Added auto travels to combo [when enemy is so away from you]
Added meteor hammer to AutoPushing mode
Now main hero can summon tempest on tempest combo
Added item butterfly to combo
Some improvements in combo with hex
Hi bro @Jumpering , did something change or break the auto push orb walk settings for double? I just recently got back to dota and played your assembly but it doesnt work like it used to like setting my orbwalk range for double doesnt change a thing in game, also the tempest does not spam spark anymore while pushing, that was a really good wat to push fast, I hope you can bring that back.
Added auto travels to combo [when enemy is so away from you]
Added meteor hammer to AutoPushing mode
Now main hero can summon tempest on tempest combo
Added item butterfly to combo
Some improvements in combo with hex
Hi bro @Jumpering , did something change or break the auto push orb walk settings for double? I just recently got back to dota and played your assembly but it doesnt work like it used to like setting my orbwalk range for double doesnt change a thing in game, also the tempest does not spam spark anymore while pushing, that was a really good wat to push fast, I hope you can bring that back.
@Jumpering any update bro? Tempest doesnt push fast enough without it spamming spark wraith while pushing, and it doesnt use orb walk range anymore, i hope you can fix it, also spam spark under tower while pushing should be added again thanks
I dont know if you updated it bro or it fix it by itself, but everything is okay now with spark and orb walk for tempest. Future update that I see would be nice to add, is the ability to automatically set tempest to auto push when it loses the target, like if enemy uses blink or shadowblade, it would be nice to target a new enemy rather than standing there or not pushing. Thanks!
For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time:
I used the trial for this script and it's worse than the free version. I don't know why but it doesn't use my hero when I hold down the hero key. Tempest doesn't work well either and pushing is worse as well.
@manunit92 said:
I used the trial for this script and it's worse than the free version. I don't know why but it doesn't use my hero when I hold down the hero key. Tempest doesn't work well either and pushing is worse as well.
you not correctly setup it, There is keys for single hero control, for single tempest control or combo key for both
@manunit92 said:
I used the trial for this script and it's worse than the free version. I don't know why but it doesn't use my hero when I hold down the hero key. Tempest doesn't work well either and pushing is worse as well.
Jumpering is the best coder in this forum, all of his scripts are good. So, u should read carefully instruction before use.
he used to be one of the best but I haven't heard much from him lately. I'm not bashing him though because he's done a lot for the community. I just thought the script might have been out of date and not up to date. I think it's most likely conflicting with my evader or auto usage scripts.
I just bought it sometimes the temptest won't use boot and tp to lane even if it's on the other side of the map. I found really late game the combo doesn't work too but only if it's a really long game.
@taserz said:
I just bought it sometimes the temptest won't use boot and tp to lane even if it's on the other side of the map. I found really late game the combo doesn't work too but only if it's a really long game.
Okay, so combo was just an error that was fixed with a refresh. Sometimes when pushing lets say top lane you can spawn you're temptest and the setting tell them to tp and push. But sometimes the clone will run for 3-4 seconds and then tp with boots or it doesn't and I have to manually do it or turn the auto push on and off a few times. This issue I find is reoccurring.
@taserz said:
Okay, so combo was just an error that was fixed with a refresh. Sometimes when pushing lets say top lane you can spawn you're temptest and the setting tell them to tp and push. But sometimes the clone will run for 3-4 seconds and then tp with boots or it doesn't and I have to manually do it or turn the auto push on and off a few times. This issue I find is reoccurring.
ps. Great script it is very fun.
Check your auto push settings, if you want your tempest to tp immediately, turn off (check for creeps) if its on, it will wait for enemy creeps to show before it will teleport.
@taserz said:
Okay, so combo was just an error that was fixed with a refresh. Sometimes when pushing lets say top lane you can spawn you're temptest and the setting tell them to tp and push. But sometimes the clone will run for 3-4 seconds and then tp with boots or it doesn't and I have to manually do it or turn the auto push on and off a few times. This issue I find is reoccurring.
ps. Great script it is very fun.
Check your auto push settings, if you want your tempest to tp immediately, turn off (check for creeps) if its on, it will wait for enemy creeps to show before it will teleport.
The temptest will run to the lane instead of teleport. I disabled that setting just to be sure.
I should add it doesn't always happen but when it does it's specific to generally 1 lane.
@taserz said:
Okay, so combo was just an error that was fixed with a refresh. Sometimes when pushing lets say top lane you can spawn you're temptest and the setting tell them to tp and push. But sometimes the clone will run for 3-4 seconds and then tp with boots or it doesn't and I have to manually do it or turn the auto push on and off a few times. This issue I find is reoccurring.
ps. Great script it is very fun.
Check your auto push settings, if you want your tempest to tp immediately, turn off (check for creeps) if its on, it will wait for enemy creeps to show before it will teleport.
The temptest will run to the lane instead of teleport. I disabled that setting just to be sure.
I should add it doesn't always happen but when it does it's specific to generally 1 lane.
Yup that sometimes happen to me too, specifically one lane it doest push, what solves me that problem is after it tped just click auto, i believe there something wrong when its stay at a specific lane. @Jumpering I notice that it happens to me too, I am just not sure whats triggering it.
Are you talking about orb walker minimum distance as danger? Works fine. Pike/Forcestaff range works fine as well, just tested it. Test it by putting it to max (2000) and start tempest combo on enemy... he pikes much further away than if it was set to 1000.
could I have a re-trial? I used the free version only for auto push and auto midas, but with the recent update stopped working, when I activated the trial version I ended up neither testing correctly, I would like to test again if possible.
@elkyn said:
To use combo i need to Hold the key or just press it?
main combo - hold
tempest combo - toggle
@juniorkyo said:
could I have a re-trial? I used the free version only for auto push and auto midas, but with the recent update stopped working, when I activated the trial version I ended up neither testing correctly, I would like to test again if possible.
@myzone said: @Jumpering My lincon beaker isnt working, temp uses orchid/bloodthorn first before using q. Is there any way i can fix this please helpppp
u have hex? it will use orchid/bloodthorn before q only in u have hex
@myzone said: @Jumpering My lincon beaker isnt working, temp uses orchid/bloodthorn first before using q. Is there any way i can fix this please helpppp
u have hex? it will use orchid/bloodthorn before q only in u have hex
No hex, without hex temp wont use q before orchid/bloodthorn?
@myzone said: @Jumpering My lincon beaker isnt working, temp uses orchid/bloodthorn first before using q. Is there any way i can fix this please helpppp
u have hex? it will use orchid/bloodthorn before q only in u have hex
No hex, without hex temp wont use q before orchid/bloodthorn?
@myzone said: @Jumpering My lincon beaker isnt working, temp uses orchid/bloodthorn first before using q. Is there any way i can fix this please helpppp
u have hex? it will use orchid/bloodthorn before q only in u have hex
No hex, without hex temp wont use q before orchid/bloodthorn?
Hi bro @Jumpering , since the patch made the double bounty so high, I am now forced to turn on escape on low hp, but currently its only for pushing and not for tempest combo, I know it should be turned off for the reason that you might miss a kill if its goes away, but sometimes you just dont want to feed it when in tempest combo. My suggestion is that when main hero is in range then tempest combo will not escape, but if its not it will try to escape on certain percentage. I usually turn on auto push with auto aim enemy, sometimes it will just feed even though enemy is at full health or there are so many enemies it will still try to combo. Maybe you can also make it smart by comaparing damage, health and number of enemies vs tempest if it knows it will die then it should escape but if the enemy can be killed it would try to kill it.
Bro @Jumpering are you still working on this? Can you make that double midas forge spirit? It doesnt right now, also it does not attact Phoenix egg, it just stands there. Also when an enemy is euled, can it go near the enemy? If its targeted and its euled it just stays where it is, and not go near the enemy. It should go near the euled target, so that disable will hit easy. Thanks
@anonymouse said:
Bro @Jumpering are you still working on this? Can you make that double midas forge spirit? It doesnt right now, also it does not attact Phoenix egg, it just stands there. Also when an enemy is euled, can it go near the enemy? If its targeted and its euled it just stays where it is, and not go near the enemy. It should go near the euled target, so that disable will hit easy. Thanks
im working on it, yes, i will check it on weekend
@cs75369 said:
You can make smart use of Solar hero Crest?
This combination gives 140 attack speed and a lot of movement speed.
If not difficult, you can implement it in a free script?
if u want this in free script, why u post this in paid?
i need press the tempest combo key affter summon it? and how to change the hero that he will try to kill? sometimes i press the key for tempest combo and he just stay without move i need press more them 1 time for he do something.
@Jumpering said:
if u want this in free script, why u post this in paid?
Last time in the topic with a free script there was no answer.
Thought you weren't monitoring. I'm sorry.
Like the idea?
not sure, that i will have time for this (but when i will free, i will add)
@NikolasTisole said:
Can i have re-trial please? to Try it once more? Did not had a enough time to check it.
@t_corgo said:
i just bought it and i have one question:
i need press the tempest combo key affter summon it? and how to change the hero that he will try to kill? sometimes i press the key for tempest combo and he just stay without move i need press more them 1 time for he do something.
nope, u can use how u want
use tempest combo for this. toggle on -> put ur mouse on target -> kill target -> toggle off(or enable function for auto disable )
@Jumpering said:
if u want this in free script, why u post this in paid?
Last time in the topic with a free script there was no answer.
Thought you weren't monitoring. I'm sorry.
Like the idea?
not sure, that i will have time for this (but when i will free, i will add)
@NikolasTisole said:
Can i have re-trial please? to Try it once more? Did not had a enough time to check it.
@t_corgo said:
i just bought it and i have one question:
i need press the tempest combo key affter summon it? and how to change the hero that he will try to kill? sometimes i press the key for tempest combo and he just stay without move i need press more them 1 time for he do something.
nope, u can use how u want
use tempest combo for this. toggle on -> put ur mouse on target -> kill target -> toggle off(or enable function for auto disable )
not sure, that i will have time for this (but when i will free, i will add)
I look forward to it. I will say in advance that...
In my script it looks like this, but there are some shortcomings and I will need to break it into three functions:
* one solar in hero, the second in tempest; //
* one solar in hero, the second in enemy; //
* one solar in tempest, the second in enemy. // the previous item is just the opposite.
If possible, I suggest to make a toggle switch like a PRO and default combo to Meepo.
I would be very grateful if you implement this function in a free script. Thank you in advance.
Bro can you add function to teleport tempest using tp to the nearest tower when travels is not bought? I sometimes play support arc, currently i have to manually teleport tempest using tp, also if theres an update on the tempest midas on forge spirit and also attack Phoenix egg, and other updates just update us, i always check this post if theres new update. Thanks @Jumpering
@anonymouse said:
Bro can you add function to teleport tempest using tp to the nearest tower when travels is not bought? I sometimes play support arc, currently i have to manually teleport tempest using tp, also if theres an update on the tempest midas on forge spirit and also attack Phoenix egg, and other updates just update us, i always check this post if theres new update. Thanks @Jumpering
Hi bro @Jumpering , did something change or break the auto push orb walk settings for double? I just recently got back to dota and played your assembly but it doesnt work like it used to like setting my orbwalk range for double doesnt change a thing in game, also the tempest does not spam spark anymore while pushing, that was a really good wat to push fast, I hope you can bring that back.
auto push dont use necronomicon and manta style plz check
whenever i tried the trial for 1 day doesn't show in menu bro hows this?
@Jumpering any update bro? Tempest doesnt push fast enough without it spamming spark wraith while pushing, and it doesnt use orb walk range anymore, i hope you can fix it, also spam spark under tower while pushing should be added again thanks
i havent tryed paid version yet, but free version is still fucking good hehe
I dont know if you updated it bro or it fix it by itself, but everything is okay now with spark and orb walk for tempest. Future update that I see would be nice to add, is the ability to automatically set tempest to auto push when it loses the target, like if enemy uses blink or shadowblade, it would be nice to target a new enemy rather than standing there or not pushing. Thanks!
I am a newbie. What is the name of this script? I didn't find it for free. Please tell me what his name is?
"Arc Annihilation Experimental"
I recommend u should use Arc Annihilation, it's in database. one important thing, u should watch how OG.Topson play Arc Warden vs PSG.LGD

For users that has a problem winning with this assembly I made a couple of tips that can help, I play most of my time with this assembly and I manage to have a 80% success rate with what I am doing, note that it depends on your playstyle, this may or may not help but I just had the time to make tips for new users.
I am having success with the paid one and I am not sure about the free assembly, but here are my tips:
Try to use your main hero and not rely on the assembly, the assembly is good for the tempest since you can just lock and it does everything, but your main hero should be your focus, know when to come in or when to fight.
You should use your combo key when you are sure you can kill a enemy, adjust the settings with the assembly that it matches your playstyle, example for me I turn off spark wraith on early levels and have only flux so it can continue to orbwalk and not focus on wasting mana on spark since its not 100% accourate. You use spark manually on early levels. Then turn it on once you have your level 6 or you can sustain the mana for spark.
Adjust your settings, make sure your orbwalk matches your playstyle, if you want your hero and tempest to be close to the enemy or far from it then set your range that suits you.
Buy dagger, since it easily disrupts the enemy since it blink to them and harras them nonstop. Or shadowblade but the tempest needs to be close enough to land the buff on the enemy before it actually does the combo, so for me I recommend blink or you can buy both.
Let your tempest push lanes, and let your main farm safely, engage on an enemy or help your team when you know you can help them otherwise just farm since arc warden has a very slow pace when it comes to impact on team fights on early stage when you dont have enough items.
Build correct items, try to know the enemy, if they have escape try building disables, if they are right clickers then try to build disables plus damage. Try matching your items to them, remember that the assembly can use itmes like blademail, lotus orb etc.
Dont lose hope, arc warden needs a really good game to be successful, if your having a bad game, try your best not to feed and help team to get kills. Or farm jungle and try to maximize midas whenever its available.
Thats so far it, but it takes practice to use this assembly remember that the assembly doesnt play your game, just play your game and always remember that the assembly only helps you to win and not actually win it for you 100% of the time:
I used the trial for this script and it's worse than the free version. I don't know why but it doesn't use my hero when I hold down the hero key. Tempest doesn't work well either and pushing is worse as well.
you not correctly setup it, There is keys for single hero control, for single tempest control or combo key for both
Jumpering is the best coder in this forum, all of his scripts are good. So, u should read carefully instruction before use.
he used to be one of the best but I haven't heard much from him lately. I'm not bashing him though because he's done a lot for the community. I just thought the script might have been out of date and not up to date. I think it's most likely conflicting with my evader or auto usage scripts.
I just activated the trial 10/3/2018 and its saying your not owning the plugin and shit.\
edit:" nvrmnd it works now after 22 hours.
restart loader helps.
I just bought it sometimes the temptest won't use boot and tp to lane even if it's on the other side of the map. I found really late game the combo doesn't work too but only if it's a really long game.
check ur autopushing settings
about combo all fine in all stage of the game
Okay, so combo was just an error that was fixed with a refresh. Sometimes when pushing lets say top lane you can spawn you're temptest and the setting tell them to tp and push. But sometimes the clone will run for 3-4 seconds and then tp with boots or it doesn't and I have to manually do it or turn the auto push on and off a few times. This issue I find is reoccurring.
ps. Great script it is very fun.
Check your auto push settings, if you want your tempest to tp immediately, turn off (check for creeps) if its on, it will wait for enemy creeps to show before it will teleport.
The temptest will run to the lane instead of teleport. I disabled that setting just to be sure.
I should add it doesn't always happen but when it does it's specific to generally 1 lane.
Yup that sometimes happen to me too, specifically one lane it doest push, what solves me that problem is after it tped just click auto, i believe there something wrong when its stay at a specific lane. @Jumpering I notice that it happens to me too, I am just not sure whats triggering it.
extra range dager and forcestaff/pike cast range dont work
Are you talking about orb walker minimum distance as danger? Works fine. Pike/Forcestaff range works fine as well, just tested it. Test it by putting it to max (2000) and start tempest combo on enemy... he pikes much further away than if it was set to 1000.
can i get a re-trial thanks.
could I have a re-trial? I used the free version only for auto push and auto midas, but with the recent update stopped working, when I activated the trial version I ended up neither testing correctly, I would like to test again if possible.
It never stopped working...
To use combo i need to Hold the key or just press it?
main combo - hold
tempest combo - toggle
sir could you make an automatic TAB between the clone and the base hero
and how this will be useful?
@Jumpering My lincon beaker isnt working, temp uses orchid/bloodthorn first before using q. Is there any way i can fix this please helpppp
u have hex? it will use orchid/bloodthorn before q only in u have hex
No hex, without hex temp wont use q before orchid/bloodthorn?
Can you make this an option please ?
Hi bro @Jumpering , since the patch made the double bounty so high, I am now forced to turn on escape on low hp, but currently its only for pushing and not for tempest combo, I know it should be turned off for the reason that you might miss a kill if its goes away, but sometimes you just dont want to feed it when in tempest combo. My suggestion is that when main hero is in range then tempest combo will not escape, but if its not it will try to escape on certain percentage. I usually turn on auto push with auto aim enemy, sometimes it will just feed even though enemy is at full health or there are so many enemies it will still try to combo. Maybe you can also make it smart by comaparing damage, health and number of enemies vs tempest if it knows it will die then it should escape but if the enemy can be killed it would try to kill it.
Bro @Jumpering are you still working on this? Can you make that double midas forge spirit? It doesnt right now, also it does not attact Phoenix egg, it just stands there. Also when an enemy is euled, can it go near the enemy? If its targeted and its euled it just stays where it is, and not go near the enemy. It should go near the euled target, so that disable will hit easy. Thanks
You can make smart use of Solar hero Crest?
This combination gives 140 attack speed and a lot of movement speed.
If not difficult, you can implement it in a free script?
im working on it, yes, i will check it on weekend
if u want this in free script, why u post this in paid?
Last time in the topic with a free script there was no answer.
Thought you weren't monitoring. I'm sorry.
Like the idea?
Can i have re-trial please? to Try it once more? Did not had a enough time to check it.
i just bought it and i have one question:
i need press the tempest combo key affter summon it? and how to change the hero that he will try to kill? sometimes i press the key for tempest combo and he just stay without move i need press more them 1 time for he do something.
not sure, that i will have time for this (but when i will free, i will add)
Turn auto summon tempest option ON.
I bought it - thank you :)
I look forward to it. I will say in advance that...
In my script it looks like this, but there are some shortcomings and I will need to break it into three functions:
* one solar in hero, the second in tempest; //
* one solar in hero, the second in enemy; //
* one solar in tempest, the second in enemy. // the previous item is just the opposite.
If possible, I suggest to make a toggle switch like a PRO and default combo to Meepo.
I would be very grateful if you implement this function in a free script. Thank you in advance.
Bro can you add function to teleport tempest using tp to the nearest tower when travels is not bought? I sometimes play support arc, currently i have to manually teleport tempest using tp, also if theres an update on the tempest midas on forge spirit and also attack Phoenix egg, and other updates just update us, i always check this post if theres new update. Thanks @Jumpering
about phoenix: at this time u need to retoggle combo and it will attack egg