[FeatureRequest] Auto Game Joiner

malreingucknmalreinguckn Posts: 6
edited December 2019 in General


I have some suggestions, that could bring Ensage to the next level.

since Valve changed the matchmaking process, it happens that I have to stay in matchmaking between 15-45 minutes. Under these circumstances, it is pretty obvious, that you want to be afk during that time.

This is where the already exisiting "AutoAccepter" comes in very handy.
1) Improvement: It would be great, to be able to configure a mp3 or something that alarms you in a different way, right after the "AutoAccepter" was exexuted.

2) Improvement: Moreover it would be great, if Ensage could randomly (or maybe even some pre-selected chars or types of heros) select a hero (best a hero that fit's the role (Hard-Support, Support, and so on) you were added to.

3) Improvement: As it might take some time that you notice, that the game is already running, it would be great that the char could automatically do some things, that prevents you from being kicked/reported for being afk.


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