Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non volutpat nisl. Quisque in orci vitae justo sollicitudin porta et sed ex. Nullam eget sem dui. Nam sit amet pharetra turpis. Nulla convallis sodales odio, id tempor sem gravida ut. Nunc et ornare lacus. Vestibulum luctus ut dolor sed rutrum. Aenean lobortis neque vitae lacus varius feugiat. Maecenas mi eros, tempor eget orci vel, rhoncus commodo felis. Morbi sapien ipsum, elementum eget aliquet sed, tempus sed lacus. Morbi sollicitudin felis vitae orci consequat euismod. Proin eu bibendum nulla, id scelerisque purus. Suspendisse tempus odio eros, id pulvinar quam condimentum ut.
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There's always a risk but as far as i know, it gets only 2 banwave in all these years
make sure you play on a smurf dude. never cheat on your main
is watching you
If you're worried about your items, you shouldn't take the risk.
People are playing with Ensage for months without getting banned, the last banwave was more than half a year ago, and new security features have been added since then.
However, few people still reported banned accounts, but who knows what actually happened there
Maybe hake.me
Since they think it's safe to use Both. Ensage and hake together it's more risky than only hake ahahaha
well sheep, one of the reasons why i also bougth dis hax is to boost my mmr
if you wanna boost your mmr just for show you should just hire a booster xd
I think the best use of Ensage is to have fun :DDD And smurfs are good for exactly just that
boosters? and how much is that ?
Depending on how far you want to get boosted, also ur friends may notice ur 7 rampages a day.
ensage is safe,
and you want boost you can use ensage too spam zet to climb mmr.
arc warden
yeah i dont really mind tbh, but can you tell me where do i get exactly that thing?
all right i see, but the problem is, i dont know really where to find things like script for it
its in db called ArcAnnihilation by jumpering
so i can peek some scripts you use
thanks. well anyways do u know someone who boost mmr cheap?
Zet is arc's old name in Dota. I call him Zet too and LC tresdin :/
yeah I like to name it zet because I came from dota 1
I used boostore.net once, did it fast and watched the booster.
since dota patch boosting might get you ban.
why? or i missed some secret patch?
Finally, we’ve also added detection for users that are botting, and with this update have issued a permanent ban to a large number of recently-detected bot accounts. This should help resolve several areas in which these bot accounts have a negative effect on the experience of the Dota community.
mm its not same boting to make NEW acc to sell and boosting service, so if you will give famille share control of you acc to boost rmm , you will not banned.
But if you will create script for boting , this steam id mb will banned