This guy is the best! Paid script and he's letting us use it for free. Always hooking a brotha out. Thank you buddy!!! You're great man. You should charge 50 dollars for this script fuck it I don't mind you do a lot for us all!!!
Just curious what logic was added to riki? Because it's doing nothing different than before when I used him with this script. Cloud must be used after blink (it uses cloud way too far away). Order of skills should be: Blink/Items/Cloud/Ulti.
@badbreath said:
Just curious what logic was added to riki? Because it's doing nothing different than before when I used him with this script. Cloud must be used after blink (it uses cloud way too far away). Order of skills should be: Blink/Items/Cloud/Ulti.
I notice it tries to chain stun the spells now instead of throwing everything out. For instance: It will blink/diffusal/cloud but will not ult until cloud is over. Maybe make that an option? Early game ulti does more damage than regular auto attacking. Also if it uses abysall first it will not cloud before going into ult. Getting better thanks.
@badbreath said:
I notice it tries to chain stun the spells now instead of throwing everything out. For instance: It will blink/diffusal/cloud but will not ult until cloud is over. Maybe make that an option? Early game ulti does more damage than regular auto attacking. Also if it uses abysall first it will not cloud before going into ult. Getting better thanks.
It calculates ult damage and most of the time not using it if cant kill.
Blood rite on blood seeker most of the time misses the target. Everything is right on point though. Not sure if it's supposed to ult first then entrap them with the skill or the way you already have it. Ty!
Could you improve Legion Commander ? Sometimes it doesn't use ulty after blink and it never uses Halberd to broke Linken before using ulty, i have to use it manualy
@Jevees said:
Could you improve Legion Commander ? Sometimes it doesn't use ulty after blink and it never uses Halberd to broke Linken before using ulty, i have to use it manualy
He is literally one of the best picks in 6k+ games, Id say even better than Oracle. It's just that he has complex mechanics and gameplay so making a good smart script for him is nearly impossible. But he is definitely not weak!
always play visage, but today game seems like the familiar didnt do skill to stun.
TA does for me, well it did.
Ye, its bugged. Ill fix it.
Added elder titan.
Oracles heal key might be bugged too, I press it to heal ally but it doesn't work.
Will fix.
Added juggernaut.
Added Bloodseeker.
All fully supported heroes will be free for some time.
This guy is the best! Paid script and he's letting us use it for free. Always hooking a brotha out. Thank you buddy!!! You're great man. You should charge 50 dollars for this script fuck it I don't mind you do a lot for us all!!!
Added slark.
Added riki.
Just curious what logic was added to riki? Because it's doing nothing different than before when I used him with this script. Cloud must be used after blink (it uses cloud way too far away). Order of skills should be: Blink/Items/Cloud/Ulti.
Ill improve it.
I notice it tries to chain stun the spells now instead of throwing everything out. For instance: It will blink/diffusal/cloud but will not ult until cloud is over. Maybe make that an option? Early game ulti does more damage than regular auto attacking. Also if it uses abysall first it will not cloud before going into ult. Getting better thanks.
It calculates ult damage and most of the time not using it if cant kill.
Ahhh I see i'll test it out. Pretty cool.
this is what i've been waiting for like forever. thanks man.
how to install it, I try many time but install not pop up
try with OD and do not use the ultimate automatically, and that skill is enabled in kill steal
You are a gentleman and a scholar, thanks good sir!
is it possible to add auto control healing ward like vaper script (a opption without pressing hotkey) for Jugger?
It works.
Blood rite on blood seeker most of the time misses the target. Everything is right on point though. Not sure if it's supposed to ult first then entrap them with the skill or the way you already have it. Ty!
can I please try the plugin for 1 more day, my trial expired but i did not try it completely.
Its free right now. U just need o9k.core and o9k.aio.
Could you improve Legion Commander ? Sometimes it doesn't use ulty after blink and it never uses Halberd to broke Linken before using ulty, i have to use it manualy
U need to enable halberd in shield breaker.
Can you add atos for lina? <3. Thanks
Also dark willow if it isnt added for combo <3.
awesome cant wait, atos usage in combo is so good xd
feel like its core for landing spells like linas W or long enough for dark willows E to kick in etc xd
is it possible to add ember to queue hero? @IdcNoob
anyway, thanks for all your great work.
I guess.
hello idcnoob ive just bought unlocker just now,it would be nice if u improve Brewmaster script (^▽^)
really looking forward to
we still waiting the Morphling its take long time
add earth spirit please?
Weak hero, most likely i will not add him.
He is literally one of the best picks in 6k+ games, Id say even better than Oracle. It's just that he has complex mechanics and gameplay so making a good smart script for him is nearly impossible. But he is definitely not weak!
Added storm and ember.
No skills showing in menu when playing ember. Cleared cache, restarted and updated ensage and still no skills showing and auto chain not working.
Everything should work.
WR is bad than update before, E is low rate to stun hero
Current paid user here, pls faceless void next with smart chrono
Added brewmaster, but since i dont know to play him, its probably be bad xD
Use auto usage to auto disable with spirit cyclone.
Nope... ember is still not showing me any skills. Other characters work fine. I tried in Lobby, Demo and Real Game.

Check ensage console.
Yea Embers skills load for me, just restart your console, should be fine then.