Hello everybody, this is a new combo for meepo, that will allow to left one meepo in base and use poof only for healing ur meepos.
What this assembly can do?
in combo all meepos (on low hp) except one will swap positions with meepo on base with full hp
How To Enable/Use
Current Price is 10$
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Won't fix your first Meepo script and implement an obvious feature, but will charge $10 for this, the obvious feature? What a joke.
dont like dont buy, its ez
This should be merged into your existing paid meepo script and not released as standalone.
Smh, some of these developers are pretty greedy.
Ez Money!
Didn't find the paid Meepo script up to mark anyway. Now implementing this to get ez money from people who have already bought your script initially.
I think only IDCNOOB,YEEEEE and MOONES are the only ones who make best scripts in this forum with best logic and also sell the assembly at a suitable price!
Sorry JUMPERING, but yeah just an honest opinion!
good, i will buy it
hello, how to disable this?

awesome!!!!TAKE MY MONEY!!!!
Trust me, I'd rather get aids from your Dad than pay for further shitty, meager offerings - by the one and only "Jampo".
I don't get it , isnt this supposed to be together with his paid meepo script ? lol , so we need to pay 10 just for an obvious feature that should be included in the paid meepo script
Most of the Ensage scripters are money-hungry. A guy called Kostya12Rus from Hake created a complete meepo script with this feature for FREE.
We are already paying basic $10 fee for ensage and 80% of free scripts are broken and outdated so we end up having to purchase paid scripts. I had to save money to get O9K.AIO Unlocker because the free AIO (Vaper) is broken.
I can't believe how the admins allowed this script to be released as a standalone script with 20 lines of code.
This is why people should not buy from Jumpering LUL. Paid for original script then wanna implement something new and earn again
This whole "paid scripts" fiasco transformed Ensage into an absolute shit-show, and it hasn't even been a year yet - and I've lost count of the money I've spent on this dog shit, it seems Zynox has lost interest in this and only keeps the loader up-to-date to pad his pocket.
Poor management is poor. Bad idea is bad. Dud authors are dud. Dead community is dead.
@Admin @NeeDforKill @Goldenfroze - Fix your shit.
lol gross.
It really didn't. Back in the days, devs used to get "fixed" amount of money every month, didn't matter if they worked that month or not. That made devs work the minimal amount of time every month if any at all. Because they would exactly get that "fixed" amount even if they worked 8 hours a day or if they haven't worked at all. You were around all before the paid assembly era, you might remember the condition of old free scripts and how community was ranting about "it's been X months since someone released a new script".
So Zynox implemented paid assembly system, so that devs can get money directly from the community. He thought it would increase both the quality and quantity of scripts overall and I think it worked pretty good. It's simple, if you don't work and make scripts, you won't make money. If you work but make poor thought scripts, people wouldn't buy them and you won't make money.
He also thought that being able to sell assemblies would interest new devs and they would release new free scripts to get themselves known in the community and keep the free script community up, which didn't quite worked out. Only one dev joined after the introduction of paid assemblies. Apparently Ensage is way too complicated for devs or we don't have any other c# dev around? I don't know.
I think the main problem is that, people treat Ensage store with "I MUST HAVE EVERYTHING" mindset. Treat Ensage store like Steam Store. Steam has tens of thousands of games but you probably have around a couple hundred in your steam library. In Steam, you test the game and if you don't like it, you don't keep it. Do same with the Ensage scripts. Test them, request more trials if you are unsure. Buy them if you want to keep them else you can voice your opinion and walk away.
I said it on Discord before and I'm saying it again, it's not and shouldn't be up to the community to decide;
1) What should be sold
2) How much should it be
3) Does it deserve to become a DLC or should it be a feature.
Because a) It's against the concept of "free market". b) Everyone has different opinions. Some people were suggesting that everything should be priced higher so that not everyone can afford to cheat meanwhile some were saying that everything is way too expensive.
The best comment ever in this whole forum. Well played sir, well played! I actually think there shouldn't be any free scripts at all, only trials and much higher priced paid scripts thus keeping scripting alive for as long as possible. Because eventually it will become like LOL and there will be 2-3 scripters in every game and valve will have to take actions and they will do, no matter how many of you say that they don't give a shit. Yes they do give a shit but it's not that big of an issue for now since there aren't that many people scripting just yet but that is changing and it's changing a lot in the recent months and more and more ppl are cheating in dota with every passing week so sooner or later there will be mass banhammers every month and scripting for dota will die like it did for LOL
@beminee I think you're missing the point... a poorly managed business is the same whether you have 1 or 10 employees, sub-contractors or "free-lanced outside help" working on the project. Yes, the selection of available assemblies was limited; yet all worked flawlessly and the community was 120921092190910909 times better, as you might remember.
"Hey, let's merge two semi-hidden/secret forums and userbases of different games into one, supporting both games via the same loader" was the first mistake - money-grubbing, which led to Devs needing to learn a new coding language - some adapted to the change like champions, others not so much. I'm sure you'd remember the number of contributors plummeting - you know, the little guys that busted their asses for a community that was worthy. I also wondered how many people (potential customers) were lost in the merge, as mentioned above - a poor business decision, all that revenue loss.
A store is a store is a store is a store - meaning, you pay for a product and you expect it to work, I'm not sure whereabouts in the world you're from, but when you BUY something, there is an expectation that the something WORKS - that its' not broken and features that are described in the sales pitch are actually there. A good idea would be to implement and follow a set of rules that dictate what products are allowed to be advertised for sale in the "store" and how they will be maintained and deployed to customers when they "break-down" OH, wait up - there is...
It would seem that the rules are not being followed or even enforced by the responsible parties and that's where the trouble starts.
Where I'm from there are these things called "Consumer Rights" and these are in place to protect buyers of a product that turns out to be faulty, broken or otherwise non-functioning. You speak of the onest being on the customer to "test" the product for a WHOLE DAY (let's be reasonable here, you get ~12 hours to test the assembly before the trial runs out - in the beginning, trails weren't reset unless X amount of people asked for it).
This is not about "testing assemblies" this is about paying for something that didn't work/function as intended and described, from the word go. Then this Clown has the audacity to publish an "add-on" with the MAIN FUNCTION of the first assembly for a fee of $10 - why doesn't this work in the main assembly? why isn't this being added to the main assembly, which was discussed at the very start of the release? Why hasn't the main assembly been fixed to work as it should, as it was described?
There is also no point in mentioning who gets to decide what gets published, what's allowed for sale, what should be considered a feature or DLC - there are no features, the "one-key-win" (4th or 5th generation?) no longer works - its' like Zynox has ADHD, starts a project, gets X amount through then starts again (you know what I'm talking about - ZAIO and Vaper were not his first attempts at achieving this feat) and there are fuck all free assemblies so new users are forced to shell out more money to use the loader.
In conclusion - A) - The change to C# killed off any chance of "free market" ideals as anyone that would have contributed needed to learn the new language and we have all seen the "influx of new and creative contributions by new members of the community" & B) - poor management of a business left only one alternative to the previous paid-work system, and that's where its' at now - money-grubbing Clowns (whether they've been here a while, or joined after the change) have set a precedence in-which they release something, maintain it for enough time to "cover their nut / get their time back, in the form of cash-payments" then let it fall into disrepair, rinse and repeat. The rules state that if the author of a paid assembly does not maintain the paid product whilst maintaining their free assemblies, they'll not be allowed to use this platform to sell their dog-shit wares anymore. I'll come right out and say it - Jumperings Meepo assembly is dog shit, have been from the start and this "Meepo.ExtraPaidCombo" is no different.
You can't pick and choose which rules you want to follow - rules and requirements leave the onest on the author to maintain and improve their assemblies, not the customer to "be more careful as to which assemblies/authors you decide to support".
@Admin @NeeDforKill @Goldenfroze - FIX YOUR SHIT.
Community was better in my opinion as well, people were there for sheer fun, no doubt on that but for how long? People made some assemblies, they improved it, other devs also contributed on that assemblies. Then they got bored and there was nothing to keep them around. Their assemblies died pretty soon because of lack of further development. You can go to https://github.com/YEEEEEEE777/EnsageSharp and check few of them that was barely saved from completely dying, thanks to YEEEEEEE. One of the best perks of enabling "paid assemblies" is to give developers a reason to stick around, money. So that they won't leave and let community's beloved assemblies to die and keep developing stuff to make more money.
To be honest, I don't know but I do know that you don't know what you are talking about. You don't know if it did worth it to make that business decision as you don't have any proper data in your hand, I don't either.
@NeeDforKill is busting his ass off to make sure everything is working properly and every customer is happy. If you see something is advertised on the assembly that's not working as it's intended and/or is just not there, you can either write on the respective forum topic or directly contact NeedforKill or the Developer. Speaking for this meepo assembly, I haven't seen Jumpering advertising that this combo anywhere in his main thread.
How is this not about "testing assemblies" when you purchase an assembly by testing it first. If you bought an assembly by sheer advertisement, I would have sympathize your point. As I already said, I haven't seen any advertisement on the original topic that this specific combo is already in the main assembly or any promise that it's going to be added. If you have any proof of to prove otherwise, you can provide it to NeedforKill and I'm pretty sure he will take care of it.
I won't be commenting on that one as it's pretty unnecessary and irrelevant.
A) I already answered that.
B) I already answered that as well.
About your opinion on his assembly being dogshit, it's okay to think that something is bad. But many people seem like they quite enjoy the assembly. I mean, I just checked original topic and there are people writing stuff like "it's good and I've been playing with it a lot but insert a minor problem/bug/preference".
I never said nor meant "be more careful as to which assemblies/authors you decide to support". I meant, people have opinions and you don't have to like everything but you should respect to the fact that it doesn't mean it's bad for everyone. You keep saying that "it doesn't work" and "its dogshit" but I haven't seen you stating what's "not working" or what's "dogshit" in that two post of your's.
As I said earlier, if something that is advertised is not working, you can always contact the respective developer. If the developer fails to respond or fix the problem in timely manner, you can always contact NeedforKill with relevant information for further assistance and get it sorted out.
@beminee Your 'commercial' minded mentality is the reason why I choose to buy o9k.aio unlocker instead of your AIO. My policy for paying money for a service/software is that it should be worth what it is, not more not less.
That's one of the reasons why Ensage lost lots of its potential customers to Hake. Their software costs 8$ and provides pretty much everything. User scripts are free and they do get updated pretty often (Fooo's AIO for example). The basic 10$ ensage has no features worthy at all.
Now I use both the hacks since some scripts/features in either of these hacks are horseshit/bugged so we need to use the other.
Hopefully the Admins step in and address this issue or they would steadily lose ground to Hake.
I mean, there are 2 people developing 2 different assemblies and you liked other one more, good for you? I'm sorry but really don't know what to say.
It's not really appropriate for me to talk about my own opinion on the matter but I keep hearing other opinions on the matter. How it keeps crashing, how poor their support is and how limited their pool of scripts is. But I guess sun always seems to shine brighter on the other side.
@beminee for me paid system is good,
i like to support Devs (and yes i buy your assembly too beminee(BAIO))
it's okay for me if ALL assembly got PAID ( and i hope Zynox do that!! )
but this is too much .... disgusting
This is no place to such talks. If you wanna continue trashtalk you can make new thread in General.
I will delete all msgs here not related to script, in few days.
I dont get it why people are complaining, if you dont like the assembly just dont buy it, if its an add on then we should comply if that is what the developer wants. Im just confused, when we didnt have paid scripts this forum was dying, no assembly even free ones for months, now we atleast have active developers doing assemblies for us. I dont want to complain about @Jumpering since even before when we didnt have paid ones he was active, so its due credit for him. Although I agree with some that some fixes should be fixed for some of his assemblies, but we just have to be patient im sure he will fix it. Im even buying his assemblies even if I dont use it, not just him but others too, For me its more of a donation than anything else without them we wouldnt even have an assembly. Also if you dont like the assembly just make a new one, and make it free. Or make it private for your own use.
cause is not fair for who bought meepo script ?
i dont understand why meepo still try to run instead of just teleport to the meepo in base
die so often ebcause he first try to run 10 meters than teleport
do i miss something?
can you add future to only poof if meepo try escape
seems i just break some stuff with last updates.
Fix will come with manta/other illusions support
The scripts had to be subscribed (by month), not a one-time payment. Then the developers would not quit their job, and so got the money and all are free. Trying to squeeze more money from their scripts
this makes jungle not detect health and low meepo wont go back for healing.
I used my 1 day trial on a day that I guess the plugin was unusable, due to updates. I would appreciate you refreshing the trial so I could try it! I bought your first meepo script and didn't really get to enjoy this scripts glory. Keep me updated friend.
u can try again
cann you add option for escape like spaming try poof base run try poof base run
so meepo will try to poof base is he cant he run and try again
its already working like dat, just dont disable escape mode in pro settings (but at this time this can work not correctly under tower)
hmm if i try meepo often runs and not even try to poof first
dont know why
absolutely disgraceful. You did fuck all on the first meepo script and then have the audacity to charge for an update. Won't be getting my support anymore. The level of greed is rediculous.
wut? what i did fuck in first meepo script? show me
Since u guys whining NON STOP, i will make this extra combo for free for 1-2 weeks, until i fix main bugs, cheers
Merge this script into the main meepo script and increase its price. Having a new script doesnt do justice for users who bought your meepo script before.
How generous, "you can use it for free while its bugged"
its working 99/100, just dont break it with wrong settings
some guys asked me to add this combo, and they want to paid for this, soo, i just make it for all guys who want to support me and new features. it's better than I just put it in private. Soooo, if u dont like (dont want to sup me, hate me), just dont buy
(p.s. This script is already very cheap compared to others.)
please reset trial,,i have your meppo paid,but i never try this.
hello everything works fine with me except the ethereal blade combo my meepo always use etherial blade after the combo , i dont know if im doing something wrong or if any1 can tell me how to fix it and make it use etherial blade right after blink then poof
old thread needs to die
could you reset my meepo & meepo extra
didnt even plaeyd 1 game
how do you set the operation shown?