As tittle said, when i press START DOTA2 nothing happen. Have try a few times, restart ensage and reinstall still cant start.
It must write error or something
No error message or anything at all. When i press start button its turn grey, then after 20sec its turn back to normal.
put logs here
is it this one ?
Never mind. My dota can now play. But still not sure why tho... Thanks
Problem came again, now cant start dota.
here the log
Problem solve, just need to reinstall windows and redownload dota and ensage.
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It must write error or something
No error message or anything at all. When i press start button its turn grey, then after 20sec its turn back to normal.
put logs here
is it this one ?
Never mind. My dota can now play. But still not sure why tho... Thanks
Problem came again, now cant start dota.

here the log
Problem solve, just need to reinstall windows and redownload dota and ensage.