why write such a shit if no one forces you to buy?
There's more important heroes to focus on. There's 0 things to improve in ZeusPlus. Your usual excuse for selling scripts is "better code" and other buzzwords that have no meaning.
why write such a shit if no one forces you to buy?
There's more important heroes to focus on. There's 0 things to improve in ZeusPlus. Your usual excuse for selling scripts is "better code" and other buzzwords that have no meaning.
24 dollars for one hero
Like explained above. No one is making you buy anything. And you are in no position to demand anything or saying which hero has priority over others, specially when you are not buying the script and using the free one instead. And please stop comparing heroes and saying BS like “24$ for just 1 hero” when this 1 hero has more buttons to press and logic to use than all of the 1 button heroes put together that are included in some AIOs. I don’t even know why people need a script for heroes like sven or pa or slardar... when most of their functiona can be performed by other assemblies like O9k usage.
@ramzesbg said:
Like explained above. No one is making you buy anything. And you are in no position to demand anything or saying which hero has priority over others, specially when you are not buying the script and using the free one instead. And please stop comparing heroes and saying BS like “24$ for just 1 hero” when this 1 hero has more buttons to press and logic to use than all of the 1 button heroes put together that are included in some AIOs. I don’t even know why people need a script for heroes like sven or pa or slardar... when most of their functiona can be performed by other assemblies like O9k usage.
I can leave any constructive criticism I want. That said, there is a difference between making money from your work, and milking your audience for every last penny. I guarantee that paid Zeus will be the exact same thing as the free script with a few extra features that could be added to the free one in 15 minutes, and him selling this for 24 dollars is honestly insulting.
I could care less what people spend their money on, but the amount of blind fanboys surrounding this guy is honestly astounding, when better devs exist that charge FAR less.
@ramzesbg said:
Like explained above. No one is making you buy anything. And you are in no position to demand anything or saying which hero has priority over others, specially when you are not buying the script and using the free one instead. And please stop comparing heroes and saying BS like “24$ for just 1 hero” when this 1 hero has more buttons to press and logic to use than all of the 1 button heroes put together that are included in some AIOs. I don’t even know why people need a script for heroes like sven or pa or slardar... when most of their functiona can be performed by other assemblies like O9k usage.
I can leave any constructive criticism I want. That said, there is a difference between making money from your work, and milking your audience for every last penny. I guarantee that paid Zeus will be the exact same thing as the free script with a few extra features that could be added to the free one in 15 minutes, and him selling this for 24 dollars is honestly insulting.
I could care less what people spend their money on, but the amount of blind fanboys surrounding this guy is honestly astounding, when better devs exist that charge FAR less.
YEEEEE deserves that Money from community ... Its reasonable after all those amaizing scripts . But only 1 thing i can suggest is price . 24 dollars is really high not only for this script but all of paid assemblies r high .
From my side management team should fix that paid asembly prices and price should be reasonable . I mean all of paid assemblies should have fix price and it should be like 10 dollars same as ensage price ...
otherwise prices r raising and raising . i want to help all of the developers by buying their assembilies but i will not pay each of them 20-25-35 dollars .
people complaining about the $ 24, have no idea how to program and what it takes to do it, and also the logic that has a script, but he who does not like it, do not buy it, with the money you support the work already your time spent on your script @YEEEEEEE
Ungrateful little brats like this dude don’t deserve to be on this forum. The fact that YEEEEEEE’s free scripts are performing on such a hight level is enough said. If i was on YEEE’s place I’d implement a restriction to such ignorant prople so that they can’t use the free stuff too. They don’t even realise how much work and time it takes to code something decent yet they cry about 24$ when there is a free version that no one is making them pay for. Your exinstance is insulting Dragon, not YEEE’s actions, you little worthless jew!
Ungrateful little brats like this dude don’t deserve to be on this forum. The fact that YEEEEEEE’s free scripts are performing on such a hight level is enough said. If i was on YEEE’s place I’d implement a restriction to such ignorant prople so that they can’t use the free stuff too. They don’t even realise how much work and time it takes to code something decent yet they cry about 24$ when there is a free version that no one is making them pay for. Your exinstance is insulting Dragon, not YEEE’s actions, you little worthless jew!
Ungrateful little brats like this dude don’t deserve to be on this forum. The fact that YEEEEEEE’s free scripts are performing on such a hight level is enough said. If i was on YEEE’s place I’d implement a restriction to such ignorant prople so that they can’t use the free stuff too. They don’t even realise how much work and time it takes to code something decent yet they cry about 24$ when there is a free version that no one is making them pay for. Your exinstance is insulting Dragon, not YEEE’s actions, you little worthless jew!
Does Yee pay you to say this kind of sh-t?
lol is a man who never bought from me and at the same time requires some shit
Сделай Идеальный Стил... Да так чтоб 85-90% стила... цены тогда не будет... в старой версии использовалось ульт + аганим для стила... сделай чтоб отключить можно было... чтоб при желании он не делал 2 скила для стила... Ну я не грамотен в объяснениях бро... Ну думаю поймешь меня... Я с твоим скриптом такой стрик делал... Радовался как младенец... Если ты это улучшишь бл**** я буду очень рад))
why write such a shit if no one forces you to buy?
There's more important heroes to focus on. There's 0 things to improve in ZeusPlus. Your usual excuse for selling scripts is "better code" and other buzzwords that have no meaning.
24 dollars for one hero
no one forces you to buy zzz if you dont want the script dont be so mean on devss besides yeeee give us free scripts with zero dollor coming from it -_- and of course yeeee needs money to have food and to motivate to create great scripts ? so srlsy dude whats with you ?
@LastDragon and don't point your creative critisism on yeeee ? dude if you don't like the scripts just dont buy it ? maybe you are rich because you have a good pc that can run this old scripts with high fps , well ! we are not that we have bad pc so we need a optimized one (better coded one to perform ) dont fool your self that you are good at dota 2 ! the fuck dude you still using ensage meaning you are noob ! period
@LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
@ensage3000 said: @LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
@ensage3000 said: @LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
@ensage3000 said: @LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
I laughed so hard that I almost cried holy shit. If there was a dolbaeb of the week award I think you would win it for sure. LUL
So i had one day to test it out, this was the result, i can sure say this is better then the free version, the CANCEL TP without vision was insane, i didn't notice at first when they called me out saying i cheat. Lol, The brackets were 4.1k-5k MMR.
Some stuff need to get fix is Magic Wand, sometimes last hit it ulti the person magic wand missing it, not sure if your able to do something about that. Other then that its working fine AF. !
So i had one day to test it out, this was the result, i can sure say this is better then the free version, the CANCEL TP without vision was insane, i didn't notice at first when they called me out saying i cheat. Lol, The brackets were 4.1k-5k MMR.
Some stuff need to get fix is Magic Wand, sometimes last hit it ulti the person magic wand missing it, not sure if your able to do something about that. Other then that its working fine AF. !
@akuros said:
people complaining about the $ 24, have no idea how to program and what it takes to do it, and also the logic that has a script, but he who does not like it, do not buy it, with the money you support the work already your time spent on your script @YEEEEEEE
does its people problem what they dont know how to program? or@YEEEEEEE to lazy to explane and do good presentation for his work
@akuros said:
people complaining about the $ 24, have no idea how to program and what it takes to do it, and also the logic that has a script, but he who does not like it, do not buy it, with the money you support the work already your time spent on your script @YEEEEEEE
does its people problem what they dont know how to program? or@YEEEEEEE to lazy to explane and do good presentation for his work
Is it YEEEEEE's Problem that people are jews and don't want to pay 24$ for his hard work ? And also, for what do you need a presentation?????????? On how to set up 1 button and press it to kill your enemy with a fully automated combo ? If that is the case, than I'm afraid my friend that only jesus can help you with your struggles.
So i had one day to test it out, this was the result, i can sure say this is better then the free version, the CANCEL TP without vision was insane, i didn't notice at first when they called me out saying i cheat. Lol, The brackets were 4.1k-5k MMR.
Some stuff need to get fix is Magic Wand, sometimes last hit it ulti the person magic wand missing it, not sure if your able to do something about that. Other then that its working fine AF. !
@ensage3000 said: @LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
I laughed so hard that I almost cried holy shit. If there was a dolbaeb of the week award I think you would win it for sure. LUL
@ensage3000 said: @LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
I laughed so hard that I almost cried holy shit. If there was a dolbaeb of the week award I think you would win it for sure. LUL
So i had one day to test it out, this was the result, i can sure say this is better then the free version, the CANCEL TP without vision was insane, i didn't notice at first when they called me out saying i cheat. Lol, The brackets were 4.1k-5k MMR.
Some stuff need to get fix is Magic Wand, sometimes last hit it ulti the person magic wand missing it, not sure if your able to do something about that. Other then that its working fine AF. !
im having an issue with combo and script is missing with bolt. in a few matches now more then once its bolted the ground instead of the hero when holding combo key, and i mean missed by ALOT. shouldn't script TARGET enemy hero with ability so it can't miss? never had this issue before with the free version can you have a look really not sure whats going on but its becoming very frustrating being called NOOB lol
@rayuki said:
im having an issue with combo and script is missing with bolt. in a few matches now more then once its bolted the ground instead of the hero when holding combo key, and i mean missed by ALOT. shouldn't script TARGET enemy hero with ability so it can't miss? never had this issue before with the free version can you have a look really not sure whats going on but its becoming very frustrating being called NOOB lol
Dude stop taking my money this month :D This is enough!!!
Joking, keep the good stuff coming
money is ready, come and take it
waiting for the admin
But we already have a very good Zeus script
then do not buy paid
why write such a shit if no one forces you to buy?
whats the price? :D
There's more important heroes to focus on. There's 0 things to improve in ZeusPlus. Your usual excuse for selling scripts is "better code" and other buzzwords that have no meaning.
kinda expensive, if can reduce to 10-15$ per script would be nice. but i really love what you do though..
Like explained above. No one is making you buy anything. And you are in no position to demand anything or saying which hero has priority over others, specially when you are not buying the script and using the free one instead. And please stop comparing heroes and saying BS like “24$ for just 1 hero” when this 1 hero has more buttons to press and logic to use than all of the 1 button heroes put together that are included in some AIOs. I don’t even know why people need a script for heroes like sven or pa or slardar... when most of their functiona can be performed by other assemblies like O9k usage.
I can leave any constructive criticism I want. That said, there is a difference between making money from your work, and milking your audience for every last penny. I guarantee that paid Zeus will be the exact same thing as the free script with a few extra features that could be added to the free one in 15 minutes, and him selling this for 24 dollars is honestly insulting.
I could care less what people spend their money on, but the amount of blind fanboys surrounding this guy is honestly astounding, when better devs exist that charge FAR less.
just do not buy if u don't like that price
@YEEEEEEE waiting for divine.tinker xD
Just don't quote and reply if you don't like my post.
YEEEEE deserves that Money from community ... Its reasonable after all those amaizing scripts . But only 1 thing i can suggest is price . 24 dollars is really high not only for this script but all of paid assemblies r high .
From my side management team should fix that paid asembly prices and price should be reasonable . I mean all of paid assemblies should have fix price and it should be like 10 dollars same as ensage price ...
otherwise prices r raising and raising . i want to help all of the developers by buying their assembilies but i will not pay each of them 20-25-35 dollars .
its only my opinnion ... gl
every hero need 24$?
I bought yours Divine.BeAware , hope you can do it well
Your free script is great. I would love to buy a few to support you, but it's a bit expensive for me. For players in an African country
people complaining about the $ 24, have no idea how to program and what it takes to do it, and also the logic that has a script, but he who does not like it, do not buy it, with the money you support the work already your time spent on your script @YEEEEEEE
Ungrateful little brats like this dude don’t deserve to be on this forum. The fact that YEEEEEEE’s free scripts are performing on such a hight level is enough said. If i was on YEEE’s place I’d implement a restriction to such ignorant prople so that they can’t use the free stuff too. They don’t even realise how much work and time it takes to code something decent yet they cry about 24$ when there is a free version that no one is making them pay for. Your exinstance is insulting Dragon, not YEEE’s actions, you little worthless jew!
Does Yee pay you to say this kind of sh-t?
lol is a man who never bought from me and at the same time requires some shit
Nice, so if I buy them all my opinion will be more valid? If I buy them will you stop being a jew?
Сделай Идеальный Стил... Да так чтоб 85-90% стила... цены тогда не будет... в старой версии использовалось ульт + аганим для стила... сделай чтоб отключить можно было... чтоб при желании он не делал 2 скила для стила... Ну я не грамотен в объяснениях бро... Ну думаю поймешь меня... Я с твоим скриптом такой стрик делал... Радовался как младенец... Если ты это улучшишь бл**** я буду очень рад))
your opinion is Why do Zeus if the old Zeus is very good. XD
no one forces you to buy zzz if you dont want the script dont be so mean on devss besides yeeee give us free scripts with zero dollor coming from it -_- and of course yeeee needs money to have food and to motivate to create great scripts ? so srlsy dude whats with you ?
@LastDragon and don't point your creative critisism on yeeee ? dude if you don't like the scripts just dont buy it ? maybe you are rich because you have a good pc that can run this old scripts with high fps , well ! we are not that we have bad pc so we need a optimized one (better coded one to perform ) dont fool your self that you are good at dota 2 ! the fuck dude you still using ensage meaning you are noob ! period
@LastDragon your a feeler , you didn't even know how to code right ? you just saying shit things here, you are like a uneducated bobo, cyka blyat tang ina mo mamatay kanang hayop ka wala ka man nga lang position dito sa ensage kung mag style ka daig mo mga sina golden froze thsa si needforkill hayop ka pakyu
noob последний дракон
чот половину не понял XD
its a filipino cursing XD
Ты сам то понял, что ты выше написал ? Посиди, подумай и сформулируй предложения так, чтобы был понятен их смысл.
I laughed so hard that I almost cried holy shit. If there was a dolbaeb of the week award I think you would win it for sure. LUL
So i had one day to test it out, this was the result, i can sure say this is better then the free version, the CANCEL TP without vision was insane, i didn't notice at first when they called me out saying i cheat. Lol, The brackets were 4.1k-5k MMR.
Some stuff need to get fix is Magic Wand, sometimes last hit it ulti the person magic wand missing it, not sure if your able to do something about that. Other then that its working fine AF. !
does its people problem what they dont know how to program? or@YEEEEEEE to lazy to explane and do good presentation for his work
Is it YEEEEEE's Problem that people are jews and don't want to pay 24$ for his hard work ? And also, for what do you need a presentation?????????? On how to set up 1 button and press it to kill your enemy with a fully automated combo ? If that is the case, than I'm afraid my friend that only jesus can help you with your struggles.
DID you mid ?
edi waw
feeling a moderator on ensage ? pwee iww yuck
With mute what does that means ?
Copy/Pasted code from Skywrath
It means silence first and then combo
yes MID & 1 game duo mid LOL.
im having an issue with combo and script is missing with bolt. in a few matches now more then once its bolted the ground instead of the hero when holding combo key, and i mean missed by ALOT. shouldn't script TARGET enemy hero with ability so it can't miss? never had this issue before with the free version can you have a look really not sure whats going on but its becoming very frustrating being called NOOB lol
* Finished Function Wheel. https://streamable.com/32jha
* Improved Target Selector.
* Fixed Target Lock.
* Fixed Bugs.
* Added Function Wheel.
* Fixed Bugs.
Completely rewritten code! Most methods are in the core
still waiting for tinker but ill support :D
Fuck tinker! We need invoker divine :D :D it would be a major orgasm