Abilities/Items overlay on heroes and couriers
Rune notification
Roshan&Aegis Timer
Item panel
Net Worth panel
Net Graph Panel
Shrine Helper
Vision Helper
Damage Calculation
Tp Catcher
Prediction or last position on minimap
Auto Items (midas, phase boots, sticks)
Show Illusions
OpenDota statistic (wr, mmr, last 5 ranked games)
not working on the dx11 bro, glad to see you here btw!
use guys dx9
at this time this assembly cant live in dx11
Can't disable Dotabuff info
I already used the option but it still shows
use dx11 and it will not appear again.
Other stuff also dissapears though.. I really like the Roshan timer feature, and Tp in minimap feature. Which both does not work with dx11
lol just go back on dx9 and disable the opendota feature.
As I said, I already disabled the option but it still showed.
i will check that
new patch and overlay information spell panel like this http://prntscr.com/f4ae91 fix pls
and error like this http://prntscr.com/f4ae3k
try again please
Shrine bar when shrine is being used is bugged, check it out pls Jumpering Sama
modifier.RemainingTime is broken.
Tp catcher is broken. Pls fix xit Jumpering
and no longer gives range of some few spells (emp etc)
it already fixed, you need to restart ur loader
ty. can you say is dota buff assembly work?
OpenDota feature in this assembly? yes, but you need update to newest version
[OpenDota] will show info about picked ally-heroes (wins/loses/wr)
dota crushing with this script
Can you please fix the x/y positions on the spell and item overlay ?

pls notice me senpai
Nothing not working
i will rewrite this soon
you doing something wrong
tp not work ?
be sure that u re using dx9
tp really not working. Dont show icons on the minimap.
what is the script on Invoker you? where to get?
you can find my new invoker assembly on my github. But be careful in real game, cuz he still in development
why do I get the scripts which are not in the database when adding via github writes compiling eror ? in particular, and your new development of Invoker. and so hunt for testit.
почему у меня скрипты которые не находятся в базе данных при добавлении через github пишет компилинг ерор ? в частности и новая твоя разработка инвокера. а так охото за тестить.
в любом случае уже есть в базе
Thank you
Just test your new invoker script. Here's my opinion:
-Very nice target selector and orbwalk. Huge improvement from old invoker script.
-Combo are timed correctly if primed. More variety would be great. I also like how you make it clickable.
-Auto orb is great when laning. I'd suggest you to make an option similar to InvokerNinja that when your health is more than X% you switch from quas to exort.
-Key for auto ghost walk would be nice.
-Blink is good, but when you prime for tornado combo it's cast tornado first then blink in a split seconds. I'd rather have it blink first then cast tornado so it won't miss target.
Overall it definitely need an improvement but I'd say this is very promising. Make me pretty hype.
The problem for me is that it doesn't invoke spells properly...
I mean, i press the Prepare key (Ctrl) + the combo key (D in my case, or space or X, g, whatever.), it changes orbs, the i have to Reclick those buttons again to invoke them. And sometimes misses. Why? I have delay 1 and 1
Edit: For some reason, the script didn't cast invoke anymore since the new update. You have to manually press R by yourself.
you need to hold Prepare key
I cant use shrine with invoker script, when i play other heroes everything works fine
its smart sphere, i will fix that
Sun Strike not work
Can you please update the Torrent AOE when enemy gets the AOE increase talent.
Also can you please remove the item and spell overlays of your own hero when turning on allies overlays and instead make it a separate option.
Any plans on making this compatible with dx11? Would really help us out with the FPS issues
All in this assembly is working with dx11 except roshan timer
(you can also try to use overylay invormation v1, but on current dev stage this assembly can eat more fps)
TP Catcher isn't working in DX11 either
Последнее время стали пропадать манабары, приходится перезагружать скрипты или в настройках выключать и заново включать их.Не особо мешает, но если пофиксишь будет здорово