I've made a support ticket more than 24 hours ago and it gets ignored.
How can support be so shit when someone is asking help regarding paying for your software. Don't you get paid from our purchases?
I would have purchased this if you read my ticket and helped me but I already found a better one.
Hope you guys step up your game.
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On tickets can reply only Admins. If you got problem with payments , like a your sub not activated, you just 99% did chargeback.
In any time they can stop to reply to guys who did chargebacks.
P.S We not need to do something with our payment system, because you send money not to us, you send money to payment processor what takes fee and send money to us.So if you can't pay to problem on your end or on payment processor end , what we can't fix.
BTW if you paid and it show in Store Transactions as Paid, but you not got subscribe in 24 hours , that's mean you did chargeback in past.