@ramzesbg said:
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
So it misses?
Yes also its horrible with the ult. Every second ult misses. I just played a game and especially when the dagger is on cd and I'm next to the enemy SF uses ult too early. And very bad raze combo ... I'm not using the 100% option because that is almost unplayable it takes too long to use raze and pretty much uses only when target is stunned or not moving. I will try to upload my replay from the game I just played...
PS: No other assembly is using any of SF's abilities. I have turned off raze and ulti usage from every other assembly.
Can you test with ONLY loading BAIO? No other assemblies, just baio.
@ramzesbg said:
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
So it misses?
Yes also its horrible with the ult. Every second ult misses. I just played a game and especially when the dagger is on cd and I'm next to the enemy SF uses ult too early. And very bad raze combo ... I'm not using the 100% option because that is almost unplayable it takes too long to use raze and pretty much uses only when target is stunned or not moving. I will try to upload my replay from the game I just played...
PS: No other assembly is using any of SF's abilities. I have turned off raze and ulti usage from every other assembly.
Can you test with ONLY loading BAIO? No other assemblies, just baio.
I will do that but tomorrow and I'll come back with some feed back :P. Other wise great job for the other heroes :)
@ramzesbg said:
Also on sf sometimes in random situations he uses the wrong range raze... target is with in 700 range from me and SF uses the closest raze first ... and that happens quite often.
So it misses?
Yes also its horrible with the ult. Every second ult misses. I just played a game and especially when the dagger is on cd and I'm next to the enemy SF uses ult too early. And very bad raze combo ... I'm not using the 100% option because that is almost unplayable it takes too long to use raze and pretty much uses only when target is stunned or not moving. I will try to upload my replay from the game I just played...
PS: No other assembly is using any of SF's abilities. I have turned off raze and ulti usage from every other assembly.
Can you test with ONLY loading BAIO? No other assemblies, just baio.
I will do that but tomorrow and I'll come back with some feed back :P. Other wise great job for the other heroes :)
There's a problem with assembly loading. I was getting that error reports all day now and I couldn't reproduce it because I was just loading BAIO. Then I loaded other assemblies too and boom, I reproduced it.
@Jet said:
I have another hero suggestion if you plan on upgrading the hero pool. Centaur Warrunner @beminee
Would be better to add a hero that really needs a combo for ... something where aim and skill shots are needed like Lina. Why would u need a combo for centaur anyway lol
@Jet said:
I have another hero suggestion if you plan on upgrading the hero pool. Centaur Warrunner @beminee
Would be better to add a hero that really needs a combo for ... something where aim and skill shots are needed like Lina. Why would u need a combo for centaur anyway lol
If any hero that needs a combo it would be Invoker hahaha. I know that's a long shot. He's very complex in making a script maybe some other assembly. Hmmm... XD
i think we have a pretty good tiny script aldready,so it would be better if it would be morphling
Which one Tiny is good ?
Vicktherock i guess ,idr,but its best to have scripts for heros we dont have yet right ?,like gyrocopter,morphling,etc..... i really like gyro,hoping it would be after tusk
i think we have a pretty good tiny script aldready,so it would be better if it would be morphling
Which one Tiny is good ?
Vicktherock i guess ,idr,but its best to have scripts for heros we dont have yet right ?,like gyrocopter,morphling,etc..... i really like gyro,hoping it would be after tusk
Well i think that Gyro script would suck , since all spells you can cast manually without fucking smth up :D
i think we have a pretty good tiny script aldready,so it would be better if it would be morphling
Which one Tiny is good ?
Vicktherock i guess ,idr,but its best to have scripts for heros we dont have yet right ?,like gyrocopter,morphling,etc..... i really like gyro,hoping it would be after tusk
Well i think that Gyro script would suck , since all spells you can cast manually without fucking smth up :D
yea true that also,,,, i hope @beminee add some poll to vote for next hero scripts, add poll please
@Midn said:
какой же хук на пуджа как на клоквере сделать возможно? просто я ещё не разу не промазал за клока играя этим скриптом.
Clock's hook is much much faster than pudge's hook so I'm afraid it's not possible to make a pudge script with the same accuracy as Clock's hook since they are 2 completely different spells...
Note: Walrus Kick is not implemented in combo as it's a really circumstantial ability and since I'm not a Tusk player, I don't know which situations you wanna use the kick. If you guys can come up with a stable and good suggestion, I can implement it.
Note 2: Shadow Blade / Silver Edge is not implemented in combo. Because I don't know when you want to use blink and when you want to use shadow blade. But if you use shadow blade manually, it won't break it for combo => will only ulti or attack target first.
Shadow Fiend will attack to target first now if has Silver Edge modifier.
Fixed Sven not toggling Power Treads properly in some situations.
For wallrus kick , maybe if you can somehow put in different combo like blink + wallrus kick toward base , so we can sometime use it to kill one of their team member and get advantage? :)
@Zlotvor92 said:
For wallrus kick , maybe if you can somehow put in different combo like blink + wallrus kick toward base , so we can sometime use it to kill one of their team member and get advantage? :)
@Zlotvor92 said:
For wallrus kick , maybe if you can somehow put in different combo like blink + wallrus kick toward base , so we can sometime use it to kill one of their team member and get advantage? :)
@Zlotvor92 said:
For wallrus kick , maybe if you can somehow put in different combo like blink + wallrus kick toward base , so we can sometime use it to kill one of their team member and get advantage? :)
soon tm
and also a toggle option(button toggle) for walrus kick would be good, like toggle for either kick in the direction of base/ or in the direction of nearest allied hero, and do the same combo as in video, would be epic.....
And also is it possible to cancel all attacks similar to pa crit hack, except walrus punch( 12% walrus punch talent) in shadow blade
Tested the Tuskar in a Match, works great snowball and all. Ice Shard is a problem. if possible to put prediction like when they running put the shard beyond there walking distance? not sure how to say it :).
@Alvin92 said:
Tested the Tuskar in a Match, works great snowball and all. Ice Shard is a problem. if possible to put prediction like when they running put the shard beyond there walking distance? not sure how to say it :).
Anyway good work !
There's a prediction but it's so easy to fail this skill and so hard to place it right. Because this skill can travel 1.5 seconds and it's not enough that it goes thru enemy but it should also end right behind the enemy. Most of the time it should work correctly, but if enemy side steps when projectile is flying or gains/loses ms; it can fail.
@Bluewin said:
SF eul ulti too much offset... pls check!
I don't have that error. Can you only load BAIO and test again?
im soz, may I know why there is this problem.
because im too far away from the target, sf stopped and released the ulti halfway.
just need to release skills near some distance can accurately. maybe within 200?
it is suggested that you update the script so that the eul will not be released early, thx
@Bluewin said:
SF eul ulti too much offset... pls check!
I don't have that error. Can you only load BAIO and test again?
im soz, may I know why there is this problem.
because im too far away from the target, sf stopped and released the ulti halfway.
just need to release skills near some distance can accurately. maybe within 200?
it is suggested that you update the script so that the eul will not be released early, thx
If you don't have dagger or it's on cd, it will use euls => move as close as it can to target and use ulti. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's up to you, if you want to do it. Else you can press F when you get really close, so that it will have time to move inside of eul'd target.
The script is working perfectly for me on every char. I just want to ask something. Wouldn’t it be better if you make it so that SF uses blink first to the target and then eul it, because blink has a much longer distance than eul. This is how ZAIO used to work and it’s quite good.
@ramzesbg said:
The script is working perfectly for me on every char. I just want to ask something. Wouldn’t it be better if you make it so that SF uses blink first to the target and then eul it, because blink has a much longer distance than eul. This is how ZAIO used to work and it’s quite good.
I can add option for it. I made it that way first, then when script used blink and enemy ran away with blink, I found myself in awkward position so made it first use eul.
SF Raze cancels too often when the moving enemy is very close to me.and in some cases as well.(I know you've improved.)
That frequent cancellation looks very stiff and players will consider that I used the assembly .
Please continue to improve.
Yea sf cancels too much , can u make razes like jumpas script, it doesn’t cancel much
@ramzesbg said:
The script is working perfectly for me on every char. I just want to ask something. Wouldn’t it be better if you make it so that SF uses blink first to the target and then eul it, because blink has a much longer distance than eul. This is how ZAIO used to work and it’s quite good.
I can add option for it. I made it that way first, then when script used blink and enemy ran away with blink, I found myself in awkward position so made it first use eul.
Also could you fix shadowraze? For example when you press the raze combo key and your target dies from the first or second raze, the assembly still continues to use the rest of the razes untill they are all on cd even though the target is already dead. This also happens when the enemy is euled, the combo still uses the razes on the target and wastes them. This is all without the option that makes sure raze hits (I’m not using it because that option cancels too often and I don’t find it practical in a real game)
Can you test with ONLY loading BAIO? No other assemblies, just baio.
I will do that but tomorrow and I'll come back with some feed back :P. Other wise great job for the other heroes :)
There's a problem with assembly loading. I was getting that error reports all day now and I couldn't reproduce it because I was just loading BAIO. Then I loaded other assemblies too and boom, I reproduced it.
when enemy try to escape , sf in chase try use raze and cancel it
I have the same . In a real game when an opponent runs cancels too often
There's literally an option for that... in the menu.
Sf working perfectly for me.
Just played a game with Clockwork... dude... amazing. Couldn't wish for a better and most amazing/hilarious game.
pls also add a toggle key for clocks insec combo. that would be nice.
I have another hero suggestion if you plan on upgrading the hero pool. Centaur Warrunner @beminee
Would be better to add a hero that really needs a combo for ... something where aim and skill shots are needed like Lina. Why would u need a combo for centaur anyway lol
Because I'm Herlad

If any hero that needs a combo it would be Invoker hahaha. I know that's a long shot. He's very complex in making a script maybe some other assembly. Hmmm... XD
mby tiny?
i think we have a pretty good tiny script aldready,so it would be better if it would be morphling
Improved SF Raze while chasing.
Old Chase: https://streamable.com/qpyvu
New Chase: https://streamable.com/lbza8
Thank you so much for this. I will test asap. Keep up the good work!
Which one Tiny is good ?
Vicktherock i guess ,idr,but its best to have scripts for heros we dont have yet right ?,like gyrocopter,morphling,etc..... i really like gyro,hoping it would be after tusk
Well i think that Gyro script would suck , since all spells you can cast manually without fucking smth up :D
yea true that also,,,, i hope @beminee add some poll to vote for next hero scripts, add poll please
What about a Doom or beast master ?
какой же хук на пуджа как на клоквере сделать возможно? просто я ещё не разу не промазал за клока играя этим скриптом.
Clock's hook is much much faster than pudge's hook so I'm afraid it's not possible to make a pudge script with the same accuracy as Clock's hook since they are 2 completely different spells...
Dagger on cooldown combo: https://streamable.com/b07h6
Dagger combo: https://streamable.com/o8mpw
Coming from far away with dagger: https://streamable.com/kbdyj
Moves sigil to hero position: https://streamable.com/ahlbs
Note: Walrus Kick is not implemented in combo as it's a really circumstantial ability and since I'm not a Tusk player, I don't know which situations you wanna use the kick. If you guys can come up with a stable and good suggestion, I can implement it.
Note 2: Shadow Blade / Silver Edge is not implemented in combo. Because I don't know when you want to use blink and when you want to use shadow blade. But if you use shadow blade manually, it won't break it for combo => will only ulti or attack target first.
Vote on next hero: http://www.strawpoll.me/15091735
For wallrus kick , maybe if you can somehow put in different combo like blink + wallrus kick toward base , so we can sometime use it to kill one of their team member and get advantage? :)
Something like that
and also a toggle option(button toggle) for walrus kick would be good, like toggle for either kick in the direction of base/ or in the direction of nearest allied hero, and do the same combo as in video, would be epic.....
And also is it possible to cancel all attacks similar to pa crit hack, except walrus punch( 12% walrus punch talent) in shadow blade
nice Tuskar! you can add option to disable single abilitys ?= i want use ice shards manual ( option like ZAIO ) Thank!
why tuskar in combo, first uses the ult , after medallion/ solar crest.
I think it should be the other way around
Tested the Tuskar in a Match, works great snowball and all. Ice Shard is a problem. if possible to put prediction like when they running put the shard beyond there walking distance? not sure how to say it :).
Anyway good work !
There's a prediction but it's so easy to fail this skill and so hard to place it right. Because this skill can travel 1.5 seconds and it's not enough that it goes thru enemy but it should also end right behind the enemy. Most of the time it should work correctly, but if enemy side steps when projectile is flying or gains/loses ms; it can fail.
WINDRANGER please @beminee . She's broken with her ult and orbwalking
I guess after he adds tusk kick he is probably gonna do puck,and yea she is broken with that orbwalking in ulti
SF eul ulti too much offset... pls check!

I don't have that error. Can you only load BAIO and test again?
there is no problem with sf for me eul combo works just fine!
i also have no problem bro
@beminee u added tusk kick bruh ?
On weekend, will be added with puck.
i have the same error
im soz, may I know why there is this problem.
because im too far away from the target, sf stopped and released the ulti halfway.
just need to release skills near some distance can accurately. maybe within 200?
it is suggested that you update the script so that the eul will not be released early, thx
If you don't have dagger or it's on cd, it will use euls => move as close as it can to target and use ulti. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's up to you, if you want to do it. Else you can press F when you get really close, so that it will have time to move inside of eul'd target.
The script is working perfectly for me on every char. I just want to ask something. Wouldn’t it be better if you make it so that SF uses blink first to the target and then eul it, because blink has a much longer distance than eul. This is how ZAIO used to work and it’s quite good.
I can add option for it. I made it that way first, then when script used blink and enemy ran away with blink, I found myself in awkward position so made it first use eul.
~~The best assembly I've ever used!
Yea sf cancels too much , can u make razes like jumpas script, it doesn’t cancel much
There is option in script for cancel. Read something when you use it :)
find it ,ty
Also could you fix shadowraze? For example when you press the raze combo key and your target dies from the first or second raze, the assembly still continues to use the rest of the razes untill they are all on cd even though the target is already dead. This also happens when the enemy is euled, the combo still uses the razes on the target and wastes them. This is all without the option that makes sure raze hits (I’m not using it because that option cancels too often and I don’t find it practical in a real game)