is there a problem with this paid assembly coz i just baught it and it gives me no opitions in the menu and doesnt seem to work ... plus it removes all my orb walking options if i remove this assemble ... can some one help is there something i am doing wrong
is there a problem with this paid assembly coz i just baught it and it gives me no opitions in the menu and doesnt seem to work ... plus it removes all my orb walking options if i remove this assemble ... can some one help is there something i am doing wrong
Check creeps before teleport seems to cause temp to not tp sometimes for me, i turn it off so temp can tp before the creeps show because sometimes there is enemy hero pushing the lane and i dont want them to kill creep and cancel my tp. But when i turn check creeps back on it works flawless again
Check creeps before teleport seems to cause temp to not tp sometimes for me, i turn it off so temp can tp before the creeps show because sometimes there is enemy hero pushing the lane and i dont want them to kill creep and cancel my tp. But when i turn check creeps back on it works flawless again
bro @Jumpering is there a way to not let tempest use orbwalking from SDK? its hard to use sdk like farming on neutrals while tempest push, because if I hold farm key from tempest it try to follow my arrow, so when im in the neutrals it tried to go back to my position thus wasting farm on lane. heres a gif, thanks bro!
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
@anonymouse said:
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
autolinken means, that when linken is not cd on tempest, tempest will use his linken on ur main hero
about sdk, dunno bro. Mb u can just try to push with only right click ? :D
dunno how to fix this right now
saving items in menu working fine for me
mb u can try to remove this config file (arc's file) with settings [\EnsageFolder\Config\game\ArcCrappahilationPaid]
@anonymouse said:
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
autolinken means, that when linken is not cd on tempest, tempest will use his linken on ur main hero
about sdk, dunno bro. Mb u can just try to push with only right click ? :D
dunno how to fix this right now
saving items in menu working fine for me
mb u can try to remove this config file (arc's file) with settings [\EnsageFolder\Config\game\ArcCrappahilationPaid]
Ah okay because it says "Auto LINKER" I though it links my tempest and main like monkey mode before. haha!
I like to push with right click but it seems that SDK farming mode is really good, and want to just use that. I dont know how to suggest also on how to stop tempest from following sdk, maybe soon theres an option to disable tempest from SDK.
I will try it. Hope it works!
Also there seems to be a bug, sometimes the item cooldown panel doesnt show items on cooldown, but after few minutes playing it will return. thanks bro!
@anonymouse said:
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
I know this isnt the most ideal, but if you bought last hit rage and you tride to farm main with last hit rage and temp with sdk would that work ?
@anonymouse said:
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
I know this isnt the most ideal, but if you bought last hit rage and you tride to farm main with last hit rage and temp with sdk would that work ?
Probably it will work, but i am not using last hit rage farming since its not orbwalking and i asked sir limon about it and its under construction so I am usinh sdk and last hit from last hit rage.
@Ayush said:
causes game to crash please fix..... and also ensage sdk last hitter dowsnt work when i use arc paid
EDIT; my last game was a misery , i crashed more than 5 times... can fix ? please remind me when fixed till then i wont arc ty
I've experienced the same, game crashed for 5-8 times in one match, when holding the MainCombo Key against Bristelback.
22:16:48,558| 9148| RC:4| LoaderService| GetAssemblyList| 0| DEBUG| Assembly [221] Arc Crappahilation Paid
22:16:49,994| 9148| 15| PlaySharpScreen| MoveNext| 0| DEBUG| Cleanup Progress [Ensage-Shell] Completed
22:16:51,167| 9148| 27| PlaySharpScreen| MoveNext| 0| DEBUG| Cleanup Progress Loading Assemblies
22:19:32,287| 9148| 23| ProcessResolver| OnProcessCreated| 0| DEBUG| Process detected [2580] dota2
22:19:32,297| 9148| 23| EnnolaService| MoveNext| 0| WARN| System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Loader.Services.EnnolaService.d__41.MoveNext()
Hello Jumpering,
I just wanna let you know that I don't have this problem anymore. I don't know why, but it is fixed.
I decided to test before buying. Your script menu is not displayed. Help.
u need to open new sdk menu (f9 def toggle hotkey)
I tested your script. There is a problem in the experimental version of tempest being invoked at once, and in this one is first used flux and magnetic field and the items of the main character and only then tempest is invoked. 2. If I want to use one button for the main and tempest as in the experimental version how to do this? 3. Constantly you have to press the button. It would be good to choose a line, turned on auto push and tempest when called automatically flies to this line. 4. It's unclear how to set up the correct orbwalker. 5. There is a delay between using nullifire and bloodthorn together. The enemy may have time to press bkb.
can u make that the tempest double aims only the real hero when enemy splitting to illusion like TB or Naga siren's skills and other heroes? sorry for bad english
@JoyPink said:
seems to be broken auto push, sometimes he just stays and dont push at all, sometimes he just walks and dont use travel. Had to switch to free Version in my first real game with the paid version....
can u show me console when its not doing tp
@anonymouse said:
hey bro @Jumpering assembly fails to combo on the new morphling, kindly check thanks!
@JoyPink said:
seems to be broken auto push, sometimes he just stays and dont push at all, sometimes he just walks and dont use travel. Had to switch to free Version in my first real game with the paid version....
can u show me console when its not doing tp
@anonymouse said:
hey bro @Jumpering assembly fails to combo on the new morphling, kindly check thanks!
will check tomorrow
Thanks bro @Jumpering ! I also can confirm that it sometimes fails to travels, I must manually travel. Also if ai Iet tempest travel to mid, it sometimes spam spark wraith in middle of the river and doesnt push.
Also there is still that bug where it combos illusions and the cooldown panel sometimes doesnt show item cooldown timer.
There is also a bug where main combo gets stuck on a hero. Also the assembly still resets my settings every game, but when I try it on a lobby its okay, but in real game when I buy dagger, its activated when I already disabled it. Same with shadowblade I must manually disable every game.
@JoyPink said:
seems to be broken auto push, sometimes he just stays and dont push at all, sometimes he just walks and dont use travel. Had to switch to free Version in my first real game with the paid version....
can u show me console when its not doing tp
@anonymouse said:
hey bro @Jumpering assembly fails to combo on the new morphling, kindly check thanks!
will check tomorrow
Thanks bro @Jumpering ! I also can confirm that it sometimes fails to travels, I must manually travel. Also if ai Iet tempest travel to mid, it sometimes spam spark wraith in middle of the river and doesnt push.
Also there is still that bug where it combos illusions and the cooldown panel sometimes doesnt show item cooldown timer.
There is also a bug where main combo gets stuck on a hero. Also the assembly still resets my settings every game, but when I try it on a lobby its okay, but in real game when I buy dagger, its activated when I already disabled it. Same with shadowblade I must manually disable every game.
fixed morph's ultimate
check please console when u have bug with travels please
I just used my trial. And here are my thoughts... well the auto push function works properly only 35-40% of the time. The rest 60% it's not using teleport or just stops in the middle of the lane and does nothing unless i turn on and off the option.
PS: I got it to work, kind of ... but still very buggy. I have to have illusion combo on and only then when I turn on auto push it uses teleport in most situations, but 2 out of 5 times it still starts walking ... I never had this issue with the free version.
@ramzesbg said:
I just used my trial. And here are my thoughts... well the auto push function works properly only 35-40% of the time. The rest 60% it's not using teleport or just stops in the middle of the lane and does nothing unless i turn on and off the option.
PS: I got it to work, kind of ... but still very buggy. I have to have illusion combo on and only then when I turn on auto push it uses teleport in most situations, but 2 out of 5 times it still starts walking ... I never had this issue with the free version.
disable in autopushing menu
[Check for life time] to false
[Only one tp usages per order] to false
and if this will not work for u, please. SHOW ME BOIZ CONSOLE
I have one request though. Can you add the option to turn off push mode when tempest die? Like when I select lane and press farm, it will auto deactivate when tempest die. Sometimes I forget to turn off push mode and when I manually summon tempest to fight or bait it immediately goes to farm.
Also, My autopush problem is fixed by setting the two option to false.
@tawannupinw said:
Hi I just purchase. This script is crazy good.
I have one request though. Can you add the option to turn off push mode when tempest die? Like when I select lane and press farm, it will auto deactivate when tempest die. Sometimes I forget to turn off push mode and when I manually summon tempest to fight or bait it immediately goes to farm.
Also, My autopush problem is fixed by setting the two option to false.
hey good script, I see 2 things that are missing, use TP in tempestar for push
and when tempestcombohotkey active if push is deactivated and does not return to activate,
@akuros said:
hey good script, I see 2 things that are missing, use TP in tempestar for push
and when tempestcombohotkey active if push is deactivated and does not return to activate,
yup, very long avaited features since exp version came out
I got this script but there is a problem. There is no Main + Tempest button in the menu as it was in the experimental version. Now Arc uses the Ultimate only after using all the abilities, and you need to immediately call tempest and attack one goal with the sequential use of objects. Please implement this function. Thank you.
It is impossible to play with this script. It does not use a nullifier at once. First, hangs flux then the remaining skills and orhid. Enemies have time to press bkb.
You can make the following combo for the normal game: force staff (or pike) to the enemy, flux and immediately nullifier and orchid (or bloodthorn or hex), mjolnir, and only then the magnetic field and spark?
@madapollon said:
It is impossible to play with this script. It does not use a nullifier at once. First, hangs flux then the remaining skills and orhid. Enemies have time to press bkb.
You can make the following combo for the normal game: force staff (or pike) to the enemy, flux and immediately nullifier and orchid (or bloodthorn or hex), mjolnir, and only then the magnetic field and spark?
Hey. I might have missed something but Tempest auto teleport doesn't work after enemy destroys 2 barracks of a lane. I can't see the whole menu, maybe it has some specific settings about this. Other than that the script is very well done, great job!
*edit: I have realized that this only happens at top lane.
@Absolvo said:
Hey. I might have missed something but Tempest auto teleport doesn't work after enemy destroys 2 barracks of a lane. I can't see the whole menu, maybe it has some specific settings about this. Other than that the script is very well done, great job!
*edit: I have realized that this only happens at top lane.
There is some bug about that, sometimes it wont travel to a lane you choose, happens to me countless time, if it happens i just manually teleport tempest until @Jumpering can fix.
Hi bro any new updates for your assembly? Also maybe you can add back how tempest used to spam spark wraith in the middle pf the tower when it autopushes. Was really great before when enemies tped and it was hard for them since it has stacked spark wraith in the towers, or you can let tempest spam it around the tower like in the trees while pushing. Thanks! @Jumpering
Hi, I have your script. Interested in the question whether it is safe to use this script in the rating games. Can I move the camera and mouse to tempest and main when using abilities. Also move the mouse forcibly to the place of use of the skills. I do not use this script because I'm afraid to get a ban for 8 years. 7 accounts in the sauna for skymage and zeus.
but i have paid for it and installed it?
is there a problem with this paid assembly coz i just baught it and it gives me no opitions in the menu and doesnt seem to work ... plus it removes all my orb walking options if i remove this assemble ... can some one help is there something i am doing wrong
this is the only option am getting
u just need open a menu (new menu) (f9 def toggle hotkey)
something is wrong with the auto midas,it cant be disabled
Check creeps before teleport seems to cause temp to not tp sometimes for me, i turn it off so temp can tp before the creeps show because sometimes there is enemy hero pushing the lane and i dont want them to kill creep and cancel my tp. But when i turn check creeps back on it works flawless again
Can't find
Purchase method
Same!!!! cant find it anymore
I am facing the same issue too
bro @Jumpering is there a way to not let tempest use orbwalking from SDK? its hard to use sdk like farming on neutrals while tempest push, because if I hold farm key from tempest it try to follow my arrow, so when im in the neutrals it tried to go back to my position thus wasting farm on lane. heres a gif, thanks bro!
Hello bro @Jumpering I see you added auto linker, but not sure exactly what it does, can I ask what it does exactly? Only hope you can really fix tempest double following orbwalk from SDK, it just destroys the lane farm. Here is an example of what I mean, it cannot farm effectively if I also hold my key farm from sdk, it tries to follow my mouse.
Also the assembly doesnt seem to remember my settings for main, I always have to turn off dagger and shadowblade after I buy them, which sometimes I forget about and tend to die since if its turned on, it will blink right to the enemy. I hope it can remember my settings and not have to do it everytime. thanks!
autolinken means, that when linken is not cd on tempest, tempest will use his linken on ur main hero
about sdk, dunno bro. Mb u can just try to push with only right click ? :D
dunno how to fix this right now
saving items in menu working fine for me
mb u can try to remove this config file (arc's file) with settings [\EnsageFolder\Config\game\ArcCrappahilationPaid]
Ah okay because it says "Auto LINKER" I though it links my tempest and main like monkey mode before. haha!
I like to push with right click but it seems that SDK farming mode is really good, and want to just use that. I dont know how to suggest also on how to stop tempest from following sdk, maybe soon theres an option to disable tempest from SDK.
I will try it. Hope it works!
Also there seems to be a bug, sometimes the item cooldown panel doesnt show items on cooldown, but after few minutes playing it will return. thanks bro!
I know this isnt the most ideal, but if you bought last hit rage and you tride to farm main with last hit rage and temp with sdk would that work ?
Probably it will work, but i am not using last hit rage farming since its not orbwalking and i asked sir limon about it and its under construction so I am usinh sdk and last hit from last hit rage.
I want to buy this script. Please, can anyone give a video of a real game where you can see how to correctly use this version to win.
Hello Jumpering,
I just wanna let you know that I don't have this problem anymore. I don't know why, but it is fixed.
I decided to test before buying. Your script menu is not displayed. Help.
u need to open new sdk menu (f9 def toggle hotkey)
I tested your script. There is a problem in the experimental version of tempest being invoked at once, and in this one is first used flux and magnetic field and the items of the main character and only then tempest is invoked. 2. If I want to use one button for the main and tempest as in the experimental version how to do this? 3. Constantly you have to press the button. It would be good to choose a line, turned on auto push and tempest when called automatically flies to this line. 4. It's unclear how to set up the correct orbwalker. 5. There is a delay between using nullifire and bloodthorn together. The enemy may have time to press bkb.
Solar crest doesnt work, "ability can't target self" keeps popping out
can u make that the tempest double aims only the real hero when enemy splitting to illusion like TB or Naga siren's skills and other heroes? sorry for bad english
Hi there
When i use my alt, before it should auto push and TP but now it doesnt work, please help?
hey bro @Jumpering assembly fails to combo on the new morphling, kindly check thanks!
can u show me console when its not doing tp
will check tomorrow
Thanks bro @Jumpering ! I also can confirm that it sometimes fails to travels, I must manually travel. Also if ai Iet tempest travel to mid, it sometimes spam spark wraith in middle of the river and doesnt push.
Also there is still that bug where it combos illusions and the cooldown panel sometimes doesnt show item cooldown timer.
There is also a bug where main combo gets stuck on a hero. Also the assembly still resets my settings every game, but when I try it on a lobby its okay, but in real game when I buy dagger, its activated when I already disabled it. Same with shadowblade I must manually disable every game.
fixed morph's ultimate
check please console when u have bug with travels please
about menu dunno, this menu still in development
I just used my trial. And here are my thoughts... well the auto push function works properly only 35-40% of the time. The rest 60% it's not using teleport or just stops in the middle of the lane and does nothing unless i turn on and off the option.
PS: I got it to work, kind of ... but still very buggy. I have to have illusion combo on and only then when I turn on auto push it uses teleport in most situations, but 2 out of 5 times it still starts walking ... I never had this issue with the free version.
disable in autopushing menu
[Check for life time] to false
[Only one tp usages per order] to false
and if this will not work for u, please. SHOW ME BOIZ CONSOLE
testing will report more late
i noticed when i use the "spammable key" the assembly gets stuck trying to do e on the ground, i cant make it stop :|
Hi I just purchase. This script is crazy good.
I have one request though. Can you add the option to turn off push mode when tempest die? Like when I select lane and press farm, it will auto deactivate when tempest die. Sometimes I forget to turn off push mode and when I manually summon tempest to fight or bait it immediately goes to farm.
Also, My autopush problem is fixed by setting the two option to false.
@Jumpering can u pls make invoker script later?
already working on it
will add
Hey @Jumpering Temp isnt using linkins on main when I summon. In free it use to auto use on main now doesnt do anything how can i fix ?
Edit: I found out how to fix thanks
hey good script, I see 2 things that are missing, use TP in tempestar for push
and when tempestcombohotkey active if push is deactivated and does not return to activate,
yup, very long avaited features since exp version came out
I got this script but there is a problem. There is no Main + Tempest button in the menu as it was in the experimental version. Now Arc uses the Ultimate only after using all the abilities, and you need to immediately call tempest and attack one goal with the sequential use of objects. Please implement this function. Thank you.
Doesn’t work use travels for auto pushing
show me logs from console please
Why does not he use hurricane pike in combo?
It is impossible to play with this script. It does not use a nullifier at once. First, hangs flux then the remaining skills and orhid. Enemies have time to press bkb.
You can make the following combo for the normal game: force staff (or pike) to the enemy, flux and immediately nullifier and orchid (or bloodthorn or hex), mjolnir, and only then the magnetic field and spark?
btw with hidden order arc should use items then abilities
about pike, i will add this to combo
also, u can change item order in combo, you know?
Hey. I might have missed something but Tempest auto teleport doesn't work after enemy destroys 2 barracks of a lane. I can't see the whole menu, maybe it has some specific settings about this. Other than that the script is very well done, great job!
*edit: I have realized that this only happens at top lane.
There is some bug about that, sometimes it wont travel to a lane you choose, happens to me countless time, if it happens i just manually teleport tempest until @Jumpering can fix.
Awesome script!But its possbile to add range indicator of attack range?
Fixed xD
Strange thing,in middle of the game arc scritp stop reeact on combo key, tempest dont use travels even after reboot of scripts and no msg in console(
Tempest can use dagger??or i just doing smth wrong =/
Hi bro any new updates for your assembly? Also maybe you can add back how tempest used to spam spark wraith in the middle pf the tower when it autopushes. Was really great before when enemies tped and it was hard for them since it has stacked spark wraith in the towers, or you can let tempest spam it around the tower like in the trees while pushing. Thanks! @Jumpering
Hi, I have your script. Interested in the question whether it is safe to use this script in the rating games. Can I move the camera and mouse to tempest and main when using abilities. Also move the mouse forcibly to the place of use of the skills. I do not use this script because I'm afraid to get a ban for 8 years. 7 accounts in the sauna for skymage and zeus.