@anonymouse said: @IdcNoob Hi bro, pls check auto buy spamming “not enough gold” i think its trying to buy but I dont have gold. So the “not enough golf” is spamming always I have turn it off.
It works for me. Is it in turbo game mode ?
Yes its in turbo, it tries to buy it even i dont have gold.
Its still gives the “not enough gold”’spam in Turbo mode. Kindly fix thanks.
@IdcNoob hope you can fix it bro, still happening in turbo mode. I really like your auto buy sad i cant use it because its spamming “not enoughy gold”
Problem is most likely in core and no one else reports it, so not sure.
@anonymouse said: @IdcNoob Hi bro, pls check auto buy spamming “not enough gold” i think its trying to buy but I dont have gold. So the “not enough golf” is spamming always I have turn it off.
It works for me. Is it in turbo game mode ?
Yes its in turbo, it tries to buy it even i dont have gold.
Its still gives the “not enough gold”’spam in Turbo mode. Kindly fix thanks.
@IdcNoob hope you can fix it bro, still happening in turbo mode. I really like your auto buy sad i cant use it because its spamming “not enoughy gold”
Problem is most likely in core and no one else reports it, so not sure.
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
@anonymouse said:
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
I mean no one else says its not working, maybe no one is playing turbo xD
Also does it just spams no gold and it tries to buy something from quickbuy ?
@anonymouse said:
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
I mean no one else says its not working, maybe no one is playing turbo xD
Also does it just spams no gold and it tries to buy something from quickbuy ?
Yup, I play rank and turbo, turbo for just fast game and for practice. Exactly, it tries to buy something when i dont have gold, it gives spamming “not enough gold” thats why I must turn it off. But weird it just happens on real game and not on bot game, im sure its autbuy because when i disable it, the spam stops. If it more related to core, do you know who sould i contact? Thanks
@anonymouse said:
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
I mean no one else says its not working, maybe no one is playing turbo xD
Also does it just spams no gold and it tries to buy something from quickbuy ?
Yup, I play rank and turbo, turbo for just fast game and for practice. Exactly, it tries to buy something when i dont have gold, it gives spamming “not enough gold” thats why I must turn it off. But weird it just happens on real game and not on bot game, im sure its autbuy because when i disable it, the spam stops. If it more related to core, do you know who sould i contact? Thanks
@anonymouse said:
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
I mean no one else says its not working, maybe no one is playing turbo xD
Also does it just spams no gold and it tries to buy something from quickbuy ?
Yup, I play rank and turbo, turbo for just fast game and for practice. Exactly, it tries to buy something when i dont have gold, it gives spamming “not enough gold” thats why I must turn it off. But weird it just happens on real game and not on bot game, im sure its autbuy because when i disable it, the spam stops. If it more related to core, do you know who sould i contact? Thanks
Dont worry, ill tell about this bug.
thanks man, kindly update us if theres an update. thanks!
I reworked gold spender, but unfortunately turbo mode gold bug is still persists.
Now it should buy tome of knowledge as fast as possible and also store most item in stash instead of courier.
If u have o9k.evader it will be able to "trigger" near death gold spend when ur hero is going to die.
@IdcNoob said:
I reworked gold spender, but unfortunately turbo mode gold bug is still persists.
Now it should buy tome of knowledge as fast as possible and also store most item in stash instead of courier.
If u have o9k.evader it will be able to "trigger" near death gold spend when ur hero is going to die.
Thanks for the rework, but the bug will get fixed right? I hope it will, because I really love gold spender. thanks
@IdcNoob said:
I reworked gold spender, but unfortunately turbo mode gold bug is still persists.
Now it should buy tome of knowledge as fast as possible and also store most item in stash instead of courier.
If u have o9k.evader it will be able to "trigger" near death gold spend when ur hero is going to die.
Thanks for the rework, but the bug will get fixed right? I hope it will, because I really love gold spender. thanks
@IdcNoob said:
I reworked gold spender, but unfortunately turbo mode gold bug is still persists.
Now it should buy tome of knowledge as fast as possible and also store most item in stash instead of courier.
If u have o9k.evader it will be able to "trigger" near death gold spend when ur hero is going to die.
Thanks for the rework, but the bug will get fixed right? I hope it will, because I really love gold spender. thanks
Another really small efficiency thing. You have 0.1 seconds to switch your treads to agi/str while in the manta animation so they spawn with better stats. As it is right now they spawn with int treads.
@IdcNoob Hi! Just recently tried the assembly if the "no gold" bug is resolved, currently it is working now. So now im using your assembly again and noticed that the prioritize item buying is not working, it buys whatever I have in quickbuy if I have enough gold. Was really useful when it had that option, hoping for a fix. Thanks!
@anonymouse said: @IdcNoob Hi! Just recently tried the assembly if the "no gold" bug is resolved, currently it is working now. So now im using your assembly again and noticed that the prioritize item buying is not working, it buys whatever I have in quickbuy if I have enough gold. Was really useful when it had that option, hoping for a fix. Thanks!
Forgot about this, should work fine now, hopefully
@anonymouse said: @IdcNoob Hi! Just recently tried the assembly if the "no gold" bug is resolved, currently it is working now. So now im using your assembly again and noticed that the prioritize item buying is not working, it buys whatever I have in quickbuy if I have enough gold. Was really useful when it had that option, hoping for a fix. Thanks!
Forgot about this, should work fine now, hopefully
Hi! thank you, I will try later when I get home, thank you atleast you dont forget your buyers! btw @IdcNoob can you send me a pm, I would want to donate for your hardwork. thanks!
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
@tao95059 said:
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
@tao95059 said:
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
Not really.
How about dropping the item on the ground when we using Magic Mango, can u add this function into the recover abuse? Thx
@tao95059 said:
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
Not really.
How about dropping the item on the ground when we using Magic Mango, can u add this function into the recover abuse? Thx
@tao95059 said:
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
Not really.
How about dropping the item on the ground when we using Magic Mango, can u add this function into the recover abuse? Thx
sry about reminding u again could u plz update the smart magic mango function when ensage updates next time? this is quiet useful for mid player at the early game. I prefer ur script 2 much and hope u can improve it. Respecting for ur hard working : )
Можете сделать функцию наподобие выкладывания транквил и свапа предметов, чтоб при удержании кнопки все предметы выкладывались и я мог заабузить условное манго, а то имеющаяся функция иногда свапает из рюкзака, что приводит к перезарядке. Заранее спасибо.
@tao95059 said:
sry about reminding u again could u plz update the smart magic mango function when ensage updates next time? this is quiet useful for mid player at the early game. I prefer ur script 2 much and hope u can improve it. Respecting for ur hard working : )
But ive already added it.
@Welkinds said:
Когда мертвый не покупает книгу, как это можно исправить ? Я бы только ради функции покупки книги купил бы у вас скрипт !
@cs75369 said:
Можете сделать функцию наподобие выкладывания транквил и свапа предметов, чтоб при удержании кнопки все предметы выкладывались и я мог заабузить условное манго, а то имеющаяся функция иногда свапает из рюкзака, что приводит к перезарядке. Заранее спасибо.
Ну и как ты используешь манго, если он выложит все предметы ?
Не совсем понял проблему, чем плох recovery abuse ?
@IdcNoob said:
Ну и как ты используешь манго, если он выложит все предметы ?
Не совсем понял проблему, чем плох recovery abuse ?
Не все предметы, а которые отмечаю, как в item swapper.
Наверное я тупой, но разве recovery abuse не работает только на шрайны/ботлы/стики и т.п.?
А когда надо юзануть манго или тиммейт хочет прожать арканы, приходится юзать item swapper, который не всегда корректно перекладывает.
@tao95059 said:
sry about reminding u again could u plz update the smart magic mango function when ensage updates next time? this is quiet useful for mid player at the early game. I prefer ur script 2 much and hope u can improve it. Respecting for ur hard working : )
But ive already added it.
@Welkinds said:
Когда мертвый не покупает книгу, как это можно исправить ? Я бы только ради функции покупки книги купил бы у вас скрипт !
@cs75369 said:
Можете сделать функцию наподобие выкладывания транквил и свапа предметов, чтоб при удержании кнопки все предметы выкладывались и я мог заабузить условное манго, а то имеющаяся функция иногда свапает из рюкзака, что приводит к перезарядке. Заранее спасибо.
Ну и как ты используешь манго, если он выложит все предметы ?
Не совсем понял проблему, чем плох recovery abuse ?
sry dude, i thought u misunderstand me. I want add it in the recovery abuse but not in item swapper. cuz what we want is dropping item on the ground when we use magic mango, but not swap the mango to backpack.
@IdcNoob said:
Ну и как ты используешь манго, если он выложит все предметы ?
Не совсем понял проблему, чем плох recovery abuse ?
Не все предметы, а которые отмечаю, как в item swapper.
Наверное я тупой, но разве recovery abuse не работает только на шрайны/ботлы/стики и т.п.?
А когда надо юзануть манго или тиммейт хочет прожать арканы, приходится юзать item swapper, который не всегда корректно перекладывает.
Манго работает, с арканами тиммейта проблема, но возможно, позже тоже зделаю чтобы recovery abuse выбрасовал.
@IdcNoob said:
Ive added auto ability leveling and reworked snatcher which can steal aegis now.
Ill try to rework and improve other stuff too
Good work! Is there a chance you make a port of the old ability levelup settings? I like how you can set it to manual, I like to set it to start at after level 6 since in my opinion there is a lot of circumstance you want to manually select your skills, especially from 1min to 8min.
Also wish you could add manual select talent too, ex sometimes if I play arc warden I would rather pick +350 spark wraith damage than the lifesteal etc. Thank you @IdcNoob
Hope you also add toggle notification/icon on screen if snatcher is active or not, sometimes you dont want to steal gem/aegis etc. and just turn it off and if team picks it up then turn it on again etc. So it would be nice to see if its active or not on screen.
@IdcNoob said:
Ive added auto ability leveling and reworked snatcher which can steal aegis now.
Ill try to rework and improve other stuff too
Good work! Is there a chance you make a port of the old ability levelup settings? I like how you can set it to manual, I like to set it to start at after level 6 since in my opinion there is a lot of circumstance you want to manually select your skills, especially from 1min to 8min.
Also wish you could add manual select talent too, ex sometimes if I play arc warden I would rather pick +350 spark wraith damage than the lifesteal etc. Thank you @IdcNoob
Hope you also add toggle notification/icon on screen if snatcher is active or not, sometimes you dont want to steal gem/aegis etc. and just turn it off and if team picks it up then turn it on again etc. So it would be nice to see if its active or not on screen.
I might add manual ability leveling, but right now it will only be auto. Ive added snatcher status.
Thanks for your incredible work!! loving your O9K script series, keep up the great work mate.
I do however have a request for improvement, hopefully.
Would it be possible to add an option to slow down 'recovery abuse' / implement mouse spoofing as this is flagging up on GOSU AI's anti-cheat system
@Inability said:
Thanks for your incredible work!! loving your O9K script series, keep up the great work mate.
I do however have a request for improvement, hopefully.
Would it be possible to add an option to slow down 'recovery abuse' / implement mouse spoofing as this is flagging up on GOSU AI's anti-cheat system
It has mouse spoofing. Ill try to add delay when ill rework recovery abuse, but who cares about gosu anyway xD
@Inability said:
Thanks for your incredible work!! loving your O9K script series, keep up the great work mate.
I do however have a request for improvement, hopefully.
Would it be possible to add an option to slow down 'recovery abuse' / implement mouse spoofing as this is flagging up on GOSU AI's anti-cheat system
It has mouse spoofing. Ill try to add delay when ill rework recovery abuse, but who cares about gosu anyway xD
Ah okay, it's just insanely fast lol (Which is a brilliant thing I suppose ), not actually able to see the spoofing due to the speed.
I personally prefer to be as discreet as possible with my script use, not a fan of having having to discuss why I've been flagged to peeps - which has previously prompted people to watch the replay and call me out damn it!
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and your stupid dog"
For those like myself that like to seem legit/on the down low, a delay would be a godsend
Anyway, reverse sale pitch over.. good work matey
Bro @IdcNoob can you check auto buy items in turbo mode? It doesnt buy tome of knowledge, but it buys it before i die. In demo it works fine, but in turbo mode it doesnt work, started when you fixed the priority buying.
Also can you add salve and clarity before death. That would be great
Hi @IdcNoob after the update it does not auto buy anymore, it spams the not enough gold. I am playing in turbo mode. In Bot game it seems to work fine, only in real matches.
Problem is most likely in core and no one else reports it, so not sure.
How do I report it though? Can you try and see if it happens to you too? I really like the auto buy function, but i cant use it.
I mean no one else says its not working, maybe no one is playing turbo xD
Also does it just spams no gold and it tries to buy something from quickbuy ?
Yup, I play rank and turbo, turbo for just fast game and for practice. Exactly, it tries to buy something when i dont have gold, it gives spamming “not enough gold” thats why I must turn it off. But weird it just happens on real game and not on bot game, im sure its autbuy because when i disable it, the spam stops. If it more related to core, do you know who sould i contact? Thanks
Dont worry, ill tell about this bug.
thanks man, kindly update us if theres an update. thanks!
I reworked gold spender, but unfortunately turbo mode gold bug is still persists.
Now it should buy tome of knowledge as fast as possible and also store most item in stash instead of courier.
If u have o9k.evader it will be able to "trigger" near death gold spend when ur hero is going to die.
Thanks for the rework, but the bug will get fixed right? I hope it will, because I really love gold spender. thanks
It will be.
thank you, more support from me soon!
a sugesstion: Can u add power treads switch when near death?
Not really, if u have low hp pt will give u ~5hp.
not work
Some stuff in core is broken, so few features might not work right now.
and when will work ?
it isn't dropping my mana boots before i use soul ring on techies
Possible to add tread switching for meepo CLONES?
I do it manually atm for poofs in the early game but it would be nice if I didn't have to.
Its possible, but only after rework :D
Mines destroyer for units (Beastmaster boar, lycan wolves, necro, etc.) would be appreciated as well.
Its kinda unreliable, cuz i dont think boar or 1 wolf can kill mine, but ill check it.
The boar one shot them in my testing
Another really small efficiency thing. You have 0.1 seconds to switch your treads to agi/str while in the manta animation so they spawn with better stats. As it is right now they spawn with int treads.
@IdcNoob Hi! Just recently tried the assembly if the "no gold" bug is resolved, currently it is working now. So now im using your assembly again and noticed that the prioritize item buying is not working, it buys whatever I have in quickbuy if I have enough gold. Was really useful when it had that option, hoping for a fix. Thanks!
Forgot about this, should work fine now, hopefully
Hi! thank you, I will try later when I get home, thank you atleast you dont forget your buyers! btw @IdcNoob can you send me a pm, I would want to donate for your hardwork. thanks!
Hi there,can u update a new function that allows us switch more than 1 Power Treads. Cuz some hero may get more than 1 Power Treads in a game, like Tusk.
Not really.
How about dropping the item on the ground when we using Magic Mango, can u add this function into the recover abuse? Thx
thx mate. : )
Когда мертвый не покупает книгу, как это можно исправить ? Я бы только ради функции покупки книги купил бы у вас скрипт !
sry about reminding u again could u plz update the smart magic mango function when ensage updates next time? this is quiet useful for mid player at the early game. I prefer ur script 2 much and hope u can improve it. Respecting for ur hard working : )
Можете сделать функцию наподобие выкладывания транквил и свапа предметов, чтоб при удержании кнопки все предметы выкладывались и я мог заабузить условное манго, а то имеющаяся функция иногда свапает из рюкзака, что приводит к перезарядке. Заранее спасибо.
But ive already added it.
Ну и как ты используешь манго, если он выложит все предметы ?
Не совсем понял проблему, чем плох recovery abuse ?
Не все предметы, а которые отмечаю, как в item swapper.
Наверное я тупой, но разве recovery abuse не работает только на шрайны/ботлы/стики и т.п.?
А когда надо юзануть манго или тиммейт хочет прожать арканы, приходится юзать item swapper, который не всегда корректно перекладывает.
sry dude, i thought u misunderstand me. I want add it in the recovery abuse but not in item swapper. cuz what we want is dropping item on the ground when we use magic mango, but not swap the mango to backpack.
Манго работает, с арканами тиммейта проблема, но возможно, позже тоже зделаю чтобы recovery abuse выбрасовал.
Its because u are not using o9k.itemmanager, but free/old one.
i am so sorry, i bought your paid one and didn't realize that i was using the free one. Thank u so much for ur patience
Ive added auto ability leveling and reworked snatcher which can steal aegis now.
Ill try to rework and improve other stuff too
Good work! Is there a chance you make a port of the old ability levelup settings? I like how you can set it to manual, I like to set it to start at after level 6 since in my opinion there is a lot of circumstance you want to manually select your skills, especially from 1min to 8min.
Also wish you could add manual select talent too, ex sometimes if I play arc warden I would rather pick +350 spark wraith damage than the lifesteal etc. Thank you @IdcNoob
Hope you also add toggle notification/icon on screen if snatcher is active or not, sometimes you dont want to steal gem/aegis etc. and just turn it off and if team picks it up then turn it on again etc. So it would be nice to see if its active or not on screen.
I might add manual ability leveling, but right now it will only be auto. Ive added snatcher status.
Thanks for your incredible work!! loving your O9K script series, keep up the great work mate.
I do however have a request for improvement, hopefully.
Would it be possible to add an option to slow down 'recovery abuse' / implement mouse spoofing as this is flagging up on GOSU AI's anti-cheat system
It has mouse spoofing. Ill try to add delay when ill rework recovery abuse, but who cares about gosu anyway xD
Ah okay, it's just insanely fast lol (Which is a brilliant thing I suppose
), not actually able to see the spoofing due to the speed.
I personally prefer to be as discreet as possible with my script use, not a fan of having having to discuss why I've been flagged to peeps - which has previously prompted people to watch the replay and call me out damn it!

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and your stupid dog"
For those like myself that like to seem legit/on the down low, a delay would be a godsend

Anyway, reverse sale pitch over.. good work matey
Bro @IdcNoob can you check auto buy items in turbo mode? It doesnt buy tome of knowledge, but it buys it before i die. In demo it works fine, but in turbo mode it doesnt work, started when you fixed the priority buying.
Also can you add salve and clarity before death. That would be great
Hi @IdcNoob after the update it does not auto buy anymore, it spams the not enough gold. I am playing in turbo mode. In Bot game it seems to work fine, only in real matches.