Client error code 129: Client not found and v8.dll missing.

markcgmarkcg Posts: 2

I had follow the guide for the installation. Everything setup fine, but when I press to start the game via launcher I got following errors:
1. v8.dll is missing
2. The client is not found with code 129

My system has non antivirus and firewall set up.

I have tried following:
1. Run Ensage as admin -> Same error
2. Run Dota 2 with -win32 command
3. Set Compatibility mode to window 7
4. Delete cache in steam/~/common

I can run the game normally when launch it without Ensage hook.

Log file have nothing inform it just said as follow:
* Note that I remove some of duplicate calls

[Ensage-Shell] Core State -1-Created
[Ensage-Shell] Core State 6-PreInitStarted
Process detected [6516] steamerrorreporter64
Terminate error reporting

Any suggestion?



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