It happens because something is wrong with path to dll or dll is corrupted.
try disabling anti virus, it might be a problem.
try going clicking on ? icon in loader and click on unblock loader files.
make sure that its only one ensage installed on system, and same for dota 2.
make sure that you dont have empty space in user account folder, like so 'C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\
make sure that path to dota is not with white spaces and or with some symbols.
Try installing ensage in folder what don't contain spaces. Like C:\Ensage
Do your windows user account folder has any symbols in it? like "%#$^" and others?
Try performing a windows system scan. (Scan will fix potentional system problems)
Nothing, it's like windows block injection
It happens because something is wrong with path to dll or dll is corrupted.
try disabling anti virus, it might be a problem.
try going clicking on ? icon in loader and click on unblock loader files.
make sure that its only one ensage installed on system, and same for dota 2.
make sure that you dont have empty space in user account folder, like so 'C:\Users\Firstname Lastname\
make sure that path to dota is not with white spaces and or with some symbols.
I've disintalled my antivirus and the folder is C:\Ensage
But still noting.....
did you do the system scan?
its clean windows installation?
Yes all good.... But still nothing

With the new pc i've the 1903 version of Windows now i'll try to install the 1803 version........Someone have the 19** version?
eu uso e esta tudo normal aqui
I resolved downgrade my Windows from 19 to 18