@beminee and also with sf if i press ulti key (if eul on cooldown or if i dont have eul,but having blink in both cases) can u make that it blinks to my mouse position and ulti (also use items such is bkb ,shiva,but use shiva before blink ), cos this really helps in team fights and when eul on cooldown, thanks please add i am sure many of them wont will like it
About This u can add an option(key) in baio harass to clear creep wave using spells for different heros, like for storm use all abilities to clear creep waves , for sf with raze, timbersaw using all abilities, this really helps to farm in game,it will be a really good feature
@Ayush said: @beminee and also with sf if i press ulti key (if eul on cooldown or if i dont have eul,but having blink in both cases) can u make that it blinks to my mouse position and ulti (also use items such is bkb ,shiva,but use shiva before blink ), cos this really helps in team fights and when eul on cooldown, thanks please add i am sure many of them wont will like it
Will be added. (though not mouse position but target position)
About This u can add an option(key) in baio harass to clear creep wave using spells for different heros, like for storm use all abilities to clear creep waves , for sf with raze, timbersaw using all abilities, this really helps to farm in game,it will be a really good feature
I don't wanna add every small thing right now, especially not combo related. At least before I add 10-15 heroes. Because that kind of thing will require quite a bit of time (many things to consider; get damage, avoid missing lasthits etc); that I could use on adding another hero combo and make the assembly the choice of people for more variety of heroes.
@Ayush said: @beminee and also with sf if i press ulti key (if eul on cooldown or if i dont have eul,but having blink in both cases) can u make that it blinks to my mouse position and ulti (also use items such is bkb ,shiva,but use shiva before blink ), cos this really helps in team fights and when eul on cooldown, thanks please add i am sure many of them wont will like it
Will be added. (though not mouse position but target position)
About This u can add an option(key) in baio harass to clear creep wave using spells for different heros, like for storm use all abilities to clear creep waves , for sf with raze, timbersaw using all abilities, this really helps to farm in game,it will be a really good feature
I don't wanna add every small thing right now, especially not combo related. At least before I add 10-15 heroes. Because that kind of thing will require quite a bit of time (many things to consider; get damage, avoid missing lasthits etc); that I could use on adding another hero combo and make the assembly the choice of people for more variety of heroes.
Sf script amazing though godlike
About farming u can add later just a idea.... thanks though
@Ayush said: @beminee and also with sf if i press ulti key (if eul on cooldown or if i dont have eul,but having blink in both cases) can u make that it blinks to my mouse position and ulti (also use items such is bkb ,shiva,but use shiva before blink ), cos this really helps in team fights and when eul on cooldown, thanks please add i am sure many of them wont will like it
Will be added. (though not mouse position but target position)
About This u can add an option(key) in baio harass to clear creep wave using spells for different heros, like for storm use all abilities to clear creep waves , for sf with raze, timbersaw using all abilities, this really helps to farm in game,it will be a really good feature
I don't wanna add every small thing right now, especially not combo related. At least before I add 10-15 heroes. Because that kind of thing will require quite a bit of time (many things to consider; get damage, avoid missing lasthits etc); that I could use on adding another hero combo and make the assembly the choice of people for more variety of heroes.
Sf script amazing though godlike
About farming u can add later just a idea.... thanks though
@beminee not sure, ill re-test tomorrow. seemed okay after i restarted earlier. The problem occurred when i had multiple targets but it could have been a coincidence and the real issue was what you pointed out.
Your clockwork is great, need some adjustment when combo. Whenever i combo a person with forcestaff , the person would just easily run off. can u add to the Combo a toggle to activate forcestaff towards their direction that they are going? Please note Toggle ya, ;)
armlet toggler would be nice especially on Huskar (with all tbh xD) if possible can u pls add. evader I know suppose to do this but it doesn't... ty and great work bud!
Your clockwork is great, need some adjustment when combo. Whenever i combo a person with forcestaff , the person would just easily run off. can u add to the Combo a toggle to activate forcestaff towards their direction that they are going? Please note Toggle ya, ;)
Thanks :)
I will add force staff to combo. Was thinking a proper and always okay way to add it.
Next is Anti-Mage, though Tusk seems good too. Expect it to arrive after Anti-Mage
@ralph_repato said:
armlet toggler would be nice especially on Huskar (with all tbh xD) if possible can u pls add. evader I know suppose to do this but it doesn't... ty and great work bud!
@jjjj456 said: @beminee but evader has alot of bugs sometimes armlet toggle off and the hero dies if you can do it better than idcnoob why not please then i will 100% buy
Toggling armlet is not what this assembly supposed to do. It will enable/disable armlet in combo but won't try to stay alive with it as it's another assembly's job.
Hey , works perfectly.
Sf is awesome too.
One thing to add , after combo with euls if hero dont die (don't have blink on sf) can you add instant raze for secure kill?
Or add some killsteal options with razes?
Thanks for your hard work
@Zlotvor92 said:
Hey , works perfectly.
Sf is awesome too.
One thing to add , after combo with euls if hero dont die (don't have blink on sf) can you add instant raze for secure kill?
Or add some killsteal options with razes?
Thanks for your hard work
Thanks for good feedback, appreciated.
I initially added killsteal on SF though it was overlapping with combo mode and was bugging. I will fix it soon and implement it, until then; you can press Combo Key after ulti and it will cast raze on target.
Your clockwork is great, need some adjustment when combo. Whenever i combo a person with forcestaff , the person would just easily run off. can u add to the Combo a toggle to activate forcestaff towards their direction that they are going? Please note Toggle ya, ;)
Thanks :)
I will add force staff to combo. Was thinking a proper and always okay way to add it.
Next is Anti-Mage, though Tusk seems good too. Expect it to arrive after Anti-Mage
@ralph_repato said:
armlet toggler would be nice especially on Huskar (with all tbh xD) if possible can u pls add. evader I know suppose to do this but it doesn't... ty and great work bud!
@jjjj456 said: @beminee but evader has alot of bugs sometimes armlet toggle off and the hero dies if you can do it better than idcnoob why not please then i will 100% buy
Toggling armlet is not what this assembly supposed to do. It will enable/disable armlet in combo but won't try to stay alive with it as it's another assembly's job.
Also can u add Clockwork cogs drawing? so can push the target while laning or make it a key to push target also can :)
Since you're working on anti-mage, I think what lacks the most in other scripts is the logic in using blinks, when continuously using the combo he will almost always blink behind the target at which point the enemy would have moved a considerable distance outside auto attack range, obviously this doesn't matter much when you have manta+abys off cd, but for chasing ect.. just a random suggestion.
@demonz22 said: @beminee Hi, its posible other day of trial i cant test. Thanks
It's not up to me to give trials, you can ask Admin and if they are okay giving one more day of trial; I'm fine with it. But i can tell from feedback that I've received from buyers, if that assembly has heroes you like; it's worth buying.
-Blink could use some improvement. I felt like he blink to enemy everytime even if he is really close and can just walk up to AA them. Maybe extend minimum blink range a bit more, or add slider for extra min blink range.
-Blink could use some improvement. I felt like he blink to enemy everytime even if he is really close and can just walk up to AA them. Maybe extend minimum blink range a bit more, or add slider for extra min blink range.
-Blink could use some improvement. I felt like he blink to enemy everytime even if he is really close and can just walk up to AA them. Maybe extend minimum blink range a bit more, or add slider for extra min blink range.
-Please add Nullifier.
The rest is working great. Thank you.
Both done. Wait 5 minutes and update.
Thanks. Just bought your script :) Keep up the good work!
-Blink could use some improvement. I felt like he blink to enemy everytime even if he is really close and can just walk up to AA them. Maybe extend minimum blink range a bit more, or add slider for extra min blink range.
-Please add Nullifier.
The rest is working great. Thank you.
Both done. Wait 5 minutes and update.
Thanks. Just bought your script :) Keep up the good work!
@ralph_repato said:
kindly fix sf ult combo it is quiet innaccurate at times. eul and ult i mean. ty
It's reported before but I couldn't reproduce the bug and my code seems fine (checked 5th time now). Can you give more details?
How inaccurate? Like quarter a second or what?
Can you explain like when is it missing it?
Idk just give as much information as you can.
it ultis about a second earlier. its more towards hitting early not late i think. and also the razes stop for a reason. when in combo when the enemy tries to juke the raze doesnt activate. im not so sure how to explain it i guess it needs to be more accurate. for am can u try to do something with the illusions as far as pushing. ik these are a lot so take your time and i appreciate all the hard work bro. just a feedback...
@ralph_repato said:
kindly fix sf ult combo it is quiet innaccurate at times. eul and ult i mean. ty
It's reported before but I couldn't reproduce the bug and my code seems fine (checked 5th time now). Can you give more details?
How inaccurate? Like quarter a second or what?
Can you explain like when is it missing it?
Idk just give as much information as you can.
it ultis about a second earlier. its more towards hitting early not late i think. and also the razes stop for a reason. when in combo when the enemy tries to juke the raze doesnt activate. im not so sure how to explain it i guess it needs to be more accurate. for am can u try to do something with the illusions as far as pushing. ik these are a lot so take your time and i appreciate all the hard work bro. just a feedback...
1) I need more info about ulti. Okay it triggers early. Against who, in what condition, i need a description of combat preferably a video or something. Because as I said, I can't reproduce it.
2) Check menu if you dont want it to stop razes => guarantee raze hits.
3) Well it's doable but don't expect it soon.
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
@ramzesbg said:
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
@ramzesbg said:
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
So it misses?
Yes also its horrible with the ult. Every second ult misses. I just played a game and especially when the dagger is on cd and I'm next to the enemy SF uses ult too early. And very bad raze combo ... I'm not using the 100% option because that is almost unplayable it takes too long to use raze and pretty much uses only when target is stunned or not moving. I will try to upload my replay from the game I just played...
PS: No other assembly is using any of SF's abilities. I have turned off raze and ulti usage from every other assembly.
@beminee and also with sf if i press ulti key (if eul on cooldown or if i dont have eul,but having blink in both cases) can u make that it blinks to my mouse position and ulti (also use items such is bkb ,shiva,but use shiva before blink ), cos this really helps in team fights and when eul on cooldown, thanks please add i am sure many of them wont will like it
About This u can add an option(key) in baio harass to clear creep wave using spells for different heros, like for storm use all abilities to clear creep waves , for sf with raze, timbersaw using all abilities, this really helps to farm in game,it will be a really good feature
Will be added. (though not mouse position but target position)
I don't wanna add every small thing right now, especially not combo related. At least before I add 10-15 heroes. Because that kind of thing will require quite a bit of time (many things to consider; get damage, avoid missing lasthits etc); that I could use on adding another hero combo and make the assembly the choice of people for more variety of heroes.
Added Sven! https://streamable.com/5mj56
Added no eul combo for Shadow Fiend!
Sf script amazing though godlike
About farming u can add later just a idea.... thanks though
Already OMG thanks beminee, thabks a lot the way this script is devoloping wouldn’t mind donating 10$ more...
Test in lobby beforehand though and thanks for good feedback
can this assembly be used in lobby? because I already spend the day
@beminee Wow that was quick, nice work. Does the sven combo use Mask of madness? (with correct logic)
bought it regardless
Yep, it does. Though make sure you disable mask of madness and sven abilities from other assemblies.
@beminee there are instances where svens ulti won't go off doing a fresh combo, so he'll blink mask and just auto, any reasons why?
I've made a small mistake that caused mask to trigger even though ulti is castable.
anyways fixed. Wait for compiler, update and try again.
@beminee just tested some more, the ult is just straight up not going off now, tried reinstalling the script, literally just half works
@beminee Thanks bud! Appreciate the quick fix/response time.
it's alright now, right?
how did u fix?
restart ensage and steam. If that won't fix it, try to reinstall baio.
@beminee not sure, ill re-test tomorrow. seemed okay after i restarted earlier. The problem occurred when i had multiple targets but it could have been a coincidence and the real issue was what you pointed out.
Your clockwork is great, need some adjustment when combo. Whenever i combo a person with forcestaff , the person would just easily run off. can u add to the Combo a toggle to activate forcestaff towards their direction that they are going? Please note Toggle ya, ;)
Thanks :)
Tusk next plox
armlet toggler would be nice especially on Huskar (with all tbh xD) if possible can u pls add. evader I know suppose to do this but it doesn't... ty and great work bud!
I will add force staff to combo. Was thinking a proper and always okay way to add it.
Next is Anti-Mage, though Tusk seems good too. Expect it to arrive after Anti-Mage
Hey , works perfectly.
Sf is awesome too.
One thing to add , after combo with euls if hero dont die (don't have blink on sf) can you add instant raze for secure kill?
Or add some killsteal options with razes?
Thanks for your hard work
Thanks for good feedback, appreciated.
I initially added killsteal on SF though it was overlapping with combo mode and was bugging. I will fix it soon and implement it, until then; you can press Combo Key after ulti and it will cast raze on target.
Hi. Your script is very good. I'll probably buy it.
There is one problem with Sven though. When I chase enemy with Echo Sabre active it keep canceling auto.
But that's just minor problem. Overall I'm very impressed. I'd love to see more carry with this script.
Keep up the good work!
Also can u add Clockwork cogs drawing? so can push the target while laning or make it a key to push target also can :)
thanks !
Since you're working on anti-mage, I think what lacks the most in other scripts is the logic in using blinks, when continuously using the combo he will almost always blink behind the target at which point the enemy would have moved a considerable distance outside auto attack range, obviously this doesn't matter much when you have manta+abys off cd, but for chasing ect.. just a random suggestion.
@beminee Hi, its posible other day of trial i cant test. Thanks
It's not up to me to give trials, you can ask Admin and if they are okay giving one more day of trial; I'm fine with it. But i can tell from feedback that I've received from buyers, if that assembly has heroes you like; it's worth buying.
- Added Anti-Mage! https://streamable.com/cuw55
Feedback for Anti-Mage:
-Blink could use some improvement. I felt like he blink to enemy everytime even if he is really close and can just walk up to AA them. Maybe extend minimum blink range a bit more, or add slider for extra min blink range.
-Please add Nullifier.
The rest is working great. Thank you.
Both done. Wait 5 minutes and update.
Thanks. Just bought your script :) Keep up the good work!
Appreciated, have fun
@beminee CK or Enigma next?
@beminee add nullifier for clockwerk
so that the BKB,force staff, sb is not allowed to use
thanks! but the trial expired :(
I told you about the blink problem before you implemented was trying to save you some time
plz add bkb toggle key for sf's ult
- Removed BlackKingBar hero toggle from Shadow Fiend. Replaced it with Key toggle.
- Added Nullifier on Clockwerk.
~Edit, nvm current kunkka script is fine i guess
ck would be a nice addition i agree
kindly fix sf ult combo it is quiet innaccurate at times. eul and ult i mean. ty
It's reported before but I couldn't reproduce the bug and my code seems fine (checked 5th time now). Can you give more details?
it ultis about a second earlier. its more towards hitting early not late i think. and also the razes stop for a reason. when in combo when the enemy tries to juke the raze doesnt activate. im not so sure how to explain it i guess it needs to be more accurate. for am can u try to do something with the illusions as far as pushing. ik these are a lot so take your time and i appreciate all the hard work bro. just a feedback...
1) I need more info about ulti. Okay it triggers early. Against who, in what condition, i need a description of combat preferably a video or something. Because as I said, I can't reproduce it.
2) Check menu if you dont want it to stop razes => guarantee raze hits.
3) Well it's doable but don't expect it soon.
can you make Earth Spirit as your next script? :) seems like good MMR Booster.
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
So it misses?
Yes also its horrible with the ult. Every second ult misses. I just played a game and especially when the dagger is on cd and I'm next to the enemy SF uses ult too early. And very bad raze combo ... I'm not using the 100% option because that is almost unplayable it takes too long to use raze and pretty much uses only when target is stunned or not moving. I will try to upload my replay from the game I just played...
PS: No other assembly is using any of SF's abilities. I have turned off raze and ulti usage from every other assembly.