When you use the "pussy combo" it does not use laser even if in range, if you use combo it blinks INTO MeLee OF TARGET ??
Also rearm failsafe does not work(?) missing using soul ring/bottle when rearm option(when normaly rearm not when combo).
also when auto pushing lanes it most of the time blinks back in the lane instead of hiding in trees to march and when tping home it does blink into woods tho.
@pango1337 said:
when using auto lane push it blinks back in lane instead of safespots in trees?
show me please these positions
@pango1337 said:
When you use the "pussy combo" it does not use laser even if in range, if you use combo it blinks INTO MeLee OF TARGET ??
it cuz its using only -> blink, ghost, bottle(after this update), soul ring, glimmer, discord, rockets, rearm
Also rearm failsafe does not work(?) missing using soul ring/bottle when rearm option(when normaly rearm not when combo).
about realm failsafe. Its working only with player's actions
also when auto pushing lanes it most of the time blinks back in the lane instead of hiding in trees to march and when tping home it does blink into woods tho.
can u show me some gif or screen of this?
@supanoob said:
can someone make a video on how to use this, i cant figure it out, how is he auto pushing and auto jungling
just toggle on/off push key, thats all. (also u need travels and dagger)
now u can disable/enable items in spam combos (In Abilities selection)
I have have 20 hours left on my trial. The auto combo only works for me in a lobby with bots. In a ranked game he does not do anything if i press the combo key?
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
@cake said:
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
there is [Safe distance] thats allows to dont blink into enemies
and u can also use [blink to mouse position]
@cake said:
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
You should really setup your scripts in Lobby before you play real games.
About the target loose, lock target can help to chase your enemy into fog ( i dont use this script myself, so i dont know if you can lock your target here, but should be possible)
That's exactly what's not there, there is no damn lock. if i lose vision of the nemey behind a tree or anything like that tinker will afk. Same goes for if an enemy uses blade mail then he will also fully afk in the middle of a fight. u can tell me why not disable option of not using spells in blade mail. Well because sometimes it's better to use and sometimes it's better not to. but the main problem is that he is just full afk in middle of team fight so maybe u can transform combo key into orb walker or something while he is not using spells bcs of blade mail. So the transition from jumping around to full afk/script disabled isn't so terrible. I would use my own orb walk key, but it happens so unexpectedly that the time i realize my hero i just afk since i have my camera on enemy that will already kill me.
@cake said:
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
You should really setup your scripts in Lobby before you play real games.
About the target loose, lock target can help to chase your enemy into fog ( i dont use this script myself, so i dont know if you can lock your target here, but should be possible)
That's exactly what's not there, there is no damn lock. if i lose vision of the nemey behind a tree or anything like that tinker will afk. Same goes for if an enemy uses blade mail then he will also fully afk in the middle of a fight. u can tell me why not disable option of not using spells in blade mail. Well because sometimes it's better to use and sometimes it's better not to. but the main problem is that he is just full afk in middle of team fight so maybe u can transform combo key into orb walker or something while he is not using spells bcs of blade mail. So the transition from jumping around to full afk/script disabled isn't so terrible. I would use my own orb walk key, but it happens so unexpectedly that the time i realize my hero i just afk since i have my camera on enemy that will already kill me.
yeah, thanks for the reply bro
fixed afk if target under blade mail or not under vision
fixed bug with veil
improvements for combo speed (changed update rate from 50ms to 15ms and now u can change it value in menu & some fixes in code)
@cake said:
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
You should really setup your scripts in Lobby before you play real games.
About the target loose, lock target can help to chase your enemy into fog ( i dont use this script myself, so i dont know if you can lock your target here, but should be possible)
That's exactly what's not there, there is no damn lock. if i lose vision of the nemey behind a tree or anything like that tinker will afk. Same goes for if an enemy uses blade mail then he will also fully afk in the middle of a fight. u can tell me why not disable option of not using spells in blade mail. Well because sometimes it's better to use and sometimes it's better not to. but the main problem is that he is just full afk in middle of team fight so maybe u can transform combo key into orb walker or something while he is not using spells bcs of blade mail. So the transition from jumping around to full afk/script disabled isn't so terrible. I would use my own orb walk key, but it happens so unexpectedly that the time i realize my hero i just afk since i have my camera on enemy that will already kill me.
yeah, thanks for the reply bro
fixed afk if target under blade mail or not under vision
fixed bug with veil
improvements for combo speed (changed update rate from 50ms to 15ms and now u can change it value in menu & some fixes in code)
Ok, happy to see there is some communication. In auto push he farms camps sometimes that are empty, maybe u can fix that? Also a feature i think would be nice is if he there is stack key for camp that is closest to you, u can also add that feature to auto push. That way he auto push then jump to jungle do a auto stack then go back to auto push and farm the stack later. Or u can stack it urself by pressing stack key. Since i see that there is jungle farming indicator points ( yellow and green point). Maybe u can use that same way to create stack points.
This video shows best stack spots:
Maybe u can implement some that only take 1 march to make stack. Let me know what u think, cheers.
By the way the combo afk thing is not fixed completely. Now he will blink on mouse coursor if target gets out of vision but when target is in vision again he just keep blinking on mouse cursor without casting spells. Idk if same is for blade mail but i suppose it may be.
If pl doppleganger infront of him, he will afk as well.
Also there is a manta interaction that makes him go afk if somebody uses manta while i am focusing another target and have vision of him. Like there was sf, clinkz, pl: I kill clinkz and pl and while i am killing them sf manta'd and after that i still have combo key pressed and tinker is just afk. I hope it's the manta that made him afk if not I have no explanation.
If i lose vision of enemy, the first time i see him he wont do any damage and will rearm again. Imagine i am killing enemy: I laser him>lose vision> blink to him>gain vision>rearm(instead of laser)>blink to him>laser
The auto push/farm combo seems really inefficient to me. Tinker uses one march then he tps back to base with full mana.
Plus sometimes he tries to farm empty jungle camps or positions his march so it only hits one lanecreep.
EDIT: I would buy 100% if tinker would push out lane; tp to other lane and then go to jungle to farm there
Pretty huge problem here. After enemy getting combo'd dies tinker goes afk. Would be nice if he blink to cursor or rearm>blink to cursor after enemy is dead.
Nice to se this guy doesn't care at all to answer anythign that is posted. Go get the free script all the extra options in this one will only get you killed because he doesnt work on them. I literally lose 1 ou tof 2 games becasue the script bugs and kills me. Hilarious to see admins letting these kind of faulty script go unpunished for so long,
@cake said:
Nice to se this guy doesn't care at all to answer anythign that is posted. Go get the free script all the extra options in this one will only get you killed because he doesnt work on them. I literally lose 1 ou tof 2 games becasue the script bugs and kills me. Hilarious to see admins letting these kind of faulty script go unpunished for so long,
stop this panic bro, i read all ur messages and dont answer cuz i like to fix shits before answer
its nice script overall. But the auto/pushing - farming is really bad. Tinker like to farm neutral camps with no neutrals, pushing lanes without enemy creeps and teleporting back to fountain with 80% mana. It will be awesome, if you fix that.
@cake said:
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
You should really setup your scripts in Lobby before you play real games.
About the target loose, lock target can help to chase your enemy into fog ( i dont use this script myself, so i dont know if you can lock your target here, but should be possible)
That's exactly what's not there, there is no damn lock. if i lose vision of the nemey behind a tree or anything like that tinker will afk. Same goes for if an enemy uses blade mail then he will also fully afk in the middle of a fight. u can tell me why not disable option of not using spells in blade mail. Well because sometimes it's better to use and sometimes it's better not to. but the main problem is that he is just full afk in middle of team fight so maybe u can transform combo key into orb walker or something while he is not using spells bcs of blade mail. So the transition from jumping around to full afk/script disabled isn't so terrible. I would use my own orb walk key, but it happens so unexpectedly that the time i realize my hero i just afk since i have my camera on enemy that will already kill me.
yeah, thanks for the reply bro
fixed afk if target under blade mail or not under vision
fixed bug with veil
improvements for combo speed (changed update rate from 50ms to 15ms and now u can change it value in menu & some fixes in code)
Ok, happy to see there is some communication. In auto push he farms camps sometimes that are empty, maybe u can fix that? Also a feature i think would be nice is if he there is stack key for camp that is closest to you, u can also add that feature to auto push. That way he auto push then jump to jungle do a auto stack then go back to auto push and farm the stack later. Or u can stack it urself by pressing stack key. Since i see that there is jungle farming indicator points ( yellow and green point). Maybe u can use that same way to create stack points.
This video shows best stack spots:
Maybe u can implement some that only take 1 march to make stack. Let me know what u think, cheers.
nice video, will try to implement this
btw, mini update
now will use all items if there is no enemy
now if tinker cant cast rearm, he will move to ur mouse
@davian666 said:
taken money then no update anymore
i should? i should only fix, if its not working, im not ur personal worker and it's not my full job
its nice script overall. But the auto/pushing - farming is really bad. Tinker like to farm neutral camps with no neutrals, pushing lanes without enemy creeps and teleporting back to fountain with 80% mana. It will be awesome, if you fix that.
i just bought this script, i am wondering if u could add a function that blink to the most spell distance but in the mouse direction not the fixed direction
can someone make a video on how to use this, i cant figure it out, how is he auto pushing and auto jungling
when using auto lane push it blinks back in lane instead of safespots in trees?
nvm doubkle post
Any update for this script :( can you disable blink for march and rockets please
When you use the "pussy combo" it does not use laser even if in range, if you use combo it blinks INTO MeLee OF TARGET ??
Also rearm failsafe does not work(?) missing using soul ring/bottle when rearm option(when normaly rearm not when combo).
also when auto pushing lanes it most of the time blinks back in the lane instead of hiding in trees to march and when tping home it does blink into woods tho.
show me please these positions
it cuz its using only -> blink, ghost, bottle(after this update), soul ring, glimmer, discord, rockets, rearm
about realm failsafe. Its working only with player's actions
can u show me some gif or screen of this?
just toggle on/off push key, thats all. (also u need travels and dagger)
reset this scripts for me.. I try already. and i want to buy now.. cant find buy after im click trial
wait when trial end
I have have 20 hours left on my trial. The auto combo only works for me in a lobby with bots. In a ranked game he does not do anything if i press the combo key?
Можно было при пуше лайнов добавить лазер на машинки, рейнж крипов т больших крипов в лесах.
тогда большой шанс, что тебя заметит враг. И если он тебя как раз такие ждал, то сразу будет земля пухом
really can't use auto push , can u fix it ???
really can use auto push, can u see dat?
also gimme more info about ur problem
really can't use auto push , problem when travel back base , it' can't finish travel , sry my english
toggle on this
working right now thank you vm bro
Combo is canceling rearm after using abilities
any update? combo broken it just spams rearm
you need put correct spell order in settings
while autopushing it gets stuck and keeps spamming rearm for no reason. I went away for 10 minutes and i got abandon.
reprice to 20 please
Why is this script i paid 225$ for jumping into melee range of enemy team and suiciding?
How do I trial this paid script
so slow the combo

free script speed

already told 100x times, dont test in lobby with 0 PING
lobby with ~60 ping
Nice script. Lose vision of enemy for 1 micro second and he just afk. AMAZING SCRIPT NICE MONEY WASTED>
Doesnt even keep safe distance when doing combo, will actually dive into 4 melee enemies and get dueled, called and raped.
I spend the whole game not using script and the i said "lets try combo key", next thing i know i lost the game after the script suicided my hero 3 times.
there is [Safe distance] thats allows to dont blink into enemies
and u can also use [blink to mouse position]
Th> @JoyPink said:
That's exactly what's not there, there is no damn lock. if i lose vision of the nemey behind a tree or anything like that tinker will afk. Same goes for if an enemy uses blade mail then he will also fully afk in the middle of a fight. u can tell me why not disable option of not using spells in blade mail. Well because sometimes it's better to use and sometimes it's better not to. but the main problem is that he is just full afk in middle of team fight so maybe u can transform combo key into orb walker or something while he is not using spells bcs of blade mail. So the transition from jumping around to full afk/script disabled isn't so terrible. I would use my own orb walk key, but it happens so unexpectedly that the time i realize my hero i just afk since i have my camera on enemy that will already kill me.
yeah, thanks for the reply bro
Ok, happy to see there is some communication. In auto push he farms camps sometimes that are empty, maybe u can fix that? Also a feature i think would be nice is if he there is stack key for camp that is closest to you, u can also add that feature to auto push. That way he auto push then jump to jungle do a auto stack then go back to auto push and farm the stack later. Or u can stack it urself by pressing stack key. Since i see that there is jungle farming indicator points ( yellow and green point). Maybe u can use that same way to create stack points.
This video shows best stack spots:
Maybe u can implement some that only take 1 march to make stack. Let me know what u think, cheers.
By the way the combo afk thing is not fixed completely. Now he will blink on mouse coursor if target gets out of vision but when target is in vision again he just keep blinking on mouse cursor without casting spells. Idk if same is for blade mail but i suppose it may be.
If pl doppleganger infront of him, he will afk as well.
Also there is a manta interaction that makes him go afk if somebody uses manta while i am focusing another target and have vision of him. Like there was sf, clinkz, pl: I kill clinkz and pl and while i am killing them sf manta'd and after that i still have combo key pressed and tinker is just afk. I hope it's the manta that made him afk if not I have no explanation.
If i lose vision of enemy, the first time i see him he wont do any damage and will rearm again. Imagine i am killing enemy: I laser him>lose vision> blink to him>gain vision>rearm(instead of laser)>blink to him>laser
The auto push/farm combo seems really inefficient to me. Tinker uses one march then he tps back to base with full mana.
Plus sometimes he tries to farm empty jungle camps or positions his march so it only hits one lanecreep.
EDIT: I would buy 100% if tinker would push out lane; tp to other lane and then go to jungle to farm there
can you update the combo to be more like YEE's script but with quicker combos?
Pretty huge problem here. After enemy getting combo'd dies tinker goes afk. Would be nice if he blink to cursor or rearm>blink to cursor after enemy is dead.
Nice to se this guy doesn't care at all to answer anythign that is posted. Go get the free script all the extra options in this one will only get you killed because he doesnt work on them. I literally lose 1 ou tof 2 games becasue the script bugs and kills me. Hilarious to see admins letting these kind of faulty script go unpunished for so long,
stop this panic bro, i read all ur messages and dont answer cuz i like to fix shits before answer
Please fix bro
its nice script overall. But the auto/pushing - farming is really bad. Tinker like to farm neutral camps with no neutrals, pushing lanes without enemy creeps and teleporting back to fountain with 80% mana. It will be awesome, if you fix that.
taken money then no update anymore
nice video, will try to implement this
btw, mini update
now will use all items if there is no enemy
now if tinker cant cast rearm, he will move to ur mouse
i should? i should only fix, if its not working, im not ur personal worker and it's not my full job
will look into it bro in next update
Alright man happy to hear from you, sorry about freaking out last time I was just dying too often to that stuff and it got to me.
add linkinbreaker pls
where to download it ? :D
can´t find it anywhere....
is this post dead ?
why? just noone want to answer for noob questions ;d

i just bought this script, i am wondering if u could add a function that blink to the most spell distance but in the mouse direction not the fixed direction
and how to get the most quick setting for 30ms ping
sorry then mr cool guy
is the autofarm updated for the 7.20 map changes?