Require Divine.Core and .NET Framework 4.7.2
Combo Mode.
Very good combo is what you need.
Auto Kill Steal.
You will not even understand How you killed him.
Auto Combo.
if the enemy receives a Stun (minimum 1 sec.), Hex or Slowed movement
Farm Mode.
Last Hit "Accack, Arcane Bolt", Deny, Hero Harras "Attack, Arcane Bolt"
Auto Disable.
QOP Blink, Antimage Blink, Antimage Mana Void, Legion Commander Duel, Doom Bringer Doom, Faceless Void Time Walk, Faceless Void Chronosphere, Witch Doctor Death Ward, Rattletrap Power Cogs, Tidehunter Ravage, Axe Berserkers Call, Brewmaster Primal Split, Omniknight Guardian Angel, QOP Sonic Wave, Slardar Slithereen Crush, Lion Finger of Death, Lina Laguna Blade
Smart Arcane Bolt.
Spam Hero and Units, Lock Hero.
Smart Concussive Shot.
Anti Fail, Use Only Target and Use In Radius.
Linken Breaker.
Blade Mail.
Cancel Combo and Eul Control with Ult.
Target Effect.
Text Panel.
Hp Bar Damage Calculation.
Damage Calculation Mystic Flare. (KillSteal will not work because of the Mystic Flare!)
Here is such an accuracy
if the line is yellow then 100% kill
It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
i suggest that you should consolidate all your Hero Assembly to one script like BAIO..
Price $24
I'm not going to do AIO
I have lot codes and a lot of logic
and I do not force to buy
I made a lot of free assembly that I got for them $0
if u relly want to get good paid assembly do the invoker hero
the most hero ask here in engage and we do not have any good assembly work now
and I'm the first one will buy it
Well said.. Not making existing Free Assembly to Paid One.. LOL
i buy this but i can not fined it on the database only the free one
whats the difference ya? between the free & paid.
to me such spoke Divine.BeAware vs BeAwarePlus
results all bought Divine.BeAware
Logic, quality code, performance
also there is a small new features
and new features will be added
almost 3 weeks on it worked!
80% code is newly written.
codes decreased it gives more Performance.
there is no errors.
При включении скрипта не загружаются "SDKMenu" и половина скриптов :с
установи Divine.Core
Good job! Feels faster than SkyPlus. The only problem I`ve encountered so far that its not using Rod of Atos combo on TemplarAssasin with refraction
i can understand ur frustration for earning 0 with free scripts. all ur scripts are godlike. we need more innovation. like invoker . we have more trust in u than u have on urslf! i hope u increase ur level and post new scripts than posting free scripts as paid ones. in the end its ur call. cheers.
A Dark Willow assembly would be wonderful honestly. Hero is so broken if used properly
Added Damage Calculation Mystic Flare. (KillSteal will not work because of the Mystic Flare!)
Here is such an accuracy
if the line is yellow then 100% kill
Added Farm Mode. (has Hero Harras)
i got rampage using this paid script HAHAHAHAHA
invoker is too complex hero i better practice him on unranked match XD because you cant just click fast if you need something in his skills, better practice him than creating scripts
script is insane mate, much better then free version. the fact in the past 10 games people have rage quit because of how much i've raped them with this. my god, so brilliant.
Инвокера не когда в жизни не превзойдут читы....
I know this is a turbo game but still dude what the fuck!?! This is like 17 min long and look at the dmg :D they were fucking crying in the chat and cursing and calling me fucking scripting piece of crap. Dude this shit is OP! Amazing work.

Bought yesterday and it’s indeed op as fuck. Turned off auto disable as there was too much crying but yeah it’s amazing. Gj sir!
i bet ill be the first one you the second one... haha
Just bought this and enabled this in the profiles section but it doesn't show up in the menu when in game, help.
Amazing stuff like I said before. After my trial I bought the assembly straight away. Easy + 350 mmr for 2 days. Just one thing I need to ask. How is the dmg calculator working. I still can’t understand it.
There is no difference, it is obvious. That you wrote here, there are no differences. SkywrathMagePlus works perfectly, to do the paid version there was no need. Yeee has just wanted to make money for a script which is already available free =) Excuse bro, the bad idea.
Obviously you haven’t tried it, there are slight minor combo differences, there’s a farm option, the combo here is definitely way faster. Out of all the Developers developing paid scripts, I Guess YEEE deserves the most. Idcnoob, yeeee these 2 deserve the most.
Don't forget ma boy @beminee and @Jumpering... Whatever happened to @Moones. Legend man legend haha. We miss you bro
I agree with you, he is a good fellow. But why to invent the bicycle? There are heroes on whom there are no scripts - for example the broodmother.
Like mentioned above. The script is working way faster than the free version and it also saves fps. I have a good cpu but more fps is always welcome.
lol, you probably did not read, 80% of the code was rewritten.
SkywrathMagePlus no longer supports updates!
I also play Dota 2 and I really like Sky, Zeus, Tinker, Arc! I want these assemblies to be better
no one forces you to buy!
your behavior just spoils my mood :(
if developers remove or will stop updating the current scripts, they will lose an opportunity to sell scripts.

Make a script for broodmother
Why are you making shit up? There’s literally nothing in the forum that states it. The free script is still operational. As long as it doesn’t break completely with Dota updates, the author has no obligation to update it with new features. You 12 year olds need to diminish from the forums honestly.
Developers are not allowed to take down currently released assemblies to re-release them as paid assemblies. However, updated and better versions can become paid assemblies.”
just a doubt ,not to be rude @YEEEEEEE does that mean u wont fix if anything is broken in mageplus ? xD
Holy shit
what settings do you normaly run with?
Can there be an option for support? I sometimes support as Sky and I'd like to harass with the first skill but I don't want to last hit creeps.
Also, early on if the combo won't kill the hero or I don't have any disable, it won't use ultimate? I've had to manual ulti a few times early on.
Hope I make sense.
For the ulti you can turn on the bad ulti option in the combo section.
need fix for interaction AM aghs and skywrath combo with silver edge.
If silver edge is used, and proc on AM, the combo goes haywire and only use 1-2 spells on AM instead of the full combo.
Silver edge removes AM aghs so maybe we can have a silver edge combo as well that would be great.
Love the aeon disk fix, the ulti prediction sweet. worth the 24
+1 to this comment. I'm also using silver edge in some games. Can you make it so that it's considered in the combo and if AM's passive is disabled the combo is fully executed. Thanks!
* Finished Function Wheel.
* Improved Target Selector.
* Fixed Target Lock.
* Fixed Bugs.
* Added Function Wheel.
* Fixed Bugs.
Still not performing combo, but it performs the auto attack now.

Combo seems to wait for the break debuff to finish before doing full combo.
1st part of the video shows the script.
2nd is manual, slower but can 100-0 am instantly.
* Added TargetModifiers IsSilverDebuff
* Ignore Linken Breaker when Silver Debuff.
Thanks perfect now :D
* Added TargetModifiers IsLinken.
* Added Extensions IsShieldAbilities.
* Improved Linken Breaker.
* Improved Logic Linken Breaker.
* Fixed Bugs.
Perfect script thank you