Well I just noticed they updated it. But using it with NP should be very op, but only 1 or 2 of the trees gets a successful stack on radiant side. Most other camps don't work with melee tree. When I do it manually myself I can get it to stack. Instead of drawing aggro and running immediatly, the trees just fight for 3 seconds then run away when its too late
Still good bruh. I had an 5 stack ancient
No it's not good bruh. They updated jungle back to every 2 minutes. Needs a major update. Thanks.
Well I just noticed they updated it. But using it with NP should be very op, but only 1 or 2 of the trees gets a successful stack on radiant side. Most other camps don't work with melee tree. When I do it manually myself I can get it to stack. Instead of drawing aggro and running immediatly, the trees just fight for 3 seconds then run away when its too late