When URSA has aghs and there is an incoming stun he will ulti before the stun hits causing him to take the full duration of the stun. If he waits till after stun hits he can get out of it right away with aghs.
@badbreath said:
Also is there anyway we can have the option for nullifier to automatically purge Aeon Disk? It's a really annoying item to fight against :)
I can't figure out where the option is. I know in the combo it uses it in the beginning but then if AEON goes off after you've already used it it's pointless.
Ok nevermind I found out it is now doing it when I have scythe on but not when I have orchid or just the item itself. Which is fine because I only need it to do that when I have scythe on clinkz :)
Is it possible to make Dodge option for dodging Chronospheres more tight ? Like make it so you can walk closer. For example when I use melee heroes I cannot hit someone inside the edge of Chrono because Evader always pushes me away, so I disabled the Dodge option on Chronosphere. But I really want to be able to use it so you don't randomly walk into chronos.
TLDR : I want to be able use evader (dodge/walk option) but I also want to hit people inside it using melee heroes. Pls make the dodge range closer.
@kappatalism said:
Is it possible to make Dodge option for dodging Chronospheres more tight ? Like make it so you can walk closer. For example when I use melee heroes I cannot hit someone inside the edge of Chrono because Evader always pushes me away, so I disabled the Dodge option on Chronosphere. But I really want to be able to use it so you don't randomly walk into chronos.
TLDR : I want to be able use evader (dodge/walk option) but I also want to hit people inside it using melee heroes. Pls make the dodge range closer.
Can you make it use eblade on the target of wyvern ulti whenever possible? Did some testing with meepo and right now it seems to use it on a random meepo. (Usually main meepo)
@Vacant said:
Can you make it use eblade on the target of wyvern ulti whenever possible? Did some testing with meepo and right now it seems to use it on a random meepo. (Usually main meepo)
Lotus orb doesn't seem to be cast against winter's curse either regardless of which hero I am.
Please fix the way Jakiro's Dual breath is evaded. Evader tried to run away even after the dual breath has been casted and a lot of times it runs towards the enemy end gets me killed.
EDIT: Same goes for weaver's first skill... it's long passed my char and I still can't control it because it's trying to dodge the skill and walking in to the enemy or some random direction.
@ramzesbg said:
Please fix the way Jakiro's Dual breath is evaded. Evader tried to run away even after the dual breath has been casted and a lot of times it runs towards the enemy end gets me killed.
EDIT: Same goes for weaver's first skill... it's long passed my char and I still can't control it because it's trying to dodge the skill and walking in to the enemy or some random direction.
@death1213 said:
Yes i realised this affects me too, it tries to dodge but it runs into enemy
It doesnt happen always, right ? So it would be useful to know some possible condition, also it can be just lag spike.
And what does runs into enemy mean ? Like it goes into direction of ability to the caster ?
@ramzesbg said:
Please fix the way Jakiro's Dual breath is evaded. Evader tried to run away even after the dual breath has been casted and a lot of times it runs towards the enemy end gets me killed.
EDIT: Same goes for weaver's first skill... it's long passed my char and I still can't control it because it's trying to dodge the skill and walking in to the enemy or some random direction.
@death1213 said:
Yes i realised this affects me too, it tries to dodge but it runs into enemy
It doesnt happen always, right ? So it would be useful to know some possible condition, also it can be just lag spike.
And what does runs into enemy mean ? Like it goes into direction of ability to the caster ?
It runs to the enemy's direction when trying to dodge an ability at a tight spot etc
@ramzesbg said:
Please fix the way Jakiro's Dual breath is evaded. Evader tried to run away even after the dual breath has been casted and a lot of times it runs towards the enemy end gets me killed.
EDIT: Same goes for weaver's first skill... it's long passed my char and I still can't control it because it's trying to dodge the skill and walking in to the enemy or some random direction.
@death1213 said:
Yes i realised this affects me too, it tries to dodge but it runs into enemy
It doesnt happen always, right ? So it would be useful to know some possible condition, also it can be just lag spike.
And what does runs into enemy mean ? Like it goes into direction of ability to the caster ?
Yes For example if I'm within very close range to jakiro or weaver when they cast the dual breath or swarm instead of dodging the skill left or right, my char just keeps running towards them or some random direction even after the spell has been casted and it has already hit my character, it keeps running and I can't control it for 1-2 sec since evader is controlling it.
Could you please fix Riki's ult so that when we dodge something and he uses ult to dodge that skill he doesn't insta cancel the ult because a lot of the times there are enemies within our range and we can keep ulting them and have enough time to react what to do or if for example we have blink dagger we can wait for it's cd and blink out. If of course there are no enemies in range the ulti is canceled as normal.
@ramzesbg said:
Could you please fix Riki's ult so that when we dodge something and he uses ult to dodge that skill he doesn't insta cancel the ult because a lot of the times there are enemies within our range and we can keep ulting them and have enough time to react what to do or if for example we have blink dagger we can wait for it's cd and blink out. If of course there are no enemies in range the ulti is canceled as normal.
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
@Vacant said:
Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
You need multi unit for arc clone, also force staff is used only on self, cuz using it on other heroes is unreliable.
I have multi unit. I don't understand how it's not reliable when you can control the hero casting and the hero being cast on as is the case with arc though. You can control the clone and hero simultaneously to change direction with main hero and force with clone at the same time. Seems like a pita to code though.
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
@ramzesbg said:
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
I fixed, but if u are still getting it pm me match ids and time.
@ramzesbg said:
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
I fixed, but if u are still getting it pm me match ids and time.
Man, this is like literally in every game. Few games ago I was playing vs weaver ... he hits me with his Q and my hero is still trying to dodge the skill for 1-2 sec even though I'm already hit by it. I will find the match ID and send it tomorrow.
@teewar4 said:
тини блинк в пака... пак даже не нажал шифт... ... Фикс пожалуйста уважаемый разработчик...
Абилки тини не имеют каст анимации, так что тос нельзя законтрить, тосс на тебя в энсаге нельзя "увидеть" каким то нормальным способом, стан только если ты далеко от него.
@ramzesbg said:
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
I fixed, but if u are still getting it pm me match ids and time.
Man, this is like literally in every game. Few games ago I was playing vs weaver ... he hits me with his Q and my hero is still trying to dodge the skill for 1-2 sec even though I'm already hit by it. I will find the match ID and send it tomorrow.
Why don't you just turn this option off for weaver's spell? Uncheck the boot icon and it will stop moving.
@ramzesbg said:
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
I fixed, but if u are still getting it pm me match ids and time.
Man, this is like literally in every game. Few games ago I was playing vs weaver ... he hits me with his Q and my hero is still trying to dodge the skill for 1-2 sec even though I'm already hit by it. I will find the match ID and send it tomorrow.
Why don't you just turn this option off for weaver's spell? Uncheck the boot icon and it will stop moving.
I have to do that for so many spells in that case, like lina Q, jakiro, dragon knight, death prophet and more with similar skills with front line effect AOE and I want evader to dodge those when possible, not to have them turned off.
I really need bloodstone settings, only thing i miss from the free evader :(
Auto armlet safe works really nice :)
Ive added bloodstone suicide to auto usage.
Need to add condition if ursa has aghs.
Eg don't precast ulti if CC incoming, cast it after u're CCed.
When URSA has aghs and there is an incoming stun he will ulti before the stun hits causing him to take the full duration of the stun. If he waits till after stun hits he can get out of it right away with aghs.
Also is there anyway we can have the option for nullifier to automatically purge Aeon Disk? It's a really annoying item to fight against :)
Its already using nullifier vs aeon.
I can't figure out where the option is. I know in the combo it uses it in the beginning but then if AEON goes off after you've already used it it's pointless.
Ok nevermind I found out it is now doing it when I have scythe on but not when I have orchid or just the item itself. Which is fine because I only need it to do that when I have scythe on clinkz :)
Is it possible to make Dodge option for dodging Chronospheres more tight ? Like make it so you can walk closer. For example when I use melee heroes I cannot hit someone inside the edge of Chrono because Evader always pushes me away, so I disabled the Dodge option on Chronosphere. But I really want to be able to use it so you don't randomly walk into chronos.
TLDR : I want to be able use evader (dodge/walk option) but I also want to hit people inside it using melee heroes. Pls make the dodge range closer.
No. Its already as close as possible.
add ursa aghs to Euls pls. instant remove cyclone.
Uhh. Dont know about that, since evader considers hero as safe when hes invulnerable, so dont know if i can change that. Will check later.
Please add a check when Sven uses his hammer on an enemy next to me but I'm within the stun range it doesn't use blink dagger.
Can you make it use eblade on the target of wyvern ulti whenever possible? Did some testing with meepo and right now it seems to use it on a random meepo. (Usually main meepo)
Lotus orb doesn't seem to be cast against winter's curse either regardless of which hero I am.
Meant to edit not quote, sorry.
Please fix the way Jakiro's Dual breath is evaded. Evader tried to run away even after the dual breath has been casted and a lot of times it runs towards the enemy end gets me killed.
EDIT: Same goes for weaver's first skill... it's long passed my char and I still can't control it because it's trying to dodge the skill and walking in to the enemy or some random direction.
Yes i realised this affects me too, it tries to dodge but it runs into enemy
It doesnt happen always, right ? So it would be useful to know some possible condition, also it can be just lag spike.
And what does runs into enemy mean ? Like it goes into direction of ability to the caster ?
It runs to the enemy's direction when trying to dodge an ability at a tight spot etc
Yes For example if I'm within very close range to jakiro or weaver when they cast the dual breath or swarm instead of dodging the skill left or right, my char just keeps running towards them or some random direction even after the spell has been casted and it has already hit my character, it keeps running and I can't control it for 1-2 sec since evader is controlling it.
I confirmed this happens as well.
Ended up disabling a lot of skills for it.
Eg Lina Q, jakiro , dragon knight,
Yes DK's breath too. I forgot that one.
I know possible reason for this, will try to fix.
please fix armlet,this turn on/ off every second hp 300
I made some fixes, check if it will help.
Could you please fix Riki's ult so that when we dodge something and he uses ult to dodge that skill he doesn't insta cancel the ult because a lot of the times there are enemies within our range and we can keep ulting them and have enough time to react what to do or if for example we have blink dagger we can wait for it's cd and blink out. If of course there are no enemies in range the ulti is canceled as normal.
Now riki ult will not be canceled for 1 sec.
evader need fix for ethereal blade interaction, no blink and euls a little late.

Not using hex against enigma black hole initiation as arc. AutoUsage does it correctly but it uses my clone and my main heroes hex at the same time. Haven't been able to get my clone to attempt to use any items to save my main hero either.
It works for me.
But u have disabled "hex" icon in settings.
Holy shit i'm actually blind rofl.
What about clone helping main evade though?
You need multi unit for arc clone, also force staff is used only on self, cuz using it on other heroes is unreliable.
I have multi unit. I don't understand how it's not reliable when you can control the hero casting and the hero being cast on as is the case with arc though. You can control the clone and hero simultaneously to change direction with main hero and force with clone at the same time. Seems like a pita to code though.
Can you actually fix this already cuz it's getting really annoying and killing me so many times during games. Lina's Slave, DK's breath, Drow Ranger's Gust, Death Prophet's Wave and other skills with the same mechanic .... like the skills have a long past been casted and most times hit me and evader is still trying to dodge some shit walking in random directions and not letting me control my character for like 1-2 seconds ...
I fixed, but if u are still getting it pm me match ids and time.
на паке... против тини фигово работает... или вообще не работает
ужасно ... просто ужасно работает пак...
тини блинк в пака... пак даже не нажал шифт... ... Фикс пожалуйста уважаемый разработчик...
Man, this is like literally in every game. Few games ago I was playing vs weaver ... he hits me with his Q and my hero is still trying to dodge the skill for 1-2 sec even though I'm already hit by it. I will find the match ID and send it tomorrow.
Абилки тини не имеют каст анимации, так что тос нельзя законтрить, тосс на тебя в энсаге нельзя "увидеть" каким то нормальным способом, стан только если ты далеко от него.
Why don't you just turn this option off for weaver's spell? Uncheck the boot icon and it will stop moving.
I have to do that for so many spells in that case, like lina Q, jakiro, dragon knight, death prophet and more with similar skills with front line effect AOE and I want evader to dodge those when possible, not to have them turned off.
sand king's Q skills can not be evaded.
There is a problem: The armlet does not work on towers (when there are no enemy heroes or creeps nearby). Can be corrected?
His Q doesnt have cast animation so it cant be evaded.
Need to save the evader mode. Keeps reverting back to normal.
Its intended. Why u want to change it at the start of new game ?