@milkyboy said:
may i have a reset of the trial please? last time I played was during the core update and I didnt get to fully utilize my trial. thank you :)
You can add notification in chat to your teammates about the run Barathrum and ss Invoker, always play with friends, and do not have time to warn where the SS falls
Можно добавить оповещение в чате для тиммейтов о разбеге Баратрума и сс Инвокера, всегда с друзьями играю, и не успеваю предупредить куда сс падает
The teleport hack, only shows a small icon of teleport in worldmap and a hero icon in minimap.
Not giving the full Animation of a hero with a rounded light on his head ( hope u see what i meant) in worldmap
Can you improve? ty
@summer676 said:
The teleport hack, only shows a small icon of teleport in worldmap and a hero icon in minimap.
Not giving the full Animation of a hero with a rounded light on his head ( hope u see what i meant) in worldmap
Can you improve? ty
@hongjiaqing1 said:
It isn't showing where the area targetted spells are placed. For example, When kunkka uses his 1st skill, it doesn't show where he placed it
sometimes Valve changes Particle work
and they stop giving the correct position
Particle is a lot and difficult to check.
as soon as I get rid of other scripts it will be checked again.
Translation : If this assemble has Chinese translation, I believe that there are going to be a lot of people buying this.
YEEEEEEE I rly recommend u to translate it cuz there are large amount of Chinese players in DOTA world.
Translation : If this assemble has Chinese translation, I believe that there are going to be a lot of people buying this.
YEEEEEEE I rly recommend u to translate it cuz there are large amount of Chinese players in DOTA world.
In fact, if paid scripts have Chinese menus, I believe they will sell better because they are all English and do not understand all the script content well.
If we translate all text using Google Translate?
I press one button and the automatic menu is restarted and will be translated using Google Translate
@anonymouse said: @YEEEEEEE bro I get this crash, I dont if its related to other crash but i do get them once in a while.
This error occurred only 4 times and in 4 users
I have no idea what's wrong with the renderer after the update.
but I intend to find this problem and fix it.
@markxiaoan said: @YEEEEEEE Best of all, as I said, is Baidu's translation, which now has an accuracy rate of 85%, but it's completely understandable and very good.
Baidu needs a key and I can’t do that, because the ego only Chinese guys can activate, Baidu also has a request limit
Is it possible to make the overall size of the health and mana bars SMALLER? This is especially important when you zoom out 2500-3000 because the size is no longer i proportion to the hero.
I don’t know anything about this error as the system error.
TP only works real games where 5vs5 heroes!
yeah tp work in real game
ranked or unranked
restart the trial please thanks
in 4 days!
I reset every week
Dota updated but i already activated the trial yesterday, is it possible to reset the trial?
reset please
may i have a reset of the trial please? last time I played was during the core update and I didnt get to fully utilize my trial. thank you :)
You can add notification in chat to your teammates about the run Barathrum and ss Invoker, always play with friends, and do not have time to warn where the SS falls
Можно добавить оповещение в чате для тиммейтов о разбеге Баратрума и сс Инвокера, всегда с друзьями играю, и не успеваю предупредить куда сс падает
1 more time reset trial please ?
The teleport hack, only shows a small icon of teleport in worldmap and a hero icon in minimap.
Not giving the full Animation of a hero with a rounded light on his head ( hope u see what i meant) in worldmap
Can you improve? ty
menu not appearing in game pls help
why now i can't see all skill bar item bar and tp is it bug ?
not work, when fix it
use DX9 as DX11 has some strange problem!

will also be sure that you have the latest version installed
DX9 throws an error as well.
pls go TeamViewer
lastest version but still not have skill bar and item bar what am i doing wrong im try using dx9 and dx11
also activate Ensage console

try it
it work @YEEEEEEE thank you very much
It isn't showing where the area targetted spells are placed. For example, When kunkka uses his 1st skill, it doesn't show where he placed it
sometimes Valve changes Particle work
and they stop giving the correct position
Particle is a lot and difficult to check.
as soon as I get rid of other scripts it will be checked again.
I just realized there is no menu for Divine.Beaware
Edit: I disabled it! sorry about that
这个如果有中文 我相信很多人会购买
Translation : If this assemble has Chinese translation, I believe that there are going to be a lot of people buying this.
YEEEEEEE I rly recommend u to translate it cuz there are large amount of Chinese players in DOTA world.
unity what can i do this chinese voice acting
@YEEEEEEE He means Chinese menu.
In fact, if paid scripts have Chinese menus, I believe they will sell better because they are all English and do not understand all the script content well.
If we translate all text using Google Translate?
I press one button and the automatic menu is restarted and will be translated using Google Translate
which translator works in china?
https://fanyi.baidu.com/This is our translation website.But I'm afraid you don't use it very well.
@YEEEEEEE bro I get this crash, I dont if its related to other crash but i do get them once in a while.
This error occurred only 4 times and in 4 users
I have no idea what's wrong with the renderer after the update.
but I intend to find this problem and fix it.

@YEEEEEEE Best of all, as I said, is Baidu's translation, which now has an accuracy rate of 85%, but it's completely understandable and very good.
Baidu needs a key and I can’t do that, because the ego only Chinese guys can activate, Baidu also has a request limit
@YEEEEEEE This is very good and understandable.
Update 06.03.2019
Update 07.03.2019
Is it possible to make the overall size of the health and mana bars SMALLER? This is especially important when you zoom out 2500-3000 because the size is no longer i proportion to the hero.
Hi YEEEEEEE, can you reset the trial plz. Thx
cant work , Icons are not displayed