@NeeDforKill said:
To get working dazzle you need disable heal spell in aio.
Did you test? right here unchecking it still does not work and before it worked without needing to disable anything, obviously did not use the Heal, but that was irrelevant.
@NeeDforKill said:
To get working dazzle you need disable heal spell in aio.
Did you test? right here unchecking it still does not work and before it worked without needing to disable anything, obviously did not use the Heal, but that was irrelevant.
hm i tested in custom lobby and it works. I had only problem with trying to cast heal on enemy.
@winingame said:
Is Timbersaw better with O9K.AIO or Timbersaw?
Timbersaw is pretty good in this script, trust me. All you need is to mouse your cursor over the hero and hold combo key. Also make sure you assign a key to 'move' option. It is used for escaping using timber chain.
@saljerem said:
holy shit $40 wayy too expensive. quick question if i buy this do i get it permanently even without subscribing to ensage no more?
40$ for 57 heroes is expensive ? That is like 70 cents per hero. There are scripts out there that cost like 15-25$ for 1 hero only. Not sure why you are so surprised with the price ...
EDIT: @IdcNoob Can you add an option where we can switch off kill steal so that it doesn't work only when we are pressing the combo key. For example when I play WR and I shackle someone and focus fire him it's most likely that he/she will die from my focus fire but WR still uses Power Shot to finish them off thus resulting in a waste of my PS and also waste of time loading it in the first place ... some times this even helps the enemy survive. But I also don't want KS to be switched of completely... it should just work while combo or alternative combo key is not pressed.
@saljerem said:
holy shit $40 wayy too expensive. quick question if i buy this do i get it permanently even without subscribing to ensage no more?
40$ for 57 heroes is expensive ? That is like 70 cents per hero. There are scripts out there that cost like 15-25$ for 1 hero only. Not sure why you are so surprised with the price ...
EDIT: @IdcNoob Can you add an option where we can switch off kill steal so that it doesn't work only when we are pressing the combo key. For example when I play WR and I shackle someone and focus fire him it's most likely that he/she will die from my focus fire but WR still uses Power Shot to finish them off thus resulting in a waste of my PS and also waste of time loading it in the first place ... some times this even helps the enemy survive. But I also don't want KS to be switched of completely... it should just work while combo or alternative combo key is not pressed.
Hi, i bought this a while back but would like to request a Rubick menu. Just a simple ish on of stealing ultimates/spells and then autousage. Is this possible?
@Dizz said:
Hi, i bought this a while back but would like to request a Rubick menu. Just a simple ish on of stealing ultimates/spells and then autousage. Is this possible?
You can see IDCNoob's post on the previous page stating he won't add it to this assembly since o9k.autousage supports spell steal+autousage already.
@IdcNoob Hello I just started my first trial for your script and the update happened. I have bought quite a few scripts already and turned by head towards yours next. I was wondering if I can perhaps get a reset after ensage updates again. I specifically wanted to test out a few hero on yours that are not available on others.
Thanks in advance. It is alright if the above is not possible as well. In which case, I will wait whenever your next automatic reset will be.
@Reekblade said: @IdcNoob Hello I just started my first trial for your script and the update happened. I have bought quite a few scripts already and turned by head towards yours next. I was wondering if I can perhaps get a reset after ensage updates again. I specifically wanted to test out a few hero on yours that are not available on others.
Thanks in advance. It is alright if the above is not possible as well. In which case, I will wait whenever your next automatic reset will be.
@Dizz said:
Hi, i bought this a while back but would like to request a Rubick menu. Just a simple ish on of stealing ultimates/spells and then autousage. Is this possible?
You can see IDCNoob's post on the previous page stating he won't add it to this assembly since o9k.autousage supports spell steal+autousage already.
@Reekblade said: @IdcNoob Hello I just started my first trial for your script and the update happened. I have bought quite a few scripts already and turned by head towards yours next. I was wondering if I can perhaps get a reset after ensage updates again. I specifically wanted to test out a few hero on yours that are not available on others.
Thanks in advance. It is alright if the above is not possible as well. In which case, I will wait whenever your next automatic reset will be.
Orbwalker decreases your DPS a ton if you have really high attack speed. Even if I use orbwalk to target and am standing right on top of them instead of using orbwalk to mouse. I can fix it by enabling stop orbwalk if target is standing but I don't want to do that as troll. SDK Orbwalker doesn't seem to have this issue.
@Vacant said: @IdcNoob
Orbwalker decreases your DPS a ton if you have really high attack speed. Even if I use orbwalk to target and am standing right on top of them instead of using orbwalk to mouse. I can fix it by enabling stop orbwalk if target is standing but I don't want to do that as troll. SDK Orbwalker doesn't seem to have this issue.
@Vacant said: @IdcNoob
Orbwalker decreases your DPS a ton if you have really high attack speed. Even if I use orbwalk to target and am standing right on top of them instead of using orbwalk to mouse. I can fix it by enabling stop orbwalk if target is standing but I don't want to do that as troll. SDK Orbwalker doesn't seem to have this issue.
Top left = Stop orbwalk if target standing
Top right = Orbwalk to target
Bottom = SDK
You can also hear the difference really easily if you just hold your combo key with orbwalk to target on and toggle on and off stop if standing.
I also had these Problems and played only with stop orbwalk if standing but i thought it was due to outdate ensage, your bug reports are very good, thanks alot vacant.
@Vacant said: @IdcNoob
Orbwalker decreases your DPS a ton if you have really high attack speed. Even if I use orbwalk to target and am standing right on top of them instead of using orbwalk to mouse. I can fix it by enabling stop orbwalk if target is standing but I don't want to do that as troll. SDK Orbwalker doesn't seem to have this issue.
Top left = Stop orbwalk if target standing
Top right = Orbwalk to target
Bottom = SDK
You can also hear the difference really easily if you just hold your combo key with orbwalk to target on and toggle on and off stop if standing.
Ill check if i can improve it.
I have also noticed this issue , but it was ambiguous to me whether I was imagining things, you can see the difference when you compare am ( late game ) (o9k// aio) and Baio ( Which uses SDK orbwalker (well i tested it with kite mode disabled though) )
So i checked this orbwalker stuff. Stop orbwalk if standing works good. With disabled SOIF, move to mouse will drop dps cuz ur hero is moving after attack, so its only possible to improve move to target.
@IdcNoob Привет. Очень нравится кентавр буквально настолько, что хочу его докачать до 25, поиграл на нем и нашел ошибку. Когда он делает комбинацию, он сначала дает второй скилл, а уже потом стан, даже когда находится вплотную к противнику. Пожалуйста исправь это, как будет время.
@Smokka said: @IdcNoob Привет. Очень нравится кентавр буквально настолько, что хочу его докачать до 25, поиграл на нем и нашел ошибку. Когда он делает комбинацию, он сначала дает второй скилл, а уже потом стан, даже когда находится вплотную к противнику. Пожалуйста исправь это, как будет время.
What is not working with dazzle?
nothing, do not use items, skills, orbwalk ..
Is Timbersaw better with O9K.AIO or Timbersaw?
To get working dazzle you need disable heal spell in aio.
Why does O9K. AIO hold down the comno key and only release skills, but not orbwalk?
because you disable it in aio settings ?
Did you test? right here unchecking it still does not work and before it worked without needing to disable anything, obviously did not use the Heal, but that was irrelevant.
hm i tested in custom lobby and it works. I had only problem with trying to cast heal on enemy.
Timbersaw is pretty good in this script, trust me. All you need is to mouse your cursor over the hero and hold combo key. Also make sure you assign a key to 'move' option. It is used for escaping using timber chain.
Hi can you also add nullifier in item combos to be used.
Its used on most heroes, tell me which one is not.
shadow fiend
tis this a paid assembly?
Fully supported heroes are paid
where can i buy it?
search for O9K.AIO.Unlocker (be sure that assembly type is hero and paid)
holy shit $40 wayy too expensive. quick question if i buy this do i get it permanently even without subscribing to ensage no more?
You will get it permanently, but without sub u will be able to play only 1 game per day.
can you also add veil, bloodthorn and nullifier in SF combos please
40$ for 57 heroes is expensive ? That is like 70 cents per hero. There are scripts out there that cost like 15-25$ for 1 hero only. Not sure why you are so surprised with the price ...
EDIT: @IdcNoob Can you add an option where we can switch off kill steal so that it doesn't work only when we are pressing the combo key. For example when I play WR and I shackle someone and focus fire him it's most likely that he/she will die from my focus fire but WR still uses Power Shot to finish them off thus resulting in a waste of my PS and also waste of time loading it in the first place ... some times this even helps the enemy survive. But I also don't want KS to be switched of completely... it should just work while combo or alternative combo key is not pressed.
legion commander not use blade mail in combo
in the real game it was the same
good point. ill get this once i get my pay lmao.
make 50% discount for 1 week plix plox
christmas time 
Hi, i bought this a while back but would like to request a Rubick menu. Just a simple ish on of stealing ultimates/spells and then autousage. Is this possible?
You can see IDCNoob's post on the previous page stating he won't add it to this assembly since o9k.autousage supports spell steal+autousage already.
@IdcNoob Hello I just started my first trial for your script and the update happened. I have bought quite a few scripts already and turned by head towards yours next. I was wondering if I can perhaps get a reset after ensage updates again. I specifically wanted to test out a few hero on yours that are not available on others.
Thanks in advance. It is alright if the above is not possible as well. In which case, I will wait whenever your next automatic reset will be.
Regards :D
Ill reset it after fix.
OK thanks.
Deleted comment
Meh. I used it enough to buy it. Thank you.
where find list of free heroes "without paid" can use with aio ?
Page one of this thread, second drop down box of "Should Work" heroes
Why every game i have to re-do my Rubick spells that i want stolen is there a save button ? or Does it just reset every time?
I guess u are talking about o9k.autousage, Ill fix it after ensage update.
Orbwalker decreases your DPS a ton if you have really high attack speed. Even if I use orbwalk to target and am standing right on top of them instead of using orbwalk to mouse. I can fix it by enabling stop orbwalk if target is standing but I don't want to do that as troll. SDK Orbwalker doesn't seem to have this issue.
Top left = Stop orbwalk if target standing
Top right = Orbwalk to target
Bottom = SDK
You can also hear the difference really easily if you just hold your combo key with orbwalk to target on and toggle on and off stop if standing.
Ill check if i can improve it.
I also had these Problems and played only with stop orbwalk if standing but i thought it was due to outdate ensage, your bug reports are very good, thanks alot vacant.
I thought DIsruptor is fully supported, but veil is mising in combo settings. Please add it

I have also noticed this issue , but it was ambiguous to me whether I was imagining things, you can see the difference when you compare am ( late game ) (o9k// aio) and Baio ( Which uses SDK orbwalker (well i tested it with kite mode disabled though) )
So i checked this orbwalker stuff. Stop orbwalk if standing works good. With disabled SOIF, move to mouse will drop dps cuz ur hero is moving after attack, so its only possible to improve move to target.
would it be hard to do morphling? since u allrdy have rubick and most heroes skills supported?
He asked us for a suggestion on how to implement his ss logic and combo logic but we didnt answer him,if u have a good logic please tell him
@IdcNoob Привет. Очень нравится кентавр буквально настолько, что хочу его докачать до 25, поиграл на нем и нашел ошибку. Когда он делает комбинацию, он сначала дает второй скилл, а уже потом стан, даже когда находится вплотную к противнику. Пожалуйста исправь это, как будет время.
hey, i just played shadow demon, so i noticed that it doesn't use 3rd skill when enemy caught inside first skill. can you check that out?
crash after this.