AA, Witch Doctor, Abaddon, Dazzle, Disruptor, Lion, Lina, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Vengeful Spirit.
Any of those would be great, whichever is easiest for you.
Dark Willow maybe? I don't know if she's good for supporting.
AA, Witch Doctor, Abaddon, Dazzle, Disruptor, Lion, Lina, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Vengeful Spirit.
Any of those would be great, whichever is easiest for you.
Dark Willow maybe? I don't know if she's good for supporting.
Dark willow is a support... ppl who pick her mid for carry in ranked games above 4,5k mmr should delete dota ...
Thank you for the support @beminee. I have tested all the assemblies and so far he is my personal opinion
1)SF and Clock are epic. The only improved on Clock would be when we have a scepter to hook the creeps as well.
2)Storm, Sven and Huskar are very good. If you can add escape key for Sven as well
3)Tuskar Puck and Slakr. This heroes still need a lot of logic. Tuskar sometimes misses Q and does not trap the enemy. If possible add harass mode for Tuskar and PUCK with Q and the regarding Sniper mode if you can set it on separate key as well.
From supports I would like to see disruptor with glimpse trail and target showing when you hover mouse on enemy hero. I know it is possible cause YEEE made it for fun a few months ago. Also Elder Titan would be nice since nobody ever made a script with him.
@NoLuckSkill said:
Thank you for the support @beminee. I have tested all the assemblies and so far he is my personal opinion
1)SF and Clock are epic. The only improved on Clock would be when we have a scepter to hook the creeps as well.
2)Storm, Sven and Huskar are very good. If you can add escape key for Sven as well
3)Tuskar Puck and Slakr. This heroes still need a lot of logic. Tuskar sometimes misses Q and does not trap the enemy. If possible add harass mode for Tuskar and PUCK with Q and the regarding Sniper mode if you can set it on separate key as well.
The rest if good enough !
1) Escape mode for clock will be added later, along with escape mode for puck.
2) What kind of escape key for sven?
3) Like what logic? Tuskar can miss Q, it's one of the hardest skillshots to predict in game. For puck, what do you mean? You mean that adding sniper mode on a key instead of menu toggle?
@klaretos said:
From supports I would like to see disruptor with glimpse trail and target showing when you hover mouse on enemy hero. I know it is possible cause YEEE made it for fun a few months ago. Also Elder Titan would be nice since nobody ever made a script with him.
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
@Butoryy said:
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
@Butoryy said:
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
by pressing the combo button nothing happens. Buttons changed to other
@Butoryy said:
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
by pressing the combo button nothing happens. Buttons changed to other
I don't even know what the hell are you talking about, this is changing key; works as expected: https://streamable.com/cednr
@Butoryy said:
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
by pressing the combo button nothing happens. Buttons changed to other
I don't even know what the hell are you talking about, this is changing key; works as expected: https://streamable.com/cednr
@Butoryy said:
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
by pressing the combo button nothing happens. Buttons changed to other
I don't even know what the hell are you talking about, this is changing key; works as expected: https://streamable.com/cednr
Am I the only one having issues getting this script to work at the moment? I have bought, installed and enabled it, but it doesn't show up in the in-game menus.
Nevermind! I just wasn't playing a heroes supported by BAIO! LOL! Works like a charm on the supported heroes :)
Ogre Magi would be the most op script in history :D
The chain stun procs with ags stun proc on top. Sweet mother of God! Just picture the massacre ....
Thank you. I just request to improve the current hero's that we have now. I think the more heros we add the worst the script going to become. It's going to get harder to manage every hero. I'll even go so far into removing heroes and then adding new ones to replace.
Thank you. I just request to improve the current hero's that we have now. I think the more heros we add the worst the script going to become. It's going to get harder to manage every hero. I'll even go so far into removing heroes and then adding new ones to replace.
Currently working on UnitController and Terrorblade assembly. Also have few improvements to current existing assemblies in my mind. Will implement them with Terrorblade update.
Also if i may come with a suggestion for Naga i remember in ZAIO you had an option of a function wheel where u could choose if your Illusion should push lanes / stack jungle etc.. etc... that would just be some boss ass shit to have in BAIO if u could bring it in!
@bossbeard said:
Also if i may come with a suggestion for Naga i remember in ZAIO you had an option of a function wheel where u could choose if your Illusion should push lanes / stack jungle etc.. etc... that would just be some boss ass shit to have in BAIO if u could bring it in!
yea that naga was really good. and it still works to some extent. i'm sure BAIO version would be even better
and Clinkz after right ? RIGHT ?!
Any supports planned?
Not right now. Any suggestions?
I can add clinkz later. It's being requested a lot and free clinkz one apparently have some problems.
So much love for you :* :*
AA, Witch Doctor, Abaddon, Dazzle, Disruptor, Lion, Lina, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Vengeful Spirit.
Any of those would be great, whichever is easiest for you.
Dark Willow maybe? I don't know if she's good for supporting.
Dark willow is a support... ppl who pick her mid for carry in ranked games above 4,5k mmr should delete dota ...
Thank you for the support @beminee. I have tested all the assemblies and so far he is my personal opinion
1)SF and Clock are epic. The only improved on Clock would be when we have a scepter to hook the creeps as well.
2)Storm, Sven and Huskar are very good. If you can add escape key for Sven as well
3)Tuskar Puck and Slakr. This heroes still need a lot of logic. Tuskar sometimes misses Q and does not trap the enemy. If possible add harass mode for Tuskar and PUCK with Q and the regarding Sniper mode if you can set it on separate key as well.
The rest if good enough
From supports I would like to see disruptor with glimpse trail and target showing when you hover mouse on enemy hero. I know it is possible cause YEEE made it for fun a few months ago. Also Elder Titan would be nice since nobody ever made a script with him.
1) Escape mode for clock will be added later, along with escape mode for puck.
2) What kind of escape key for sven?
3) Like what logic? Tuskar can miss Q, it's one of the hardest skillshots to predict in game. For puck, what do you mean? You mean that adding sniper mode on a key instead of menu toggle?
Yeah, distruptor is possible.
Add Disruptor, Elder, Blood Force Staff
PL is good as well if u don't mind.
i'd love a shaman for a support, also maybe phoenix? he has some decent skill shots
Try shadownshamansharp by beminee. It is really good. Phoenix would be nice although the difficulty making such a script would be very high.
PL with Evader and Unitcontrol plus (YEEEE) works like a charm. Only button you need to press is Q
took the test for 24 hours. In fact, it turned out that the General tab does not work, changed the button does not help. killsteal doesn't work either. The hero tab works fine, but the standard combo doesn't work. At first there were problems with start of the script, wrote that I have no necessary rights, now there is no half of working capacity of the script. Wasted 24 hours
Currently, only anti-mage(with ulti) and clockwork(with rocket) supports killsteal. Also didn't understand what do you mean by "standard combo"? Like you press "Combo Key" and it does nothing? Also that no necessary right thing has nothing to do with my script. You should wait like 5 minutes after activating trial and restart ensage if it was already working then start using it.
by pressing the combo button nothing happens. Buttons changed to other
I don't even know what the hell are you talking about, this is changing key; works as expected: https://streamable.com/cednr
This is ks check: https://streamable.com/8fj2y
https://streamable.com/yc9mw general - don't worked. hero - work! Combo don't work! excuse me for bad English. I am a Russian-speaking user
https://s.put.re/TV8ayZE.png why would you disable ensage.sdk orbwalker
Enable it
are you taking in suggestions? can we get a visage? :) love your script.
Baio not showing up in menu. I own the script and I re-installed and enabled it aswell. Any ideas?
Please don't ask for scripts that exist already. Try Visageplus by YEEEE. It is perfect.
I think another strawpoll would be great.
Please don't ask for heroes we already have.
Might I make a suggestion for Pangolier or bounty hunter :3
Am I the only one having issues getting this script to work at the moment? I have bought, installed and enabled it, but it doesn't show up in the in-game menus.
Nevermind! I just wasn't playing a heroes supported by BAIO! LOL! Works like a charm on the supported heroes :)
My suggestions for new heroes are Dark Willow and Morphling =)
Morphling +1 <3
Ogre Magi would be the most op script in history :D
The chain stun procs with ags stun proc on top. Sweet mother of God! Just picture the massacre ....
Morphling +1
Thank you. I just request to improve the current hero's that we have now. I think the more heros we add the worst the script going to become. It's going to get harder to manage every hero. I'll even go so far into removing heroes and then adding new ones to replace.
Morphling would be really hard to do
@beminee can you add linken breaker for SF ? :)
Currently working on UnitController and Terrorblade assembly. Also have few improvements to current existing assemblies in my mind. Will implement them with Terrorblade update.
Sure, expect it soon.
sounds good @beminee keep up the good work!
Thanks mate, love you! <3
Also if i may come with a suggestion for Naga i remember in ZAIO you had an option of a function wheel where u could choose if your Illusion should push lanes / stack jungle etc.. etc... that would just be some boss ass shit to have in BAIO if u could bring it in!
Please add a faceless void to this script.
yea that naga was really good. and it still works to some extent. i'm sure BAIO version would be even better
It's dangerous that everyone knows this hack.
Our account will be banned.
don't start with such high camera distance
Is this one time pay?
yes, its a exelent script!
Tusk's kick combo is not working?