@Puzhing05 said:
May i ask you some questions?
this script work on mouse spoofing right?
@elohim said:
Can you disable it for Broodmother's webs? It keeps beeping saying can't move
@Vacant said: @Jumpering
Can you make it so it doesn't control my hero itself as naga? I'd rather do that myself and have the illusions farm by themselves.
Hey, just purchased this script and noticed a few things.
1.) It is not checking if jungle camp has creeps or not before travelling there.(it goes till the camp center irrespective of creeps being there or not and then only moves to next camp)
2.) Also, I noticed that if my main hero went to a camp when illusions are farming other camps, the illus after finishing their camps are directed to the camp which hero already farmed before therefore no creep in it for illusion to farm SO can you remove such camps from queue which are either empty due to others farming or if farmed by main hero so illusion can skip such camps and save time.
Hi, nice script, makes my imagination go wild :D As mentioned above, after bear dies and you spwn a new "copy", its not working anymore (using aghanim). Also would be nice to have function when you hold the combo key, controlled units obey the combo key, instead of having a fight with the illusion script, after releasing the combo key, controlled units can go back under illusion script. Because at the moment if something happen around my farming units and myself and i want to to combo, first i have to turn off the illusion farm script, which sometimes result in fail. Can you please take a look at this ? This script really open hidden strategy doors :D Cheers!
P.P. The script is trying to control WK skeletons and makes the beeping sound, can you fix it, please ? Because of the annoying sound i have to play without sound or without necro book, I like to use the spwns of it to push in turbo ( compendium stuff u know )
It will be awesome if techies mines can auto push lanes at level 25 with the talent. If you dont want to bother, it will be nice if you exclude the mines from the script because it beebs a lot. I like to use necronomic with almost every hero. Having free gold in turbo gives them the " wtf just happened " out of body exp.
Hi. I bought this assembly for a while now, and it's working quite well.
I have one request though. Is it possible to add a "pause" button that will disable the assembly when hold? This way I can use combo key without having to manually disable this script (Sometimes I forgot to close it and it cause the illusion to stutter a lot when fighting).
Can you fix the jungle camp which was ancient and got changed? Because my Naga clones are never going there. This is the only problem I see with this script in trial. If you fix this I'm going to buy 100%
@sacanudo said:
Can you fix the jungle camp which was ancient and got changed? Because my Naga clones are never going there. This is the only problem I see with this script in trial. If you fix this I'm going to buy 100%
@Welkinds said:
Нага упирается в деревья бегает туда-суда , но не может зайти на кемп. Пожалуйста исправьте я бы купил ваш сценарий
camp? только играл вчера кстати нагой за силы света, все ок было (обе стороны фармил)
тупит , исправьте пожалуйста
@tawannupinw said:
Hi. I bought this assembly for a while now, and it's working quite well.
I have one request though. Is it possible to add a "pause" button that will disable the assembly when hold? This way I can use combo key without having to manually disable this script (Sometimes I forgot to close it and it cause the illusion to stutter a lot when fighting).
@tawannupinw said:
Hi. I bought this assembly for a while now, and it's working quite well.
I have one request though. Is it possible to add a "pause" button that will disable the assembly when hold? This way I can use combo key without having to manually disable this script (Sometimes I forgot to close it and it cause the illusion to stutter a lot when fighting).
I mean something like this button in O9K.Evader
To clarify, let's say you add a pause button for me. I can set Enable button to K then set Pause button to SpaceBar(My combo key for other script). This way, when I turn on this script with K and want to turn it off during fight, I don't have to press K again to turn it off as I can just hold SpaceBar to temporarily disable it. When the fight is finish, the illusion will immediately go back to farming as I release SpaceBar.
To clarify, let's say you add a pause button for me. I can set Enable button to K then set Pause button to SpaceBar(My combo key for other script). This way, when I turn on this script with K and want to turn it off during fight, I don't have to press K again to turn it off as I can just hold SpaceBar to temporarily disable it. When the fight is finish, the illusion will immediately go back to farming as I release SpaceBar.
No need for the whole key to hold or anything but the button to enable and disable would be good. So like the guy said above an option to bind a key for on/off please
@AntonRox said:
No need for the whole key to hold or anything but the button to enable and disable would be good. So like the guy said above an option to bind a key for on/off please
sorry what I meant is a hotkey to change settings from auto to lane to jungle.
can you add the "avoid extra damage" for creeps? I use the HELM OF THE DOMINATOR to control a creep to farm in lane, and my creep always dies to enemy tower or creeps, this is annoying.
Guys I'd like to say that this is by far the best script I have.
If you play naga after 12 lvl and a diffusal you can set the settings to have 1 illusion per camp and just spread them every 30 seconds.
The farm is impossible and the fact that the illusions move out when the neutrals spawn is phenomenal.
Can you make it so it doesn't control my hero itself as naga? I'd rather do that myself and have the illusions farm by themselves.
Can you reset trial?
is it working now? lost my trial when ensage was down. Can u reset?
didnt test it since update, but did trial reset
Can you disable it for Broodmother's webs? It keeps beeping saying can't move
Doesn't work for LD bear
May i ask you some questions?
this script work on mouse spoofing right?
hope fixed
Hey, just purchased this script and noticed a few things.
1.) It is not checking if jungle camp has creeps or not before travelling there.(it goes till the camp center irrespective of creeps being there or not and then only moves to next camp)
2.) Also, I noticed that if my main hero went to a camp when illusions are farming other camps, the illus after finishing their camps are directed to the camp which hero already farmed before therefore no creep in it for illusion to farm SO can you remove such camps from queue which are either empty due to others farming or if farmed by main hero so illusion can skip such camps and save time.
I will contact you on discord for this matter in case you did not understand the issue.
Also let me know if i have to upload any logs and screenshot as such.
sir could you pls add all illusion to split push all lanes specially for naga
ty buyed it
@RODULFO999 said:
yea i aslo think push more need more work, it sometimes also very very much looks like script.Also it sometimes still feed to much.
But with some more logic i think this script + NP in Turbo will be ALOT of Fun xD
nice scripts! could you add auto farm for Arc's ult and also Druid's bear(working at the first but after not after bear's death).
How to buy it?
here in paid selection
i will check bear
Why does the illusion only take the driveway and not enter the farm?
is this not available in database? i cant seem to find it. @Jumpering
yes, is Utility selection
Hi, nice script, makes my imagination go wild :D As mentioned above, after bear dies and you spwn a new "copy", its not working anymore (using aghanim). Also would be nice to have function when you hold the combo key, controlled units obey the combo key, instead of having a fight with the illusion script, after releasing the combo key, controlled units can go back under illusion script. Because at the moment if something happen around my farming units and myself and i want to to combo, first i have to turn off the illusion farm script, which sometimes result in fail. Can you please take a look at this ? This script really open hidden strategy doors :D Cheers!
P.P. The script is trying to control WK skeletons and makes the beeping sound, can you fix it, please ? Because of the annoying sound i have to play without sound or without necro book, I like to use the spwns of it to push in turbo ( compendium stuff u know )
naga is the best thing, but need some improvement here
been using it for naga for 2-3 months and it works so flawlessly. the improvement it needed to update prior to radiant map update .
I can not buy
It will be awesome if techies mines can auto push lanes at level 25 with the talent. If you dont want to bother, it will be nice if you exclude the mines from the script because it beebs a lot. I like to use necronomic with almost every hero. Having free gold in turbo gives them the " wtf just happened " out of body exp.
Is this functioning, or built into another of your scripts? @Jumpering
I can't purchase it.
Add pls invoker Fire element to stack jungle and farmini would buy this then
Нага упирается в деревья бегает туда-суда , но не может зайти на кемп. Пожалуйста исправьте я бы купил ваш сценарий
camp? только играл вчера кстати нагой за силы света, все ок было (обе стороны фармил)
тупит , исправьте пожалуйста
That's the same bug the meepo script had. Hard/Ancient camp position needs to be updated.
Hi. I bought this assembly for a while now, and it's working quite well.
I have one request though. Is it possible to add a "pause" button that will disable the assembly when hold? This way I can use combo key without having to manually disable this script (Sometimes I forgot to close it and it cause the illusion to stutter a lot when fighting).
can reset trial?
Can you fix the jungle camp which was ancient and got changed? Because my Naga clones are never going there. This is the only problem I see with this script in trial. If you fix this I'm going to buy 100%
This camp:

its possible add opc for only stack whit ilu ?= useful for naga support
I mean something like this button in O9K.Evader
To clarify, let's say you add a pause button for me. I can set Enable button to K then set Pause button to SpaceBar(My combo key for other script). This way, when I turn on this script with K and want to turn it off during fight, I don't have to press K again to turn it off as I can just hold SpaceBar to temporarily disable it. When the fight is finish, the illusion will immediately go back to farming as I release SpaceBar.
This is so counterintuitive
No need for the whole key to hold or anything but the button to enable and disable would be good. So like the guy said above an option to bind a key for on/off please
sorry what I meant is a hotkey to change settings from auto to lane to jungle.
can you add the "avoid extra damage" for creeps? I use the HELM OF THE DOMINATOR to control a creep to farm in lane, and my creep always dies to enemy tower or creeps, this is annoying.
very often runs on a farmed spot
when i started a trail, always Error: You're not owning the plugin which should be loaded
Yesterday I played a brood game without any lags today it's quite laggy. I have absolutely no idea why though.
it's not the game lag but it causes brood doesn't move.
my ill don't working
It's awesome :D :D :D: D::D :D
Guys I'd like to say that this is by far the best script I have.
If you play naga after 12 lvl and a diffusal you can set the settings to have 1 illusion per camp and just spread them every 30 seconds.
The farm is impossible and the fact that the illusions move out when the neutrals spawn is phenomenal.
i think outdate, the illusion not spread anymore
You might have to disable some of the options in OrderBlocker, it was added to prevent bans and stuff like that.