Same as old evader, it can dodge, counter, blink, disable abilities/modifiers/enemies.
Enable/change priority settings to fit ur play style.
Also u can change priority for single ability, by enabling "Custom priority" in ability settings menu.
Base evader will dodge/counter/blink/disable abilities/enemies to save only your hero.
Also has armlet toggler.
Multi unit will evade with all controllable units, like meepo clones, arc clone, spirit bear etc.
It will use couriers shield to block auto attacks and spells.
It will use illusions to block skillshots.
Also it will help your allies.
Modifier counter will use shields, heals, purges, dispels on self/allies/enemies to counter buffs/debuffs/stuns.
Requires Multi unit control to use abilities on allies.
Evader was split into 3 plugins to kinda lower its price.
AutoUsage should work together, however i recommend to leave situational abilities like lotus orb enabled only in Evader.
I guess a lot of people will ask difference between old/free Evader, so:
Obviously, its updated, more optimized and was completely rewritten.
It can use multiple units, like meepo clones or spirit bear.
Requires O9K.Core
You must have O9K.Evader for optional features to work.
Don't use it together with old Evader!
All feedback and suggestions are welcome.
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I waited one year for this day.
Half of the time it's not hexing pudge when he is hooking me. I went to test in lobby and when pudge is directly hooking on my char it seems to work fine. When the hook is casted behind the character but in the same path it doesn't use hex a lot of the time even in close range. Will post when i find more bugs.
in test lobby crashed crashes when Pugde use hook
It was fixed already.
What price ?
Its free now, but it will cost ~50$
that's too much lul
так скоро и до 100$ за скрипт дойдёте. скоро отвернуться покупатели от проекта от таких цен.
I know that 50$ is a lot, so ill try to do something. Dont think about the price, until its released.
add armlet abuse pls
армлет есть абуз? просто я играл за хускара и армлет не абузился
There is no armlet abuse and its at lowest priority right now.
Patiently waiting for Evader settings till I play buy Ensage subscription again lol\
btw, do you need dx11 for this ? or dx9 is fine
Ive moved settings to old menu, so i can add anything, just waiting for requests
It will work with dx9 and dx11.
Beta period is over. Evader is now paid.
I smell some money
any discount for first release?plz!!!
can u add action block like old evader for puck's 3rd skill and TA's 2nd skill?
besides, ta should use her 2nd skill to dodge viper's ult rather than her 1st skill.
I tested in lobby, she just use her 1st skill to dodge(for some damage skill like lina's skills, its working good.)
manta style can dodge many stuns ability like Sven's stun/Venge's stun/viper's ult etc..but evader wont use it.
when TA's 1st skill and manta style not on cold down, evader use both them to dodge lina's ult.(only when I turn off modifier counter, it just uses 1st skill.)
it's not a good logic, ta should just use one of them to dodge lina's ult.
I'm a TA main. Hope these will be improved. xD
Multi unit control (optional), у меня вопрос данный плагин сможет управлять союзниками, если они дали разрешение управлять их героем, для того чтобы плагин, если что сэйвил меня или другого союзника.
this is insane the best script ever !
All fixed/improved, except sven stun, for some random reason it doesnt work how it supposed to, so you cant dodge it with manta.
Должно работать.
I forget qop's 1st skill.
plz aslo add TA's meld to counter qop's 1st skill.
will buy this after trial!
Добавь кнопки на применение Evade, Убигание и Применение БКБ, так же для этого надписи сбоку, как в прошлом Evader, пожалуйста.
Не знаю, почему-то не всегда ублинковывается от скиллов, а так очень даже круто работает!
Постараюсь добавить, хотя мне кажется эти функции бесполезные.
Tiny's avalanche is too slow against certain abilities like Axe's berserker call. The call goes through and Axe gets stunned after casting it. However, this is hilarious against Enigma's black hole since he gets it on for 0.1 seconds and gets stunned right after putting the skill on cooldown.
what difference is this between the other 2 evade scripts? I'm so confused and don't know which one to buy
go to the top post and read..
Can't interrupt or dodge the enemy using the meteorite hammer, pls fix it.
I have installed o9k core but the evade script does not show up on mine sdk menu ?help
Ill check it.
It uses old menu.
@IdcNoob Bro I bought the script and have deleted the old evader from profile menu. Now the problem is when I start the game, it says dont use evader and O9K Evader simultaneously and evader wont work. In ensage menu both Evader and O9K evader are seen. what to do?
U 100% have old evader somewhere enabled, find and delete it.
how to activate O9K.evader.multi unit???
Click on the link in 1st post and buy/try it.
I already have it in test mode for a day, but when I want to give it to activate help alies, it tells me that I require that
Because u dont have it xD
Phantom Lancer 2nd skill can dodge but no work pls check.
Which ability ?
many item and skill can dodge Alchemist's 2nd skill such as manta style but only lotus work, pls check.
Phantom Lancer's 2nd skill "doppelganger", invincible and no delay skill
I changed timings a bit for manta dodge, but it can cause troubles with other projectiles.
Should work now.
Hi! I bought the three assemblies, but I was wondering why arc clone doesnt dodge/move hooks/mirana arrows, only the main hero dodges it, can you please check? I thought it would work like the meepo gif you made where clone move to evade. Thanks.
I made a gif to show it doesnt work. thanks
I know, its because arc clone is not considered as hero who should be saved.
Will you be adding it soon? I thought it would work like meepo, so I bought it. Thanks bro!
But do u want to waste abilities to save clone or only use "dodge" mode ?