It does work properly for me. Shows abilities on menu, steals them and use them properly.
It steals the same spell over and over btw, only sometimes but it does it. Can you add a check ability for current spell?
It does have a check. It won't steal another spell unless current one is on cooldown and it won't steal a spell that's currently on cooldown for Rubick. Could it be that it tries to steal "Spell X" but opponent quickly casts "Spell Y" right after "Spell X" and you end up with it?
It does work properly for me. Shows abilities on menu, steals them and use them properly.
It steals the same spell over and over btw, only sometimes but it does it. Can you add a check ability for current spell?
It does have a check. It won't steal another spell unless current one is on cooldown and it won't steal a spell that's currently on cooldown for Rubick. Could it be that it tries to steal "Spell X" but opponent quickly casts "Spell Y" right after "Spell X" and you end up with it?
I'll test again with details and possible console errors. But otherwise this is far more superior & human-like than the current ones we've got. I've always used o9K with autousage
It does work properly for me. Shows abilities on menu, steals them and use them properly.
It steals the same spell over and over btw, only sometimes but it does it. Can you add a check ability for current spell?
It does have a check. It won't steal another spell unless current one is on cooldown and it won't steal a spell that's currently on cooldown for Rubick. Could it be that it tries to steal "Spell X" but opponent quickly casts "Spell Y" right after "Spell X" and you end up with it?
I'll test again with details and possible console errors. But otherwise this is far more superior & human-like than the current ones we've got. I've always used o9K with autousage
Thanks, glad you enjoy it so far. I'll appreciate any suggestions or error reports ^^
Next update, I'm planning to add "Specials Menu" where I can add exceptions and special configuration. (Like you will be able to configure when to cast Echo Slam or Ravage or Blackhole etc.)
Next update, I'm planning to add "Specials Menu" where I can add exceptions and special configuration. (Like you will be able to configure when to cast Echo Slam or Ravage or Blackhole etc.)
Отлично, хорошая новость!Ожидаю.
Возможно ли под МК скрипт настроить?Чтобы он доджил спеллы противника своей трансформацией?
Next update, I'm planning to add "Specials Menu" where I can add exceptions and special configuration. (Like you will be able to configure when to cast Echo Slam or Ravage or Blackhole etc.)
Отлично, хорошая новость!Ожидаю.
Возможно ли под МК скрипт настроить?Чтобы он доджил спеллы противника своей трансформацией?
You need Evader for that. So it's not really possible unfortunately.
Added Specials Menu where you can configure important AoE abilities hero counts. (Note that if those abilities are enabled in killstealer, they will be used without checking target count.). All suggestions are welcome. I can add more abilities if requested.
Supported Abilities:
Poison Nova
Echo Slam
@beminee Regarding Rubick, just played another game with the hero and it is doing what I had mentioned previously when it has an AGHS. Just randomly stealing spells every second. I have big ability range, so he's stealing spells that haven't even traveled back to the hero to use, so it ends up spamming. It's quite obvious. Idk if these console errors mean anything but I can link you game in PM if u want
@Jet said: @beminee Regarding Rubick, just played another game with the hero and it is doing what I had mentioned previously when it has an AGHS. Just randomly stealing spells every second. I have big ability range, so he's stealing spells that haven't even traveled back to the hero to use, so it ends up spamming. It's quite obvious. Idk if these console errors mean anything but I can link you game in PM if u want
This console doesn't mean anything.
I added a little freedom with Aghanim's Scepter since you usually want to steal what's available when you have Aghs (cd is really low, doesn't really worth waiting for an awesome ability). You can send me the game id and relevant minutes so I can tweak it a little.
@genjiakp said:
sometimes in the case of lycan wolves / addtional mobs, some will not attack in the combo, just idle in one place somewhere in the back
I just tested it and it seems to be working correctly for me. Can you get into more detail or with video maybe?
@Ven0mQT said:
can you reset my trial didn't have time to test fully, and i want to make sure before purchasing if it's worth, thank you!
@Jet said:
Rubick tries to steal while dead. It's quite annoying, please fix when you can
Should be fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks m8. Also a lot of textures are missing from spell icons etc on the settings, so you never know what you're ticking on/off. Maybe it's just me idc
@Jet said:
Rubick tries to steal while dead. It's quite annoying, please fix when you can
Should be fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks m8. Also a lot of textures are missing from spell icons etc on the settings, so you never know what you're ticking on/off. Maybe it's just me idc
I know. It's because restrictions on Common menu. I will try and find a solution.
@bucminhdo said: @beminee
I am wondering what is the difference between BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly and BAIO.DynamicCombo?
I mean should I turn on both of the BAIOs at the same time?
BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly: It's a hand-made combo assembly. Heroes there are just one-key-to-win ready. You usually don't need to change anything in the menu.
BAIO.DynamicCombo: It's a plugin for BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly. If you have it and enable it, you can use unsupported heroes. But you usually need to set up things on menu. And those are usually not comboes but "just use abilities as best as you can whenever they are ready".
Hi @beminee , can you please make changes to these (if possible):
-Meepo: making using his Q (net) not overlapse each other (throwing the nets at the same time), but one by one from each Meepo (with something like 0.2 second left of the previous net). Right now when I pressing the combo key all of the Meepos will throw the nets at the same time (I dont need to use the Poof).
-Io: making the Spirits to auto span to hit the targeted enemy when pressing the combo key.
@owennht said:
Hi @beminee , can you please make changes to these (if possible):
-Meepo: making using his Q (net) not overlapse each other (throwing the nets at the same time), but one by one from each Meepo (with something like 0.2 second left of the previous net). Right now when I pressing the combo key all of the Meepos will throw the nets at the same time (I dont need to use the Poof).
-Io: making the Spirits to auto span to hit the targeted enemy when pressing the combo key.
Thank you very much.
These heroes are not supported and probably won't be in the close future.
@cac1 said:
Timber doesn't work, Magnus, e. spirit, Tiny - use toss to move an enemy to an allied hero, BH -autotrack.
Magnus is in normal baio so should be working. Timber is not supported, Tiny is supported but without toss to ally hero.
@esc said:
terrorblade: how to disable sunder when engage combo?
my health is 100% and yet sunder.
can we set auto sunder when health below 20%?
@cac1 said:
Timber doesn't work, Magnus, e. spirit, Tiny - use toss to move an enemy to an allied hero, BH -autotrack.
need autoRP
I don't think it's a good feature. Most of the time, it doesn't matter how many people you get into RP, it matters if your team can follow up. And all you need to do is hold combo key when you think your team can follow up and it will use RP.
@cac1 said:
Timber doesn't work, Magnus, e. spirit, Tiny - use toss to move an enemy to an allied hero, BH -autotrack.
need autoRP
I don't think it's a good feature. Most of the time, it doesn't matter how many people you get into RP, it matters if your team can follow up. And all you need to do is hold combo key when you think your team can follow up and it will use RP.
And at least the auto black holle for enigma ?
PS 1) 'only skewer' - not work. 2) When the RP value is 2+ and I press the combo, the hero does not use the blink, he just runs to the goal (1). I think we need to make another button for combos. 3) Please do toss to ally hero 4) Please do Timber 5) BH -autotrack ? 6) Nyx - need good logic for 1 impale. 7) Tusk - need to make a new script.
For AA --- Can you make an auto ult - so that it is used at the point at which it was pressed the first time? (disruptor - combo for ult ? glimp-kinetic-ult)
@cac1 said:
For AA --- Can you make an auto ult - so that it is used at the point at which it was pressed the first time? (disruptor - combo for ult ? glimp-kinetic-ult)
Yes, I will add it soon.
@gobick said:
Sniper is broken, he spams shrapnel x3 when shrapnel is disabled, used be working before
Hi Beminee, will you consider adding an option to this script to control all summons and units? For example pressing 1 hotkey and it will give command to all controlled units to chase, attack, use items and spells (very similar to your Visage script). And it should be just press, not holding the hotkey. One more example is the Arc Warden paid script by Jumpering
It gives huge advantage for heroes like Lone Druid, Lycan, Beastmaster or any heroes that use Necro book and Helm of Dominator.
Rubik doesn't recognize skywarth
It does work properly for me. Shows abilities on menu, steals them and use them properly.
It steals the same spell over and over btw, only sometimes but it does it. Can you add a check ability for current spell?
It does have a check. It won't steal another spell unless current one is on cooldown and it won't steal a spell that's currently on cooldown for Rubick. Could it be that it tries to steal "Spell X" but opponent quickly casts "Spell Y" right after "Spell X" and you end up with it?
I'll test again with details and possible console errors. But otherwise this is far more superior & human-like than the current ones we've got. I've always used o9K with autousage
Thanks, glad you enjoy it so far. I'll appreciate any suggestions or error reports ^^
Next update, I'm planning to add "Specials Menu" where I can add exceptions and special configuration. (Like you will be able to configure when to cast Echo Slam or Ravage or Blackhole etc.)
Отлично, хорошая новость!Ожидаю.
Возможно ли под МК скрипт настроить?Чтобы он доджил спеллы противника своей трансформацией?
You need Evader for that. So it's not really possible unfortunately.
Poison Nova
Echo Slam
@beminee Regarding Rubick, just played another game with the hero and it is doing what I had mentioned previously when it has an AGHS. Just randomly stealing spells every second. I have big ability range, so he's stealing spells that haven't even traveled back to the hero to use, so it ends up spamming. It's quite obvious. Idk if these console errors mean anything but I can link you game in PM if u want

This console doesn't mean anything.
I added a little freedom with Aghanim's Scepter since you usually want to steal what's available when you have Aghs (cd is really low, doesn't really worth waiting for an awesome ability). You can send me the game id and relevant minutes so I can tweak it a little.
Any chance for Kunkka combo?
Reset trial pls ! i want test voild or snapfire Thx sir
I reset it just yesterday for you. I reset it again and it will be the last time. Please make sure you test it this time ^^
sometimes in the case of lycan wolves / addtional mobs, some will not attack in the combo, just idle in one place somewhere in the back
can you reset my trial didn't have time to test fully, and i want to make sure before purchasing if it's worth, thank you!
I just tested it and it seems to be working correctly for me. Can you get into more detail or with video maybe?
Just reset.
Reset trial pls.Can I have a Chinese Translation
BAIO,Dynamicombo - your not owning the plugin which should be loaded how to fix ?
Restart ensage&steam.
Rubick tries to steal while dead. It's quite annoying, please fix when you can
tks for reset trial sir <3
Should be fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks m8. Also a lot of textures are missing from spell icons etc on the settings, so you never know what you're ticking on/off. Maybe it's just me idc
I know. It's because restrictions on Common menu. I will try and find a solution.
I am wondering what is the difference between BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly and BAIO.DynamicCombo?
I mean should I turn on both of the BAIOs at the same time?
BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly: It's a hand-made combo assembly. Heroes there are just one-key-to-win ready. You usually don't need to change anything in the menu.
BAIO.DynamicCombo: It's a plugin for BAIO All-In-One Combo Assembly. If you have it and enable it, you can use unsupported heroes. But you usually need to set up things on menu. And those are usually not comboes but "just use abilities as best as you can whenever they are ready".
@beminee Clockwerk uses a lotus in a combo automatically. Make it possible to disable as bm. PLS.
Just updated
fix it plz
@beminee Can you add insec mode for Tiny toss so that it toss enemy hero towards tower or teammate?
Hi @beminee , can you please make changes to these (if possible):
-Meepo: making using his Q (net) not overlapse each other (throwing the nets at the same time), but one by one from each Meepo (with something like 0.2 second left of the previous net). Right now when I pressing the combo key all of the Meepos will throw the nets at the same time (I dont need to use the Poof).
-Io: making the Spirits to auto span to hit the targeted enemy when pressing the combo key.
Thank you very much.
Timber doesn't work, Magnus, e. spirit, Tiny - use toss to move an enemy to an allied hero, BH -autotrack.
terrorblade: how to disable sunder when engage combo?
my health is 100% and yet sunder.
can we set auto sunder when health below 20%?
These heroes are not supported and probably won't be in the close future.
Magnus is in normal baio so should be working. Timber is not supported, Tiny is supported but without toss to ally hero.
You can disable Sunder in the menu.
need autoRP
I don't think it's a good feature. Most of the time, it doesn't matter how many people you get into RP, it matters if your team can follow up. And all you need to do is hold combo key when you think your team can follow up and it will use RP.
And at least the auto black holle for enigma ?
PS 1) 'only skewer' - not work. 2) When the RP value is 2+ and I press the combo, the hero does not use the blink, he just runs to the goal (1). I think we need to make another button for combos. 3) Please do toss to ally hero 4) Please do Timber 5) BH -autotrack ? 6) Nyx - need good logic for 1 impale. 7) Tusk - need to make a new script.
The lycan's wolf doesn't block even though i'm holding the combo key while playing in custom lobby :(
Might not work with o9k.ordersblocker
For AA --- Can you make an auto ult - so that it is used at the point at which it was pressed the first time? (disruptor - combo for ult ? glimp-kinetic-ult)
Sniper is broken, he spams shrapnel x3 when shrapnel is disabled, used be working before
Yes, I will add it soon.
Will check and report back.
Hi Beminee, will you consider adding an option to this script to control all summons and units? For example pressing 1 hotkey and it will give command to all controlled units to chase, attack, use items and spells (very similar to your Visage script). And it should be just press, not holding the hotkey. One more example is the Arc Warden paid script by Jumpering
It gives huge advantage for heroes like Lone Druid, Lycan, Beastmaster or any heroes that use Necro book and Helm of Dominator.
Is it possible if you can add draw sci-blade 'Templar ass?'
Any update? :)
After ensage update. I'm afraid fixing this problem only for ensage to break a lot of things again.
Got problem on SF combo