this script does not work properly, i cant see teammate, creep and ward visible state, maybe this is a core problem, pls fix thx.
@Bluewin said: @NeeDforKill@YEEEEEEE
this script does not work properly, i cant see teammate, creep and ward visible state, maybe this is a core problem, pls fix thx.
@Bluewin said: @NeeDforKill@YEEEEEEE
this script does not work properly, i cant see teammate, creep and ward visible state, maybe this is a core problem, pls fix thx.
Same ... it doesnt Show teammates status if they r visible ... It was awsome before but need to be fixed ... Hope to have as before ...
Its working only on my hero, but it doesn't work anymore for my allies, or my buildings, or neutral creeps... can you please fix?
No! Only admin
any eta on this fix?
He mean that it's already fixed.
Hi, is it still working? Can we reveal invisible units?
Can this be fixed any time soon??
admin only
Please look into this matter, sir.
How come I only see my own particle? can't see teamates
bugs in Ensage.Core
@NeeDforKill @YEEEEEEE
this script does not work properly, i cant see teammate, creep and ward visible state, maybe this is a core problem, pls fix thx.
Only admin
Same ... it doesnt Show teammates status if they r visible ... It was awsome before but need to be fixed ... Hope to have as before ...
ty for your efforts btw
fix ur buggy shit please
bugs in Ensage.Core
Oh, word
Добавить еще функцию что бы знал когда ты подсентри
we need sentry vision