What does it do?
Description says that it's an AIO assembly but it doesn't show in-game. Is this the new version of ZAIO?
Edit: Since this will be development thread until Zynox create his own thread, I will update a list of currently supported heroes here:
-Crystal Maiden
-Phantom Assassin
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Axe assembly
I see, thank you.
Pa assembly :D
P.S Vaper will replace ZAIO , but this is secret info
Which heroes are supported right now? I read in the other thread that currently only 2 heroes are working but it did not mention which heroes.
PA, AXE & JUGG so far
Hope skywrath gets added soon with skywrath rage features as well as the requested features from myself and other users
nice work, using phase boots while chasing would be nice
Use Item Manager
The jugg assembly is great! I never play him but I'm going to give him a shot. Is there anyway we can make it turn the ulti off in combo mode? It is just using combo when you hold spacebar down even if there are a million creeps :)
ALSO can we make it so it auto diffusals someone who uses ghost scepter or glimmer cape? Also necrolytes ghost shroud.
Can probably be updated in item manager to do that too.
@Admin can we have this in release section so we know which heroes are updated/included for each improvement? Ty! XD
no, he dont care XD
You can follow the development from here until Zynox creates a topic.
Here's some juggernaut suggestion from me:
-When using Blade Fury, Jugg shouldn't attack target because that will slow him down if he stop to attack. I remember that DotaAllCombo by Vick was able to make jugg follow target without attacking.
-Allow using item during omnislash.
-Only use diffusal blade to purge buff/debuff instead of using it every time. If user want to use it for slow let user cast it manually. This way we won't run out of charges too fast.
-Auto illusion control (I believe this is under development?).
-When holding combo key from far range and you have blink and manta, it will use manta first then blink. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Everything true. Also am i wrong or the orbwalk fail to chase enemy? The combo key was space but i changed it to D. Try to press D until the enemy is in fog of war. It will stop moving.
Well that happen to me too. Seems like this assembly don't have a lock target option, similar to DotaAllCombo target selector.
Alche is added.
Thanks for the feedback.
Which items are missing during omnislash?
Keep in mind that this assembly is created from scratch, and mistakes like using manta before blink can happen.
There will be an official thread soon. However, I just started that assembly and I really don't want to spent more time with writing and updating a thread instead of working on the assembly itself. As soon as some heroes are supported, and the supported heroes are implemented satisfactory, the official thread will come.
PhantomAssassin and Alchemist
perfect, both flawless with nice ideas
Missing some items like bkb,mjolnir,dagon
I know those items are not the most important, but if you make killsteal logic work with dagon for example.. ensage users would use more those items xD.. like the logic counts the damage you can do with dagon.. autodagon+culling
for example.. just a idea
I think the items during omnislash is attack speed ones. mask of madness mostly, because it increase the quantity of hits(i think). And ward control is very good!!
If possible make attack during bladefury if target is not moving, if moving only follow
About vaper overall, its already one of the best scripts.. modern, with crit and skill graphbars.. very cool
But i would be suuuper happy if you start making two hotkeys instead of only one.. is the only concern i had with zaio
1 hotkey for burst(max damage), 1 for combo
there are heros that this is super relevant, like ember. old zaio would save remnants and use them to move to targets, but burst is necessary to have.. both are nice stuff to have
cant wait ember assembly, ill try make feedback everytime
Mainly Manta Style and Abyssal Blade. Diffusal would be good too if enemy has ethereal .
pls add Krobelus:
auto syphon neardy enemy(in combo)+shiva's guard+orb walking
auto syphon if stunned etc...
waiting zeus with good range skill atack, with farm key q and aganim, skymag hero
Im sorry but how can i take advantage (if i can) of crit indicator?
@Admin Lock target seems to have a bug. It keep locking on to target even if I release the combo key, and eventually lock on until the target is dead. Can it be fix so that it's only lock target when combo key is pressed?
@Admin There's a bug with Juggs healing ward. If the game is paused while you have healing ward it won't stop spamming move
i check the vaper alr. but it wont show in menu? please help
Crystal Maiden is added on 26/6 update.
@Admin I have been playing Jug and wondered - how do does the assembly go about chasing a hero? For example while Jug is using Q (spin) and "chasing" a target, it seems like it's just clicking on the target or maybe M+clicking (Move-Click)? I understand he is most likely attempting to attack the target while he is chasing, but wouldn't it be better to have Jug chase the target while spinning by clicking positions in front of where the target's body, instead of playing "catch-up" in the event an "orb-walk" attack lands?
@Admin Crystal Maiden doesn't check if you're channeling ult when you have kill-steal enabled, it'll interrupt ult to Q a low health hero
Just want to give feedback to the new update.
-New target selector work great and I think this is the ideal target selector that SDK should have.
-Blade fury work as intended now. All there left for jugg is using manta and abyssal during omnislash, and illu control. (I also don't really understand how blink during omnislash work)
Also CM works great now that it's fix. Thanks for the hard work.
@Admin If I could suggest something it'd probably be Earth Shaker, as the hero is imba atm as an offlane/mid
@Admin axe have bad logic with lothar/echo sabre, he using invise and after break it
@Admin Axe is not using Blink while combo key is held down, just orbwalks to enemy
shaker from dotoallcombo still working fine
it would ne nice if u add heroes that doesnt have working scripts atm like terrorblade tbh
Dotaallcombo, LUL
it works even if ensage is saying compiling error, played him 2 days ago
People are getting blue screens from dotaallcombo though, that just tells you how poorly the assembly was coded. Not to mention that thing eats up your FPS
never had any problems, maybe they should stop playing dota on a potato
Pudge has been added.
Nothing happens when i press combo key on pudge??
Are you pressing the right key? Have you tried reloading the assemblies? Have you tried restarting your PC?
Thanks for the pudge assembly. Is it better than pudgePRO?
restarting helped, but now i have another problem which i had with pudgepro too, pudge stops doing his ulti after 1 sec, do you know what that might be?
nvm, it was some script that did that, deleted and installed all scripts again and now its fine
Vaper: Do not need much Useless heroes, Do one and give beer to your mind
Just noticed pudge was added! Can we get a key to hook allies as well? :)
Invoker pls!!!!!
Aren't there already other1 or 2 good invoker scripts?
They're not updated and have some bugs..
SkyWrath Mage