Please write here feedbacks for improvements script.
Русская версия:
Script require installed Rage Core library
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Your free version of this isn’t even working, why’re you releasing a paid version lol
The greed
greedy Xd
Any proof? Or are you just a curved creature that can not press 1 button?
Go play on other free scripts once do not like. I hope everyone will soon understand that nothing is free
Trust me when I tell you that I have no problems economically. While your first paid script was set to a $30 price range, it was half broken when released, and to this day you're still fixing bugs that were not created because of "patches" but because the script was never really tested. While I do enjoy a nicely coded script which I'm more than willing to pay for, you sir are not about quality, but rather quantity.
P.S. 09K surpasses your script, and it's not even intended for the specific hero, i.e Rubick. Don't take this as flame, but people need to be aware.
And I want to upset you. The real price of such scripts, which are now sold (meepo/09K/Aware) more than $30. You pay 1 time, and $ 30 is nothing. Earlier for such scripts took $ 50-100
About Techies.
Unfortunately most of the bugs in the released script from me at ALL did not depend. I was told: "if you want to release a script - re-write it to the SDK". I did, but there are a bunch of bugs, some have already been fixed. In any case, the SDK is good, but not finished. And i got 500 hours test before release Techies script (at old version, not SDK)
And yes, the new fixes are either the addition of new functions (eg EUL, which was not originally available at all). Either additional protection from perverts that use blink + snowball on tusk or want to detonate illusion but not kill venga illusion.
About 09K.
In general, scripts from different categories. It is not correct to compare them.
Do you really think that this thing without logic is better than a Rubik script? Well, then I advise you to see what my script does. And then look at the logic of 09K. I do not think that you will be able to press 1 button and win a teamfight with 09K. He is good at using items / buffs. But the combo from it just will not work. Killsteal is useless too for team.
Lol did u seriously criticise 09k ? Imao it is much better than ur techies script bro , bro ur only looking at KS, pls kindly look other things what script can do... I am having meepo script also I am sure at the present stage it isn’t worth 15$ so stop saying 50$, the only script that is worth 30$ is 09k
To be honest even I think this guy is a greedy guy just look at the price for half bugged scripts ,I am not being disrespectful just pointing out facts for other people
If you do not like something, go fuck yourself and use whatever you like. That's all I wanted to say )
haha rage on customers just like ur rage scripts "ggwp"
dude let me calrify one thing, i am not having any trouble econamically, just saying
instead of selling bugged scripts for high prices to 7-8 people sell the same scripts for 15$ and improvise it over time and then increase the price of script, it will also give u more income and also many people will be happy, i really feed bad for those people who bought ur 30$ script and have lost god knows how much mmr....
please dont rage and remain calm and kindly dont abuse just say ur thoughts in a good manner like how i and @Jet and @demonz22 told...
EDIT: we called u greedy cos without fixing ur bugs u made a new script look at yeeeeee he told in discord he will only start other paid assembl when this script is 95%-100% ready u should understand and stop abusing sir
can we have better moderators in here????? i mean if you all just looking for money just come up front and say it !!!!!
but dont cheat customers with half assed scripts!!!!
we are subscribing and paying for goods which really work !!!!
not for this !!!!!
please admins look into it !!!!
And further. How should someone be an ebony and an asshole that would take the hero 1 time to include a cheat and go ranked?
Please grant proof that something is not working - ignore. It only means that your words are a dummy. Currently, all scripts work as stated. There is not one open problem.
Oh yes. I released a script that is difficult to expand because all you can think of is already there.
proof is in your assembly section only sir... sir please dont rage sir... if u want more proof create a poll sir and let other people vote sir
sir u only stated ez 5.5k mmr sir in your description so people think good script and go ranked and lose -500 sir sir please dont humiliate urself sir
Do I have to prove your words? You did not mix anything up?
I got >1000 hour exp with Techies.
And I have a warning that it all depends on your abilities.
For eveone who say that my script bad and not work!!!
Its ranked ~5000 mmr
Nice i think its improved, sorry if i was being rude earlier... hope u understand ,,, lets be on good terms ?
Yes, I agree that there were problems at the time of the release. But now everything is fine. I'm not going to spoil relations with anybody, I'm just defending my honor.
yea i get it,,, sorry though
@Ayush Instead of apologizing for such horrible behavior why don't you be mature in the first place and not communicate with people like a toddler... this kind of behavior would drive away people trying to develop scripts for this community. And if you aren't capable of putting out something better out yourself, you're in no position to say any of this garbage. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and this horse crap that you wasted your time to write. You're also not obligated to buy ANYTHING. So if you disagree with the price say so calmly and walk away. I honestly don't know why your posts weren't deleted.
For your kind information I never told any of his scripts were garbage I just told he was greedy and sold bugged scripts(not only me many other people thought).... idk why u are so butt hurt, as a token of respect I even bought the techies script, dude it isn’t like he is going to give u free scripts so stop commenting ur trash
Dude I got angry in the first place because he criticised 09k script which was really good... and also Why look at only my comments look at others to ... oh I get it why cos u can’t afford...
I think u don’t have interpretating skills, so kindly please read the conversation again and again until u understand that I never told his script was garbage I told it costs too much for the early bugged release and so did the others( you can check the comments) it is u urself calling the script garbage, not me, RIP those interpretating skills.
EDIT: dude u think I can’t write good scripts ?? It’s just right now I can’t manage the time that I have to write scripts, I have edited many other some hero’s of vicktherock combo scripts too
And I know how they feel when they are criticised thats why I apologised and bought the script as a token of respect .
Lmao, can't afford... I've already bought two paid scripts, and none of his scripts. I don't need to ask for anything for free. I have something you call a job. And you're telling other people to learn how to read when you can't do it yourself? You blathering hypocrite.
Where did I say that you said his script was garbage? Can you point me to the quote? I was calling the shit you were typing GARBAGE, just like this long ass response of yours, mr "I think u don’t have interpretating skills"(you spelled it wrong btw there is an auto correct feature you can use, which takes a right click, "P.S" I'm sure you can make amazing scripts when you can't even right click lmao.)
The only trash comments on this entire thread are yours. I'd feel embarrassed being you and going back to read the horse shit you wrote. So if you want to wise up and type to me in your broken ass english talking non-sense and making assumptions think twice.
And you didn't buy his script out of some token of respect, you bought it becuase you wanted to use the fucking script you joker.
Fucking moron.
Lol whatever helps you sleep tight at night poor kid.
Well I'm done talking to this moron kid as its pointless talking to a KID who tries to be an adult.
when you can buy? Why the delay?
We are waiting for Ensage update. Until the update is released, the script will not be available.
the update went, no script, sadly
I tested this script myself, script works correctly. Have small bugs, what must be fixed today( like steal wrong spell) . Bugs like script stop working or stop loading i not got.
Please respect each other!
-Added key to show/hide panels
still confusing as all hell to use... so what am i supposed to use during a fight in terms of keybinds... combo button, full combo... like what am i pressing during what situation
There are only 3 basic rules.
- If only 1 specific spell is required, then we use only ordinary spell steal.
- If you need to protect your carry in a teamfight, then we use combo with linken / lotus / glimmer
- If we can win the teamfight ourselves, we will use full combo
This is still stealing spells its not supposed to... ive indicated for it to NOT steal pudge rot, and for some reason it will still steal it and use it.
Can you make screenshot if some problem arrive?
It helps to solve problems.
I'll try to check Pudge rot tomorrow
@Sirlimon Love the new interface!!! Looks cleaner then before, still allot of information but its much more organized, Also it's still stealing random un indicated spells when i hit my combo key. Also should i be holding down the combo key during a team fight, or just press it was i would with my normal "R" spell steal?
The button should be pressed throughout the fight.
In a few days there will be an update on the panels and settings.
I had many problems with this script at the start, a other User gave it to me for free and now i love it. ( No gamebreaking bugs anymore, beside some wrong spellsteal but maybe 1 of 20 )
I spam Rubick with this Script now :P
A option to save settings for next games for stolen spells would be nice.
And is there a way we could see and choose the spells in steal panel before the enemy shows first up?
Version Released
-Fix panel height
-Added extra save system
Now we can save Toggle buttons in menu / fullsave for ComboPanel
-Added save button to right corner of ComboPanel
-Added feature to hide rows from ComboPanel (disable spells in menu)
suddenly stopped showing up in my menu..
sorry, my fault
Version Released
-Fix Combo
-Fix Combo drop spells (if steal wrong)
-Added StealPanel save
-Added StealPanel row disabling by menu
-Added Invoker Spells
-Fixed blink positions
-Added blink to position Stun
-Fixed Channeling spells
Now can steal Black Hole / Blink / Use / Channeling
Version 1.3 Released
-Fixed Combo custom configs (like min hit/force stun/blink)
-Fixed Slardar spells
-Added force steal option for Steal function. It will steal spell instantly if it available
I am using the "try option" and the combo menu or keys isn't showing up in the menu only the steal menu. What is your default combo key
Default is Space
Hey just wanted to make you aware there's a small bug with your sexy lotus combo @SirLimon .
@lolkhax may have also been experiencing this potentially?
Bug occurs when you already have an ability stolen that is going to be reflected (take for example Lina's Laguna blade);
Whilst holding Lotus combo keybind and Lina using Laguna Blade ability on Rubick or allied hero
Rubick will cast Laguna Blade ability on Lina first (as I already have it - this goes for all stolen abilities and all heroes) and then pop Lotus after resulting in Lotus being activated too late to reflect the spell. Thus resulting in only half the damage output.
fix? = Ensure lotus is used first and then use the ability afterwards.
~Just to be clear, this only occurs when the same spell to be reflected by lotus orb is already stolen (In your ability bar)~
~Best temporary solution (free), steal a spell that wouldn't be reflected by lotus orb before entering/overlooking any team fights~
~Best temporary solution (paid), enable 'another target', somehow this method is still quick enough/functioning as it should~
Hope this made sense? - feel free to send me a PM, I'm happy to help out
Cheers dude, this is an amazing script overall!
Paid to support your work 

Please could you add the remaining abilities to Lotus Combo too (such as Morphlings adaptive strike - this is beautiful for 'another target'. another example is earth Spirits boulder smash - this is for more sh*ts and giggles kinda stuff. Would really be nice to have the option with all abilities lotus functions with <3, or even a config file we can upload or have your script pull?).
I can make an abilityID list of the remaining ones to be added if you wish - in fact I've added them to your free version, so if that's of use. Just let me know, thank once again man!
For those that care (and are impatient sh**bags like myself).. you can do what I done, which is adding the missing abilities to Evader (as some are missing there too) and then disable EUL's (1) in settings, then enable EUL's (1) in custom priority of the missing abilities, true ball-ache... But results in Lotus working for those spells that are currently missing in this script. Really inconvenient but if it's what you're after.. it's possible without having to write a fully fledged script yourself. Something which I wish I was capable of doing
Keep up the hard work all developers, much love!
Also your webpage that displays the guide/information is down buddy
"Ошибка 404
Извините, но такой страницы нет.
Попробуйте вернуться назад
Или перейдите на главную"
Will check and fix it.
the docs website is broken
wtf not working rank match
Some more info?
Enemy team heroes?
Your assembly not showing in rank match..
Version Released
Trials cleared! 1 free day more!
-Full rewrited
-New UI System
-New Logic for item protection
-New Combo Logic
-Added build in Orbwalker (full combo mode)
-Removed many panels
-Reworked main panel (now much smaller and more usefull)
-Stealspell now is automatic
-Combo mode now is one key playstyle