@anonymouse said:
Hi bro @Jumpering somehow tempest doesnt auto push even if I turned it on and off, also when it works I have to turn it on and off to work, for example if I want to push top and the previous push was bot, it will travel to bot unless i turn it off then on again, then it will travel to top.
what do u mean? i pushed an update like 4 days ago for ur request about [all items in one time]
i will try to improve meepo when i finish with all bugs here
Thanks bro! Will try to check later, also please add dagger settings like before, it was golden, tempest can blink after you cast it even if the enemy is far, really good for chasing! orbwalking while holding combo key too. And magnetic field toggle key.
Also we dont have a combo+tempest key anymore? I think main combo key is great now plus separate tempest key is golden, but sometimes in a team fight the tempest target escapes, and I must manually click tempest key again and target my target, it would be great if there is another key for main+tempest, when I hold that key it should cancel the tempest target and main target, and focus on the main+tempest target.
added magnetic field key
blink settings already here
about silver before blink -> just set needed priority in settings
Thanks bro, but about blink settings the blink setting before has more options, I can send my tempest to blink immediately after I summon it, for example if my enemy is far away like in mid and i am chasing him, before, I wil tempest lock him, summon tempest, tempest immediately blinks (even if its far away) then shadow blade. This option surely made me win so much game because I chase enemies with tempest. With the current settings it doesnt blink immediately, it walks to the enemy then if its in range then blinks then shadowblade.
Thank you for adding the minimum distance for orbwalk, btw how to orbwalk while I hold the main key? I am having problem with the ensage sdk orbwalker, before it comes with the arc experimental so I dont use sdk. Will you be putting it back like before?
Also please add options to make the tempest target bigger I think its too small, just the enemy icon bro not the whole order. Thanks always bro @Jumpering !
Played it right now, bug still persist if I have dagger and shadow blade, tempest will blink then use shadowblade but doesnt do combo, only stays in invi. Also never really noticed but having my main orbwalk while holding main key is really good, hope you can bring that back and the blink settings. thanks bro @Jumpering
Thank you for the orb walking bro, but my problem still exist. I dont know it why doesnt use combo after it uses silver edge or shadow blade, ive updated to version 7. @Jumpering
any errors in console?
@hles said:
Crashes when fighting Chaos Knight. Crashes the entire game out - nothing in logs. Yeah - unplayable vs. Chaos Knight - free version works.
I dont see any errors on the console, my tempest is not orbwalking to the target if its too far from the enemy, and when I get close it doesnt do any combo, until silver edge or shadow blade is finished. Btw bro @Jumpering how to just erase it and reset everything to the default, I uninstalled it but when I installed it my settings remain, I want to try to reset everything. thanks!
Nevermind, managed to get it working it was settings under illusion on ensage sdk, should turn on attack and move and ensage sdk. Now when I tried it, it crashes the game after sometime, sometimes when I hold the main key. Also bro @Jumpering can you add the blink settings from before? like I can let my tempest blink first even if the enemy is far, then use shadow blade, this is really good for chasing.
Please see gif bro, this is exactly what I was looking for. Now in Paid assembly for dagger settings it must be in a range of an enemy or close to let it blink first, otherwise if its too far it wont use blink and just use shadow blade first, even if I set dagger first as priority.
вопрос, почему 2 скил он кидает не так что бы арк назодился в начале круга как раньше, а то получается что он ставит магнитный круг и охватывает противника, тем самым противник находится в кругу и не миссует
Wow thanks bro @Jumpering ! Finally played a game using the paid version. And using dx11 with alpha loader it seems to fix the crash. Also here are some of the improvements I think the paid version misses, some are what we have before on the experimental version.
I dont know if you intend it or not, but before it was really great that auto pushing was seemless and doesnt need to be turned on and off for tempest to know whats the new order, before you can just turn on auto push, and for example click bot it will go to bot, if i click top it will go top immediately and theres no need to turn it on and off again.
It would maximize efficiency for tempest to Auto Jungle using spark, you can also add an option for tempest to use magnetic on ancients. Great if you can add toggle for this.
Pushing should let the double use the orbwalk range like before, its not really useful if tempest go next to the creeps or jungle creeps to farm.
Dont let tempest get out of range of magnetic field, before tempest wont go near enemy even if you set orbwalking range to like 100,it will try to stay in magnetic field and after its done it can go to the orbwalk range, this is a great addition to the blink settings since tempest now can blink even if the enemy is far, note that tempest should also follow enemy if its get to far and not stay in field. It should only stay in field if it can attack at that range.
Also change how orbwalking works for holding the main key, it gets to close to the enemy even if I put my mouse away from the enemy, since arc warden is range it would help to kite them with range.
For the magnetic field option to be put behind, tempest should put magnetic atleast when it is at 400 range away from the enemy, since we have the settings to blink from far, it would be great if magnetic field is used properly, and not use in its current location then follow enemy. Ill try to make a gif so you can better understand.
Holding main key to summon tempest First, or atleast just use flux then summon immediately, Now main trys to use spells first then summon tempest. This is not good since enemy has a chance to chain stun, it would be great if finding an enemy and holding main key would summon tempest immediately then use order combo.
This is so far what I think can help your assembly bro @Jumpering but slowly its becoming unstoppable. Thank you for the support!
Edit: bro please check sometimes I lock on a hero and it didnt do anything tempest just stand there and didnt do combo or follow the target, it was early game like 8mins and I just changed to experimental, locking it again didn do anything either, also happens with auto push it just fails to do anything.
Seriously, the free version was just fine and it is just another cash grab where the first buyers are punished by getting abused as beta tests and they get a broken version that hast to get fixed first. The paid assemblies ruined ensage tbh.
I don't even see any advantage over the free version that makes it worth it, you just want money for no reason.
Hey @Jumpering , I use your FREE version for a long time, can we have a 1-day trial just to compare them both?
Thanks for your patience and amazing work.
Seriously, the free version was just fine and it is just another cash grab where the first buyers are punished by getting abused as beta tests and they get a broken version that hast to get fixed first. The paid assemblies ruined ensage tbh.
I don't even see any advantage over the free version that makes it worth it, you just want money for no reason.
Yup you have a point when you say the free one isn't broken, but you dont have to buy the paid one if you done want to support who makes it. For me I am still using the free experimental, but I also bought the paid, not because I want a new version, but because im supporting him for all the hard work he has done. You dont even have to download ensage if you dont like or pay if you dont like. Even without the paid version I already donated to coders here to give them motivation, now having a paid option for them is good to let coders be more active and motivated.
@karea12 said:
Hey @Jumpering , I use your FREE version for a long time, can we have a 1-day trial just to compare them both?
Thanks for your patience and amazing work.
its cuz orbwalker working like dat
1,2,3 done (will push au update soon)
will try
still w8ing for ur gif
wow thanks bro @jumpering ! Okay I made a gif about the magnetic field, since we have dagger settings now to blink from a far, when tempest hits with silver edge, it uses field behind even if im too far from the enemy and waste it like in the gif, the only way to fix this if I set it to have magnetic field be infront of my hero, but ofcourse I dont like this because on most situation if im near the enemy it would be useless to be make magnetic field infront. To fix this assembly must be smart, i dont know if that is possible, but maybe you can put a range check if locked enemy is FAR put magnetic field infront, if locked enemy is NEAR put magnetic field at back, it should do this automatically if possible.
Also I now know why sometimes it doesnt push, especially after killing an enemy, its because tempest is at + sign on tempest lock, if its in + tempest lock it wont push, unless you turn both tempest lock and auto push off then on. If I just turn auto push off and on, it wont push, it should be both tempest lock and auto push should be turned off then on again. for it to work. I guess that is why everyone is having pushing problem since we are used to the experimental where you click top/mid/bottom it automatically pushes and doesn't have to be turned on then off.
@Jumpering Thanks. Free version is more stable for now, I'll retest now that you updated, seems worth the money if it gets more stable. Sometimes Tempest will just stare at nothingness and pretend it doesn't exist
-- EDIT --
I think the "test 1-day version" didn't get updated. It's really sad, I wish I could test it too.
fixed bug with autopushing order (when tempest did nothing)
added new settings for magnetic field usages (in combo & in pushing)
now u can select lane for pushing without order toggling
Wowwww!! Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! Just tested it right now and adjusted my settings for magnetic field, really good work!!!! Now combo is smart, using magnetic field really effectively! So far I dont have much issues with your assembly, minor issue only is that for orb walking, I hope you can adjust it to let me control where the main hero goes when pressing the main key, its just hard if main goes really near the enemies when holding it and theres no way to control it unless i manually unhold main and click away from the enemy.
Also wish you can update that it doesnt go out of magnetic field if it can attack on range, holding main key seems to go near enemy and moves away from the field.
For your next update you can also add smart chasing now, especially if I have dagger, it should try to blink and search for the locked target even if it goes out of vision.
Also maybe you can make assembly to auto set pushing to Auto, after killing or locking, but ofcourse it must be turned off, and should be manually turned on, for example there are scenarios when before I locked and kill a target, its set to top, so when I turn it on it automatically travels to top rather than push that lane. Also you can add where its auto pushing same like before to better know where the tempest is auto pushing.
But so far great work, no problems only minor like what I mentioned above. Great work on separate combo key, and magnetic field settings. Hope there would be no more crashes and tempest not moving even if locked on a target. Thanks bro @Jumpering
Edit: also forgot to mention, maybe you can add separate range for orbwaling for pushing and locking, I like it when tempest get really near the enemy when its locked, but for creep pushing I would like to set it like 300 range away from the creeps/ancients. Thanks bro!
Hey bro @Jumpering there seems to be a bug with tempest locking, sometimes when I lock an enemy it doesnt attack or follow it, need to toggle tempest lock on then off then target again. But no crashes so far. Also theres a bug for item settings, I always want my shadow blade/silver edge and dagger be turned off for main, but every after match it resets and need to manually turned off every match. Before it remembers my settings for main, and doesnt need to be adjusted every game. Thanks bro!
Bro pls fix this bug on item selection, whenever I swap items like dagger or shadowblade, it doest follow my priority item, I want it to be always dagger then shadowblade first, but whenever I swap dagger for example it goes to last priority when I swap it again. Heres is a gif.
Also on item selection I always turn dagger and shadowblade/silveredge off to manually blink and go invi, but it seems everytime I swap it, it turns on by itself. Note that I swap because of midas/refresher/necro/tps etc. Also every game it does not remember item selection settings, I have to manually turn off dagger and shadow blade manually every game.
Я дико извиняюсь за русский язык,но по-другому не смогу рассказать о своих впечатлениях.Бро твои скрипты лучшие!Но я как не мог играть на экспериментальной версии так и не могу на платной,хотя обычный скрипт от тебя до сих пор приводит меня в экстаз и заставляет мое сердце биться чаще)))Не много разочарован если честно в платной версии.
@gabber said:
Я дико извиняюсь за русский язык,но по-другому не смогу рассказать о своих впечатлениях.Бро твои скрипты лучшие!Но я как не мог играть на экспериментальной версии так и не могу на платной,хотя обычный скрипт от тебя до сих пор приводит меня в экстаз и заставляет мое сердце биться чаще)))Не много разочарован если честно в платной версии.
@gabber said:
Я дико извиняюсь за русский язык,но по-другому не смогу рассказать о своих впечатлениях.Бро твои скрипты лучшие!Но я как не мог играть на экспериментальной версии так и не могу на платной,хотя обычный скрипт от тебя до сих пор приводит меня в экстаз и заставляет мое сердце биться чаще)))Не много разочарован если честно в платной версии.
ну так всегда можно сказать где надо улучшить
А можно просто обычную обновить меня механика в старой радовала.
Bro @Jumpering hope your working on the bug, sadly lost a very close fight where I forgot to disable dagger and invi after I swap them with midas/necro. I jumped right to the enemy when using the main combo, thus losing the game. :(
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering hope your working on the bug, sadly lost a very close fight where I forgot to disable dagger and invi after I swap them with midas/necro. I jumped right to the enemy when using the main combo, thus losing the game. :(
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering hope your working on the bug, sadly lost a very close fight where I forgot to disable dagger and invi after I swap them with midas/necro. I jumped right to the enemy when using the main combo, thus losing the game. :(
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering hope your working on the bug, sadly lost a very close fight where I forgot to disable dagger and invi after I swap them with midas/necro. I jumped right to the enemy when using the main combo, thus losing the game. :(
Found new bug on item cooldown panel, sometimes it doesnt show up. Also maybe you can change the color of the text, something darker so its doesnt comouflage with the color of items. Thanks bro @Jumpering !
There seems to be a bug with ensage sdk and tempest double, I use a hotkey to farm with ensage sdk, for some weird reason if I hold that key (num4) my tempest does the the orb walking and not the main hero. Heres a gif of the bug, thanks bro @Jumpering ! Also the bug still persist with the item cooldown not showing, I need to reload to let it come back again, then after a few minutes it doesnt show the item cooldown panel again.
Now I found out how to reproduce the bug, if you lock a tempest with an enemy and your main cast lock on another enemy, after killing them or even if you dont finish, the bug get reproduced. Main bug is you cannot use your orb walk hotkey in ensage sdk, it uses the tempest to orbwalk not the main. I made a two gifs, one in bot game, and one in hero mode. Hope you can fix this bro @Jumpering
Note that in the second gif, after killing both enemies, my tempest dont orb walk anymore, it goes on the dead enemies location, and after summoning tempest, the orb walk only works for tempest double and not the main.
hey @Jumpering , I'm thinking about buying the script 'cause I've tested it and it's so much better than the free one, but, I have one question, Why does it is higher price than you other scripts? I mean, meepo is $15 and arc is $20, is it so much more work? Thanks, dollars are really expensive for my currency (BRL).
@myzone said:
temp sometimes doesnt push the lane i select can someone tell me whats the correct order to get this to work.
example: do i need to select which lane first then turn on auto push then summon temp ?
For me I turn on auto push first then select lane , then summon tempest. Seems to be working. If temepst is already summoned try turning it off then on again.
@myzone said:
temp sometimes doesnt push the lane i select can someone tell me whats the correct order to get this to work.
example: do i need to select which lane first then turn on auto push then summon temp ?
For me I turn on auto push first then select lane , then summon tempest. Seems to be working. If temepst is already summoned try turning it off then on again.
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
no matter what settings I have on the illusion settings it orbwalking on the main hero doesnt work as soon as i do a combo. maybe its a SDK problem. the main hero wont be controlled but the illusions will work fine https://streamable.com/s4u9q
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
no matter what settings I have on the illusion settings it orbwalking on the main hero doesnt work as soon as i do a combo. maybe its a SDK problem. the main hero wont be controlled but the illusions will work fine https://streamable.com/s4u9q
@G1B said:
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
no matter what settings I have on the illusion settings it orbwalking on the main hero doesnt work as soon as i do a combo. maybe its a SDK problem. the main hero wont be controlled but the illusions will work fine https://streamable.com/s4u9q
I will try to disable all other assemblies and check, but for me I have the same problem, after combo the orbwalking breaks, only tempest orbwalks. Is it possible to turn orbwalking for tempest double off? Since if I send it to a lane, and press a hotkey for farming in SDK my tempest tries to go where I am. Thanks bro @Jumpering !
Tried it bro @Jumpering but it still persist, I made a gif, after a combo the orbwalking doesnt work anymore, it only controls the tempest double but not the main hero. thanks!
While problem with orb walking persist, theres a new bug where tempest does a combo to a illusion, happend with am and tb, I did try to recreate the problem in demo mode but weird Enough it doesnt do combo in illusion but in a real game it does, Ill try to download the replay and make a gif, noticed this on 2 games now one with am and another recent with tb. Hope you find the bug thanks bro @Jumpering !
@anonymouse said:
While problem with orb walking persist, theres a new bug where tempest does a combo to a illusion, happend with am and tb, I did try to recreate the problem in demo mode but weird Enough it doesnt do combo in illusion but in a real game it does, Ill try to download the replay and make a gif, noticed this on 2 games now one with am and another recent with tb. Hope you find the bug thanks bro @Jumpering !
Fxed bug with orbwalker. About illusions - dunno, i added one extra check for illusion (mb this help)
@anonymouse said:
While problem with orb walking persist, theres a new bug where tempest does a combo to a illusion, happend with am and tb, I did try to recreate the problem in demo mode but weird Enough it doesnt do combo in illusion but in a real game it does, Ill try to download the replay and make a gif, noticed this on 2 games now one with am and another recent with tb. Hope you find the bug thanks bro @Jumpering !
Fxed bug with orbwalker. About illusions - dunno, i added one extra check for illusion (mb this help)
Thanks bro! Now its working with main, is there any options though to stop tempest from following my mouse if I auto push it? If I send it like for example top, if I click orbwalking key my tempest follows where I am like in the jungle, it tries to move where my mouse is. Tried disabling the move function on ensages sdk, but tempest dose not move tonthe location of auto push, maybe another solution?Thanks bro @Jumpering !
done bro
вопрос, почему 2 скил он кидает не так что бы арк назодился в начале круга как раньше, а то получается что он ставит магнитный круг и охватывает противника, тем самым противник находится в кругу и не миссует
Wow thanks bro @Jumpering ! Finally played a game using the paid version. And using dx11 with alpha loader it seems to fix the crash. Also here are some of the improvements I think the paid version misses, some are what we have before on the experimental version.
I dont know if you intend it or not, but before it was really great that auto pushing was seemless and doesnt need to be turned on and off for tempest to know whats the new order, before you can just turn on auto push, and for example click bot it will go to bot, if i click top it will go top immediately and theres no need to turn it on and off again.
It would maximize efficiency for tempest to Auto Jungle using spark, you can also add an option for tempest to use magnetic on ancients. Great if you can add toggle for this.
Pushing should let the double use the orbwalk range like before, its not really useful if tempest go next to the creeps or jungle creeps to farm.
Dont let tempest get out of range of magnetic field, before tempest wont go near enemy even if you set orbwalking range to like 100,it will try to stay in magnetic field and after its done it can go to the orbwalk range, this is a great addition to the blink settings since tempest now can blink even if the enemy is far, note that tempest should also follow enemy if its get to far and not stay in field. It should only stay in field if it can attack at that range.
Also change how orbwalking works for holding the main key, it gets to close to the enemy even if I put my mouse away from the enemy, since arc warden is range it would help to kite them with range.
For the magnetic field option to be put behind, tempest should put magnetic atleast when it is at 400 range away from the enemy, since we have the settings to blink from far, it would be great if magnetic field is used properly, and not use in its current location then follow enemy. Ill try to make a gif so you can better understand.
Holding main key to summon tempest First, or atleast just use flux then summon immediately, Now main trys to use spells first then summon tempest. This is not good since enemy has a chance to chain stun, it would be great if finding an enemy and holding main key would summon tempest immediately then use order combo.
This is so far what I think can help your assembly bro @Jumpering but slowly its becoming unstoppable. Thank you for the support!
Edit: bro please check sometimes I lock on a hero and it didnt do anything tempest just stand there and didnt do combo or follow the target, it was early game like 8mins and I just changed to experimental, locking it again didn do anything either, also happens with auto push it just fails to do anything.
Alpha loader + dx11 = no dice for me
And then crash.
Crashed everytime.
crash should be fixed boiz
auto push is too bad, sad....some times auto push can,t work
For a first post and not a paid member... that seems an odd thing to post.
For some reason, the account number of my purchase script can't be answered... my English is bad, so I hope you can understand it.
Seriously, the free version was just fine and it is just another cash grab where the first buyers are punished by getting abused as beta tests and they get a broken version that hast to get fixed first. The paid assemblies ruined ensage tbh.
I don't even see any advantage over the free version that makes it worth it, you just want money for no reason.
1,2,3 done (will push au update soon)
Hey @Jumpering , I use your FREE version for a long time, can we have a 1-day trial just to compare them both?
Thanks for your patience and amazing work.
Yup you have a point when you say the free one isn't broken, but you dont have to buy the paid one if you done want to support who makes it. For me I am still using the free experimental, but I also bought the paid, not because I want a new version, but because im supporting him for all the hard work he has done. You dont even have to download ensage if you dont like or pay if you dont like. Even without the paid version I already donated to coders here to give them motivation, now having a paid option for them is good to let coders be more active and motivated.
wow thanks bro @jumpering ! Okay I made a gif about the magnetic field, since we have dagger settings now to blink from a far, when tempest hits with silver edge, it uses field behind even if im too far from the enemy and waste it like in the gif, the only way to fix this if I set it to have magnetic field be infront of my hero, but ofcourse I dont like this because on most situation if im near the enemy it would be useless to be make magnetic field infront. To fix this assembly must be smart, i dont know if that is possible, but maybe you can put a range check if locked enemy is FAR put magnetic field infront, if locked enemy is NEAR put magnetic field at back, it should do this automatically if possible.
Also I now know why sometimes it doesnt push, especially after killing an enemy, its because tempest is at + sign on tempest lock, if its in + tempest lock it wont push, unless you turn both tempest lock and auto push off then on. If I just turn auto push off and on, it wont push, it should be both tempest lock and auto push should be turned off then on again. for it to work. I guess that is why everyone is having pushing problem since we are used to the experimental where you click top/mid/bottom it automatically pushes and doesn't have to be turned on then off.
@Jumpering Thanks. Free version is more stable for now, I'll retest now that you updated, seems worth the money if it gets more stable. Sometimes Tempest will just stare at nothingness and pretend it doesn't exist
-- EDIT --
I think the "test 1-day version" didn't get updated. It's really sad, I wish I could test it too.
-- EDIT --
Got updated, now it's smooth. Thanks again!
Wowwww!! Thank you so much bro @Jumpering ! Just tested it right now and adjusted my settings for magnetic field, really good work!!!! Now combo is smart, using magnetic field really effectively! So far I dont have much issues with your assembly, minor issue only is that for orb walking, I hope you can adjust it to let me control where the main hero goes when pressing the main key, its just hard if main goes really near the enemies when holding it and theres no way to control it unless i manually unhold main and click away from the enemy.
Also wish you can update that it doesnt go out of magnetic field if it can attack on range, holding main key seems to go near enemy and moves away from the field.
For your next update you can also add smart chasing now, especially if I have dagger, it should try to blink and search for the locked target even if it goes out of vision.
Also maybe you can make assembly to auto set pushing to Auto, after killing or locking, but ofcourse it must be turned off, and should be manually turned on, for example there are scenarios when before I locked and kill a target, its set to top, so when I turn it on it automatically travels to top rather than push that lane. Also you can add where its auto pushing same like before to better know where the tempest is auto pushing.
But so far great work, no problems only minor like what I mentioned above. Great work on separate combo key, and magnetic field settings. Hope there would be no more crashes and tempest not moving even if locked on a target. Thanks bro @Jumpering
Edit: also forgot to mention, maybe you can add separate range for orbwaling for pushing and locking, I like it when tempest get really near the enemy when its locked, but for creep pushing I would like to set it like 300 range away from the creeps/ancients. Thanks bro!
Hey bro @Jumpering there seems to be a bug with tempest locking, sometimes when I lock an enemy it doesnt attack or follow it, need to toggle tempest lock on then off then target again. But no crashes so far. Also theres a bug for item settings, I always want my shadow blade/silver edge and dagger be turned off for main, but every after match it resets and need to manually turned off every match. Before it remembers my settings for main, and doesnt need to be adjusted every game. Thanks bro!
Bro pls fix this bug on item selection, whenever I swap items like dagger or shadowblade, it doest follow my priority item, I want it to be always dagger then shadowblade first, but whenever I swap dagger for example it goes to last priority when I swap it again. Heres is a gif.
Also on item selection I always turn dagger and shadowblade/silveredge off to manually blink and go invi, but it seems everytime I swap it, it turns on by itself. Note that I swap because of midas/refresher/necro/tps etc. Also every game it does not remember item selection settings, I have to manually turn off dagger and shadow blade manually every game.
here is a clearer gif on both problems
thanks always @Jumpering !
Я дико извиняюсь за русский язык,но по-другому не смогу рассказать о своих впечатлениях.Бро твои скрипты лучшие!Но я как не мог играть на экспериментальной версии так и не могу на платной,хотя обычный скрипт от тебя до сих пор приводит меня в экстаз и заставляет мое сердце биться чаще)))Не много разочарован если честно в платной версии.
ну так всегда можно сказать где надо улучшить
А можно просто обычную обновить меня механика в старой радовала.
Bro @Jumpering hope your working on the bug, sadly lost a very close fight where I forgot to disable dagger and invi after I swap them with midas/necro. I jumped right to the enemy when using the main combo, thus losing the game. :(
Thanks bro @Jumpering !
Found new bug on item cooldown panel, sometimes it doesnt show up. Also maybe you can change the color of the text, something darker so its doesnt comouflage with the color of items. Thanks bro @Jumpering !
There seems to be a bug with ensage sdk and tempest double, I use a hotkey to farm with ensage sdk, for some weird reason if I hold that key (num4) my tempest does the the orb walking and not the main hero. Heres a gif of the bug, thanks bro @Jumpering ! Also the bug still persist with the item cooldown not showing, I need to reload to let it come back again, then after a few minutes it doesnt show the item cooldown panel again.
Now I found out how to reproduce the bug, if you lock a tempest with an enemy and your main cast lock on another enemy, after killing them or even if you dont finish, the bug get reproduced. Main bug is you cannot use your orb walk hotkey in ensage sdk, it uses the tempest to orbwalk not the main. I made a two gifs, one in bot game, and one in hero mode. Hope you can fix this bro @Jumpering
Note that in the second gif, after killing both enemies, my tempest dont orb walk anymore, it goes on the dead enemies location, and after summoning tempest, the orb walk only works for tempest double and not the main.
The separate combo keys are doing wonders for me! thanks bro @Jumpering on my 15 streak now on Arc Warden!
hey @Jumpering , I'm thinking about buying the script 'cause I've tested it and it's so much better than the free one, but, I have one question, Why does it is higher price than you other scripts? I mean, meepo is $15 and arc is $20, is it so much more work? Thanks, dollars are really expensive for my currency (BRL).
temp sometimes doesnt push the lane i select can someone tell me whats the correct order to get this to work.
example: do i need to select which lane first then turn on auto push then summon temp ?
For me I turn on auto push first then select lane , then summon tempest. Seems to be working. If temepst is already summoned try turning it off then on again.
Okay I will try this, Thanks
I thought I'd try the trial of the paid version and i'm having a problem where sdk orbwalking is working fine but after I do a single combo on an enemy hero the orbwalking breaks on the sdk orbwalking plus when a hero is range for the combo the orbwalking is also broken for attacking
I noticed the sdk orbwalking seems to be controlling the tempest not the real hero https://streamable.com/ifcfn
Yup, exactly whats happening to me too, like what I mentioned above. After combo it breaks the orbwalking from sdk, and the tempest uses the orb walking instead of main.
Bro @Jumpering please fix. Thanks!
i've been having a similar problem with meepo too where orbwalking controls all the meepos at the same time not just the one you are controlling
for me they re both using sdk orbwalking
no matter what settings I have on the illusion settings it orbwalking on the main hero doesnt work as soon as i do a combo. maybe its a SDK problem. the main hero wont be controlled but the illusions will work fine https://streamable.com/s4u9q
for me all fine, try to test only with arc assembly (disable others)
I will try to disable all other assemblies and check, but for me I have the same problem, after combo the orbwalking breaks, only tempest orbwalks. Is it possible to turn orbwalking for tempest double off? Since if I send it to a lane, and press a hotkey for farming in SDK my tempest tries to go where I am. Thanks bro @Jumpering !
Tried it bro @Jumpering but it still persist, I made a gif, after a combo the orbwalking doesnt work anymore, it only controls the tempest double but not the main hero. thanks!
While problem with orb walking persist, theres a new bug where tempest does a combo to a illusion, happend with am and tb, I did try to recreate the problem in demo mode but weird Enough it doesnt do combo in illusion but in a real game it does, Ill try to download the replay and make a gif, noticed this on 2 games now one with am and another recent with tb. Hope you find the bug thanks bro @Jumpering !
Fxed bug with orbwalker. About illusions - dunno, i added one extra check for illusion (mb this help)
Thanks bro! Now its working with main, is there any options though to stop tempest from following my mouse if I auto push it? If I send it like for example top, if I click orbwalking key my tempest follows where I am like in the jungle, it tries to move where my mouse is. Tried disabling the move function on ensages sdk, but tempest dose not move tonthe location of auto push, maybe another solution?Thanks bro @Jumpering !
HI there, hope you are well, i recently purchased the script but when now im getting this error "error "2"unable to load plugin"
Please can you help
Is anyone else getting the same error?
try clearing ur ensage cache in options menu outside of the game client
Tried that before i posted on here, No luck
Thanks anyway
This is the error
restart Ensage . Error 2 mean you not owned this assemblie