mine is broken aswell, was working fine 1 week ago. Now I just get this error and seems like other people are getting this aswell looking at the forums.
@rathat said:
mine is broken aswell, was working fine 1 week ago. Now I just get this error and seems like other people are getting this aswell looking at the forums.
You can try restart pc. I look at logs, and i can see something on your pc block injection process - it can be anti-virus on some other software.
Press ? in loader -> Upload Logs and post link here.
mine is broken aswell, was working fine 1 week ago. Now I just get this error and seems like other people are getting this aswell looking at the forums.
You can try restart pc. I look at logs, and i can see something on your pc block injection process - it can be anti-virus on some other software.
https://s.put.re/HvZ11nhe.zip help