Hi Moones! Can u add a delay setting for Sunstrike?
1. After sunstrike is casted, wait for 2 sec before camera move back.
2. Move camera 2 sec before sunstrike is casted.
3. Just move camera only mode but don't casted sunstrike automatic for somebody want to casted sunstrike by yourself
I appreciate your quick response.And Thank you so much
@Puzhing05 said:
Hi Moones! Can u add a delay setting for Sunstrike?
1. After sunstrike is casted, wait for 2 sec before camera move back.
2. Move camera 2 sec before sunstrike is casted.
3. Just move camera only mode but don't casted sunstrike automatic for somebody want to casted sunstrike by yourself
I appreciate your quick response.And Thank you so much
Hi, thank you for suggestions, I will put it on my list and add it.
@genjiakp said:
Just bought it and tested, sunstrike logic is very bad... not sure why doesn't hit half the time... works about 35% of the time
I think this sunstrike logic is not bad but sometimes sunstrike casted on a trees(I think works about 70% for me), Either way if moones fixed function about my opinion. I hope that it will work for everybody.
@genjiakp said:
Is the sunstrike issue fixed :o? also whats difference between custom combo and custom combo.20?
Hey, I dont know what sunstrike issue?
CustomCombo 20 is with 20% discount for those who have already purchased DynamicCombo or Automation.
@genjiakp said:
Just bought it and tested, sunstrike logic is very bad... not sure why doesn't hit half the time... works about 35% of the time
Hey, thank you for your feedback. Whether the sunstrike is used or not is determined by many factors like how long is enemy staying on 1 spot, how long is enemy walking in the same direction, how long was it since the enemy was damaged and so on.
Improving these attributes conditions requires details about the situations where you think the sunstrike should have been casted.
@genjiakp said:
Just bought it and tested, sunstrike logic is very bad... not sure why doesn't hit half the time... works about 35% of the time
I think this sunstrike logic is not bad but sometimes sunstrike casted on a trees(I think works about 70% for me), Either way if moones fixed function about my opinion. I hope that it will work for everybody.
Theres a functions which should make sure the sunstrike is not casted in trees, but it relies on the Ensage Pathfinding.
Thank you, I hope so too.
when u have move camera to sunstrike on, can you adjust it so it does not move the camera when the sunstrikes cast position is visible on the players camera. it just looks weird
@chesternoob said:
Can you reset my trial for dynamic?
Hey, sure, its reseted.
@t_corgo said:
using the 3 scripts together, i'm getting 190 fps... plz look.
Hi, I understand you are getting some fps drop? There might be a slight one, but if there is a console error the fps drop might increase. Also depends on situation in game, if there is a teamfight or something.
@wahyu3434 said:
hi @Moones is the script still working well? last time i used that still alot of improvement. thank you
Hey, it should be working as intended, and it did work in my tests.
@neogeo567 said:
when u have move camera to sunstrike on, can you adjust it so it does not move the camera when the sunstrikes cast position is visible on the players camera. it just looks weird
Hey, thank you for your feedback. You are right this can be improved. Adding it on my list.
Moones - script is working and then on the middle of the game script menu dissapears. No overlay and Invoker does not cast anything. Trying to reload plugins, unlock from ensage - nothing helps. Need to fully restart Ensage + Dota 2
@NikolasTisole said:
Moones - script is working and then on the middle of the game script menu dissapears. No overlay and Invoker does not cast anything. Trying to reload plugins, unlock from ensage - nothing helps. Need to fully restart Ensage + Dota 2
Hey, thank you for letting me know. This is a unpleasant issue. I will do my best fixing it, I just need to know if there was any error in the console. I can hardly know what happened that caused the assembly to stop work.
I have issues checking Console. Console is not showing normally when I am in Game - some kind of Windows lag probably... It`s not happening always, but 1 of 5 games, might be ruined because Script fails and in menu only Version can be seen, no other menu options from Invoker. But 4 of 5 games everything is fine and script is pretty good :)
Actually, the move camera back after 2 sec is already implemented, you just have to set up your time in the settings.
Move camera 2 sec before cast is not possible to add because the script calculates if the sunstrike can be casted now, not after 2 sec. All I can do is wait 2 sec before casting the sunstrike, which is basically what you want, but 2 sec later. Would that be fine with you?
Move camera only mode is not problem to add.
@genjiakp said:
suntrike it self is STILL horrible... the other auto sunstrike invoker script hits way more often.. idk what else to tell you man
Hey, thank you for posting your feedback here. What really helps me improving the auto sunstrike calculation is certain situations. Ideally videos/replays of the situations, where the sunstrike could have hit, but it didnt.
There is alot of conditions that the auto sunstrike function is relied on, I cant just randomly change them.
I understand it probably upset you. I intend to focus on this issue.
@genjiakp said:
also auto orbs automation prevents me from inputting my own combos becuase its constantly trying to spam 3x wex, 3x exort ect
What I could add a optional function to sleep the auto orb for 2-3 sec everytime you input your own orbs. Would that help solving the issue for you?
Yeah regarding the orb thing its mainly when moving around (obviously) so say i hold combo, it combo's, i kite to run a bit and cast for example ice wall, which is Q,Q,E instead it will most likely invoke W,W,W since im moving and spam clicking and with auto spheres that would be 3x wex, if that makes sense.
Also I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue, but the script will sometimes hard lag when holding the combo key, mostly in the mid-late game, like holding it down and suddenly frames will drop down to like zero so essentially studdering/freezing. But doesnt crash.
for the sunstrike thing, maybe add a delay in the case of sporatic enemy movement like a slider to adjust when to sunstrike and maybe something that tells you when enemies are low enough to be killed by sunstrike incase you want to manually do it
@genjiakp said:
Yeah regarding the orb thing its mainly when moving around (obviously) so say i hold combo, it combo's, i kite to run a bit and cast for example ice wall, which is Q,Q,E instead it will most likely invoke W,W,W since im moving and spam clicking and with auto spheres that would be 3x wex, if that makes sense.
Also I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue, but the script will sometimes hard lag when holding the combo key, mostly in the mid-late game, like holding it down and suddenly frames will drop down to like zero so essentially studdering/freezing. But doesnt crash.
Hi, ok, I will add the delay, but it will be only active when you are not holding a combo key.
Im not sure what causes the FPS drop, If that happens again, could you check the console, it would make sense if there is any error being spammed.
@genjiakp said:
for the sunstrike thing, maybe add a delay in the case of sporatic enemy movement like a slider to adjust when to sunstrike and maybe something that tells you when enemies are low enough to be killed by sunstrike incase you want to manually do it
Thank you for your ideas. The sunstrike is only casted if the enemy runs for the specified amount of time in single direction. Or if enemy stands still for some time, and is not taking any damage (taking damage would mean they are probably gonna move away). I actually have the sunstrike notification on my list, but I just kinda forgot about it.
Im thinking maybe it would help if you could adjust these conditions yourself, or perhaps disable them if you dont like them (eg. the stand still condition).
Can you guys please share settings that works best for auto ss and auto orbs? And also what do you guys like with quas exort vs quas wex build? As far as combos... Especially in the early game. Thanks a lot xD
@Moones said: @genjiakp Just pushed update with the option to sleep orbs if manually switched. (Find it in Automation>AutoOrbs)
Also added configurable conditions for the auto sunstrike in Automation>AutoSunstrike>Conditions.
You're awesome, thank you! Although i think ur efforts might be wasted as there is a problem with ensage it self since its crashing dota 2 constantly. But I fully appreciate your response time and work ethic.
Sorry, I think conditions mode is not a good choice for me I want Icon or symbol alert to me when we can cast Sunstrike to enemy and everything is good but I just want something aware to me
thank you hard work and I fully appreciate you so much
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
How do you combined two? Do you turn off settings for one, etc... Ty
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
How do you combined two? Do you turn off settings for one, etc... Ty
Yes I like Jumperings Auto Orbs better, and the Invoke helper is better. I haven't tried between the two Auto Sunstrikes yet because Moones does well. I would say the dynamic combo is also better from Jumpering because it gives the option to turn off euls in dynamic combo. But I haven't had much of a problem with it in Moones. There definitely needs to be more control over the weighting of the dynamics though.
@Moones said: @genjiakp Just pushed update with the option to sleep orbs if manually switched. (Find it in Automation>AutoOrbs)
Also added configurable conditions for the auto sunstrike in Automation>AutoSunstrike>Conditions.
You're awesome, thank you! Although i think ur efforts might be wasted as there is a problem with ensage it self since its crashing dota 2 constantly. But I fully appreciate your response time and work ethic.
Hey, is there any error or something, dont know whats the reason you cant install it. Maybe we could get in touch on discord and discuss the issue.
@Puzhing05 said:
Sorry, I think conditions mode is not a good choice for me I want Icon or symbol alert to me when we can cast Sunstrike to enemy and everything is good but I just want something aware to me
thank you hard work and I fully appreciate you so much
Hey, I intend to add the Sunstrike notification too.
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
Hey, thanks for your feedback and yes, I can add option to disable Eul.
@chesternoob said:
Can you make dynamic combo fast its too slow.. thanks
Hey, appreciate the feedabck. I didnt notice it would be slow in my tests. What exactly do you think is slow, It would be big help for me if I knew exact case of the issue. Thank you.
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
Added the option for Eul/Cyclone in Keys>DynamicCombo.
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
Added the option for Eul/Cyclone in Keys>DynamicCombo.
im confused with dynamic combo but i understand the custom, can u reset the trial in dynamic i need to test ur eul/cyclone and want to understand how to use coz sometimes after i stop hold the key and press again it wont cast combo tnx and more power
@Rathkor said:
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
Added the option for Eul/Cyclone in Keys>DynamicCombo.
im confused with dynamic combo but i understand the custom, can u reset the trial in dynamic i need to test ur eul/cyclone and want to understand how to use coz sometimes after i stop hold the key and press again it wont cast combo tnx and more power
Hey, thank you for your interest in the assembly. I have reset the trial.
Maybe in such cases where somethings "stops working" its good to check the console for possible errors. Showing me these errors can lead to quick fix.
@YayShovinism said:
Is +1 day trial posible? took him 3-4 months ago, wanna buy it now but test how it works this time
Hey, thank you for being intereset in buying it. Which of the assemblies would you like to try?
@jjsk321 said:
Full screen fire
Release to a single enemy
Can add it?
Do you know what I mean?sorry.
Hey, Im guessing you mean cataclysm?
Currently its using it if there are atleast 2 enemies which pass the conditions.
invoker automation pls,thank you :(
Done, you can trial one more day.
Hi Moones! Can u add a delay setting for Sunstrike?
1. After sunstrike is casted, wait for 2 sec before camera move back.
2. Move camera 2 sec before sunstrike is casted.
3. Just move camera only mode but don't casted sunstrike automatic for somebody want to casted sunstrike by yourself
I appreciate your quick response.And Thank you so much
Hi, thank you for suggestions, I will put it on my list and add it.
Is the sunstrike issue fixed :o? also whats difference between custom combo and custom combo.20?
Just bought it and tested, sunstrike logic is very bad... not sure why doesn't hit half the time... works about 35% of the time
I think this sunstrike logic is not bad but sometimes sunstrike casted on a trees(I think works about 70% for me), Either way if moones fixed function about my opinion. I hope that it will work for everybody.
Hey, I dont know what sunstrike issue?
CustomCombo 20 is with 20% discount for those who have already purchased DynamicCombo or Automation.
Hey, thank you for your feedback. Whether the sunstrike is used or not is determined by many factors like how long is enemy staying on 1 spot, how long is enemy walking in the same direction, how long was it since the enemy was damaged and so on.
Improving these attributes conditions requires details about the situations where you think the sunstrike should have been casted.
Theres a functions which should make sure the sunstrike is not casted in trees, but it relies on the Ensage Pathfinding.
Thank you, I hope so too.
Can you reset my trial for dynamic?
using the 3 scripts together, i'm getting 190 fps... plz look.
hi @Moones is the script still working well? last time i used that still alot of improvement. thank you
when u have move camera to sunstrike on, can you adjust it so it does not move the camera when the sunstrikes cast position is visible on the players camera. it just looks weird
Hey, sure, its reseted.
Hi, I understand you are getting some fps drop? There might be a slight one, but if there is a console error the fps drop might increase. Also depends on situation in game, if there is a teamfight or something.
Hey, it should be working as intended, and it did work in my tests.
Hey, thank you for your feedback. You are right this can be improved. Adding it on my list.
Moones - script is working and then on the middle of the game script menu dissapears. No overlay and Invoker does not cast anything. Trying to reload plugins, unlock from ensage - nothing helps. Need to fully restart Ensage + Dota 2
Hey, thank you for letting me know. This is a unpleasant issue. I will do my best fixing it, I just need to know if there was any error in the console. I can hardly know what happened that caused the assembly to stop work.
I have issues checking Console. Console is not showing normally when I am in Game - some kind of Windows lag probably... It`s not happening always, but 1 of 5 games, might be ruined because Script fails and in menu only Version can be seen, no other menu options from Invoker. But 4 of 5 games everything is fine and script is pretty good :)
I will play with console for a while today, to see if there is something for you.
dynamic combo is too slow compare to @Jumpering invoker..
my bad i use tow invoker scripts at the same time.. now works
Hi, Im glad the issue was solved.
may i get 1more trial day? all ability invoker scripts
Hey, its been reseted for your account.
and my issue?......thanks
Hey, suggestions you have submitted were already added to my list. Thank you for your ideas.
Actually, the move camera back after 2 sec is already implemented, you just have to set up your time in the settings.
Move camera 2 sec before cast is not possible to add because the script calculates if the sunstrike can be casted now, not after 2 sec. All I can do is wait 2 sec before casting the sunstrike, which is basically what you want, but 2 sec later. Would that be fine with you?
Move camera only mode is not problem to add.
Can u reset my trial tnx
suntrike it self is STILL horrible... the other auto sunstrike invoker script hits way more often.. idk what else to tell you man
also auto orbs automation prevents me from inputting my own combos becuase its constantly trying to spam 3x wex, 3x exort ect
Hey, thank you for posting your feedback here. What really helps me improving the auto sunstrike calculation is certain situations. Ideally videos/replays of the situations, where the sunstrike could have hit, but it didnt.
There is alot of conditions that the auto sunstrike function is relied on, I cant just randomly change them.
I understand it probably upset you. I intend to focus on this issue.
What I could add a optional function to sleep the auto orb for 2-3 sec everytime you input your own orbs. Would that help solving the issue for you?
Yeah regarding the orb thing its mainly when moving around (obviously) so say i hold combo, it combo's, i kite to run a bit and cast for example ice wall, which is Q,Q,E instead it will most likely invoke W,W,W since im moving and spam clicking and with auto spheres that would be 3x wex, if that makes sense.
Also I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue, but the script will sometimes hard lag when holding the combo key, mostly in the mid-late game, like holding it down and suddenly frames will drop down to like zero so essentially studdering/freezing. But doesnt crash.
for the sunstrike thing, maybe add a delay in the case of sporatic enemy movement like a slider to adjust when to sunstrike and maybe something that tells you when enemies are low enough to be killed by sunstrike incase you want to manually do it
Hi, ok, I will add the delay, but it will be only active when you are not holding a combo key.
Im not sure what causes the FPS drop, If that happens again, could you check the console, it would make sense if there is any error being spammed.
Thank you for your ideas. The sunstrike is only casted if the enemy runs for the specified amount of time in single direction. Or if enemy stands still for some time, and is not taking any damage (taking damage would mean they are probably gonna move away). I actually have the sunstrike notification on my list, but I just kinda forgot about it.
Im thinking maybe it would help if you could adjust these conditions yourself, or perhaps disable them if you dont like them (eg. the stand still condition).
Id be glad if you let me know what you think.
@genjiakp Just pushed update with the option to sleep orbs if manually switched. (Find it in Automation>AutoOrbs)
Also added configurable conditions for the auto sunstrike in Automation>AutoSunstrike>Conditions.
Can you guys please share settings that works best for auto ss and auto orbs? And also what do you guys like with quas exort vs quas wex build? As far as combos... Especially in the early game. Thanks a lot xD
You're awesome, thank you! Although i think ur efforts might be wasted as there is a problem with ensage it self since its crashing dota 2 constantly. But I fully appreciate your response time and work ethic.
Core can't be installed!!!
Sorry, I think conditions mode is not a good choice for me I want Icon or symbol alert to me when we can cast Sunstrike to enemy and everything is good but I just want something aware to me
thank you hard work and I fully appreciate you so much
I'm using this and Jumperings Invoker assembly. I like certain parts of each one. If you could make it so I could choose if Eul's is in dynamic combo or not that would be great.
How do you combined two? Do you turn off settings for one, etc... Ty
Yes I like Jumperings Auto Orbs better, and the Invoke helper is better. I haven't tried between the two Auto Sunstrikes yet because Moones does well. I would say the dynamic combo is also better from Jumpering because it gives the option to turn off euls in dynamic combo. But I haven't had much of a problem with it in Moones. There definitely needs to be more control over the weighting of the dynamics though.
Can you make dynamic combo fast its too slow.. thanks
Thank you for your support.
Hey, is there any error or something, dont know whats the reason you cant install it. Maybe we could get in touch on discord and discuss the issue.
Hey, I intend to add the Sunstrike notification too.
Hey, thanks for your feedback and yes, I can add option to disable Eul.
Hey, appreciate the feedabck. I didnt notice it would be slow in my tests. What exactly do you think is slow, It would be big help for me if I knew exact case of the issue. Thank you.
Added the option for Eul/Cyclone in Keys>DynamicCombo.
im confused with dynamic combo but i understand the custom, can u reset the trial in dynamic i need to test ur eul/cyclone and want to understand how to use coz sometimes after i stop hold the key and press again it wont cast combo tnx and more power
Is +1 day trial posible? took him 3-4 months ago, wanna buy it now but test how it works this time
Full screen fire
Release to a single enemy
Can add it?
Do you know what I mean?sorry.
Hey, thank you for your interest in the assembly. I have reset the trial.
Maybe in such cases where somethings "stops working" its good to check the console for possible errors. Showing me these errors can lead to quick fix.
Hey, thank you for being intereset in buying it. Which of the assemblies would you like to try?
Hey, Im guessing you mean cataclysm?
Currently its using it if there are atleast 2 enemies which pass the conditions.
Ok, Ive reset the trial.
tnx man ur the best