@dstrout111 said:
It's not fixed, it's still not working the Marker or Mark are always showing even if are in the fountain or everywhere even without wards there.
@dstrout111 said:
It's not fixed, it's still not working the Marker or Mark are always showing even if are in the fountain or everywhere even without wards there.
Your welcome and thanks again to the developer, I can able to roam/gank without hesitation and all my sentry is not wasted cause i know now there's an enemy wards there...
Just add it as a local assembly -> rightclick into a profile -> add local assembly -> enter the github url -> add the assembly and load it.
Please send me the console output of dota 2 then, when you walk under vision and out of vision.
It should look like this and helps to identify what's the problem for you guys:
Just add it as a local assembly -> rightclick into a profile -> add local assembly -> enter the github url -> add the assembly and load it.
Please send me the console output of dota 2 then, when you walk under vision and out of vision.
It should look like this and helps to identify what's the problem for you guys:
Just add it as a local assembly -> rightclick into a profile -> add local assembly -> enter the github url -> add the assembly and load it.
Please send me the console output of dota 2 then, when you walk under vision and out of vision.
It should look like this and helps to identify what's the problem for you guys:
(02.05.2017) Update:

*Added Draw Mini Map Shrines
*Added Menu Check Shrines
*Added Menu Check Neutral Creeps
*Added Some Improvements.
tried. when i faced enemy effects still showing?
I did not have such a problem
Can we show neutral creep aura in fow? That would be really awesome and I would completely discard hake.
Unfortunately I do not know how to do it.
has ben fixed
(27.05.2017) Update:
*Fixed Draw Mini Map Shrines
Why did not anyone say that Draw Mini Map Shrines on other permissions did not work?
Didn't know it was a feature haha. But I just noticed it in game now. Looks good
hey, it seems like this script is outdated, i cant see the effect aroiund hero's feet
core function unit.isvisibletoenemies not working
This "feature" is officially dead. Zynox confirmed it.
You mean it's patched? Holy shit this is one of the most attractive script in dota
Whether any script I could use instead of visibleenemy?
I would like to argue that it was best script in Ensage or its other competitors.
Not work ?
Yes not working? after the update this assembly is not working.
hake has fixed it already
Wait I think soon Zynox will fix everything
It's not fixed, it's still not working the Marker or Mark are always showing even if are in the fountain or everywhere even without wards there.
Wait Zynox will fix it.
"soon" probably mean tomorrow or 2 days.
can confirm, does not work.
New core update. Fixed
Still not working, Okay will wait of Sir Zynox, I'm afraid to roam now cause i dont know if they see me, I've been ganked always
Thanks its working now!!
@dstrout111 thank @Admin Zynox
Your welcome and thanks again to the developer, I can able to roam/gank without hesitation and all my sentry is not wasted cause i know now there's an enemy wards there...
not working in public game sir
Broken. We need zynox
script is broken in Normal match, not tested rank match yet, but in lobby it works
Nope, even in lobby doesn't work.
Just try to create a lobby, singapore etc
Doesn't work either
perhap i should test it in sd mode, i abandon 2 games in arow today, w8 for Gaben's punishment
Wait, soon fix
Let us know when you finish
I can confirm that does not work
The default one is working again since the last Core update.
nope, doesn't work
dont work
Can you try the following assembly? https://github.com/Rulfy/Ensage/tree/master/VisibleByEnemyTestApp/VisibleByEnemyTestApp
Just add it as a local assembly -> rightclick into a profile -> add local assembly -> enter the github url -> add the assembly and load it.

Please send me the console output of dota 2 then, when you walk under vision and out of vision.
It should look like this and helps to identify what's the problem for you guys: