Need to optimise LC, if target is out range of blink he will use 2nd skill + blade mail first then move, blink and duel this is good. But when he is in range of blink he uses blink first then use 2nd skill + blade mail, this is bad because enemy will blink away or eul. It should be always 2nd skill + blade mail + blink + linken breaker + duel no matter range. Or when out range of blink and we use combo on target LC will move until reach the blink's range then 2nd + blade mail + blink + duel (This will reduce the waste time on 2nd and blade mail because use them too early).
@bakajoker said:
Need to optimise LC, if target is out range of blink he will use 2nd skill + blade mail first then move, blink and duel this is good. But when he is in range of blink he will blink first then use 2nd skill + blade mail, this is bad because enemy will blink away or eul. It should be always 2nd skill + blade mail + blink + linken breaker + duel.
Just added an option to prioritize blink. you can disable it and it will cast possible abilities before going in.
@bakajoker said:
Need to optimise LC, if target is out range of blink he will use 2nd skill + blade mail first then move, blink and duel this is good. But when he is in range of blink he will blink first then use 2nd skill + blade mail, this is bad because enemy will blink away or eul. It should be always 2nd skill + blade mail + blink + linken breaker + duel.
Just added an option to prioritize blink. you can disable it and it will cast possible abilities before going in.
That's great, thank you. Will try more heroes and feed back.
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
Testing more : D. Thanks for great script though.
That's correct. Script of Riki doesn work as you showed me before.
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
Testing more : D. Thanks for great script though.
That's correct. Script of Riki doesn work as you showed me before.
Templar Traps will be activated once I add use abilities feature to unit controller.
I will add Nullifier.
Riki should be fixed.
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
Testing more : D. Thanks for great script though.
That's correct. Script of Riki doesn work as you showed me before.
Templar Traps will be activated once I add use abilities feature to unit controller.
I will add Nullifier.
Riki should be fixed.
One more feedback for Nightstalker:
-NS will cast Silence (his W) right after combo key is pressed, his Silence is an AOE aura around him so would be nice if you can change that it only casts Silence only when it can affect an enemy hero (walk in range of a target that Silence can have its effect).
-Once I upgrade Aghanim Scepter for NS, it won't cast Void anymore when holding combo key (Void become an AOE spell once NS got Agh).
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
@owennht said:
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
Testing more : D. Thanks for great script though.
That's correct. Script of Riki doesn work as you showed me before.
Templar Traps will be activated once I add use abilities feature to unit controller.
I will add Nullifier.
Riki should be fixed.
One more feedback for Nightstalker:
-NS will cast Silence (his W) right after combo key is pressed, his Silence is an AOE aura around him so would be nice if you can change that it only casts Silence only when it can affect an enemy hero (walk in range of a target that Silence can have its effect).
-Once I upgrade Aghanim Scepter for NS, it won't cast Void anymore when holding combo key (Void become an AOE spell once NS got Agh).
All should be fixed.
@tawannupinw said:
Dragon Knight is not working correctly. It doesn't orbwalk in dragon form and the stun in dragon form is still the same range as human form.
I just checked and you are right. Unfortunately DK is one of those heroes that doesn't properly work. I will add it fully supported soon.
@DarkEngle said:
please reset trials.
i want test dynamic combo.
thanks you.
Just reset all trials.
@loggereye said: @beminee IO orbs(spirits) won't target enemy so he has just overcharge attack as combo
It's a dynamic combo, it obviously doesn't implement a IO spirit aimbot
@loggereye said: @beminee When arranging the ability for sniper, it won't follow the order. Always use ultimate first even though it's sequenced at last
it works, i just tested put Shrapnel first and he uses it first.
@loggereye said: @beminee When arranging the ability for sniper, it won't follow the order. Always use ultimate first even though it's sequenced at last
it works, i just tested put Shrapnel first and he uses it first.
I again tested it in lobby for me, pressing space makes sniper ulti first and then rest of abilities. Maybe the numbering is confusing, 0 1 2 is not starting. 2 1 0 is which works.
@loggereye said: @beminee When arranging the ability for sniper, it won't follow the order. Always use ultimate first even though it's sequenced at last
it works, i just tested put Shrapnel first and he uses it first.
I again tested it in lobby for me, pressing space makes sniper ulti first and then rest of abilities
Decrease Maximum Target Range to lower than 1800 (sharapnel cast range). If you set it like 3000 and you are not in range to cast Sharapnel, it will cast first skill that's available to avoid errors.
@emoapie said:
Storm spirit = Harass mode. Uses ulti to get Overload charge and harass. this one dont work..can give a check?thanks..i love your script..
Pudge = streak win with your script..
@emoapie said:
Storm spirit = Harass mode. Uses ulti to get Overload charge and harass. this one dont work..can give a check?thanks..i love your script..
Can you add SF will use Requiem of Souls while enemy die (has agies to return) or Wraith King is returning back after dead? (If SF close to the dead body being revived, he will walk and use Ulti. If SF are far from the dead body, he will blink and use Ulti)
Riki is in Dynamic Combo which is paid addition to BAIO now. I might add it fully supported later but definitely not the top of the list since it's working almost perfect in Dynamic Combo.
@owennht said:
Hi Beminee, can you have a check on Ember please? It doesn't auto Chain on Fist usage. Thanks!
Still works.
No it's not, you can check again, I was just checking it few mins ago. Combo works fine when press a key but Chain will not auto cast when using Fist (W), maybe I can get a Chain off after 8 or 10 times using Fist.
@owennht said:
Hi Beminee, can you have a check on Ember please? It doesn't auto Chain on Fist usage. Thanks!
Still works.
No it's not, you can check again, I was just checking it few mins ago. Combo works fine when press a key but Chain will not auto cast when using Fist (W), maybe I can get a Chain off after 8 or 10 times using Fist.
Need to optimise LC, if target is out range of blink he will use 2nd skill + blade mail first then move, blink and duel this is good. But when he is in range of blink he uses blink first then use 2nd skill + blade mail, this is bad because enemy will blink away or eul. It should be always 2nd skill + blade mail + blink + linken breaker + duel no matter range. Or when out range of blink and we use combo on target LC will move until reach the blink's range then 2nd + blade mail + blink + duel (This will reduce the waste time on 2nd and blade mail because use them too early).
If you have one unit and body block is activated, it will body block. You can disable bodyblocker.
Just added an option to prioritize blink. you can disable it and it will cast possible abilities before going in.
That's great, thank you. Will try more heroes and feed back.
+Feedback for Riki: Riki won't cast his Blink Strike, he rather just walks to the target then Blink Strike at melee distance.
+Feedback for Templar Assassin: please add an option to activate Trap automatically when combo key is pressed. Right now TA will just dagger in, Meld hit then set Trap but NOT activate it (I have to activate the Trap manually).
Also please add Nulifier in combo, I don't see any option to cast Nulifier in combo (for all heroes).
Testing more : D. Thanks for great script though.
That's correct. Script of Riki doesn work as you showed me before.
Templar Traps will be activated once I add use abilities feature to unit controller.
I will add Nullifier.
Riki should be fixed.
One more feedback for Nightstalker:
-NS will cast Silence (his W) right after combo key is pressed, his Silence is an AOE aura around him so would be nice if you can change that it only casts Silence only when it can affect an enemy hero (walk in range of a target that Silence can have its effect).
-Once I upgrade Aghanim Scepter for NS, it won't cast Void anymore when holding combo key (Void become an AOE spell once NS got Agh).
Dragon Knight is not working correctly. It doesn't orbwalk in dragon form and the stun in dragon form is still the same range as human form.
please reset trials.
i want test dynamic combo.
thanks you.
@beminee IO orbs(spirits) won't target enemy so he has just overcharge attack as combo
All should be fixed.
I just checked and you are right. Unfortunately DK is one of those heroes that doesn't properly work. I will add it fully supported soon.
Just reset all trials.
It's a dynamic combo, it obviously doesn't implement a IO spirit aimbot
winter blink on/off add pls
guys please can you share the script for dota 2 i want to try
@beminee When arranging the ability for sniper, it won't follow the order. Always use ultimate first even though it's sequenced at last
it works, i just tested put Shrapnel first and he uses it first.
I again tested it in lobby for me, pressing space makes sniper ulti first and then rest of abilities. Maybe the numbering is confusing, 0 1 2 is not starting. 2 1 0 is which works.
Decrease Maximum Target Range to lower than 1800 (sharapnel cast range). If you set it like 3000 and you are not in range to cast Sharapnel, it will cast first skill that's available to avoid errors.
Storm spirit = Harass mode. Uses ulti to get Overload charge and harass. this one dont work..can give a check?thanks..i love your script..
Pudge = streak win with your script..
It works with BAIO harass. Don't turn on Hero
Can you add SF will use Requiem of Souls while enemy die (has agies to return) or Wraith King is returning back after dead? (If SF close to the dead body being revived, he will walk and use Ulti. If SF are far from the dead body, he will blink and use Ulti)
pls add tiny toss to ally
in pudge, the hook radius appears only when pumping rot, and long delay before ult
I can't add specific features to dynamic combo heroes.
I didn't understand.
hook radius is only after studying rot
undying - in the combo I indicated only the 1st skill, but the hero tries to come close and does not use the skill from a distance.
Need Riki !
Riki is in Dynamic Combo which is paid addition to BAIO now. I might add it fully supported later but definitely not the top of the list since it's working almost perfect in Dynamic Combo.
could you add abyssal blade disassemble bug where it lets you infinitely stun? (like this video
Use 09k Item manager. But I suggest you don't play like this if you don't want people find out you are a cheater and report you.
Hi Beminee, can you have a check on Ember please? It doesn't auto Chain on Fist usage. Thanks!
Still works.
No it's not, you can check again, I was just checking it few mins ago. Combo works fine when press a key but Chain will not auto cast when using Fist (W), maybe I can get a Chain off after 8 or 10 times using Fist.
Of course I did check before I replied to you.
Could you reset my trial? wanna try Dynamic aswell
Reset your trials for both
It says i dont own it for both bro
It's ensage core bug which I can't do anything about. Just restart your game couple of times and it should work.
How to harass while farming on huskar? should i hold combo key or what, im farming with 09k farm.
Find "BAIO.Harass" menu under Ensage.SDK menu.
Okay. But the time i had for trial is too low. Maybe you can extend that?
Edit: actually its ended.
No worries, reset your trial for both of them once more.
@beminee can you add auto escape to remnant if health is low at certain percentage for Ember
Yes I can. I'm also preparing an update to make Ember more efficient. I will release it soon.
Add escape key? press to move, use the item and ability
Puck doesn't jump to orb after combo.
Should be fixed.