Last Hit Rage



  • Support
    Hope V2
    Early update

  • V2

    The effect is good

  • holycrap spell farm is good :)

  • gznstergznster Posts: 202
    edited February 2018

    V2 is awesome :ditto2:
    Need fix for settings not saved. Even tho i clicked the save profile button.
    Would be great if skkywrath can use 1 AA + skill :D

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @gznster said:

    Will add Sky bolt.

    Settings saved only by pressing key. Can add on deactivate save.

  • This looks 10 times better than the last one! Well done Sir! :)

  • love the new update! +rep <3

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    in few days arrive new huge Update V3

    • Fix ranged delays
    • Added jungle orbwalk (AA + run away)
    • Spell harras
  • @SirLimon said:

    in few days arrive new huge Update V3

    • Fix ranged delays
    • Added jungle orbwalk (AA + run away)
    • Spell harras

    Awesome! Great work

  • @SirLimon I love how you release half finished products and then blame it on your customers(the ones that give you money) for not having their configs right. You nearly rage at them and shortly after announce you have fixed a huge issue.
    Sorry to say this and correct me if I am wrong. You deliver a paid script/service. Give no explonation how the configs work whatsoever, how ever they seem to be highly important. The settings dont seem to be good enough by default(WITH A PAID SCRIPT???) and then when people comment or notice you about it you blame them.
    You sir are a gold digger first class.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571
    edited February 2018

    @blackrazor said:
    @SirLimon I love how you release half finished products and then blame it on your customers(the ones that give you money) for not having their configs right. You nearly rage at them and shortly after announce you have fixed a huge issue.
    Sorry to say this and correct me if I am wrong. You deliver a paid script/service. Give no explonation how the configs work whatsoever, how ever they seem to be highly important. The settings dont seem to be good enough by default(WITH A PAID SCRIPT???) and then when people comment or notice you about it you blame them.
    You sir are a gold digger first class.

    I do not blame adequate criticism. When they describe the problem, I solve it. And when a person did not buy or did not try everything and writes that he does not work, I do not listen to those. Plus people who do not understand words.
    Basically, I help everyone who needs help and release fix fast.

    And yes, I'm testing all my scripts in real games, in the ranked (4500-5000 mmr). If all is well, let it out. But it is simply unrealistic to test all the champions alone.

    UPD, and Paid != no bugs / perfect script, Paid mean that it better than existing free script. + Support for it / fix bug fast

  • Woooooow. This is the calmest I've seen you @SirLimon haha. Nice. Keep it up dude.

  • @blackrazor said:
    @SirLimon I love how you release half finished products and then blame it on your customers(the ones that give you money) for not having their configs right. You nearly rage at them and shortly after announce you have fixed a huge issue.
    Sorry to say this and correct me if I am wrong. You deliver a paid script/service. Give no explonation how the configs work whatsoever, how ever they seem to be highly important. The settings dont seem to be good enough by default(WITH A PAID SCRIPT???) and then when people comment or notice you about it you blame them.
    You sir are a gold digger first class.

    He is just a human being dont be so hard on him,everyone can make mistake.
    He is trying to improve it, and he prove that to you with this new release.
    He almost deliver everything that is in descritption of the scripit.Script is curently working 2 times better than SDK.
    Tried 1v1 about 10 games different heroes and every single game script owned the opponent with the last hitting.
    Just saying no hard feelings.

  • And for anyone saying this aint work properly give it a try for melee heroes.

    Srsly 39/24 5 min when you have free farm as safelaner 1 missed cs and that was my fault.

  • After several testing here's the feedback.

    -The last hit part has been improve a lot and working quite well. I can say it's better than SDK at this point.
    -I really like the "force deny" mode. It help manipulate wave by a ton.
    -The farm part, however, is still not optimized. Especially on ranged champ. I still prefer the SDK one.
    -I don't know why but ranged hero has problem with force push and force deny mode. It just keep attacking and doesn't stop to last hit.
    -I'm struggling to use the spell farm mode. I really don't understand how it work. I think I'm having problem with how much minimum creep kill should I use for each spell. Plus I think the minimum kill isn't working as intended. A video showcasing how this work with AOE spell would be great.

    -With so many mode I don't have enough hotkeys to use it all. I propose that you should made an activate button similar to SDK so I can set some mode on the same hotkey and choose which one to use.
    -Sometimes when enemy creep and ally creep almost die at the same time, It prefer to deny first and miss the last hit. I think that you should always go for the last hit no matter what.
    -Please add orbwalk to the farm mode like SDK.

  • Zlotvor92Zlotvor92 Posts: 62
    edited February 2018

    @tawannupinw said:
    After several testing here's the feedback.

    -The last hit part has been improve a lot and working quite well. I can say it's better than SDK at this point.
    -I really like the "force deny" mode. It help manipulate wave by a ton.
    -The farm part, however, is still not optimized. Especially on ranged champ. I still prefer the SDK one.
    -I don't know why but ranged hero has problem with force push and force deny mode. It just keep attacking and doesn't stop to last hit.
    -I'm struggling to use the spell farm mode. I really don't understand how it work. I think I'm having problem with how much minimum creep kill should I use for each spell. Plus I think the minimum kill isn't working as intended. A video showcasing how this work with AOE spell would be great.

    -With so many mode I don't have enough hotkeys to use it all. I propose that you should made an activate button similar to SDK so I can set some mode on the same hotkey and choose which one to use.
    -Sometimes when enemy creep and ally creep almost die at the same time, It prefer to deny first and miss the last hit. I think that you should always go for the last hit no matter what.
    -Please add orbwalk to the farm mode like SDK.

    I agree that there is a problem with range champs.Sometimes hits too early sometimes hits to late.
    After the "spell farm" (Lina) he lh 2 creeps and the rest 2 misses for unknown reasons.But next wave is fine.
    Mb i am tripping
    But still its better now that sdk , at least for me.
    For melee champs its op,safelane free farm you wont miss a single creep (Tried with jugger and pa)
    And i think anti mage would be op as fuck with this script but i didnt tried since i am no AM player.Dont like rats. :ditto:

  • Also, AM seems to use his mana burn to deny ally range creep. (e.g. AM damage is 80, 110 with mana burn on range creep. He will try to use that 110 to deny ally range creep, which will result in a miss)

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @tawannupinw said:
    After several testing here's the feedback.

    -The last hit part has been improve a lot and working quite well. I can say it's better than SDK at this point.
    -I really like the "force deny" mode. It help manipulate wave by a ton.
    -The farm part, however, is still not optimized. Especially on ranged champ. I still prefer the SDK one.
    -I don't know why but ranged hero has problem with force push and force deny mode. It just keep attacking and doesn't stop to last hit.
    -I'm struggling to use the spell farm mode. I really don't understand how it work. I think I'm having problem with how much minimum creep kill should I use for each spell. Plus I think the minimum kill isn't working as intended. A video showcasing how this work with AOE spell would be great.

    -With so many mode I don't have enough hotkeys to use it all. I propose that you should made an activate button similar to SDK so I can set some mode on the same hotkey and choose which one to use.
    -Sometimes when enemy creep and ally creep almost die at the same time, It prefer to deny first and miss the last hit. I think that you should always go for the last hit no matter what.
    -Please add orbwalk to the farm mode like SDK.

    Ty for feedback. I'll prepare for new update and take into account this.

    Exist bug with ranged heroes. It should be fixed in next update.

    Spell farm now in BETA. Please let me know about misses/bugs with different spells. Currently this feature does not support all possible spells.

    @tawannupinw said:
    Also, AM seems to use his mana burn to deny ally range creep. (e.g. AM damage is 80, 110 with mana burn on range creep. He will try to use that 110 to deny ally range creep, which will result in a miss)

    Will fix it in next update.

  • Totally agree with the above statements. But boy oh boy this script has some great potential. Last hits are much better now. This is what I've been looking for in a loooooong time. Thank you @SirLimon!

  • AyushAyush Posts: 356
    edited February 2018

    @ralph_repato said:
    Totally agree with the above statements. But boy oh boy this script has some great potential. Last hits are much better now. This is what I've been looking for in a loooooong time. Thank you @SirLimon!

    can someone tell me,if its better than ensage sdk last hitter ? i used my trail on day 1, so dont know it is now...

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976

    @Ayush написал:

    @ralph_repato said:
    Totally agree with the above statements. But boy oh boy this script has some great potential. Last hits are much better now. This is what I've been looking for in a loooooong time. Thank you @SirLimon!

    can someone tell me,if its better than ensage sdk last hitter ? i used my trail on day 1, so dont know it is now...

    if he will fix bug with range heroes, will be better than sdk

  • NeeDforKillNeeDforKill Posts: 1,976
    edited February 2018

    WK with disabled deny, cos it sometimes fail priority. Idk in this time it losed 3 creeps , first time when i test it lose 0 creeps.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @NeeDforKill said:

    WK with disabled deny, cos it sometimes fail priority. Idk in this time it losed 3 creeps , first time when i test it lose 0 creeps.

    There is a small bug with priority. I'm already fixing it.

  • Thanks for the hard work SirLimon, this is why i dont understand why people just get angry at you without giving you constructive feedback at all. Good for for you and ignoring them while sitll working hard for the others that do appreciate your greater contirbution here.

    Meanwhile yes i do have to agree that ranged hero "farm" is abit buggy, sometimes i hit very well on farm, and then i miss alot or doesnt even try to last hit by just continually push in "farm" mode.

    However, ON-HIT spell farm works so well on clinkz, i havent missed a single arrow using the burning spears.

    are there any options for spell farm on huskar / silencer etc?

    Really cant wait to see the finished product, there is alot of potential and improvements here

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @gunite69 said:
    Thanks for the hard work SirLimon, this is why i dont understand why people just get angry at you without giving you constructive feedback at all. Good for for you and ignoring them while sitll working hard for the others that do appreciate your greater contirbution here.

    Meanwhile yes i do have to agree that ranged hero "farm" is abit buggy, sometimes i hit very well on farm, and then i miss alot or doesnt even try to last hit by just continually push in "farm" mode.

    However, ON-HIT spell farm works so well on clinkz, i havent missed a single arrow using the burning spears.

    are there any options for spell farm on huskar / silencer etc?

    Really cant wait to see the finished product, there is alot of potential and improvements here

    Silencer already supported (also kunka/od/bh/antimage/buffusal blade)

    Huskar on hit deal over time dmg. Bad for last hit. If you need this - i can add.

  • Excited to buy when I get home from euro, just wanted to ask if arc waren is already supported? Thanks!

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    Version Released

    • Possible Fix for Ranged Heroes
    • Updated calculation for arrival time
    • Fixed backswing calcs
    • Added extra delay settings (aka Tick Rate)
    • Fixed OnHit spells used for deny
    • Added extra calc for Priory LH/Deny
    • Possible fix for Priory LH/Deny


    • Add more Spells for Spell Farm
  • @SirLimon said:

    Version Released

    • Possible Fix for Ranged Heroes
    • Updated calculation for arrival time
    • Fixed backswing calcs
    • Added extra delay settings (aka Tick Rate)
    • Fixed OnHit spells used for deny
    • Added extra calc for Priory LH/Deny
    • Possible fix for Priory LH/Deny


    • Add more Spells for Spell Farm

    ![]( ""
    I guess its fixed with range prediction :)

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    @SirLimon said:

    Version Released

    • Possible Fix for Ranged Heroes
    • Updated calculation for arrival time
    • Fixed backswing calcs
    • Added extra delay settings (aka Tick Rate)
    • Fixed OnHit spells used for deny
    • Added extra calc for Priory LH/Deny
    • Possible fix for Priory LH/Deny


    Now this is much much better than the release version. Very very impressed. Keep up the good work :)

    PS: It even works for Visage now... no words bro, AMAZING! thanks so much!

  • @SirLimon said:

    Version Released

    • Possible Fix for Ranged Heroes
    • Updated calculation for arrival time
    • Fixed backswing calcs
    • Added extra delay settings (aka Tick Rate)
    • Fixed OnHit spells used for deny
    • Added extra calc for Priory LH/Deny
    • Possible fix for Priory LH/Deny


    • Add more Spells for Spell Farm

    wow! nice work! for range it misses only a few times, but overall really nice work!! better than sdk right now.

    For farming mode, is it possible to let hero move in orbwalk while its force farming? its just stands there and hold its position while in farm mode, easy target for hooks/arrow if it will stand still while farming, would be great if it can orbwalk farm. thanks! nice work!

  • Can you give trial version ?

  • @kappatalism said:
    Can you give trial version ?

    There was trial version , if you used your trial alrdy then you need to purchase it.

  • DipuDipu Posts: 9

    Is there an explanation on how this script works? I bought the assembly, but need some support on how to get started. I see there is lots of buttons and settings. For now, i have the assembly installed and mounted into the game, but how no idea on how to use it. I am sure there is a simple solution. Sorry for the trouble i may cause in asking such stupid questions, but just a reminder that even though you make the most useful thing, it still is not useful if people dont know how to use it.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @Dipu said:
    Is there an explanation on how this script works? I bought the assembly, but need some support on how to get started. I see there is lots of buttons and settings. For now, i have the assembly installed and mounted into the game, but how no idea on how to use it. I am sure there is a simple solution. Sorry for the trouble i may cause in asking such stupid questions, but just a reminder that even though you make the most useful thing, it still is not useful if people dont know how to use it.

    For easy start hold 'X' button. Its lasthit mode.
    Other settings and modes you can try in test game mode.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @anonymouse said:
    For farming mode, is it possible to let hero move in orbwalk while its force farming? its just stands there and hold its position while in farm mode, easy target for hooks/arrow if it will stand still while farming, would be great if it can orbwalk farm. thanks! nice work!

    Farm/depush mode on reconstruction. Will be updated in next version

  • myzonemyzone Posts: 135

    Hey @SirLimon the script is great! I just want to know if its possible while in last hit mode as a range hero is it possible after my hero throws it's attack for the script to start orb walking again right away instead of finishing the attack animation. This causes me to get hooked or arrowed sometimes

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @myzone said:
    Hey @SirLimon the script is great! I just want to know if its possible while in last hit mode as a range hero is it possible after my hero throws it's attack for the script to start orb walking again right away instead of finishing the attack animation. This causes me to get hooked or arrowed sometimes

    Ok, i'll fix it in next updates

  • kappatalismkappatalism Posts: 134
    edited February 2018

    can you reupload your real game video ? I can't watch it, I tried to download it and it still takes so long.

    Maybe upload to youtube or to some file-hosting site?

  • HyundaMechHyundaMech Posts: 22
    edited February 2018

    Auto unaggro while harassing doesn’t work

  • DipuDipu Posts: 9

    @SirLimon said:

    @Dipu said:
    Is there an explanation on how this script works? I bought the assembly, but need some support on how to get started. I see there is lots of buttons and settings. For now, i have the assembly installed and mounted into the game, but how no idea on how to use it. I am sure there is a simple solution. Sorry for the trouble i may cause in asking such stupid questions, but just a reminder that even though you make the most useful thing, it still is not useful if people dont know how to use it.

    For easy start hold 'X' button. Its lasthit mode.
    Other settings and modes you can try in test game mode.


  • tawannupinwtawannupinw Posts: 138
    edited February 2018

    Ver feedback:

    (I'm not going to talk about the farm/depush mode cause you said you gonna fix it. This is purely about last hit)

    -Melee hero is fine. I still have problem with range hero though.

    -Problem usually occured at low level when your AA is around 50-60 damage. It seems to AA too late most of the time. I believe that this is due to the default setting of using minimum hero damage. I did try increasing the Extra Dmg option, but it still miss due to attacking too early. Right now I increase the AA delay option and it seems to be better, but still miss some easy one.

    -Changing Extra Tick Delay value crash the script completely and I have to restart the game.

  • ramzesbgramzesbg Posts: 249
    edited February 2018

    @tawannupinw said:
    Ver feedback:

    (I'm not going to talk about the farm/depush mode cause you said you gonna fix it. This is purely about last hit)

    -Melee hero is fine. I still have problem with range hero though.

    -Problem usually occured at low level when your AA is around 50-60 damage. It seems to AA too late most of the time. I believe that this is due to the default setting of using minimum hero damage. I did try increasing the Extra Dmg option, but it still miss due to attacking too early. Right now I increase the AA delay option and it seems to be better, but still miss some easy one.

    -Changing Extra Calculation Delay value crash the script completely and I have to quit the game.

    Try not to touch the Extra AA option and increase the calculation delay. For example on Visage it was trying to last hit a bit too late so I put it on 3 so that it launches the atacks a bit earlier and that works perfectly for me. For SF it seems to work better when I put the calc delay to 2 instead of 3.

  • no button try or buy

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @gentmat said:
    no button try or buy

  • PtzMaxPtzMax Posts: 51

    Please add the manual in Russian.

  • SirLimonSirLimon Posts: 571

    @PtzMax said:
    Please add the manual in Russian.

    Хорошо, ближайшие пару дней новое обновление будет + мануал сделаю

  • @ramzesbg said:

    @tawannupinw said:
    Ver feedback:

    (I'm not going to talk about the farm/depush mode cause you said you gonna fix it. This is purely about last hit)

    -Melee hero is fine. I still have problem with range hero though.

    -Problem usually occured at low level when your AA is around 50-60 damage. It seems to AA too late most of the time. I believe that this is due to the default setting of using minimum hero damage. I did try increasing the Extra Dmg option, but it still miss due to attacking too early. Right now I increase the AA delay option and it seems to be better, but still miss some easy one.

    -Changing Extra Calculation Delay value crash the script completely and I have to quit the game.

    Try not to touch the Extra AA option and increase the calculation delay. For example on Visage it was trying to last hit a bit too late so I put it on 3 so that it launches the atacks a bit earlier and that works perfectly for me. For SF it seems to work better when I put the calc delay to 2 instead of 3.

    Did you mean Extra Tick Delay or Attack Point?

  • blackrazorblackrazor Posts: 24
    edited February 2018

    @SirLimon Just bought the script and I must admit it improved nicely. Keep it up :asunaderp:

    Ember seems to miss allot for me though

  • teewar4teewar4 Posts: 108

    как орбвелкер выключить?

  • teewar4teewar4 Posts: 108

    @teewar4 said:
    как орбвелкер выключить?

    Как узнать какой тикрейт ставить? Там всё на на Английском я не силен в английском, Как харрас включить на тинкере... Функция харрас не работает где галочку ставить

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