we lost some good devs. And your scripts are well rounded
Well said. I will purchase the scrip too regardless my last post and before it reaches a complete state. Devs like YEEEEEEE deserve to be supported by us (the community). I am sure that very soon this will turn in to an amazing script worth a lot more than asked for :P Keep up the good work!
, I'll be watching FPS drop, maybe these Particle Draw is eating fps but without them it looks bad
where? i only see beawareplus (the free version)
yesterday added the Description and Link to the forum because of this the admin should approve

Can vouch for this assembly and say its worth the bucks. Very clean code gives no fps drops whatsoever for me. Much needed information like last seen position, enemy visibility, enemy ultimate tracker, roshan tracker, etc etc. :)
What is different from the free version of beawareplus?
базара нет ты оформил, красиво, сразу понятно как купить, даже искать не надо.
Update 18.09.2018
Update 19.01.2018
thanks much better lol
Can we reduce the volume? I still want the sound, but it's loud!
Open your volume mixer and lower system sounds. Pretty sure that's what it uses but I could be wrong.
sorry, I was looking for this opportunity but there is no such api to reduce the sound
but I will do differently
Alright, thank you
Hey, I just paid that assemblie and when I open the dota just appear a message which says: "you're not owning the plugin which should be loaded" also I can't search for BEAWAREPRO on assemblies.
What I need to do? Help pls
go to this page -
find BeAwarePro
install the file
Make sure you activate the plugin in ensage
working thanks =))
Used 1 day, the script is not bad, but more like a beta version of BeAwarePlus.
Играл 1 день пробно, скрипт не плохой, но больше напоминает бета версию BeAwarePLUS.
Почему бета? Потому что еще не все скилы учтены как я понял(после 3 шб ультов сфа), BeAwarePLUS показывает иконку дебафа от ауры сфа когда тот в инвизе, были еще моменты, как вспомню дополню, и почему то мне показалась что просадка fps сильнее чем в beawarePLUS(хотя причиной может быть "отображение кд ультов врага").
this is not beta! this release but still not added modifiers, it's not hard to add!
Still not finished Particle, they are very many, I spend time for 5 heroes more than 1 hour
Today I will add Modifiers if this is so important.
BeAwarePro does not have a massive FPS fall, since the code does not allow this, Perhaps Draw can eat 10-5 FPS
BeAwarePlus is very outdated, coded very bad, it has a massive fall of FPS if an error occurs in drawing!
Also BeAwarePlus will not be updated any more as it is very difficult to add something new
I really like this assembly. Thanks YEEEEEEE.
as I said, old scripts will be abandoned by the authors and will not be updated, in 2-3 months in ensage it will be possible to play only with paid scripts, because free ones will be useless
I do not mind that the authors of scripts would earn money on their work, it's a pity that I do not use so many scripts, and they all become paid every day, and free versions become useless. Than to pay here 30 + $ + monthly for an ensage of $ 10, it's easier to buy a subscription for a year of another hack. And do not console that it is a one-time purchase, because it's really expensive
Previously, script writers did not receive any money at all, and now suddenly these are for cloud prices. Do not forget that the players are considering the price not specifically for 1 script, because we need 5 + ...
you did not see that I was updating free scripts? Tinker and Legion
I did not say that I will never update!
if after updating Dota something breaks I'll update them!
but there will be no new function.
hey @YEEEEEEE there seems to be a ton of different assemblies all in one with this, what free ones should i disable using if im now using this specifically?
@YEEEEEEE but Actually I mentioned to you in the forum, 2 wrong stuff in ZeusPlus, which needs fix, you promised to fix them , but you never did, AutoBreak does NOT cancel tps anymore with nimbus, and Zeus combo waste all his spells even if enemy has fate's edict shield on them (Oracle second spell)
Please fix
forgive me that I did not do the promised :( I did not find time for him.
maybe tomorrow update
Overlay, BeAwarePlus, JungleScanPlus
thanks was having a lot of overlaps couldn't figure out which ones!
How to buy ?
1) all sounds are disabled, but about the fact that the Roshan is alive still voicing.
2) Icons of teleports are too small, how to do more?
next update soon
Added Modifiers. добавил тот что не хватало
After have killed a roshan, doesn't show what is the time remained until the end of an aegis.