I agree with auto ss not working properly. This invo script is real good with the dynamic even the custom combo. Please look at auto ss and also adding clickable spells auto invoke like in the other Invoker script. It works that a panel of all spells will auto invoke once you click it. It helps a lot. I understand you already have hot keys but clicking is much faster and easier. Ty as always xD
Неплохо бы добавить комбо торнадо-катаклизм-метеор-рефрешер-катаклизм-метеор-бласт на отдельную кнопку или в динамик при наличии рефрешера и от 2-3 героев в торнадо
@dast12 said:
Неплохо бы добавить комбо торнадо-катаклизм-метеор-рефрешер-катаклизм-метеор-бласт на отдельную кнопку или в динамик при наличии рефрешера и от 2-3 героев в торнадо
I know but the talent effectly is as good as Quas 5 ( if you have Quas 3 ) that's all I'm saying. IMO it would add quite a lot to the script. THe dynamic combo could also use the extra time from the talent to use EMP before SS, Meteorite and Defeaning Blast if you have aghs.
Ty for always listening @Jumpering. Auto ss still don't work for me. I played turbo and no matter what it was not using ss to killable targets. It just notify you that you can SS but no SS is thrown. Dynamic combo is insane. And the clickable spells finally has arrived. Makes my life so easier lol. Thanks as always.
@ralph_repato said:
Ty for always listening @Jumpering. Auto ss still don't work for me. I played turbo and no matter what it was not using ss to killable targets. It just notify you that you can SS but no SS is thrown. Dynamic combo is insane. And the clickable spells finally has arrived. Makes my life so easier lol. Thanks as always.
I want a refund right now. This is by far the worst invoker script i have ever used. Every signle time i tornado the sunstrike lands after the guy has already landed and walked away. Other tyimes invoker just stand still during the combo and forgets to do anything. And even my custom combos dont prepare in the order i have them set up. Tornado prediction is also the worst, misses almost every time. Also for heroes like willow (in untargetable form) the combo doesnt even interpret them as heroes so it doesn't cast any spells liek ice wall ,meteor etc and just lets the enemy hero kill you while invoker just stands afk even with combo button pressed.
guys i have a question why everytime i use the combo key for invoker he does the combo but he moves to the direction i have my mouse so the player is moving forward how can i stop this
Hello, I use translation.
auto sunstrike Enemies that help teams control?
Dynamic combination , Prepare for the first skill ,Key to dynamic assembly preparation auto preparationSecond skills?
How to close ice wall in dynamic combination,Many times the dynamic combination of the ice wall heroes is just standing there in a daze.
@清水0927 said:
Hello, I use translation.
auto sunstrike Enemies that help teams control?
Dynamic combination , Prepare for the first skill ,Key to dynamic assembly preparation auto preparationSecond skills?
How to close ice wall in dynamic combination,Many times the dynamic combination of the ice wall heroes is just standing there in a daze.
How to use it auto sunstrike Enemies that help teams control?
buen día a todos alguien me podría ayudar tengo este problema de no ver los iconos de las habilidades; que me falta instalar o que esta mal. mil gracias de ante mano por su ayuda.
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
@sipahi said:
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
Script keeps getting better. One issue for me is a specific custom combo. Mid to late game this is very important, and powerful, deafening blast meteor and sunstrike... How come it doesn't want to start the combo? Please take a look. I made 2 custom combo already but I this specific one don't work. Thank you as always bud xD
@sipahi said:
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
that's what I thought at first. But even if my current spells include Tonardo + metero, and I am expecting it to go full tornado > meteor > defeaning blast > EMP combo in a team fight, it just ends up using randomly cold snap and alacrity for some reason.
@sipahi said:
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
actually, you know what? May be it was the 09K Unlocker conflicting with it. Can you give me a 1 day trial again so that I can test it out?
@sipahi said:
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
that's what I thought at first. But even if my current spells include Tonardo + metero, and I am expecting it to go full tornado > meteor > defeaning blast > EMP combo in a team fight, it just ends up using randomly cold snap and alacrity for some reason.
mb u have enabled function that change custom to dynamic after end
@sipahi said:
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
that's what I thought at first. But even if my current spells include Tonardo + metero, and I am expecting it to go full tornado > meteor > defeaning blast > EMP combo in a team fight, it just ends up using randomly cold snap and alacrity for some reason.
mb u have enabled function that change custom to dynamic after end
actually, you know what? May be it was the 09K Unlocker conflicting with it. Can you give me a 1 day trial again so that I can test it out?
I don't know your issue but I've won 5 games in a row with this script at the moment. Dynamic combo is the best vs the competing invo script and so is the sunstrike. Maybe you all settings is incorrect but I don't understand the hate lol.
Excuse me. Automatic fire will not automatically kill enemies with less blood. I looked at the question. Set up. You say set the timer slider to min, where is it set
Sometimes I can use Ghost walk and sometimes I can't use this so I don't have enable automatiicaly just press in manual skill but I don't know why I have problem about this skill
скрипт не кастует скилы при комбо, пишет способность неактивна.. можете показать ваши настройки в игре для нормальной работы и какие скрипты помимо инвока используете.. купил бы сразу если разобраться
Sometimes I can use Ghost walk and sometimes I can't use this so I don't have enable automatiicaly just press in manual skill but I don't know why I have problem about this skill
How to fix it?
Thank you so much
and sorry about my English
same in free version, cant activate ghost walk eventhoung invoked
I agree with auto ss not working properly. This invo script is real good with the dynamic even the custom combo. Please look at auto ss and also adding clickable spells auto invoke like in the other Invoker script. It works that a panel of all spells will auto invoke once you click it. It helps a lot. I understand you already have hot keys but clicking is much faster and easier. Ty as always xD
show me please proof about auto ss
cuz its working 11231231% https://gfycat.com/HandyConcreteAlaskanmalamute
are u sure? u casting spells with mouse too? but ok, i will add this
at this time it req quas 5lvl for tornado
Неплохо бы добавить комбо торнадо-катаклизм-метеор-рефрешер-катаклизм-метеор-бласт на отдельную кнопку или в динамик при наличии рефрешера и от 2-3 героев в торнадо

или так
а в динамик он примерно так и будет делать [ветра-сс-метеор-бласт-рефрешер-метеор-бласт- и понеслось]
количество людей для катаклизма в торнадо можно настраивать в меню если че
Talent works now my bad> @Jumpering said:
I know but the talent effectly is as good as Quas 5 ( if you have Quas 3 ) that's all I'm saying. IMO it would add quite a lot to the script. THe dynamic combo could also use the extra time from the talent to use EMP before SS, Meteorite and Defeaning Blast if you have aghs.
Script is definitely great!
when icewall isn;t learned yet at lv 1
it keeps trying to cast and cancel cast and cancel in game
20:39:47 | DEBUG | [Invoke] invoker_cold_snap cant cast needed sphere [invoker_quas] (1)
20:39:47 | DEBUG | [Invoke] invoker_ice_wall cant cast needed sphere [invoker_quas] (1)
20:39:48 | DEBUG | [Invoke] invoker_ice_wall cant cast needed sphere [invoker_quas] (1)
20:39:49 | DEBUG | [Invoke] invoker_ice_wall cant cast needed sphere [invoker_quas] (1)
20:39:49 | DEBUG | [Invoke] invoker_ice_wall cant cast needed sphere [invoker_quas] (1)
Ty for always listening @Jumpering. Auto ss still don't work for me. I played turbo and no matter what it was not using ss to killable targets. It just notify you that you can SS but no SS is thrown. Dynamic combo is insane. And the clickable spells finally has arrived. Makes my life so easier lol. Thanks as always.
show me ur settings for auto ss
I bought it and it doesn't load
you need Divine.Core
I want a refund right now. This is by far the worst invoker script i have ever used. Every signle time i tornado the sunstrike lands after the guy has already landed and walked away. Other tyimes invoker just stand still during the combo and forgets to do anything. And even my custom combos dont prepare in the order i have them set up. Tornado prediction is also the worst, misses almost every time. Also for heroes like willow (in untargetable form) the combo doesnt even interpret them as heroes so it doesn't cast any spells liek ice wall ,meteor etc and just lets the enemy hero kill you while invoker just stands afk even with combo button pressed.
set timing's slider to min
guys i have a question why everytime i use the combo key for invoker he does the combo but he moves to the direction i have my mouse so the player is moving forward how can i stop this
This is awesome btw, I really like your work, keep improving! good job
Hello, I use translation.
auto sunstrike Enemies that help teams control?
Dynamic combination , Prepare for the first skill ,Key to dynamic assembly preparation auto preparationSecond skills?
How to close ice wall in dynamic combination,Many times the dynamic combination of the ice wall heroes is just standing there in a daze.
How to use it auto sunstrike Enemies that help teams control?
buen día a todos alguien me podría ayudar tengo este problema de no ver los iconos de las habilidades; que me falta instalar o que esta mal. mil gracias de ante mano por su ayuda.
I just "tried" it. Why is this script so random? You can't accomplish 1 combo while in game.
For example, it uses forged spirits as soon as i right click on the enemy. Also, I could never get coldsnap + tornado + meteor combo to work for early game.
cuz if target has coldsnap debuff (or under any stun)he will not cast tornado
Script keeps getting better. One issue for me is a specific custom combo. Mid to late game this is very important, and powerful, deafening blast meteor and sunstrike... How come it doesn't want to start the combo? Please take a look. I made 2 custom combo already but I this specific one don't work. Thank you as always bud xD
that's what I thought at first. But even if my current spells include Tonardo + metero, and I am expecting it to go full tornado > meteor > defeaning blast > EMP combo in a team fight, it just ends up using randomly cold snap and alacrity for some reason.
actually, you know what? May be it was the 09K Unlocker conflicting with it. Can you give me a 1 day trial again so that I can test it out?
mb u have enabled function that change custom to dynamic after end
I set up a combo hotkey, but I pressed this button and he didn't respond.
show console when this happen
that's wrong console.
You need this console

actually, you know what? May be it was the 09K Unlocker conflicting with it. Can you give me a 1 day trial again so that I can test it out?
enable target selection in sdk settings
thanks,but the hero dont follow my mouse when I use the hotkey
dynamic combo does not works properly sometimes invoker just stops using skills
this script is not worth buying
this script is terrible
the speed of combo is too slow==
I can't find the purchase and trial page
reset trial please?
hey jumpering..ur script was good..can I get the best setting for timing sunstrike ?
I don't know your issue but I've won 5 games in a row with this script at the moment. Dynamic combo is the best vs the competing invo script and so is the sunstrike. Maybe you all settings is incorrect but I don't understand the hate lol.
This script is really good, that`s why I am using ensage, but at the begin of game I should use skills by my self!
when I'm using the dynamic combo, it always tries to use the ice wall even when it's not needed
instead of using another better skill
Excuse me. Automatic fire will not automatically kill enemies with less blood. I looked at the question. Set up. You say set the timer slider to min, where is it set
how to buy?
Hi, Jumpering
Sometimes I can use Ghost walk and sometimes I can't use this so I don't have enable automatiicaly just press in manual skill but I don't know why I have problem about this skill
How to fix it?
Thank you so much
and sorry about my English
скрипт не кастует скилы при комбо, пишет способность неактивна.. можете показать ваши настройки в игре для нормальной работы и какие скрипты помимо инвока используете.. купил бы сразу если разобраться
same in free version, cant activate ghost walk eventhoung invoked