Underlord не дает свой 2 скилл по комбо ключу, если цель находится в дизейбле
И так почти все герои работаю, например пудж начнет жрать, когда цель выйдет из дизейбла, кинутого командой. Это конечно круто, что можно в тайминги давать скилы, но можно это как-то настроить ? На одном герое включить, на другом выключить ?
Hi @IdcNoob , can you please edit Void Spirit's ulti (Astral Step) to leave 1 charge and not consume all the charge in 1 combo? Sometimes we need to use that extra charge for escaping. Thanks!
the logic for some heros seems really bad... for example in the case of sven, he will silence, blink in then stun ulti warcry, which wastes allot of uptime on both debuffs and allowing the enemy to escape and even more time actually walking up to the target because he did all these things from a significant range, in the case of items like mask of madness he will use mask before most abilities are even cast or sometimes all abilities. so just blinking in and then masking. defeats the purpose if you have to manually press ult war cry then combo button since half the combo is already done. Void spirit also uses both charges of his ulti when he doesnt really have to, doesnt provide all that much damage esp on higher health targets better off leaving one for escape or atleast an option to use either both or to leave one. Snapfire should have some kind of logic to use creeps or allied heros to stun the target if possible instead of jumping in when other options are available, also using the scatterblast from range before jumping in, sometimes its better to use point blank due to the damage maybe an option for that late game when ur tanky enough. Just some thoughts, the orb walking in combo mode is very good tho.
Good day IdcNoob, I have a reasonable request. Will you add Orge Magi's 5th ability to the combo. His 5th ability is unlocked with the septor. Currently the program only combo's with his first 4 abilities. Thank you very much!
У меня герой (мили) пытается подбежать почти в плотную к вражескому герою, хотя дальность позволяет ударять, но он стремится приблизится ещё сильнее и не бьёт. Как это исправить ? =)
@cac1 said:
У меня герой (мили) пытается подбежать почти в плотную к вражескому герою, хотя дальность позволяет ударять, но он стремится приблизится ещё сильнее и не бьёт. Как это исправить ? =)
@cac1 said:
У меня герой (мили) пытается подбежать почти в плотную к вражескому герою, хотя дальность позволяет ударять, но он стремится приблизится ещё сильнее и не бьёт. Как это исправить ? =)
Видео запиши и покажи список скриптов на видео.
Починил, но вот вопросы по меню, всё что ниже "stop orbwalk if standing" не понятно.
Can u please add more items for Venomancer? i notice alot of things aren't supported like Vessel, Sheep etc.
Also just an idea! there used to be a veno script long time ago that made veno wards put debuff on every enemy in restack it etc (Super useful vs blinks / heals ) also it would last hit and deny creeps and also deny other wards! it was amazing! is this too obvious now days tho ? even if u just made to so it applied poison to all heroes on ur screen that would be pretty good
The target selector of the script is very bad. The target is locked when pressing and holding the combo key. When I choose to attack the nearest target, can I add a button to switch the target scientifically instead of locking it. Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, once the location of the locked target changes dramatically, my hero will follow the target in an unthinkable position and go to a dangerous place.
@sdguanj said:
The target selector of the script is very bad. The target is locked when pressing and holding the combo key. When I choose to attack the nearest target, can I add a button to switch the target scientifically instead of locking it. Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, once the location of the locked target changes dramatically, my hero will follow the target in an unthinkable position and go to a dangerous place.
@sdguanj said:
The target selector of the script is very bad. The target is locked when pressing and holding the combo key. When I choose to attack the nearest target, can I add a button to switch the target scientifically instead of locking it. Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, once the location of the locked target changes dramatically, my hero will follow the target in an unthinkable position and go to a dangerous place.
I'm getting this error when trying to load O9K and O9K.Unlocker
6429| RC:1| PluginDomain| LoadPlugin| System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at EnsageSharp.Sandbox.Domain.PluginDomain.GetEntryPoint(Assembly assembly)
at EnsageSharp.Sandbox.Domain.PluginDomain.ExecuteEntryPoint(CacheAssembly assembly)
at EnsageSharp.Sandbox.Domain.PluginDomain.LoadPlugin(CacheAssembly file)
Hi @IdcNoob, can you please make changes to these (if possible):
-Meepo: making using his Q (net) not overlapse each other (throwing the nets at the same time), but one by one from each Meepo (with something like 0.2 second left of the previous net). Right now when I pressing the combo key all of the Meepos will throw the nets at the same time (I dont need to use the Poof).
-Io: making the Spirits to auto span to hit the targeted enemy when pressing the combo key.
Underlord не дает свой 2 скилл по комбо ключу, если цель находится в дизейбле
И так почти все герои работаю, например пудж начнет жрать, когда цель выйдет из дизейбла, кинутого командой. Это конечно круто, что можно в тайминги давать скилы, но можно это как-то настроить ? На одном герое включить, на другом выключить ?
Trial pls my last Trial didnt work i havent mark the ability core with
Hi @IdcNoob , can you please edit Void Spirit's ulti (Astral Step) to leave 1 charge and not consume all the charge in 1 combo? Sometimes we need to use that extra charge for escaping. Thanks!
so many leeches xD
Trial pls my last Trial didnt work i havent mark the ability core with
the logic for some heros seems really bad... for example in the case of sven, he will silence, blink in then stun ulti warcry, which wastes allot of uptime on both debuffs and allowing the enemy to escape and even more time actually walking up to the target because he did all these things from a significant range, in the case of items like mask of madness he will use mask before most abilities are even cast or sometimes all abilities. so just blinking in and then masking. defeats the purpose if you have to manually press ult war cry then combo button since half the combo is already done. Void spirit also uses both charges of his ulti when he doesnt really have to, doesnt provide all that much damage esp on higher health targets better off leaving one for escape or atleast an option to use either both or to leave one. Snapfire should have some kind of logic to use creeps or allied heros to stun the target if possible instead of jumping in when other options are available, also using the scatterblast from range before jumping in, sometimes its better to use point blank due to the damage maybe an option for that late game when ur tanky enough. Just some thoughts, the orb walking in combo mode is very good tho.
Trial doesnt work, good thing I did not purchase =)
Trial pls
Could you optimize slark? it uses 2 W at the same time
Good day IdcNoob, I have a reasonable request. Will you add Orge Magi's 5th ability to the combo. His 5th ability is unlocked with the septor. Currently the program only combo's with his first 4 abilities. Thank you very much!
У меня герой (мили) пытается подбежать почти в плотную к вражескому герою, хотя дальность позволяет ударять, но он стремится приблизится ещё сильнее и не бьёт. Как это исправить ? =)
Видео запиши и покажи список скриптов на видео.
Починил, но вот вопросы по меню, всё что ниже "stop orbwalk if standing" не понятно.

trial pls sir
Stop leeching buy instead
reset trial pls sir
Добрый вечер!Прошу обнулить триал, если возможно!
Заранее спасибо
Can u please add more items for Venomancer? i notice alot of things aren't supported like Vessel, Sheep etc.
Also just an idea! there used to be a veno script long time ago that made veno wards put debuff on every enemy in restack it etc (Super useful vs blinks / heals ) also it would last hit and deny creeps and also deny other wards! it was amazing! is this too obvious now days tho ? even if u just made to so it applied poison to all heroes on ur screen that would be pretty good

Can fix itKael invoker
timbersaw doesnt hold on to his ult when enemies are still in it, he just retracts asap right now.
i want test sciprt ! reset Trial pls Thx sir
Reset my trial pla
I bought unlock and may I make some Suggestions,Can Bristleback auto use W when it's surrounded by two or more heroes,script in curse?
That isn't included in a combo assembly, you need to get the 'O9K // Auto Usage' for that.
is it normal, that zeus ulti will not follow the "move screen" order-protection ?
Zeus ult doesnt need target, so yes, its normal.
reset trial pls thx sir
right, ty
reset trial please
thx for reset trial sir <3
add support custom game "OVERTHROW 2.0" please bro....it best script what i used....and thank....and give me list free hero on script @IdcNoob
The target selector of the script is very bad. The target is locked when pressing and holding the combo key. When I choose to attack the nearest target, can I add a button to switch the target scientifically instead of locking it. Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, once the location of the locked target changes dramatically, my hero will follow the target in an unthinkable position and go to a dangerous place.

in settings "Lock" switch off
for some reason lycan wolf won't follow when i press the combo, can you have a look and fix it if possible thank you
Is it possible to put SF raze indicators? :))
Hud can display simple range. Also i think u should not play sf if u cant "feel" raze range
I'm getting this error when trying to load O9K and O9K.Unlocker
@IdcNoob бро, ресетни плиз. Рублю хана
Lycan's body block for wolves doesent work :(
Дазл не дает грейв в авто юз. Разные настройки пробовал
Played axe few days ago and call was broken (it would jump and cancel the call like it was too short or something).
Also played Veno and the vessel wasn't available in a combo, only veil.
can u reset my trial pls ? want test terror blade
reset my trial please
Hi @IdcNoob, can you please make changes to these (if possible):
-Meepo: making using his Q (net) not overlapse each other (throwing the nets at the same time), but one by one from each Meepo (with something like 0.2 second left of the previous net). Right now when I pressing the combo key all of the Meepos will throw the nets at the same time (I dont need to use the Poof).
-Io: making the Spirits to auto span to hit the targeted enemy when pressing the combo key.
Thank you very much.
Cheaper or monthly payment, PLZ