@solopro16 said:
bought , can u add last hit PA by dagger skill 1 ??? like zues.divine use skill 1 farm , in range hit use atk , out range use Dagger farm ty
how to try it? I clicked try 1 day for free but when I'm in game it says this hero is paid to use it I should buy it. (I restarted ensage and steam) I clicked try it for free like 15 mins ago. isnt it supposed to give me 24h access to paid thing?
edit: nevermind it is fixed when I restarted my pc.
Am I retarded or what? I got some message when I start it and it pop up a red circel with a white star in it in the left corner... nothing happend when I press it and I can't find anything in the menu for the heroes! What Am I doing wrong?
@Pingvin3n написал:
Am I retarded or what? I got some message when I start it and it pop up a red circel with a white star in it in the left corner... nothing happend when I press it and I can't find anything in the menu for the heroes! What Am I doing wrong?
Hi. I just bought your script. I have to say it definitely is worth 40$ You have made lots of improvements compared to the free one. Great job! By the way, I'd like to see a better Clockwerk combo.
I use your script and I'm very satisfied with it.
I'm considering buying the unlocker because some of the heroes I use are in the fully supported list.
However, 40$ is a bit more than what I'd like to spend. Would you consider releasing (if it's even possible) a lite version of your unlocker that unlocks just a fraction of the heroes in the fully supported list for half the price? (which heroes are included in this lite version of your paid script is up to you. or maybe you'll let the buyer choose which ones he want?)
Like I said, I'm not sure if you can even do something like this with your script, I'm just throwing this out there.
@cheatH12 said:
First of all, thank you for your contributions.
I use your script and I'm very satisfied with it.
I'm considering buying the unlocker because some of the heroes I use are in the fully supported list.
However, 40$ is a bit more than what I'd like to spend. Would you consider releasing (if it's even possible) a lite version of your unlocker that unlocks just a fraction of the heroes in the fully supported list for half the price? (which heroes are included in this lite version of your paid script is up to you. or maybe you'll let the buyer choose which ones he want?)
Like I said, I'm not sure if you can even do something like this with your script, I'm just throwing this out there.
Again, thanks for your contributions.
I dont want to bother with single sales or some packs which i dont even know how should be split.
@cheatH12 said:
First of all, thank you for your contributions.
I use your script and I'm very satisfied with it.
I'm considering buying the unlocker because some of the heroes I use are in the fully supported list.
However, 40$ is a bit more than what I'd like to spend. Would you consider releasing (if it's even possible) a lite version of your unlocker that unlocks just a fraction of the heroes in the fully supported list for half the price? (which heroes are included in this lite version of your paid script is up to you. or maybe you'll let the buyer choose which ones he want?)
Like I said, I'm not sure if you can even do something like this with your script, I'm just throwing this out there.
Again, thanks for your contributions.
I dont want to bother with single sales or some packs which i dont even know how should be split.
Earthshaker's combo is not working very well. It should always start with Blink + Echo Slam but sometimes it randomly starts with fissure or blink + fissure or even blink + enchant which results in Enemy escaping most of the times. I don't use the Enchant Priority option so this is not the cause.
@ramzesbg said:
Earthshaker's combo is not working very well. It should always start with Blink + Echo Slam but sometimes it randomly starts with fissure or blink + fissure or even blink + enchant which results in Enemy escaping most of the times. I don't use the Enchant Priority option so this is not the cause.
@IdcNoob its a Duo Offlane Hero Maxing Q 3/1/1 after Q maxing E. Its a semi Support Position 4/5
You can also Use E to Safe someone
His ulti works very good for Target spells, If 2 heros are bounded you can double Dagon and Eblade them for example but only target spells work
Like using Q for killsteal in early game or lategame he has very big range like windrunner arrow and its a lot of damage
Combo Button. Q+W and E might be for the iniatter hero who jumps in or for grimstone hisself with dagger combo. works perfectly atually in the meta with ursa buff ursa with E he jumps in aoe stun everyone . REMEMBER If you use E you are Silenced yourself so use it at last
@solopro16 said:
bought , can u add last hit PA by dagger skill 1 ??? like zues.divine use skill 1 farm , in range hit use atk , out range use Dagger farm ty
When I turn on the option to block enemies with enchantress's controllable units, the combo breaks and she doesn't use impetus unless she is very close to the enemy. Could you check and fix it pls.
Hi! I buy you're AIO can you please work on the Earth Spirit? I see the earth spirit anni is there but it's not very good. Also, the elder titan is broken and get's stuck when trying to cast.
@Tman446 said:
Hi! I buy you're AIO can you please work on the Earth Spirit? I see the earth spirit anni is there but it's not very good. Also, the elder titan is broken and get's stuck when trying to cast.
I already said that es is weak and all abilities kinda hard to hit, but maybe ill do it.
Its already added.
unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the loaderexceptions property for more information.
Anyone knows how to solve this?
Install o9k.core.
Can you add urn to venge?
bought , can u add last hit PA by dagger skill 1 ??? like zues.divine use skill 1 farm , in range hit use atk , out range use Dagger farm ty
I will not add farm stuff to this assembly.
I bought the assembly. Can you add support for queen of pain please. Thank you
how to try it? I clicked try 1 day for free but when I'm in game it says this hero is paid to use it I should buy it. (I restarted ensage and steam) I clicked try it for free like 15 mins ago. isnt it supposed to give me 24h access to paid thing?
edit: nevermind it is fixed when I restarted my pc.
only works for the storm?
bought as well. would love to quicken the support creation for morphling please!
Am I retarded or what? I got some message when I start it and it pop up a red circel with a white star in it in the left corner... nothing happend when I press it and I can't find anything in the menu for the heroes! What Am I doing wrong?

AIO.Core ?
plz add dynamic combo.
Added queen of pain, tidehunter, venomancer.
IdcNoob пожалуйста сделай настройки для sanity eclipse (ultimate OD) минимальное количество целей аналогично black hole у enigma.
Can you add orchid support to veno please.
Hi. I just bought your script. I have to say it definitely is worth 40$ You have made lots of improvements compared to the free one. Great job! By the way, I'd like to see a better Clockwerk combo.
add Batrider pls
I cant change number of enemies for sonic wave
IdcNoob please do for storm spirit combo - use vortex first. This is very decisive against the heroes with the BKB.
Please add Omniknight and Sven.
And when LC uses Blink+Ult, if target is in the range of Blink, LC will not use Blade Mail.
First of all, thank you for your contributions.
I use your script and I'm very satisfied with it.
I'm considering buying the unlocker because some of the heroes I use are in the fully supported list.
However, 40$ is a bit more than what I'd like to spend. Would you consider releasing (if it's even possible) a lite version of your unlocker that unlocks just a fraction of the heroes in the fully supported list for half the price? (which heroes are included in this lite version of your paid script is up to you. or maybe you'll let the buyer choose which ones he want?)
Like I said, I'm not sure if you can even do something like this with your script, I'm just throwing this out there.
Again, thanks for your contributions.
I dont want to bother with single sales or some packs which i dont even know how should be split.
I understand. Thanks for taking time to reply.
Earthshaker's combo is not working very well. It should always start with Blink + Echo Slam but sometimes it randomly starts with fissure or blink + fissure or even blink + enchant which results in Enemy escaping most of the times. I don't use the Enchant Priority option so this is not the cause.
There is dedicated echo slam combo.
Added grimstroke, but since i have no idea how to play him, it probably will require some adjustments xD
lol so quick
@IdcNoob its a Duo Offlane Hero Maxing Q 3/1/1 after Q maxing E. Its a semi Support Position 4/5
You can also Use E to Safe someone
His ulti works very good for Target spells, If 2 heros are bounded you can double Dagon and Eblade them for example but only target spells work
Like using Q for killsteal in early game or lategame he has very big range like windrunner arrow and its a lot of damage
Combo Button. Q+W and E might be for the iniatter hero who jumps in or for grimstone hisself with dagger combo. works perfectly atually in the meta with ursa buff ursa with E he jumps in aoe stun everyone . REMEMBER If you use E you are Silenced yourself so use it at last
Alternative Combo: with euls
Items: Veil, Aetherlens, Dagger, Dagon, hex, orchid, Euls, Glimmer, Urn, Shiva, Forcestaff, Spirit Vessel, Eblade
in lower average games like 3 or 4k you can play him also as position 2(midlane)
А почему у тимбера в комбо пропал чакрам?
still not requesting my hero. doing now. arc warden possible?
plz add pugna
It has simple combo for him. Im to lazy too add stuff like auto push.
arc script jumpering paid - more function and auto push. Buy it.
so can u support full Necrophos ???
IdcNoob please add to combo beastmaster - 2 skills or in script auto usage.
Can I make the beastmaster start combo with roar, not wild axes?
Just disable axes in combo ?
inconveniently they are needed right after roar
Bought the script to support you. Thanks for always doing what you do, appreciate it.
@IdcNoob when are the sprites/pics for grimstroke gonna get uploaded? really confusing atm :P
When I turn on the option to block enemies with enchantress's controllable units, the combo breaks and she doesn't use impetus unless she is very close to the enemy. Could you check and fix it pls.
EDIT: Nvm, I fixed it.
Probably never xD But ill try to fix it.
Hi! I buy you're AIO can you please work on the Earth Spirit? I see the earth spirit anni is there but it's not very good. Also, the elder titan is broken and get's stuck when trying to cast.
Sand king - need combo - ult -> blink
I already said that es is weak and all abilities kinda hard to hit, but maybe ill do it.
Bro please, dont tell me that u cant press R and then combo key while he will be channeling ult for 2 seconds ...
орбволк отдельно можно как-то использовать?
Why Grimstroke not killsteal skill 1 ? (Enemy blood left 100/650 not killstreal skill 1) plz check it ty.
Can you add damge backstab of riki on farm?
bloodseekers using 2 ultis on a same target with scepter.